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08-20 投稿


impairing 发音

英:[ɪmˈpeərɪŋ]  美:[ɪmˈperɪŋ]

英:  美:

impairing 中文意思翻译



impairing 词性/词形变化,impairing变形

动词过去式: impaired |动词现在分词: impairing |动词过去分词: impaired |动词第三人称单数: impairs |名词: impairment |

impairing 短语词组

1、impairing mean ─── 减损平均数

2、impairing vision ─── 视力受损

3、impairing anxiety ─── 削弱焦虑

4、impairing morals ─── 损害道德

5、impairing syn ─── 损害综合征

6、impairing define ─── 损害定义

7、impairing assets ─── 减值资产

impairing 反义词


impairing 同义词

imperfect | lessened | diminished |lame | worse | afflicted | defective | reduced | worn

impairing 相似词语短语

1、impasting ─── vt.使成糊状;用浆糊封;涂厚色彩于

2、impaving ─── 侵蚀

3、imparting ─── v.告知;给予,赋予(impart的现在分词);n.传达信息

4、impainting ─── vt.描绘;画

5、impacting ─── [力]冲击;[力]撞击;[物]碰撞(impact的现在分词)

6、imparling ─── vi.商议;庭外调解

7、imparking ─── v.把(动物)围在园内;围作公园

8、appairing ─── 骇人听闻的

9、impaling ─── n.刺击;突刺类

impairing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This disorder affects 60 percent of people older than 60 and occurs when the normally clear, aspirin-sized lens of the eye starts to become cloudy. impairing vision. ─── 60岁以上的人群,有60%受到白内障的影响,发病以眼睛中阿司匹林大小的清澈的晶状体变得混浊,伴有视力下降为开始。

2、Loud noise would impair your hearing. ─── 大的噪音会损害你的听觉。

3、Human activities are impairing ecological and economic services provided by many rivers and freshwater lakes and wetlands . ─── 人类活动减少了由河、淡水湖和淡水沼泽地所提供的生态和经济服务。

4、But Buffett, for all his affability, is shrewd about disengaging himself to avoid any unnecessary distractions that might impair his judgment. ─── 但是巴菲特这么个和蔼可亲的人,却是非常精明的让自己脱离出来,避免受到任何不必要的、可能有损他判断的干扰。

5、To impair in physical structure or function. ─── 使恶化在体格或功能方面损害

6、Failures impairing safety must be eliminated immediately. ─── 削弱安全性的错误必须立即消除。

7、BCP mutation may impair HBeAg expression. ─── BCP双突变对HBeAg的表达有一定影响 ;

8、RV pressure overload can also result in interventricular septal flattening with deviation toward the left ventricle in diastole, thereby impairing left ventricular filling. ─── RV压力过大也会导致舒张期室间隔向左心室偏移,因而影响左心室充盈。

9、Whereupon he goeth on, and saith that towards his latter time, that closeness did impair, and a little perish his understanding. ─── 于是康明奈亚斯继续又说道:"到公爵底末日将近的时候这种秘而不宣的性情不免稍损他底理智"。

10、No one may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state. ─── 任何人不得利用宗教进行破坏社会秩序、损害公民身体健康、妨碍国家教育制度的活动。

11、The high concentration of official-sector holdings in key securities markets risks impairing the functioning of these markets. ─── 关键证券高度集中于政府部门,可能对这些市场的运转造成损害。

12、Therefore, if tiny mutations impair intelligence, they might also harm other characteristics, such as sperm quality. ─── 因此,如果细微的突变损害智力,可能也有损诸如精子品质等其他特徵。

13、Garbage pollutes environment and impair the health of human. Please don't leave about the garbage. ─── 垃圾污染环境,损害健康,不要到处乱扔垃圾.

14、NICOLA CARSLAW: Experts say there can be side effects like headaches, and overuse could impair facial movements. ─── 专家们说会出现诸如头痛之类副的作用,而且过量注射会阻碍面部肌肉的活动。

15、The transfer must not impair peace,safety or stability regionally or globally. ─── 交接不得损害有关地区和世界的和平、安全与稳定。

16、Further, one of these eight supplements was also contaminated with lead, which can impair brain function and may have an affect on blood pressure as well. ─── 其中1个产品的药物成份中还含有铅元素,铅元素会损伤人的大脑,还将对血压带来不良影响。

17、What we believe is scar tissue here is impairing your ability. ─── 不过我们认为疤痕组织削弱了你在。

18、On a communications link, noise or unwanted signals that impair the receipt or correct interpretation of speech or data. ─── 在通信链路上出现的噪音或无用的信号,它损害语音、数据的接收或正确的解释。

