befitted 发音
英:[bɪˈfɪtɪd] 美:[bɪˈfɪtɪd]
英: 美:
befitted 中文意思翻译
befitted 词性/词形变化,befitted变形
动词过去式: befitted |动词现在分词: befitting |动词过去分词: befitted |动词第三人称单数: befits |
befitted 短语词组
1、befitted def ─── 合适的定义
2、befitted definition ─── 符合定义
3、befitted dictionary ─── 合适的词典
4、befitted define ─── 合适的定义
5、befitted synonym ─── 合适的同义词
6、befitted with ─── 适合于
7、befitted defined ─── 合适的定义
befitted 相似词语短语
1、bepatted ─── 拍
2、befretted ─── 受骗
3、bedotted ─── 层叠的
4、befinned ─── 目录
5、behatted ─── 跑了
6、benefitted ─── 适合于...(benefit的过去式和过去分词);对...有利;有益于...
7、refitted ─── v.整修,改装;n.整修,改装
8、-fitted ─── adj.合适的;订做的;有…设备的;v.适应(fit的过去分词);合适;为…提供设备
9、benetted ─── vt.用网捕捉(benet的变形)
befitted 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、his recent speeches would befit an opposition leader. ─── 近来普金的一些讲话看起来更像是一个反对派领导人。
2、Colleagues asked if his homespun ways and rustic accent befitted the leader of Germany's oldest political party. ─── 同僚们想知道这位中规中矩且乡音浓重的家伙能否配得上德国最为古老的政党。
3、Awidevariety of effect yarns (roving) can befit. ─── 芯线罗拉保证纱线成形稳定;
4、in a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man. ─── 以有男子汉气概的方式;有被认为是属于男子汉的品质的方式。
5、Who cares if the game didn't “befit the occasion”? ─── 假如比赛“不能和场合相当”,有谁会介意吗?
6、"As befitted a people amongst whom religion and law were almost identical, and in whose character both were so thoroughly interfused," ─── 这倒十分符合早期移民的身分,因为他们将宗教和法律视同一体,二者在他们的品性中融溶为一
7、And an excellent Linux system, of which the source code is open, that befit it to be a embedded operating system. ─── 而Linux是一个优秀的操作系统,它的源代码是开放的,这使得它非常适合做嵌入式操作系统。
8、As the King or Queen of the Jungle, the Lion opts to dine in the sort of restaurants that befit royalty -- those of the five-star variety. ─── 狮子:“森林之王”的狮子往往偏爱能体验尊贵感受的皇家饭店-各类“五星饭店”。
9、With a narrow vision and a petty mind, Singaporeans would become a small people, lacking the easy manner and liberal spirit that befit a great country . ─── 眼界小了,心胸小了,人也就自然变得小里小气,少了一种大家的气度和风度。
10、a court action that places property under the control of a receiver during litigation so that it can be preserved for the befit of all. ─── 法庭行动使财产在诉讼期间在接收者的控制下为了所有人的利益而受到保护。
11、To be ignored of any one of the following four or five principles does not befit a warlike prince. ─── 四五者,不知一,非霸、王之兵也。
12、As the King or Queen of the Jungle, the Lion opts to dine in the sort of restaurants that befit royalty-- those of the five-star variety. ─── 狮子:“森林之王”的狮子往往偏爱能体验尊贵感受的皇家饭店-类“五星饭店”。
13、Colleagues asked if his homespun ways and rustic accent befitted the leader of Germany's oldest political party. ─── 同僚们想知道这位中规中矩且乡音浓重的家伙能否配得上德国最为古老的政党。
14、In other words, Islam considers it as a form of abominable behavior that does not befit a believer or a decent human being. ─── 换句话说,伊斯兰把这种做法看作是极其恶劣的行径,不是一个信徒、或是正派人的所为。
15、Just is the Lord our God, whereas shame and confusion befit us and our fathers right down to this day. ─── 正义属于上主我们的天主,但是,像今日的耻辱,是我们和我们的祖先所应得的。
16、You shouldn't do things that do not befit your status. ─── 你最好不要做这些和你身分不符的事情。
17、Maria's clothes befit the occasion. ─── 玛莉亚的衣服适合这个场合。
18、without qualities thought to befit a man. ─── 没有被认为属于男子汉的品质。
19、I will not befit a priest to act uncharitably ─── 牧师不以慈悲为怀是不合适的
20、For the trust reposed in me I will return the courage and the devotion that befit the time. ─── 对于给予我的信任,我愿意拿出时代所要求于我的勇气和坚贞。
21、For the trust *reposed in me, I will return the courage and the devotion that befit the time. I can *do no less. ─── 对于大家寄予我的信任,我一定报以时代所要求的勇气和献身精神。我会竭尽全力。
