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08-20 投稿


traverses 发音

英:[trəˈvɜːsɪz]  美:[trəˈvɜːrsɪz]

英:  美:

traverses 中文意思翻译




traverses 常用词组

traverse survey ─── 导线测量

rapid traverse ─── 快速移位;快速横动;快速行程

traverses 词性/词形变化,traverses变形

动词第三人称单数: traverses |名词: traversal |动词过去分词: traversed |动词现在分词: traversing |动词过去式: traversed |形容词: traversable |

traverses 短语词组

1、traverses syn ─── 遍历syn

2、traverses fl ─── 横向飞行高度层

3、traverses mean ─── 遍历平均值

4、traverses define ─── 导线测量定义

5、traverses meaning ─── 穿越意义

traverses 相似词语短语

1、transverse ─── adj.横向的;横断的;贯轴的;n.横断面;贯轴;横肌

2、reverses ─── 背面;相反;倒退;失败;颠倒;倒转(reverse的第三人称单数)

3、traverser ─── n.否认者;横越者;(铁路的)转盘

4、transverses ─── adj.横向的;横断的;贯轴的;n.横断面;贯轴;横肌

5、traversal ─── n.[计]遍历;横越;横断物

6、traverse ─── v.穿过;来回移动;反驳;阻挠;详细研究;旋转;n.穿过;横挡;(大炮等的)横转装置;测量导线;(壕沟的)土护墙;adj.横贯的;n.(Traverse)(加、美、法、英)特拉韦尔斯(人名)

7、traversed ─── v.穿过;来回移动;反驳;阻挠;详细研究;旋转;n.穿过;横挡;(大炮等的)横转装置;测量导线;(壕沟的)土护墙;adj.横贯的;n.(Traverse)(加、美、法、英)特拉韦尔斯(人名)

8、untraversed ─── adj.人迹罕至的

9、metaverses ─── n.虚拟空间,3D虚幻世界

traverses 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Include to complete the diagram with the machine is born, traver with output to wait the function. ─── 包括完成图的随机生成、遍历和输出等功能。

2、Janeway CA, Travers P, Walport M, et al eds. Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease, 4 th ed, London, Elsevier Science, 1999:79-193. ─── 单行本请书明著者姓名、书名、版数、发行地名、出版社名、年号、引用部分之起讫页数。英文单行本的书名,除介系词及冠词外,第一字母需大写。

3、There's nothing like steam heat to warm the cockles of a spaceman's soul as he or she traverses the cold depths of interplanetary space. ─── 宇航员在冰冷的星际空间漫游时,还有什么能比蒸汽更能温暖他或她的灵魂呢?

4、Typically, as the algorithm traverses the elements in the range, it operates on each element. ─── 典型情况下,算法在遍历一段元素范围时,操纵其中的每一个元素。

5、Traverses a source text quickly, but it does not ─── 快速遍历源文本,但是它不对源文本本身

6、This increase in through-put is to a large extent achieved by using multi beam technology, which minimizes the number of traverses needed to dice through a wafer. ─── 在产量上的提高,很大程度是由于采用了多光束技术,该技术减少了来回移动次数。

7、Main cast has few weak links and traverses all shades of character. ─── 主要演员包括形形色色的性格并且很少有薄弱的环节。

8、21W is expected to move in a northerly direction along the western edge of the subtropical ridge. Recurvature follows after it traverses the ridge axis. ─── 21W将沿副热带高压脊的西面向偏北方向移动,并于横过副高脊线后开始转向。

9、but they are easily seen from the public footpath which traverses it, ─── 可是公共小径横穿园林,黑刺莓极易让人看见,

10、Main cast has few weak links and traverses all shades of character. ─── 主要演员包括形形色色的性格并且很少有薄弱的环节。

11、One of the central justifications for the single market was its ability to create greater prosperity, but it is making its debut just as Europe traverses one of its roughest economic storms in years. ─── 另外,一些观察家说,如果无法通过推进欧洲一体化来加强大市场,那将导致破坏内部市场计划已经取得的成就。

