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08-20 投稿


periphery 发音

英:[pə'rɪf(ə)rɪ]  美:[pə'rɪfəri]

英:  美:

periphery 中文意思翻译



periphery 短语词组

1、periphery region ─── 周边地区

2、at the periphery ─── 在外围

3、periphery tabs ─── 外围选项卡

4、periphery of junction ─── 交叉口外围

5、periphery wall ─── 外墙

6、periphery mark ─── 外围标志

7、periphery beam ─── 圈梁

8、periphery speed ─── 外围速度

9、periphery crossword clue ─── 外围纵横字谜线索

10、on the periphery ─── 在外围

11、periphery seal ─── [医] 周围封闭

12、periphery merch ─── 周边商品

13、periphery marigold tabs ─── 周边万寿菊标签

14、periphery cam ─── [机] 周边凸轮

15、periphery marigold ─── 外围万寿菊

16、periphery crossword ─── 外围纵横字谜

17、periphery lymphoid organ ─── 外周淋巴器官

18、periphery air ─── 外围空气

periphery 词性/词形变化,periphery变形

名词复数: peripheries |

periphery 相似词语短语

1、perishers ─── n.讨厌的人;死亡的东西;做事鲁莽的人

2、periptery ─── n.围柱式建筑;(飞机等运动物体的)周围气流区

3、peripety ─── 游荡

4、peripheral ─── adj.外围的;次要的;(神经)末梢区域的;n.外部设备

5、perisher ─── n.讨厌的人;死亡的东西;做事鲁莽的人

6、perchery ─── n.母鸡舍

7、peripter ─── 外围设备

8、peripters ─── 外围设备

9、peripheric ─── adj.外围的;周围的;n.外围设备(等于peripheral)

periphery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Engrossing himself in the Theory and Practice of Intelligence, he crossed from the periphery into the real world of espionage. ─── 他全力倾注于对情报理论的研究和实践,从谍报世界的外部跨进到了它的内层。

2、A particular concern is that the recent resurgence at the euro zone's core could portend a protracted slump at its periphery. ─── 一个突出的问题就是近期该区域核心区的崛起可能预示着周边区的陷落。

3、Three sub-cantonments shall be placed in the periphery of each of these main cantonments. ─── 三个次要营地应分布在每一个主要营地的周围。

4、With the development of industrialization and urbanization, transient population settlement has been grown in the periphery of megapolis since 1990's. ─── 1990年代以来,随着工业化、城市化进程的加速,流动人口聚居区已经成为我国大城市边缘普遍存在的一种社会空间现象。

5、Words that embody people or things in your periphery are" Redemption, Sentiment, Vulture". ─── 实现的词人们或事在您的周围是"收兑,情绪,雕"。

6、In laparoscopic internal marsupialization, a 3- to 4-cm peritoneal window is excised, and the periphery of the peritoneum is cauterized. ─── 在腹腔镜内部袋形缝术中,术者会切开3-到4-cm的腹膜创口,并将这个创口的周边腹膜烧灼。

7、Simultaneously you may also spurt in your desk's periphery, increases moisture content for the environment. ─── 同时你也可以在你办公桌的周围喷一喷,为环境增加一点水分。

8、Severe fibrosis or cirrhosis developed in 23 cases, especially in cases with biliary abnormalities in the periphery of the liver. ─── 23例患者发生肝纤维化或肝硬化,在肝周围胆管异常患者中表现突出。

9、At the periphery of the dead tissue masses of filimentous S. necrophorus are discernible. ─── 在死亡组织块的周围,能找到丝状坏死杆菌。

10、Periphery may integrate the scene is a body, but carries on the hideaway not by the monster discovery. ─── 可以融入周围场景为一体,进行隐藏而不被怪物发现。持续性消耗能量,直至耗光为止。

11、HALONG will move ENE to NE along the NW periphery of the subtropical ridge in the next 48 hours. ─── 夏浪将于未来48小时沿副热带高压脊西北部向东北或东北偏东移动。

12、Gaskets in grooves around the periphery contain the fluids and direct the flows into and out of the spaces between the plates. ─── 密封胶垫安装在板片四周的凹槽内,起密封以及导流的作用。

13、Perching on the periphery of every orchestra is a percussion player. ─── 坐在每支管弦乐队外围的是打击乐演奏者。

14、While most RTS games keep naval gameplay at the periphery, Red Alert 3 is not shying away from the high seas. ─── 在大部分即使战略游戏都将海战设为冷门,但是红色警戒3可不对深海而畏缩。

15、As Artistic Director Zhu Qi has suggested, a new social awareness in China needs to be catapulted from the periphery of “drifting communities. ─── 像艺术总监朱其所指出的那样,一个新的社群意识在中国需要从流动社群的周围被启发。

