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08-20 投稿


cricketer 发音

英:[ˈkrɪkɪtər]  美:[ˈkrɪkɪtə(r)]

英:  美:

cricketer 中文意思翻译



cricketer 词性/词形变化,cricketer变形


cricketer 短语词组

1、cricketer premier league ─── 板球超级联赛

2、cricketer amla ─── 板球运动员

3、cricketer archer ─── 板球射手

4、cricketer ali ─── 板球运动员阿里

5、cricketer pub ─── 板球酒吧

6、cricketer roy ─── 板球运动员罗伊

7、cricketer png ─── 板球运动员png

cricketer 相似词语短语

1、rocketer ─── 火箭

2、crocheter ─── 钩编工

3、cricket ─── n.板球,板球运动;蟋蟀

4、cricketed ─── n.板球,板球运动;蟋蟀

5、crickets ─── n.[昆]蟋蟀(cricket的复数形式)

6、racketer ─── 敲诈者

7、picketer ─── n.纠察员

8、cricketers ─── n.板球队员;玩板球者

9、clicketed ─── _讲聊天室名称:Clicked

cricketer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Apart from having the skills of a good cricketer he is a very good human being. ─── 除了拥有作为一个优秀板球手的技能以外,他作为一个“人”也是非常不错的。

2、As a cricketer, gymnastics is out of his domain. ─── 他是个板球运动员,体操非其所长。

3、The six unlit towers on the left surround a large cricket stadium. ─── 左边六根不发光的柱子那里是一个大型板球运动馆。

4、He was made president of the cricket club. ─── 他被任命为板球俱乐部会长.

5、Knock off the runs needed to win a cricket match. ─── 得到板球比赛获胜所需要的分数。

6、In summer, lawn tennis comes next in importance to cricket. ─── 在夏天,草地网球的重要性仅次于板球。

7、OSCAR and the CRICKET: a book about moving and rolling? ─── 奥斯卡和蟋蟀:为什么会动?

8、Because of his illness, he was not permitted to play cricket. ─── 因为他有病,不许他玩板球。

9、But then came the IPL cricket league fiasco. ─── 但即将开赛的印度板球超级联赛却横遭变故。

10、He was picked to play cricket for his national team. ─── 他被选进国家板球队。

11、They are playing a match at cricket. ─── 他们在做板球比赛。

12、Do you often play cricket with Bob? ─── 你常常和鲍勃打板球吗?

13、They levelled out the cricket ground last year. ─── 去年他们把板球场整平了。

14、Peoples of the world could meet one another at a cricket or a football match. ─── 世界各国的民众能在足球赛或板球赛上交锋。

15、Lord's is the cricketer's mecca. ─── 伦敦大板球场是板球运动员常常出没的地方。

16、Jim failed to hold a catch at cricket. ─── 吉姆打板球时有一个球没有接住。

17、He follows all the cricket news. ─── 他密切注意板球赛的新闻。

18、Q8.Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history? ─── 哪一位板球运动员是本世纪历史得分最多的?

19、We could hear the shrill of the midsummer cricket. ─── 我们可以听到仲夏时节蟋蟀的尖叫声。

20、We played against a cricket team from the next village. ─── 我们和邻村板球队比赛。

21、A cricket an inch long has a chirp that is audible for nearly a mile. ─── 一英寸长的蟋蟀发出的唧唧声在将近一英里远的地方都能听见。

22、A cricket ball is red and spherical. ─── 一个板球是红色的,球形的。

23、He is a good performer on the cricket field. ─── 他是个出色的板球手。

24、A cricket critically cricked at a critical cricket match. ─── 一直蟋蟀在一个重要的板球比赛中严重扭伤了。。。。。。

25、The Professional Cricketer's Association held its annual dinner in London. ─── 职业板球(球员)协会在伦敦举行了年度晚宴。

26、It's not cricket. ─── [俚]这个不公正。

27、He taught the boys to play cricket. ─── 他教孩子们打板球。

28、It's like the cricket in the Aesop's Fable. ─── 就像是伊索寓言中的蟋蟀。

29、He is not much of a cricketer. ─── 他算不上好板球手。

30、The great cricketer may be out of form. ─── 伟大的板球手有不在状态的时候;

31、Will you put Tom up for the cricket club? ─── 你会推荐汤姆参加板球俱乐部吗?

32、One that bowls, as in cricket or bowling. ─── 如玩板球或保龄球游戏者

33、He says he was at homesick yesterday but I have proof positive that he went to watch the cricket. ─── 他说他昨天生病在家,但我有确证可以说明他去看板球赛了。

34、I played cricket five times last week. ─── 上星期我打了五次板球。

35、Why should you spring my cricket bat ? ─── 你干吗非弄弯我的板球拍呢?

36、We levelled our cricket pitch last week. ─── 上星期,我们整了我们的板球场地。

37、He takes advantage of her ignorance and simplicity; it isn't cricket. ─── 他乘机利用她的无知和单纯,这种做法是不光明正大的。

38、My son is showing great promise as a cricketer. ─── 我的儿子有成为一名板球手的希望。

39、It is the Cricket and Grasshopper Kingdoms that address you today. ─── 今天是蟋蟀和蚱蜢王国向你们讲话。

40、You can' t do it without telling him ; it just isn' t cricket. ─── 你不能不告诉他一声就做那件事, 这不够光明磊落.

41、You can't do it without telling him;it just isn't cricket. ─── 你不能不告诉他一声就做那件事,这不够光明磊落.