19、Carbon monoxide is definitely capable of impairing cardiovascular function. ─── 一氧化碳确实能损害心血管机能。

20、The conventional anaytical methods requrie a long time, thus impairing promptness and usually endangering production stability. ─── 传统的分析方法都需要很长时间,从而影响其及时性,往往会给生产造成危害。

21、A new study suggests that obesity in middle age could impair memory, intelligence and other mental abilities. ─── 一项新研究显示,中年肥胖可能有损记忆、智力等心理能力。

22、An LFS specialist can change and extend the very composition of a Linux distribution without impairing its basic structure. ─── LFS专家可以改变和扩展Linux发行版的完美组合,而不会影响它的基本结构。

23、No delay, extension of time, renewal, compromise, or other indulgence which may occur, shall impair your fights or powers hereunder. ─── 任何可能发生的拖延、展期、更换、妥协、及其他延期,均不得削弱贵行的权利或权力。

24、A piece of merchandise having a minor flaw that does not impair its use, usually sold at a discount. ─── 处理品,瑕疵品有小缺陷但不影响其使用的商品,通常打折出售

25、Escape artist works against movement impairing effects such as snares or roots, not stuns/fears/incapacitates or other forms of CC. ─── 侏儒种族技能:逃脱大师作用与那些影响行动的效果如陷阱和根基,而不是击晕/恐惧/瘫痪或其他控制技能。

26、The purpose of the chemoradiotherapy is to treat the cancer and, to impair the patient’s immune system to prevent rejection of the donor cells. ─── 化疗目的是治疗癌症,和削弱患者的免疫系统以阻止其对供体细胞的排斥。

27、misshapen cells lack plasticity and can block small blood vessels, impairing blood flow. ─── 畸形细胞缺乏可塑性,会阻塞毛细血管,阻碍血液流动。

28、To deprive of capability or effectiveness, especially to impair the physical abilities of. ─── 使无能力使丧失能力或使无效,尤指损害身体能力的

29、What are the targets of T3SS- and T4SS-dependent effectors that either enhance or impair nodulation of certain hosts? ─── T3SS-和T4SS-依赖的效应子的受体是什么,它们是否能增强或是抑制在特定宿主植物上的结瘤作用?

30、In modern society, trauma is one of main causes impairing human life and safety. ─── 创伤是现代社会中危害人类健康和生命安全的主要病症之一。

31、Gnome Racial Ability: Escape Artist Escape artist works against movement impairing effects such as snares or roots, not stuns/fears/incapacitates or other forms of CC. ─── 为了控制玩家在墓地周围战斗,这个设定可以使玩家更注重性命,而不是想都不想直接冲进战场死掉然后立刻复活重复。

32、For example, a menstruating woman can participate in sports without impairing her health in any way. ─── 例如,行经期妇女能够以任何方式参加不损害其健康的运动。

33、Shall not accept any gratuity, gift, or favor that might impair or appear to influence professional decisions or action. ─── 不准接受任何的金钱、礼物和可能削弱或影响职业决定或行为的好意。

34、Each teaching disease produces synthetic damage to the whole teaching system as a disease group member, while impairing teaching function respectively. ─── 各种教学疾病在分别对教学产生着功能性破坏力的同时,又作为一个教学疾病群对教学系统产生着综合性的破坏力。

35、A related requirement is intended to protect visibility in national parks, because of complaints that haze was seriously impairing their scenic beauty. ─── 一个相关的要求是试图保护国家公园的能见度,因为薄雾严重损害了天然景色的美。

36、Trying to operate beyond the limiting intensity would create unwanted nonlinear effects in components of the laser, impairing the beam quality and even damaging the components. ─── 如果尝试在极限强度之上运转,雷射元件便会产生不当的非线性效应,轻微则降低光束品质,严重甚至会损坏元件。

37、So inclusions do not impair the quality of a ruby unless they decrease the transparency of the stone or are located right in the centre of its table. ─── 因此,内含物是不应影响红宝石的质量,除非他们影响宝石的透明度,或瑕疵是集中在宝石的中心。

38、The satisfaction of the judgment does not impair any right of contribution. ─── 判决的全部执行并不削弱任何分摊请求权。

39、The company believes this change could impair some of its long-lived assets. ─── 公司相信这一个变化可以损害一些它的长命资产。

40、The highly sensitive inner lips play an important role in the female sexual response, and their absence cannot but impair this response. ─── 在女性性反应中,高度敏感的小阴唇扮演着重要的角色,它们的缺失必然会损害这种生理反应。