16、The features of breast fibroadenoma were periphery in focus, regular figure, have a capsule and lateral shadowing, CDFI: RI

17、Here the circumstance falls, technical personnel key did perambulate, search to storehouse periphery. ─── 在此情况下,技术人员重点对仓库外围做了勘查、搜索。

18、HRCT typically shows patchy air-space consolidation, most marked in the middle and upper lung zones, and in the lung periphery. ─── HRCT上的典型表现为斑片状的实变,以中上肺外带为主。

19、To see the point at the periphery is to see no point at all. ─── 观察这些外围上的点必须视若无睹。

20、You can take a look at the periphery of the Yandi Ling. ─── 你可以到周边的炎帝陵看看。

21、In some densely populated big city, the people only can depend on periphery the evasion human's activity to achieve obtains the privacy the goal . ─── 在一些人口密集的大城市,人们只能靠回避周围人的活动来达到获得隐私的目的.

22、It is expected that KAMMURI will track W to WSW along the southern periphery of the extending subtropical ridge anchored east of Korea. ─── 在韩国东面的副热带高压脊继续西伸。预料北冕将沿该脊南面向西至西南偏西方向移动。

23、Is located the Indonesian Java's heartland, has 8 main shrines, periphery has 250 small palaces. ─── 位于印尼爪哇的中心地带,拥有8座主殿,周围有250个小型殿。

24、KETSANA should move W to WSW in the south-southeastern periphery of the ridge anchored in southwestern China. ─── 凯萨娜将沿中国西南部高压脊的东南偏南面向西或西南偏西移动,进入内陆。

25、Before a few years, langouste begins in the city such as Nanjing only hot, the langouste resource of Nanjing periphery can satisfy need completely. ─── 前几年,龙虾只在南京等城市开始火爆,南京周边的龙虾资源完全可以满足需要。

26、HALONG will move NE along the NW periphery of the subtropical ridge in the next 72 hours. ─── 夏浪将于未来72小时沿副热带高压脊西北部继续向东北移动。

27、Most of the radiation is not energetic enough to penetrate the gate electrode, so damage is confined to the periphery of that electrode. ─── 大多数辐射没有足够的能量来穿透栅电极,因此,损伤被限制在电极的周围。

28、Erected a fence around the periphery of the property. ─── 在地产周围竖起围墙

29、At Central America in China the periphery the military conflict of the region or resist, Japan drive all the United States regard as strategy base. ─── 在中美在中国周边地区的军事冲突或对抗中,日本均被美国当作战略基地。

30、If industry of shop of periphery of this inn location is not as harmonious as the bookshop,be like some major a street, general improper. ─── 假如这个店址周边店铺行业是与书店不相融洽如某专业一条街,一般不合适。

31、FUNG-WONG will continue to track NW along the SW periphery of the subtropical ridge, and will make landfall at Fujian tonight. ─── 凤凰将沿副热带高压脊的西南部向西北移动,并于今晚稍后登陆福建。

32、Maotai falls mainly the periphery factor influence. its one, Maotai “broken hundred” are is fallen largely the market implicates the result. ─── 中国船舶等百元股相继跌回到百元以内,茅台处“鹤立鸡群”中,部分机构在大幅下跌中,信心不断动摇冰释着“百元茅台”。

33、But to divide the empire into English core and colonial periphery, as Bailyn does, devalues the achievements of colonial culture. ─── 但是,将帝国分为英国核心和殖民地边缘的做法,正如B所做的那样,低估了殖民文化的成就。

34、In this world of literate, closely-knit communities, on the periphery of Boston, appeared the phenomenon of transcendentalism. ─── 就在波士顿周围抱成一团的文化人圈子里,超验思想应运而生。

35、Therefore, on-line and real-time structure health monitoring can be achieved conveniently in a PC with the aid of corresponding periphery equipments . ─── 利用该系统并配以相应的外围设备,在 PC 机上即可方便地实现结构健康的在线实时监测。

36、And what sort of understanding and impressions do we in Taiwan have of these young folks on the periphery of the European continent? ─── 位于欧陆边陲的瑞典青少年,我们对其有著怎样的了解与想像?

