saturate 发音
英:[ˈsætʃəreɪt] 美:[ˈsætʃəreɪt]
英: 美:
saturate 中文意思翻译
saturate 词性/词形变化,saturate变形
saturate 短语词组
1、saturate compound ─── 饱和化合物
2、saturate humidity ─── 饱和湿度
3、saturate the world ─── 充满了世界
4、saturate clay ─── 饱和粘土
5、saturate liquid ─── 饱和液体
6、saturate soil ─── 饱和土壤
7、saturate weight ─── 饱和重量
8、saturate steam ─── 饱和蒸汽
9、saturate ground ─── 饱和地面
10、saturate permeability ─── 饱和磁导率
11、saturate surface ─── 饱和表面
12、saturate felt ─── 饱和毡
13、saturate zone ─── 饱和区
14、saturate time ─── 饱和时间
15、saturate rock ─── 饱和岩石
16、saturate with ─── 使饱和
17、super-saturate vt. ─── 使过度饱和
18、saturate tank ─── 色层分离槽
19、saturate solution ─── 饱和溶液
saturate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、to cook,preserve,saturate,or coat with sugar or syrup ─── 用糖或糖浆煮、腌制、浸泡或覆盖
2、saturate a sponge with water ─── 使海棉吸满水
3、To cook, preserve, saturate, or coat with sugar or syrup. ─── 用糖煮用糖或糖浆煮、腌制、浸泡或覆盖
4、Heavy rains can saturate hillsides, leading to devastating mudslides. ─── 大雨会浸透山坡,会导致毁灭性的泥石流。
5、In addition, cable will encounter contention problems when multiple concurrent users saturate a link. ─── 此外,当很多同时用户使一个链路饱和时,有线电视系统还会碰到争夺问题。
6、[Abstract] The satur granular active carbon from the industrial regenerated water recycle technology of The First Vehicle Factory has been studied by using microwave-assisted solvent method. ─── [摘要] 采用微波辅助溶剂技术,对一汽中水回用工艺中吸附饱和的粒状活性炭进行了再生实验研究。
7、If you use these procedures as a channel intermediary, the ability of the process to saturate its output channel is of crucial importance. ─── 如果您使用这些程序作为通道中介,则能使输出通道饱和的处理能力至关重要。
8、With your squeeze bottle of mixed shellac, saturate a corner of the folded cloth pad until thoroughly wet, then apply a drop of oil to the same area. ─── 用挤压瓶挤一点虫胶漆到布块的角上知道完全润湿,之后在相同的地方滴一滴润滑油。
9、In a land where pious words saturate airwaves and canonical texts fill bookshelves, the prominence of relatively secular types like Mr Qimani marks a trend. ─── 在一个虔诚话语泛滥媒体、经典文本盈箱充栋的国度中,如齐马里这样相对世俗派人物的突出表现标示出了一种趋势。
10、One problem with a steel core is that it may retain a static magnetic field when power is removed.When power is then reapplied, the residual field may cause the core to temporarily saturate. ─── 此元件对于交流电路中具有著直流电路中之电阻相同的作用,亦即具有感应性电抗的作用。
11、Application of the Medium-Depth Bore Grouting Technology in Subsurface-Excavation Shallow Tunneling in Water-Rich Saturate Sand Stratum ─── 中深孔注浆技术在饱和富水砂层浅埋暗挖地道中的应用
12、Vaporization of liquid oxygen in an enclosed area can cause oxygen-enrichment which could saturate combustibles in the area such as workers' clothing. ─── 在封闭区域内的液氧蒸发会导致氧富集,它会充满该区域的可燃物,如工人的衣服。
13、The second stage hydrogenation,adopts higher pressure 20 Mpa and saturate all aromatic hydrocarbon,comes up to food grade white oil. ─── 以高粘度基础油为原料,采用两段加氢工艺,生产合格的高粘度食品级白油。
14、To permeate; saturate. ─── 渗透; 使浸透
15、The students are going to a dance party on Satur. ─── 学生们在星期六晚上要去参加一个舞会。
16、"It may involve adding hydrogen at the sites of double or triple Bonds (see Bonding) to make them single Bonds (i.e., to saturate an unsaturated compound; see saturation), or to aromatic compounds to make them cyclic hydrocarbons." ─── 反应中,氢分子可能简单的加在二价或三价键的位置上,变成单价键(即令不饱和的化合物变成饱和);也可能加在芳香族化合物上,成为环烃。
17、The dynamic oxygen uptake and liquid oxidation methods are used to study the influences of nitrogen compounds, quinoline and indole, on oxidation characteristics of saturate hydrocarbon. ─── 循环动态吸氧实验结果表明,低氮浓度的氮化合物能促进饱和烃的氧化,高氮浓度的氮化合物能提高饱和烃氧化的诱导期。
18、The findings seem to contradict the sensual images that saturate the ads in female magazines. ─── 这些研究结果似乎跟充斥于女性杂志中的各种性感广告相矛盾。
19、To saturate with water and make soggy or unusable. ─── 吸取过量用水浸透使湿润或不能用
20、The trees, densely planted on a 10-foot-by-10-foot (3-meter-by-3-meter)grid, saturate the space of the court. ─── 树阵浓密的以10英呎*10英呎(3公尺*3公尺)的规线种植,充满整个前庭。
21、The experiments showed that the production rates of 2 or 3 per joule of irradiation energy was raising with the increase of the incident laser beam intensities at low light intensity and had a tendency to saturate at high intensity. ─── 实验表明,在低激光强度照射时,每照射1焦耳能量生成2和3的量随着激光强度的增加而增加,并显示出饱和趋势.