22、Those who didn t befitted EST or had less size calculi were treated with EPBD. ─── 结果35例均成功取出胆总管结石,取得较好的疗效。
23、The plans of a post-war Britain must befitted into the plans of a postwar world,for this fight is not just a fight between nations. ─── 战后英国的规划必须符合战后世界的规划,因为这场战斗不仅仅是国与国之间的战斗。
24、To be ignored of any one of the following four or five principles does not befit a warlike prince. ─── 四五者,一不知,非霸王之兵也。
25、When the solvent was seawater, the surfactant of Befit hand cleanser should be chosen preferentially, and the best concentration of hydrogen peroxide was 5%. ─── 在以海水为介质的漂白体系中,表面活性剂贝芬家用洗手液使用效果较优,双氧水体积分数为5%,效果最佳。
26、Elmer was always the life of the party in the elephant herd. He was born with a multicoloured skin, which befitted his jovial nature. ─── 艾玛是象群中的开心果,身上天生有著花花绿绿的颜色,很配合他爱开玩笑的个性。
27、4. Such actions do not befit you. ─── 这种行为与你不相称。
28、1. It will not befit a priest to act uncharitably . ─── 牧师不以慈悲为怀是不合适的。
29、(箴言8:22)For as it properly belongs to God's Son to be everlasting, and in the Father's bosom, so on His becoming man, the words befitted Him, The Lord created Me . ─── (箴言8:22)永恒是属于那在父怀里的神的儿子,对于他的成为人,合适的话是,主造了我。
30、7 Liquor was served in a variety of golden cups, and the royal wine flowed freely, as befitted the king's munificence. ─── 进饮的器皿,都是金银制的,大小俱全;御酿丰美,以示王家的富厚。
31、It was a lavish reception as befitted a visitor of her status. ─── 这场铺张的招待可算得正适合她这种身分的来访者。
32、He wore a sober suit that befitted the occasion. ─── 他穿著一套与那样的场合相称的素净衣服。
33、The government argued that the provision at issue was intended to benefit farmers only, the doctor replied that its plain wording did not restrict the tax befit to farmer only. ─── 政府提出,该条诉争法律制定的意图仅惠及农民,但医生认为,该条法律规定在字面上没有只限制农民才有权利享受这一免税优惠。
34、He wore a sober suit that befitted the occasion. ─── 他穿着一套与那样的场合相称的素净衣服
35、Th e piston rod should befitted with the crosshead arenow going tryit. ─── 活塞杆应与十字头孔配合。
36、An effective policy of consumption that will befit Chinese enterprise requires a deep cultural shift in the thinking of Chinese leadership. ─── 一个有助于中国企业的有效消费政策要求中国领导思想上的深厚转变。
37、then talking in a low tone, as befitted the time and the circumstances, they struck far off to the right, to give the haunted house a wide berth, and took their way homeward through the woods that adorned the rearward side of Cardiff Hill. ─── 在这种特定的氛围里他们压低了嗓音说着话,一边尽量靠右边走,远远躲开那间鬼屋,穿过卡第夫山后的树林,一路走回家去。
38、。。。so on His becoming man, the words befitted Him, The Lord created Me. ─── 对于他的成为人,合适的话是,主造了我。。。
39、You shall dress in a way that befit a woman of your position. ─── 你的衣著应与你这种地位的妇女相称。
40、For the trust reposed in me I will return the courage and the devotion that befit the time. I can do no less. ─── 对于给予我的信任,我愿意拿出时代所要求于我的勇气和坚贞。我决不会有负众望。
41、He thinks telling a lie does not befit his status. ─── 他认为说谎有失于他的身份。
42、The individual who pursues joint befit, compared with the individual who pursues private benefit, has more probability to provide truthful information to cooperators but false information to competitors. ─── 与追求个人利益的个体相比,追求共同利益的个体更有可能向合作者提供正确信息,向竞争者提供虚假信息。
43、ZheJiang Orient Befit Socks Manufacturer CO., LTD. ─── 浙江东方百富袜业制造有限公司。
44、Her clothes befit the wedding ceremony. ─── 她的衣着与婚礼相称。