37、Fries the golden organization with the underground periphery to compare, the Gaud gold is not illegal. ─── 与地下外围炒金机构相比,高德黄金并不“不违法”。

38、The buses don't get you out to the lakes on the periphery of the city and they don't get you out to The Oasis. ─── 公共汽车不会把你送到城外的湖边去,也不会带你去绿洲餐馆。

39、Note: Average of socket wall thickness around periphery shall be no less than listed values. The minimum values are permitted in localized areas. ─── 备注:承插壁厚外围平均值不低于所列值,最小值仅限于局部区域。

40、Traders are paying close attention as contagion moves from the periphery of the eurozone into the core. ─── 商人们正密切关注着由欧元地区边缘向核心区漫延的金融危机的传染。

41、HALONG will move NE along the NW periphery of the subtropical ridge in the rest of the forecast period. ─── 夏浪将于馀下时间沿副热带高压脊西北部向东北移动。

42、Circles numerously periphery in this in the common custom world, can learn with an ordinary heart to treat all, also is one kind of boundary. ─── 在这个纷绕的世俗世界里,能够学会用一颗平常的心去对待周围的一切,也是一种境界。

43、The periphery is a circular symbol of the sun, red Dongsheng, allegorical sunshine of a vibrant economy and booming iron and steel. ─── 外围的圆形是太阳的象征,红日东升,寓意日照钢铁的蓬勃发展和蒸蒸日上。

44、Jackals emerged from the shadows at the periphery of the factory, crawling out behind pipes and plasma tubes. ─── 在工厂的外围,豺狼人从隐蔽处现身,在管道和等离子导管后缓慢移动。

45、circumferential movement: A term used to describe the direction of movement coincident with the periphery of a cylinder, drum or roller. ─── 圆周向移动:用来描述跟着圆筒,圆鼓或辘的外边转动而移位的情况。

46、To divide the empire into English core and colonial periphery, as Bailyn does, devalues the achievements of colonial culture. ─── 把帝国划分为英国核心和殖民地外围,就像拜伦所做的那样,会贬低殖民文化的成就。

47、JOANNE : So, all the things you're talking about are somewhat around the periphery. ─── 呃,现在你谈到的都是一些报纸的外围话题。

48、Hyperplasia of interstitium occured at the periphery of hepatic portal tracts and bronchi and glomerulus swelled. ─── 守宫木主要引起小鼠肝脏汇管区增生、肺脏细支气管和血管周围间质增生以及肾脏血管球肿胀等病变,有“嗜管”现象。

49、Periphery detected some schoolmates all practise, teacher also suggested practises early has the advantage. ─── 发觉周围有些同学都去实习,老师也建议早实习有好处。

50、Moreover, hope to clear up some criticism and commentary that is the periphery beside this noval. ─── 又,在此论述主线中旁涉相关问题之考证及评论,也尽可能合并解决。

51、The 44/ 66 large hemangiomas appeared gradual progressive opacification from the periphery to the center. ─── 10分钟、15分钟,表现为等密度灶或低密度灶。

52、FUNG-WONG will track NNW to N along the western periphery of the subtropical ridge in the remainder of the forecast period. ─── 凤凰将于馀下时间沿副热带高压脊的西部向西北偏北转北移动。

53、A broad subtropical ridge is situated north of 22W. This system is expected to track in a W to WNW direction along the southern periphery of the ridge. ─── 一个广阔的副热带高压脊正处于22W北面,预料22W将沿该脊南部向西或西北偏西移动。

54、Carrying inward to a central organ or section,as nerves that conduct impulses from the periphery of the body to the brain or spinal cord. ─── 传入到中央器官或部分的,如从身体的神经末梢周围传导神经冲至大脑或脊柱腱的神经。

55、Euro membership, for instance, has removed the option of quasi-default via inflation for the heavily indebted on Europe's periphery. ─── 以欧盟来说,由于其成员国对于欧洲周边国家的高负债,导致通过通胀进行准违约已不可行。。

56、Edge Exclusion, Nominal (EE) - The distance between the fixed quality area and the periphery of a wafer. ─── 名义上边缘排除(EE)-质量保证区和晶圆片外围之间的距离。

57、Since then he has been an enigmatic figure at the periphery of the profession. ─── 从此以后,他在建筑界一直是个谜样人物。

58、So rather than trying to exclude China, Brussels should streamline its economic policies to consolidate influence in its periphery. ─── 因此欧盟不应试图把中国排除在外,而应提高欧盟经济政策的效率,以巩固欧盟在其边缘地区的影响力。

59、In most machines, slot are cut on the inner periphery of the stator and outer periphery of the rotor structure. ─── 对于大多数电机,在转子的外圆周和定子的内圆周都刻有许多槽。

60、Therefore, the contact surface between the wafer backside at its periphery and the dividers is segmental or punctual. ─── 因此,晶片周边的背面与两角规之间的接触面是弓形的或点状的。

61、In the periphery of the retina, ganglion cells are relatively few in number. ─── 在视网膜的边缘区节细胞相当少。

62、A subtropical ridge is anchored east of the date line, and situated in the SW periphery of that ridge LINGLING is currently moving northwestwards. ─── 受到在换日线以东的一个副热带高压脊影响,玲玲向西北方向移动。

