brazing 发音
英:[ˈbreɪzɪŋ] 美:[ˈbræzɪŋ]
英: 美:
brazing 中文意思翻译
brazing 短语词组
1、electrie brazing ─── [电] 电铜焊
2、brazing filler metal ─── [化] 钎料; 硬钎料
3、induction brazing ─── [化] 感应钎焊
4、resistance brazing ─── [化] 电阻钎焊
5、silver-alloy brazing ─── [机] 银合金硬焊
6、metal dip brazing ─── [机] 浸液硬焊
7、brazing solder ─── [机] 焊铜
8、flame brazing ─── [化] 火焰钎焊
9、torch brazing ─── [化] 吹管硬焊
10、brazing torch ─── [化] 钎炬; 喷灯
11、brazing temperature ─── [化] 钎焊温度
12、brazing alloy ─── [化] 钎焊合金; 钎料
13、defective brazing ─── [化] 有缺陷的钎焊
14、arc brazing ─── [化] 电弧钎焊
15、brazing lamp ─── [化] 喷灯(钎焊用的)
16、brazing flux ─── [化] 钎剂; 硬钎焊剂
17、salt bath brazing ─── [化] 盐浴钎焊; 盐浴钎浸焊
18、salt-bath dip brazing ─── [化] 盐浴钎焊; 盐浴钎浸焊
19、gas brazing ─── [机] 气艳硬焊
brazing 词性/词形变化,brazing变形
brazing 相似词语短语
1、brazening ─── adj.厚颜无耻的;无所顾忌的;黄铜制的;黄铜色的;(声音)响而刺耳的;vt.厚着脸皮;硬着头皮;n.(Brazen)(美)巴森(人名)
2、crazing ─── n.银纹;破裂;龟裂;细裂纹
3、braving ─── v.勇敢面对;冒险;经受困难(brave的现在分词)
4、braying ─── n.叫声;洗泥;v.驴叫;发出刺耳的尖声;粗声粗气地说出;捣碎(bray的ing形式)
5、bracing ─── adj.令人振奋的,凉爽的;支撑的;n.支撑,支柱;背带;v.绷紧,顶住(brace的现在分词)
6、razing ─── v.把(城市、建筑物等)夷为平地,彻底摧毁(raze的现在分词)
7、grazing ─── n.放牧;牧草;v.擦过;抓伤(graze的现在分词)
8、blazing ─── adj.燃烧的;耀眼的,炽热的;(力量、速度等)强烈的;(争论)激烈的;极其愤怒的,情感强烈的;adv.与火或热量相关地;n.猛烈燃烧的火焰;v.燃烧;闪耀;怒视;(愤怒等情绪)突然爆发;(枪或射击者)连续射击;(非正式)夺取,摘取;大力击(球);(报纸)耸人听闻地报道,大肆宣扬(blaze的现在分词)
9、braking ─── v.制动(brake的现在分词);刹车;制动系统;n.刹车
brazing 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The control panel uses a HMI touch screen with m ulti-channel parameters set precisely, so the brazing time can be accurate to 0.1 seconds. ─── 控制面板采用人机界面触摸屏,多通道参数精确设定,钎焊时间可精确到0.1秒。
2、This contribution focuses on the analysis of residual stress and thermal deformation of microminiaturized nickel base brazing stainless steel plate-fin structure after vacuum brazing. ─── 对微小尺寸的镍基钎焊不锈钢板翅结构在真空钎焊过程中产生的残余应力分布与热变形状况进行研究分析。
3、Features of brazing and electron beam welding (EBW) are presented in this article. The main technical specifications required to develop the CB-101 medium-voltage EBW equipment and the ZHS-132 vacuum brazing furnace are given. ─── 分析了钎焊和电子束焊的特点,提出了研制CB-101型中压电子束焊机和ZHS-132型真空钎焊设备的主要技术指标。
4、The treatments can do stainless-steel blacken(green),copper and aluminum alloy brazing,heat preservation material sulfuration and frothing,etc. ─── 不锈钢发黑(绿)处理;铜、铝合金的钎焊;保温材料的流化发泡等。
5、If the brazing alloy refuses to enter the joint and tends to flow over the outside of either member of the joint, it indicates this member is overheated, or the other is underheated, or both. ─── 如果铜焊合金无法流进连接部位,并且倾向于流到所连接的两个部件外面,这表明这个连接部件加热过度,或者另一个加热不足,或者两个都是如此。
6、It is the core point to accomplish the brazing LY12 alloy well at middle-range temperature that the improved CsF-AIFs non-corrosive flux can remove easily the complicated oxide film on the surface of LY12 aluminum alloy. ─── 改进型CsF-AlF_3无腐蚀性钎剂能很好的去除LY12铝合金表面氧化膜,是实现LY12铝合金中温钎焊连接的技术关键。
7、IPSEN products are used in a broad range of processes, including atmospheric and vacuum heat-treatment, plasma nitriding, brazing and sintering. ─── 所有的炉子---从用于单项处理工艺的单室炉,到用于大规模工业生产的联合设备组成的生产线---都是在与客户的密切合作中设计、制造、安装和调试的。
8、The branch company mainly produces brazing with the word bit, tooth-like bit, various models of the bit. ─── 公司的分公司钎具公司主要生产一字钎头,球齿类钎头,各种型号的钎头。