45、With the popularity of embedded system, a well -designed operating system has become an indispensable part of it. And an excellent Linux system, of which the source code is open, that befit it to be a embedded operating system. ─── 随着嵌入式系统应用的流行,一个设计良好的操作系统已成为嵌入式系统中必不可少的层次,而Linux是一个优秀的操作系统,它的源代码是开放的,这使得它非常适合做嵌入式操作系统。
46、To see if all kinds of tubes are befit to the requirement or not. ─── 注意各种穿线护管是否符合要求。
47、a jeweled rapier that would befit a six fingered man. ─── 这把剑镶有宝石,且可以适用于有六个手指的人。
48、Her clothes befit the occasion. ─── 她的服装贫适合那种场合。
49、You shall dress in a way that befit a woman of your position ─── 你的衣著应与你这种地位的妇女相称
50、9.He shall restore the dwellings of the saints throughout the lands and settle the pastors in places which befit them. ─── 他会恢复圣人的住所,遍及整块土地,在适合他们的地方设置牧师。
51、how he embraced him, dressed him once more in the fine garments that befitted his own dignity, and did not reproach him for any of his sins. ─── 他对他过去的过恶,并无半句责斥的话。
52、The food and service befitted a luxury hotel. ─── 这些食品和服务适合于豪华宾馆。
53、Old One-Eye, as befitted a chief and leader, paddled out alone, facing peril for the rest of the tribe. ─── 那独眼老人不愧为酋长和首领,他单枪匹马荡桨涉水,为整个部落探险来了。
54、Narrator: As for Kratos, no mere sword and shield would befit the newest servant of the God of War. ─── 讲述者:“对于克瑞托斯来说,一般的刀剑根本配不上战神的新仆人。”
55、befit the occasion ─── 应节令
56、-----According to the job ads, only professionals with over two-year work experience befit the job. ─── 招聘广告指明,具有两年以上工作经验的专业人士才适合做这份工作。
57、"The brilliancy might have befitted Aladdin's palace, rather than the mansion of a grave old Puritan ruler." ─── 这种夺目的光彩或许更适合阿拉丁的宫殿,面对于一个庄重的清教徒统治者则并不相宜。
58、a lavish reception as befitted a visitor of her status. ─── 铺张的招待可算得正适合她这种身份的来访者。
59、As befitted its status as one of the premier units of the Waffen-SS, the Leibstandarte boasted a formidable complement of tanks and armoured vehicles. ─── 作为武装党卫队的一只王牌部队,“警卫旗队”师拥有数量可观的坦克和装甲车。
60、His clothes befit the occasion. ─── 他的服装适合那种场合。
61、in a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man ─── 以有男子汉气概的方式;有被认为是属于男子汉的品质的方式
62、As befit a professional conspirator, he employed a baffling assortment of aliases. ─── 为了让自己更像一位专业的密谋者,胡志明使用了各式各样的化名。
63、As for Kratos, no mere sword and shield would befit the newest servant of the God of War. ─── 对于克瑞托斯来说,一般的刀剑根本配不上战神的新仆人。
64、Old One -Eye , as befitted a chief and leader , paddled out alone, facing peril for the rest of the tribe . ─── 那独眼老人不愧为酋长和首领,他单枪匹马荡桨涉水,为整个部落探险来了。
Did you get your mother a present?
Her letters conflate past and present.
2、gift除了礼物,还有赠品,天赋,恩赐,授予; 轻而易举的事,绝对不会错失的机会; 才能,天赋的意思。
The watch was a gift from my mother.
She has a great gift for music.
gift 和present作为同义词时,人们更习惯说 "give gifts” 和receive presents〞。
这可能是因为gift更常被看作是something given freely with no restrictions, 不受约束随便赠与的东西。
And a new generation of sign-in systems are expected to be fitted with credit card terminals, so guests can give gift money to the hosts through bank card payments.
The young couple go through a special wedding ceremony and receive presents to help them set up their home.
2、present来源于法语,意思是“递交、献上、赠送”的意思。A present就是所赠送或授予的东西。
1 In wind snow, driver master and skyline guest brigade compare Chen Dehua the Xue Lian that does a high mountain to go up, plain be like snow like stone, nobleness. 风雪中,司机师傅和天涯客旅将陈德华比做高山上的雪莲,质朴如石、高洁如雪。
2 A few days ago, the snow in the world to be fitted together like a crystal ball, blowing snow, as in our youth. 前几天下雪了,世界像一个被装起来的水晶球,白雪飞扬,一如我们的青春。
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