22、The remains of at least two people were found in a rural Missouri yard, where the bodies of as many as six peo?鄄ple could have been dumped, sheriff's officials said Satur?鄄day. ─── 在密苏里州的乡村庭院至少发现了2具人体遗骸,该州的长官周六声称,有多达6人的遗体被遗弃在此处。
23、I am an old-fashioned field naturalist, a beachcomber at heart, with a passion for bones and stones and seachells, prone to letting delight in such detail saturate my whole attention. ─── 他在这里强调的一种新的视野,一种新的理性思考角度:从整个生态系统,从事物的形式和过程来探索。
24、The normally muzzled Chinese press has been freed by the information ministry to saturate the airwaves with quake coverage. ─── 往常被钳制的中国媒体得到允许,能够通过电视广播自由报导地震新闻。
25、Saturate Make something very wet; soak something ─── 浸湿或浸透某物
26、You choose to saturate your hunger with inferior food, when you could have partaken of a scrumptious gourmet meal. ─── 张恩雄牧师说道那个饥渴的的确确存在而我们不论如何会想尽办法试图满足它。
27、Cartier replica watches elegant brand is associated with something big and warm, saturate red and expensive. ─── 卡地亚手表的优雅形象在于它采用一些大气的暧色来表现它的贵气。
28、Saturate the meat in the mixture of oil and herbs. ─── 把肉浸泡在油和作料的卤汁里。
29、It takes only minutes for the gas to saturate the brain tissue, showing the stroke's exact location and how much blood is reaching key areas. ─── 不需几分钟,氙气就充满大脑组织,显示出中风的确切位置和流人主要部位的血量。
30、We'll saturate California with the rise in its crime rate. ─── 我们将使加利福尼亚州的犯罪案件增长率达到饱和点。
31、Main function of FGS is taking full use of low grade heat resource in the system to saturate the feed gas with the saving of MP steam. ─── 原料气饱和器除有效脱除工艺冷凝液中的有害杂质外,主要是借系统中可利用的低位热源使原料气饱和,节省大量中压工艺蒸汽,以收取经济与环保两者的双重效益。
32、Finally we find that when some conditions are fulfilled, an interesting phenomenon can occur: instead of decay to zero, the occupation probabilities of the QDs saturate to a non-vanishing value. ─── 最后我们将会发现,当某些特定条件满足时,量子点的机率分布最后不但不会完全衰退,而会收敛到一个固定的值。
33、the phase shifts between the saturate and dry poroelastic cases due to the wave interference around the cavity can be observed. ─── 由于波在洞室附近的干涉,饱和情况与干土情况的地表位移出现相位漂移。
34、Before he entered the sphere, Blaine inhaled pure oxygen through a mask to saturate his blood with oxygen and flush out冲洗carbon dioxide. ─── 在布赖恩进入球状体前,他通过一个面罩吸入纯氧以使他的血液充满氧并清除二氧化碳。
35、Shake well before use. Saturate a cotton pad with Bi-Pure. Hold in place over eyes or lips for a few seconds. Wipe off gentlly. Repeat until residual free. ─── 敏感性肌肤可将玩美净漾眼唇卸妆液沾满卸妆棉上,再全脸擦拭,重复使用直到彩妆完全移除!