12、A covered bridge traverses the stream. ─── 一座有顶盖的桥横跨这条河流。

13、On Wednesday, 2009 July 22, an exceptionally long total eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses the Eastern Hemisphere. ─── 在2009年7月22日,周三,一次特殊的持续时间较长的日全食,日食带横跨整个东半球处于,处于这条狭窄的观测走廊里的群众是可以直接观测的。

14、The six degrees of separation idea comes from a 1969 study by Stanley Milgram and Jeffrey Travers. ─── 六度分隔的概念是史丹利.米尔葛伦和杰弗瑞.崔佛斯在一九六九年所提出。

15、Probe into the Technique of Making Large-scale Digital Plotting of Cities with Mapping Spur Traverses ─── 图根支导线在城市大比例尺数字化测图中的技术探讨

16、The Beijing-Guangzhou Railway traverses almost half of China. ─── 京广铁路几乎穿越 大半个中国.

17、Error or Blunder Analysis in Travers Survey ─── 导线测量中错误或粗差的分析

18、The usefulness, size, and function of these important carry-alls have run the gamut over the years of increasing change in women's roles in the workplace and lifestyle traverses. ─── 我们身处设计师令女人的所有穿戴之物都优雅细致的年代,因此我们需要了解什么风格和场所,女士应该带什么样的钱包或公文包。

19、It traverses the base class hierarchy of the class until it finds a primitive type. ─── 则将遍历该类的基类层次结构,直到找到基元类型。

20、Flip the order of triangle vertices so that the system traverses them clockwise from the front. ─── 颠倒三角形顶点的顺序,这样系统可以从正面沿顺时针的方向去遍历他们。

21、The permanent magnetic ring traverses through the clearance of magnetic poles of each pair of SN. ─── 且永磁环从每对SN的磁极间隙正中穿过。

22、"But when a child is born with limbs missing, she traverses a distinct developmental path that entails novel brain organization and associated behavioral adjustments". ─── “可是,如果孩子出生时缺少四肢,她就要穿越截然不同的发育路线,途中需要新的脑组织及其相关的行为适应。”

23、” The other two mission members are Hina Jilani, a Pakistani jurist and Desmond Travers, a retired Irish army officer. ─── 另外两名成员中一名是位巴勒斯坦籍法学家,名叫HinaJilani,另一名是位爱尔兰籍已退休军官,名叫DesmondTravers。

24、I will go out to traver some days later, but i dknow little about other places custom, could you give me some advise such as the culture and custom in your place. thankyou in advance! ─── 二、告诉对方我最近将出去旅游;了解对方所在地的旅游经典;请对方给予帮助安排。

25、In all lateral movements shoulder-in, travers, renvers, half-pass, the horse is slightly bent and moves with the forehand on different tracks. ─── 在肩内、内、外和斜横步各种侧方运动中,马的前躯是轻微的朝不同的方向曲绕。

26、On Wednesday, 2009 July 22(U.S.A.), a total eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses half of Earth. ─── 2009年七月22号星期三(美国),日全食仅可在横贯地球上方的狭窄区域可见.

27、In order to improve the APF performance, this paper traverses the formation cause and negative affection of control delay and dead-time effect, and brings forward the compensation method for them respectively. ─── 为改善有源滤波器的补偿特性和补偿效果,本文在详细探讨控制延迟和死区效应的产生、危害及其内在机理的基础上,提出了对控制延迟、死区进行补偿的方法。

28、picking: passing the weft thread, which traverses across the fabric, through the shed ─── 引纬运动:将纬纱沿织物横向引过梭口。

29、A lot can happen to a packet of information as it traverses intranets, extranets, wireless and satellite communications, and the global Internet. ─── 当信息数据包穿行于企业网、外部网、无线及卫星通讯以及全球范围的互联网时会发生很多事。

30、Road:National highway No320 traverses the while area.TheHangXinQian (HangZhou-XinAn Jiang-QianDdaoHu)wxpressway under construction is along the town. ─── 公路:320国道横贯全境,建设中的杭新千(杭州-新安江-千岛湖)高速公路沿镇而过.