41、Recently, however, there has been evidence suggesting that coffee consumption may impair diabetics' ability to process glucose. ─── 不过,目前已有研究证实喝咖啡可损伤糖尿病人利用葡萄糖的能力。

42、On compressive shrinkage machine, the quality of rubber sleeve will directly impair the shrinkage effect. ─── 在机械预缩整理机中,橡胶毯的优劣直接影响预缩整理效果。

43、In particular, young men who use the drug recreationally could impair their ability to have families. ─── 使用抗阳痿的药物尤其年轻男性的生育能力有影响。

44、To make imperfect or defective; impair. ─── 使不完美或者有缺陷;损害

45、Where the annulment of the administrative license may seriously impair the public interests, it shall not be annulled. ─── 办理行政许可的审查人员或者听证主持人员是否回避,由相应民政部门负责人决定。

46、The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that infects cells of the human immune system, destroying or impairing their function. ─── 人类免疫力缺乏病毒(HIV)是一种感染人类免疫细胞,从而破坏人体免疫系统的反转病毒。

47、The first is inner fear, fear that causes you to become weak, filling you with doubt and confusion, impairing Love of Self. ─── 首先,是内在层面的恐惧,它会让你变得软弱,使你充满怀疑与困惑,并缺乏爱。

48、Dispells all fears, charms, disorients, stuns and movement impairing effects on your pet. ─── 取消宠物身上的所有恐惧,魅惑,迷惑,眩晕和移动限制效果。

49、Forces sufficient to occlude the esophagus, when applied laterally, hae been shown to displace the glottis and impair intubation (2). ─── 如果可导致食道闭塞的足够压力作用于非正中位(侧面)时,将使声门移位,气管插管受影响[2]。

50、The transfer must not impair peace, safety or stability regionally or globally. ─── 不损害有关地区和世界的和平、安全与稳定;

51、Fleet Footed: Now reduces the duration of movement impairing effects by 25/50% (instead of chance to resist +5/10%). Speed still increased by 8/15%. ─── 健步如飞:现在改为减少移动限制技能的效果25%/50%,原来是抵抗移动限制效果的几率增加5%/10%.速度增加仍然是8%/15%.

52、And other acts that impair meteorological observation within the protected environs for such observation. ─── 在气象探测环境保护范围内从事其他影响气象探测的行为。

53、Other actions that may impair fair competition on the international ocean shipping market. ─── 可能损害国际海运市场公平竞争的其他行为。

54、Could it be effected without impairing his reputation as well as his fortune? ─── 他能否不损害他的声誉和财富而办到这一点呢?

55、Any monopolized activities which impair fair competition can be curbed by such a law. ─── 任何对公平竞争有害的垄断行为都可以通过这样的法律来加以抑制。

56、Whereupon he goeth on, and said that towards his latter time, that closeness did impair, and a little perish his understanding. ─── 于是康明奈亚斯继续又说道:“到公爵的末日将近的时候这种秘而不宣的性情不免稍损他的理智”。

57、But many governments could increase their tax receipts without impairing the efficiency of their economies. ─── 但是很多政府却在不损失经济效益的情况下增加税收。

58、To reduce the value or impair the quality of. ─── 使变质,损坏降低价值或损害质量

59、The presence of coronary artery disease (CAD) may impair atrial function. ─── 冠状动脉疾病(CAD)可损害心房功能。

60、To provide information on a timely basis it may often be necessary to report before all aspects of a transaction or other event are known, thus impairing reliability. ─── 为了在及时的基础上提供信息,往往在了解某一交易或其他事项的所有方面之前,就可能必须作出报告,这样就会损害可靠性。

61、Specifically, use of vardenafil for 6 months does not impair sperm concentration, total sperm count per ejaculate, or sperm morphology and motility. ─── 另外明确的一点是服用伐地那非6个月不会对精子浓度、每次射精的总精子数或精子的形态和活力造成损害。

62、The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infects cells of the immune system, destroying or impairing their function. ─── 人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV,也称艾滋病毒)感染免疫系统细胞,破坏或损伤其功能。

63、Some scientists say noise from all the boat traffic may impair a whale's sonar ability as much as95 percent. The whales need sonar to find food. ─── 一些科学家认为船只熙攘来往的噪音会干扰破坏鲸鱼95%声纳定位能力。而鲸鱼就是靠这种能力来寻找食物的。

64、High-dose Remifentanil Does Not Impair Cerebrovascular Carbon Dioxide Reactivity in Healthy Male Volunteers Klimscha W, et al. ─── High-高剂量雷米芬太尼不会损害健康男志愿者脑血管对二氧化碳的反应性。