36、1733. Cool Color Selector Including Hue, Satur - Cool Color Selector Including Hue, Saturation, and Lumination ─── 很酷的颜色选择控件,提供了对色调、饱和度和亮度的选择。
37、Because these are complicated lipides and membrane protein in the biomembrane.Low temperature injure can be explained that split phase influence the membrane saturate. ─── 果树一般是多年生的 ,一旦受害将影响几年以至终生 ,比其他作物所产生的后果更为严重。
38、Here you can saturate your every need and desire, until you see these desires for the illusions they really are. ─── 在这里,你可以满足你所有的需要和欲望,直到你发现这些欲望其实都是幻象。
39、There is a direct relationship between saturate and NSO + asphal tene with production. ─── 原油碱性氮、有机酸等非烃类化合物随开采时间的推移也呈降低的趋势。
40、It was difficult to saturate at channel 21 in mid-infrared band, and the independent character and the quantization degree of this channel were very outstanding. ─── 在中红外波段,21通道不易饱和,该通道独立性、量化程度都非常突出;
41、Oil mixed with biodegradation oil and normal oil hears continuous and whole chromatogram of saturate hydrocarbons as well as biodegradation performance. ─── 生物降解原油与正常原油混合后具有完整的饱和烃谱峰,同时还反映生物降解特点;
42、Before he entered the sphere, Blaine inhaled pure oxygen through a mask to saturate his blood with oxygen and flush out carbon dioxide. ─── 在进入水球之前,布莱恩通过面具吸入纯氧,使得他的血液里充满氧气并排除二氧化碳。
43、saturate with water ─── 渐润
44、saturate the bandage with disinfectant. ─── 用消毒剂把绷带浸透。
45、NarveAske.Harald Kallevik Determination of saturate,aromatic,resin,and asphaltenic (SARA) components in crude oils by means of infrared and near-infrared spectroscopy 2001 ─── 史月华.陆勇.徐光明.徐元植.徐铸德.蔡大雄.陆文琼.马竞涛主成分回归残差神经网络校正算法用于近红外光谱快速测定汽油辛烷值[期刊论文]-分析化学2001(1
46、To plunge briefly into a liquid, as in order to wet, coat, or saturate. ─── 浸短暂地插入液体,以弄湿、涂层或浸透
47、If you use these procedures as a channel intermediary, the ability of the process to saturate its output channel is of crucial importance. ─── 如果您使用这些程序作为通道中介,则能使输出通道饱和的处理能力至关重要。
48、Thus, growers should saturate the planting with bees at bloom time. ─── 因此在花期,果园最好是蜜蜂满园。
49、To saturate all grows ─── 澍濡群生
50、Bad weather, such as the heavy summer rains, after drouth, which saturate ploughed soil, reduce soil shear strength, facilitate masse soil movement, and instigate gullying. ─── 恶劣的气候条件,比如久旱之后的夏季强降雨,使土壤耕地饱和,降低土壤切变力,容易使土壤移动,形成冲沟。
51、ad Satur. ─── (=ad saturandum) (拉)至饱和
52、Effect of Nitrogen Compounds on the Oxidation Stability of Saturate Fractions ─── 氮化合物对饱和烃类氧化的作用
53、saturate oneself in ─── adj. 埋头研究
54、When solid magnesium come into hot metal, some magnesium dissolve and saturate, the other become air bubbles reacted with sulfurization. ─── 上浮速率及停留时间与铁液温度几乎没有关系,但传质系数随温度的增加而增加;
55、"China's growth will saturate at some point," he said. But "for now, we don't see a trend (toward) this saturation yet." ─── "中国的成长将在某个点上饱和,"他说.但是"现在,我们还没有看到达到饱和的趋势."
56、Saturate your skin with a blend of the finest nourishing nutrients, vitamins and moisture that your skin craves. ─── 混和21种优质营养素、维他命和保湿精华,迅间渗透您你肌肤,令肌肤保持充足营养及水分。
57、To saturate; impregnate. ─── 使饱合;使充满.