42、Weather permitting, the cricket match will be played on Wednesday. ─── 如果天气许可的话,板球比赛将在星期三举行。

43、Suddenly a cricket jumps onto his nose. ─── 一只蟋蟀忽然跳到它的鼻子上。

44、He has decided to retire from cricket at the end of the season. ─── 他决定在本赛季结束后从板球界退役。

45、In my school, you were denominated by which cricketer or Bollywood star you worshiped, not which prophet. ─── 在我的学校里,你是因为崇拜的板球或宝莱坞明星而命名,而不是根据哪个先知。

46、He was pressganged into playing in the charity cricket match. ─── 他是被强拉去参加这场板球义赛的。

47、The player at bat in cricket and baseball. ─── 击球手在板球和棒球中的击球手

48、An armored cricket heavy with eggs stood its ground. ─── 一只孕育着蛋卵的像披着盔甲的蟋蟀站立着。

49、As a cricketer, gymnastics is out of his domain. ─── 他是个板球运动员, 体操非其所长。

50、Somewhere in the BBC archives, there is a treasure trove of cricket history for future reference. ─── 在英国广播公司档案馆的一处,有些可供今后参考的珍贵的板球史料。

51、They instituted a cricket competition. ─── 他们开始进行板球比赛。

52、Did you see that girl do a streak across the cricket pitch at London? ─── 你看到那姑娘公开裸体奔过伦敦的大板球场吗?

53、He couldn't play cricket to save his life. ─── 他费了九牛二虑之力却还是打不好板球。

54、Tom was as merry as a cricket when we saw him at Christmas. ─── 圣诞节,我们见到汤姆时,他非常快活。

55、To put out(a batter) in cricket. ─── 在板球中迫使(打者)出局

56、Do you really think cricket is an exciting sport? ─── 你真的认为板球是令人激动的运动吗?

57、Pakistanis and foreign observers are still unsure what to make of the former cricketer. ─── 巴基斯坦人和国外观察家对于这位前板球手仍然没有达成一致的理解。

58、He scored a century, ie 100 runs in cricket. ─── 他得了一百分(板球赛中).

59、Batter:The player at bat in baseball and cricket. ─── "打击手:棒球、板球中的击球员,打击手。"

60、Impart spin to a cricket ball. ─── 使板球增加旋转力。

61、A cricket team is comprised of eleven players. ─── 一个板球队由11名队员组成。

62、A cricket shrills in the grass. ─── 一只蟋蟀在草丛中尖声吟唱。

63、The cricket player positioned immediately behind the wicket in play. ─── 守门员,捕手比赛中位置在三柱门之后的板球手

64、Are you as merry as a cricket every day? ─── 你每天开心快活吗?

65、We leveled our cricket pitch last week . ─── 上星期,我们整了我们的板球场地。

66、Put on the white clothes of the cricketer. Put on white to feel black. ─── 那就穿上白色的板球服,穿上白色来感觉一下黑人。

67、HIS boat was called Cricket II, not the Orca. ─── 他的船叫CricketII号,而不是Orca号。

68、Although still in his salad days, Mark was showing great promise on the cricket field. ─── 尽量马克仍处于无经验的青少年时期,但他显示出在板球运动方面会有很好的发展前途。

69、The other village always beats our team at cricket. ─── 另一个村的板球队在比赛中总是击败我们队。

70、I haven't taken much exercise during the winter but I must get into shape before the beginning of the cricket season. ─── 冬天,我没有进行太多的训练,但我准备在板球赛季开始前再恢复训练。

71、Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history? ─── 哪一位板球运动员是本世纪历史得分最多的?

72、A cricket critic cricked his neck at a critical cricket match. ─── 一个板球评论家在一场关键的板球比赛中扭伤了脖子.

73、He is a good all-rounder who likes tennis, cricket, and swimming. ─── 他是个体育全才,喜欢网球、板球、游泳等各式体育项目。

74、A series of six balls bowled from one end of a cricket pitch. ─── 一轮投球数从板球场投出的一系列的六个球

75、It now owns Arden, most famous for its series of Shakespeare texts, the legal publisher, Tottel, and the cricketer's bible, Wisden. ─── 现在,公司拥有以莎士比亚系列闻名的雅顿,法律出版社托特尔以及有板球圣经之称的威斯登。

76、Melbourne Park and the MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground). ─── 墨尔本公园和墨尔本板球场。

77、In high school he played cricket. ─── 上中学时,他打板球。

78、You think Yorkshire is the best cricket side?My foot! ─── 你以为约克郡队是最好的队吗?算了吧!

79、Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, meanwhile, is no stranger to the fast lane. ─── ” 同时,印度板球选手Scchin Tendulkar对赛车也并不陌生。

80、I like studying English and want to be a cricketer someday. ─── 我喜欢学英语,希望总有一天能成为板球运动员。

81、IMG signed up baseball and basketball, cricket and rugby. ─── IMG涉足的运动十分广泛,从垒球到篮球,从板球到橄榄球。

82、Even when he was in hospital he stayed as lively as a cricket. ─── 他即使住医院也非常活泼。

83、You think Yorkshire is the best cricket side? My foot! ─── 你以为约克郡队是最好的板球队吗?算了吧。

84、He plays cricket professionally. ─── 他以打板球为职业。

85、A cricket in the house is good luck. ─── 屋里有蟋蟀会带来好运。

86、It's an article of faith among West Indians that they have the best cricket team in the world. ─── 在西印度群岛的人中有这样一个信条,即他们拥有世界上最强的板球队。

87、Magda: Perhaps you could help set up for cricket? ─── 你去帮忙把板球场地安排好怎么样?

88、You must remember that cricket and croquet are two different games. ─── 你得记住板球和槌球是两种不同的运动。

89、In cricket, a no ball reckons as one run. ─── 在板球中, 投球违例要失一分。

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