63、On the other hand, the US cordons China's periphery. ─── 另一方面,美国在中国周边都画上了警戒线。

64、There was round microcolony with black center and transparent periphery generated on SS agar plate. ─── 在 SS 琼脂平板上形成中间黑色、周边透明的圆形小菌落。

65、Carrying inward to a central organ or section, as nerves that conduct impulses from the periphery of the body to the brain or spinal cord. ─── 传入的传入到中央器官或部分的,如从身体的神经末梢周围传导神经冲至大脑或脊柱腱的神经

66、Among them, the black Internet bar of periphery of urban and rural copula, country, school will be blow focal point. ─── 其中,城乡接合部、农村、学校周边的黑网吧将是打击重点。

67、It occupies a key position in the redeveloped neighborhood which links the periphery to the city center. ─── 它在将市周边和市中心连接起来的、改建了的街区中占据一个关键的位置。

68、Women are kept on the periphery of the armed forces. ─── 妇女被安排从事部队的外围工作。

69、Related to, located in, or constituting an outer boundary or periphery. ─── 周缘的关于、位于或组成外部边界或周缘的

70、He was on the periphery of Kenya's liberation struggles, but he was still imprisoned briefly during repressive times. ─── 他身处肯尼亚解放斗争的边缘,但仍在镇压时期遭到短时间的囚禁。

71、Using the routine conecntrating waterflood technology to periphery low permeability oilfield needs bygger investment. ─── 外围低渗透油田分布零散、产量低、注水压力高,采用常规集中注水工艺,水系统投资较大。

72、Subject to the anticyclone anchored in central China, 21W will move along its southeastern periphery in a SW to WSW direction in the next 72 hours. ─── 受到在中国大陆的一个反气旋影响,21W将于未来72小时沿该反气旋的东南部向西南或西南偏西移动。

73、A person paces back and forth in the station eruptive fountainpool periphery, is he waiting for, who waits for? ─── 一个人徘徊在车站的喷泉池子外围,他在等候,等候谁呢?

74、The forecast for extended period calls for a recurving scenario supported by most numerical models along the western periphery of the ridge. ─── 其后,随著副热带高压脊的东退,米娜将沿它的西部转向北至东北移动。

75、It does not concern things that huddle on the periphery of life. ─── 哲学所关注的不是堆挤在生活表面上的事物。

76、Yet look in the periphery of such allegorical tales and you can find some surprisingly accurate vaticination. ─── 不过在此类讽喻性质的科幻小说中的一些细枝末节里你却能够发现一些预测惊人的准确。

77、Histologically, the skin lesion revealed a sarcomatous nodule that was surrounded by benign glomus cells at the periphery. ─── 在显微镜下观察时,这个皮肤病灶呈现出肉瘤状结节的外观,四周被良性的皮肤丝球体细胞所包围著。

78、Edge Exclusion, Nominal( EE)- The distance between the fixed quality area and the periphery of a wafer. ─── 名义上边缘排除(E)-质量保证区和晶圆片外围之间的距离。

79、At the periphery of the dead tissue masses of filamentous S. necrophorus are discernible. ─── 在死亡组织块的周围,能找到丝状坏死杆菌。

80、Circumferential movement: A term used to describe the direction of movement coincident with the periphery of a cylinder, drum or roller. ─── 圆周向移动:用来描述跟着圆筒,圆鼓或辘的外边转动而移位的情况.

81、Taste buds are concentrated at the tip and rear of the tongue and around its periphery. ─── 味蕾集中在舌尖、舌根及舌边。

82、Other animals were depicted on the periphery of the group. ─── 其他动物在群像的外围加以修饰。

83、But it still sits on the periphery. ─── 但它仍然坐了下来。

84、It is expected that KAMMURI will track NW then WNW in the southwestern periphery of the subtropical ridge anchored in Yellow Sea towards Guangdong. ─── 在黄海附近的一个副热带高压脊的引导下,预料北冕将沿该脊西南面向西北转西北偏西移动,趋向广东沿岸。

85、Receives the periphery environment as well as the financial policy influence, many estates have chosen the reduction procedure. ─── 受到外围大环境以及金融政策的影响,许多楼盘选择了降价的做法。

86、Certainly , the right and wrong fought is often intense , and the penguin newly joined can only be set up a home at habitat periphery . ─── 当然,争斗是非常激烈的,新加入的企鹅只能在栖息地外围安家。

87、Seen here are two Langhans type giant cells in which the nuclei are lined up around the periphery of the cell. ─── 图示两个朗格汉斯巨细胞,其细胞核沿着细胞周围排列。

88、MRI to judges periphery organizes the change to have the help. ─── MRI对判断周围组织变化有帮助。

89、The condition makes it difficult for patients to see objects at the periphery of their vision. ─── 这种病症使患者难于看见视觉边缘的物体。

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