65、Nothing you or I could do would make more than one grain of sand pass through this narrow neck without impairing the hourglass. ─── 在不损坏沙漏的情况下,不管我们怎么做,都不能让两粒沙子同时通过狭窄的瓶颈。

66、Other actions that impair the dealing party or the order of the international ocean shipping market. ─── 其他损害交易对方或者国际海上运输市场秩序的行为。

67、"For example, the insufficiency of yang-qi may impair the warming action of qi, causing an aversion to cold, cold limbs. ─── 例如:阳气不足会导致气的温煦作用减弱,引起恶寒、四肢冰冷、体温降低等等。

68、It's unavoidable to meet various conflicts in library service,but not all kinds of conflicts impair library service performance. ─── 图书馆服务中难免要遇到各种各样的冲突,但并不是每种冲突都有损于图书馆的服务绩效。

69、The author's half drunken state did not in the least impair his eminence in my eyes. ─── 在我的眼里,这位作家的醺醺醉态丝毫无损他的高尚。

70、Diuretics can cause depletion of the blood volume and so impair placental blood flow and fetal growth. ─── 利尿剂可能会引起贫血从而损害胎盘血流和胎儿发育。

71、Lesion of ossicular chain is a common ear disease impairing the sense of hearing. ─── 听骨链病变是导致患者听力水平下降的普遍病症。

72、We deem it the deepest disgrace to impair her interests, dignity or honour. ─── 以损害社会主义祖国利益、尊严和荣誉为最大耻辱。

73、Scuba diving not seen to impair lung function? ─── 休闲潜水会不会影响肺功能?

74、Zinc dross is the most important factor impairing the surface quality of the hot dip galvanized steel sheets. ─── 锌液中的锌渣是影响热镀锌钢板表面质量的重要因素。

75、His pleasure be Impair by worry about money . ─── 他的快乐因对钱的担心而打了折扣。

76、Or that a volcanic-ash cloud could turn much of Northern Europe into a no-fly zone, disrupting air travel and impairing economic activity? ─── 火山灰云让北欧大部分地区变成禁飞区,扰乱航空交通,破坏经济活动,这其中的可能性有多少?

77、No impairing of public properties or talking other's belengings. ─── 五、不准损坏公物和拿人财物。

78、Ice spells typically do small damage and impair the movement of the target. ─── 冰伤害属性技能制造小伤害,不过同时能够削弱目标的移动速度。

79、Abstract: The infringement of the security interest is centered on infringing the p ledge, including dep riving the possession of, impairing, and damaging the p ledge. ─── 内容提要:对担保物权的侵害以对担保物的侵害为中心,主要表现为侵夺担保物的占有、妨害担保物以及毁损担保物三种情形。


81、Commercial bribery is an act of unfair competition and will impair the legitimate rights and interests of other market players. ─── 商业贿赂是一种不正当竞争行为,并会损害人的合法权益,其他市场参与者。

82、Some scientists say noise from all the boat traffic may impair a whale's sonar ability as much as 95 percent. ─── 一些科学家认为船只熙攘来往的噪音会干扰破坏鲸鱼95%的声纳定位能力。

83、You can seriously impair your creativity and productivity by slogging through the entire year without a break from long hours and a heavy workload. ─── 如果你全年都是长时间重负荷的工作,而没有一两次休假的话,你就会严重的消减你的创造力和生产力。

84、This points to the idea that the tangles and plaques may not directly impair brain function after all. ─── 从这点来看或许斑块和神经元纤维缠结并不是直接损伤大脑机能,脑力衰退另有原因。

85、Beta-blockers are generally considered to be safe, although they may impair fetal growth when used early in pregnancy, particularly atenolol. ─── 受体阻滞剂一般认为时安全的,虽然它们尤其是阿替洛尔在怀孕早期使用可能使胎儿生长受损。

86、Any leakage of the contents shall not substantially impair the protective properties of the cushioning material or of the outer packaging. ─── 如果内装物有泄漏,衬垫材料或外容器的保护性能不得遭到重大破坏。

87、The measurements of the costs of health impairing pollution depends on the foregone earnings from increased morbidity and mortality. ─── 妨害健康之污染其成本的计量取决于因发病率和死亡率增高而损失的工资收入。

88、In many areas, human activities are impairing ecological and economic services provided by the earth's deserts, grasslands, forests, and mountains. ─── 在许多区域中,人类活动减少了由地球的沙漠、草原、森林和山所提供的生态和经济服务。

89、The conventional analytical methods require a long time,thus impairing promptness and usually endangering production stability. ─── 传统的分析方法都需要很长时间,从而影响其及时性,往往会给生产造成危害。

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