31、Travers's car was later found burned out in an apartment block near Tolka House Pub in Glasnevin . ─── 拉弗斯的汽车后来被发现烧死在一个公寓楼附近Tolka家酒吧在Glasnevin 。

32、Auxiliary 3D Calculation of Traverses under CAD Environment ─── CAD环境下的导线3维辅助计算

33、If it avoids scattering over one mean free path, the odds favor scattering by the time it traverses another mean free path, and so on. ─── 如果光子在一个平均自由路径中不被散射掉,它也会在第二个平均自由路径中或以后的平均自由路径中被散射掉。

34、The whole layout is like a enormous dragon with the great momentum and infinite vital force that traverses the Yellow River ,the Changjiang River and Haibin . ─── 整体布局犹如一条巨龙,横跨黄河、长江和海滨,气势磅礴,生机无限。

35、Half pass.Half-pass is a variation of travers, executed on a diagonal line instead of along the wall. ─── 斜横步斜横步是腰内的变相动作,要在对角线上做,而不是沿著墙边做。

36、A short tube with a constricted throat used to determine fluid pressures and velocities by measurement of differential pressures generated at the throat as a fluid traverses the tube. ─── 文丘里管,一种带有收敛喉管的短管,用于确定液体的压力和流速,通过在液体流经该管时测量出喉管处产生的有差别的压力来实现。

37、2. In all lateral movements shoulder-in, travers, renvers, half-pass, the horse is slightly bent and moves with the forehand on different tracks. ─── 在肩内、腰内、腰外和斜横步各种侧方运动中,马的前躯是轻微的朝不同的方向曲绕。

38、But it wasn't just Mary Travers' voice that attracted Gretchen.The harmony singing was equally important. ─── 但是格雷琴不觉得玛丽的声音是唯一吸引她的地方,三人的和声也是同样重要的。

39、It arranges in the east of Pinggu, the east and north of Miyun, the middle of Huairou, the most part of Yanqing, the north of Changping and the north of Mentougou.It traverses 31 towns, 79 villages. ─── 分布在平谷东部,密云东部北部西部,怀柔中部,延庆东部北部南部,昌平北部和门头沟北部等地,途经31个乡镇,79个村庄。

40、Application on Measurment Adjustment of Undirectional Traverses and Coordinate Calculation ─── 无定向导线的平差和坐标计算的应用

41、The axis traverses a longitudinal axis of the stem once at least. ─── 所述芯的纵轴跨过所述杆的纵轴至少一次;

42、It traverses the island every hour from between 8:30am and 4:30pm. ─── 公车从早上八点半到下午四点半,每一小时发一班车。

43、Silk Road is a famous ancient trade channel which traverses Asia and connects Eurasia. ─── 丝绸之路是一条横贯亚洲、连接欧亚大陆的著名古代陆上商贸通道。

44、Antarctic Traverses from Zhongshan Station to Dome-A and the Results Analysis for the GPS Points along the Expedition Route ─── 中山站至A冰穹考察及沿线GPS复测结果分析

45、Later the river traverses a hilly area and becomes wide and tranquil. ─── 接下来,河流传过山区后,变得宽阔而又宁静。

46、Scheme comparison analysis of the control travers arrangement in subway tunnel excavation ─── 地铁隧道地下控制导线测量布设方案对比分析

47、The Find method traverses the array from the beginning, passing each element in turn to the EndsWithSaurus method. ─── Find方法从开始处遍历数组,依次将每个元素传递给EndsWithSaurus方法。

48、As the only river that traverses the Taklimakan Desert, water resources in Hotan Catchment is the main source of Hotan oasis-Green Corridor in the Desert. ─── 和田河是目前唯一穿越塔克拉玛干沙漠的河流,和田河地表水资源是和田绿洲的主要水源,浇灌着塔克拉玛干沙漠中的绿色走廊。