58、saturate an acid with an alkali ─── 用一种碱中和一种酸
59、Today is Satur day. I'm very happy. why? becourse I play happy,so I'm very happy! ─── 今天是星期六,我十分开心。为什么?因为我玩得开心,所以我很开心。
60、saturate with ─── v. 使饱和
61、Keywords residue;saturate;aromatics;thermal reaction under hydrogen atmosphere;kinetic parameters; ─── 渣油;饱和分;芳香分;临氢热反应;动力学参数;
62、The intensity of terahertz waves tends to saturate with the increase of laser pulse energy. ─── 此外,逐步增大激光脉冲能量,会发现辐射的太赫兹波强度存在一个饱和特性。
63、Lampsilis satur [plain pocket book pearly mussel] ─── 多彩美丽蚌
64、On the same conditions,the device begin to saturate when IF power reaches ?5dBm. ─── 中频输入功率大约在-5dBm 时开始进入饱和状态。
65、Before he entered the sphere, Blaine inhaled pure oxygen through a mask saturate his blood with oxygen and flush out carbon dioxide. ─── 在进入水球之前,布莱恩通过面具吸入纯氧,使得他的血液里充满氧气并排除二氧化碳。
66、David Watkins worked all night long making enough copies of our ad to saturate the state. ─── 戴维.沃特金斯忙了一个通宵,他制作出的广告复制带足够覆盖全州。
67、Response curve of ETR to light intensity showed lower saturate electron transport rate and lower light saturation point on eggplant seedlings with low temperature stress. ─── 低温下生长叶片的电子传递速率的光饱和点低于正常生长的叶片,相应的饱和电子传递速率也较低。
68、Laws of Infiltration and Concentration Changes of Water and Pollutants in the Saturate Clay with Weak Permeability ─── 水分及污染质在弱透水层的饱和粘性土层中渗透与浓度变化规律研究
69、But from whence does power derive its somnambulistic functionality, this irresistible vocation to saturate space?If neither ; ─── 但是从何处力量得到它的梦游般的功能性,这种不可抵抗的职业充满了空间?
70、Directions:After cleansing,saturate a cotton pad and smooth over face and neck. ─── 使用方法:早晚于洁面后,用化妆棉沾上适当分量,并轻轻涂抹于面部及颈部。
71、Saturate the wood with oil and let it soak in. The oil protects the wood. ─── 油浸透了木材,使之吸收,可以起到保护作用。
72、The Holy Spirit wants to saturate our minds with the truths He has revealed in the Bible, including these truths in Tomans 6. ─── 圣灵希望我们的心中充满衪在圣经中所启示的真理,包括在罗马书第6章中的真理。
73、The friction between soil and geotextile has been improved by cement as the soil was saturate. ─── 在土样饱和的情况下,水泥层能够增大筋土之间的摩擦;
74、Allow that excitement to saturate your body to such an extent that you feel more alive and ready to take the next step of your journey. ─── 让这种激动感觉充满全身,直至你感到自己活跃起来,准备好了为目标迈出下一步为止。
75、saturate line ─── 浸润线
76、Keywords Optoelectronic Countermeasure,CCD detector,Laser Disturbance,Saturate threshold,Fussy Synthetic Evaluation; ─── 光电对抗;CCD探测器;激光干扰;模糊综合评判;
77、According to our results, the server starts to saturate at 350-500 users. ─── 根据我们的结果,服务器性能会在350 - 500个用户时趋于饱和。
78、You can equilibrate DO to zero, but you have to use nitrogen (others) to saturate it, otherwise, it is useless, this is what I think. ─── 我们用梅特勒的DO,可以自动校准,因为只是在进罐前校正,我想只是校100%吧,至于为什么不校0的原因,也不清楚。希望有人能够回答!
79、To saturate, impregnate, or coat with paraffin. ─── 用石蜡使充满、使饱和或涂抹
80、If the soil is dry, irrigate to fully saturate the root zone. ─── 如果土壤是干的,浇水使根部区域充分湿润。
81、In Bozhong Sag, the biodegraded oil is characterized by high density, high viscosity, lower wax content and lower ratio of saturate to aromatics(
82、It was a very useful method to remove low concentration H2S with modified ACF,but the used ACF tended to saturate and became inactivated. ─── 用改性的活性炭纤维(ACF)脱除低浓度的H2S是一种十分有效的方法,但脱硫后的改性ACF容易达到脱硫饱和而失活。
83、Saturate a cotton wool pad and sweep across a cleansed face and neck. ─── 用化妆棉沾取适量擦于面部和颈部。
84、saturate oneself (in ─── 埋头(在...中), 精通
85、The sample is at first separated into saturate and aromatic fractions by silica gel percolation, and the two fractions are then treated by mass spectrometric analysis separately. ─── 样品首先用硅胶吸附预分离为饱和烃和芳香烃,然后分别进行质谱分析。
86、Saturate the moss with water before planting the bulbs in it. ─── 在种植球茎于苔藓中之前,先用水浸透苔藓。
87、saturate hydrocarbon ─── 烷烃
88、The effective permeability is stated as some numerical value at some given saturate conditions. ─── 有效渗透率用在一定饱和条件下的数值表示。
89、Saturate the bromeliad completely until water runs off the plant - light misting is normally insufficient. ─── 在光线较低的时候,如果植株过于干燥可以用水来浸淋植株。
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