49、junction point of traverses ─── 导线结点

50、A left-winger who became a fan of the City, Mr Livingstone was “a curious mix of Trotsky and Thatcher”, says Tony Travers of the London School of Economics. ─── 左翼市长是金融城的超级粉丝,按照伦敦经济学院的托尼.特拉夫斯的话来说,就是“托洛茨基和撒切尔的天作之合”。相比之下,约翰逊承诺提高伦敦市民的生活水平;

51、The railway traverses The country. ─── 这条铁路横贯全国。

52、Additionally, confocal microscopy showed that the internalized virus traverses a monensin-sensitive endosomal compartment. ─── 此外,共聚焦显微镜显示内在病毒穿越过一个莫能菌素敏感的内涵体。

53、As Kratos traverses through the city of Rhodes, Zeus speaks to him from the heavens above after he exits the palace. ─── 当奎托斯横穿城市来到宫殿的出口时,宙斯透过云层向他传话。

54、[Kratos traverses the mountain cliffs and makes his way to Typhon's Cavern. ─── [奎托斯沿着山崖进入了提丰所在的洞穴。

55、I hardly get to see Travers anymore now that he's off at prep school. ─── 我几乎在这里看不到拉弗斯了,他在预备学校。

56、The gun traverses smoothly on its bearings. ─── 大炮在支座上旋转自如。

57、An algorithm that traverses a general binary tree will have complexity O( 2 N ). ─── 一个算法,遍历一般二叉树将复杂性为O(2 N)段。

58、Travers Henry ─── 亨利·特拉弗斯

59、The EL retrieves data from the JSP container, traverses object hierarchies, and performs simple operations on the results. ─── EL从JSP容器检索数据,遍历对象层次结构,然后对结果执行简单的操作。

60、A nat rule specifies that IP addresses are to be changed as the packet traverses the given interface. ─── 一个nat规则具体指定通过指定端口的IP地址的变化。

61、Mediation code operates on a message as it traverses that destination. ─── 中介代码在遍历目的地时对消息产生影响。

62、The spindle rotates the fan as it traverses the top of the plate, blowing away chips and coolant. ─── 纺锤转动风扇当它攀登板材、吹的去芯片和蓄冷剂的上面。

63、As the rapier head traverses the loom, it is allowed to rest on the raceboard, which is much reduced in dimensions from that found on a shuttle loom. ─── 在剑杆带穿越织机时,可以沿直梭板行进,走梭板的尺寸比有梭织机要小得多。

64、He battles a band of super-nasties, scrambles through a booby-trapped chamber of horrors and traverses Tibet to obtain a sacred dagger. ─── 他天赋神力,负起拯救地球,给世界带来善良和平的使命。

65、The Find method traverses the list from the beginning, passing each element in turn to the EndsWithSaurus method. ─── Find方法从头开始遍历该列表,依次将每个元素传递给EndsWithSaurus方法。

66、The fracture surface traverses matrix as well as fibers and interface. ─── 断裂表面横切过基体、纤维和界面。

67、At the end of the travers, the quarters are brought back on the track (without any counter-flexion of the poll/neck) as one would finish a circle. ─── 在结束执行腰内时,马的后驱要回到蹄迹线(马的颈部或项部不能有任何反向的弯曲),就像结束轮乘时回到蹄迹线一样。

68、[As Kratos traverses through the city of Rhodes, Zeus speaks to him from the heavens above after he exits the palace. ─── [当奎托斯横穿城市来到宫殿的出口时,宙斯透过云层向他传话。

69、Study of Prioritisation of Highway Investments and Improving Feasibility Study Methodologies. Symonds Travers Morgan Pty Ltd. Highway Planning and Design Institute. ─── 中华人民共和国交通部发布.中华人民共和国行业标准公路路线设计规范.人民交通出版社.

70、The two pendulum traverses before and after the Dolt hole were pretty easy.There were even rap rings left over from previous parties so we didn't have to leave any gear. ─── 在DoIthole前后各有一个摆荡横渡都很简单,有些前人下降绳环留在那里,所以我们就不用留下任何装备。

71、Family style “LOFT” accomodation, attentive servies,Riverside house is your home away form home,Office hotel you traver. ─── 家庭阁楼式套房,贴心细致的服务,令江畔雅居成为您的家外之家,远行中的办公室!

72、Optimization of Observation Plan for Underground Travers ─── 井下导线观测方案的优化

73、A girl is slipping carefreely in circle of the circuit on tennis court, her father traverses her runway, now.. attacks like lanneret feed, .. ─── 一个小姑娘在网球场上一圈圈悠然地滑着,她的父亲一次次横穿她的跑道,忽而像雄鹰扑食,...

74、rapid traverses gear ─── 快速程齿轮传动

75、I so sorry!I couldn't found the traver leastning as well !can you tell me where I can downlogn in your blog?thank you! ─── (老师您好我还是没找见哪里能找到你说的旅游英语,你能告诉我吗?谢谢!

76、The Method of Laying Traverses to Reduce the Through Error of the Extra-long Tunnel ─── 减少特长隧洞贯通误差的导线布设方法

77、If your code traverses a string, and you want to look at each code point in turn, use these statements ─── 如果你的代码是旋转一个字符串,你要看到的是反转每一个代码点,用这些语句

78、8.Half pass.Half-pass is a variation of travers, executed on a diagonal line instead of along the wall. ─── 8. 斜横步 斜横步是腰内的变相动作,要在对角线上做,而不是沿著墙边做。

79、That is, it traverses from the last element toward the first. ─── 也就是,从最后一个元素到第一个元素遍历容器。

80、Traverses the BP arithmetic to solve non-linear equations in one variable, presents and proves the convergence theorem of the arithmetic, shows the application example. ─── 摘要研究了一种求解非线性方程的新方法,提出并证明了该算法的收敛性定理,给出了该算法的应用实例。

81、In all lateral movements - shoulder-in, travers, renvers, and half-pass, the horse is slightly bent and moves on different tracks.. ─── 在肩内、腰内、腰外和斜横步各种侧方运动中,马轻微的朝不同的方向曲绕。

82、a bridge that traverses a river. ─── 一座横跨河流的桥

83、Bach, this unique collaboration traverses a diverse soundscape which touches the spirit of creativity. ─── 旋律在天堂与人间游走,听者的思绪早已飘向未来。

84、Reasonable Accuracy of Angular Measure and Linear Measure in Electro-optical Distance Traverses ─── 光电测距导线中测角和量边的合理精度

85、Branch government layer traverses city.. ─── 分公司治理层通过市...

86、Now, fast steamboats ply on the Indus and the Ganges, and a great railway, with branch lines joining the main line at many points on its route, traverses the peninsula from Bombay to Calcutta in three days. ─── 如今在恒河与印度河上,有快速轮船航行。又有一条大铁路横贯整个印度,并且沿途还有支线。只用三天,就可从孟买到达加尔各答。

87、NEPARTAK is expected to move in a northerly direction along the western edge of the subtropical ridge. Recurvature follows after it traverses the ridge axis. ─── 尼伯特将沿副热带高压脊的西面向偏北方向移动,并于横过副高脊线后开始转向。

88、Blackberries are not plentiful in this meagre grove, but they are easily seen from the public footpath which traverses it, and all too easily gathered. ─── 在这片贫乏的园林里,黑刺莓本来就不多,可是公共小径横穿园林,黑刺莓极易让人看见,采集起来也不费周折。

89、The DBCC SHOWCONTIG statement traverses the page chain at the leaf level of the specified index when index_id is specified. ─── 如果指定了index_id,则DBCC SHOWCONTIG语句将遍历指定索引的叶级上的页链。

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