9、The multi-function vacuum welding equipment is a new exactitude welding machine,which can be used into vacuum diffusion bonding,vacuum brazing,vacuum hollow cathode arc welding and filled argon TIG. ─── 多功能真空焊机是集真空扩散焊、真空钎焊、真空空心阴极电弧焊及真空充氩TIG焊为一体的精密焊接设备。
10、The castchromized layer rnay be divlded into heat-agglomerating layer,brazing layer and fusion layer. ─── 提出了铬铸渗层是田合金烧结层、纤焊层和熔合层三个区域构成的。
11、palladium containing brazing alloy ─── 含钯硬钎焊料
12、By the failure analysis of pick for touch soldering and brazing,pointing out the way of improving quality for pick brazing. ─── 总结了利用火焰钎焊截齿的失效经验与教训,分析了失效的原因,指出了提高截齿钎焊质量的技术途径。
13、Different fluoride silver brazing fluxes have different brazing behaviors. ─── 含不同氟化物的银钎剂钎焊性能各异。
14、Brazing is the main processing methods of heat transfer, and also is a determining factor of affecting the heat transfer effect. ─── 钎焊是换热器的主要加工方法,也是影响换热效果的决定因素之一。
15、Contact reaction brazing(CRB) for milimetre waveguide in inert atmosphere has been investigated. ─── 对毫米波器件在惰性气体保护下的接触反应钎焊进行了研究。
16、A new generation mono-layer brazing superabrasive tools and its encouragements are described.The advanced project is put forward to fabricate the renewal product ... ─── 提出了以钎焊代替烧结,借鉴多孔金属材料生产工艺开发磨料与孔穴三维协同择优排布制造多层烧结超硬磨料工具换代产品的新构想。
17、For the purpose of head welding on the steel with some low thermo metal, the automatic are brazing technology and arc automatic brazing equipment are designed. ─── 摘要针对企业对钢件产品需堆焊一定厚度的低熔点合金的要求,提出了电弧钎焊的焊接工艺,开发了自动钎焊装置。
18、Two of the more popular methods utilized today include brazing and laser welding. ─── 两人今天比较流行的方法,包括利用激光和钎焊。
19、Experience with carbide brazing or grinding processes is preferred. ─── 具有碳焊接或碾磨制程经验者优先。
20、Our customers use MT-Braze brazing powders in a variety of brazing, soldering, and thermal spray applications in the automotive, electrical and HVAC industries. ─── 客户使用迈拓公司的产品,在汽车,电气和暖通空调等行业,进行钎焊,热喷涂等应用。
21、The traditional method that has long been used to attach segments to the steel core is brazing . ─── 传统的方法是用已久的附加部分是钢钎核心。
22、Attempting to braze a contaminated or improperly cleaned surface will result in an unsatisfactory joint. ─── 在被污染或未经正确清理的表面进行铜焊,其焊接效果将不会令人满意。
23、During " 9. 5" Plan, this Paper introdaced the Plant developed technical brazing newtrails activity, recommended, exploit and popularized enery saving te chnology, and paid off guite well. ─── 文章介绍了山东铝业公司电解铝厂“九五”期间一方面通过开展技术创新活动,引进、开发和推广节能“四新”技术,一方面走技术改造之路,节能降耗取得了显著成效。
24、A method statement should be produced before any welding, brazing or soldering is allowed on the outside of equipment which contains or might contain a hazardous material or might be under pressure. ─── 在允许在其中含有或可能含有有害物质或可能带压的设备外部进行任何电焊、铜焊或软焊接之前,应当编制相关施工方案。
25、The traditional method that has long been used to attach segments to the steel core is brazing. ─── 传统的方法是用已久的附加部分是钢钎核心。
26、processing technique for CVD diamond film mainly includes cutting, molding, grinding, polishing and brazing. ─── 金刚石膜加工技术主要包括切割、成型,研磨抛光和钎焊技术。
27、Be responsible for daily production of the APU ; manage the assembly, brazing, finishing lines.Brazed activity for heat ...... ... ─── 公司名称:法雷奥发动机冷却(佛山)有限公司工作地点:广东省佛山市发布时间:2009-7-18
28、NOCOLOK AL-FLUX Potassium Fluoaluminate IN recent years, NOCOLOK method has been widely used in zhe brazing process of aluminium and its alloys. ─── 昆明市松海商贸有限公司是国内最专业的贸易有限公司。
29、EDS gives the existent elements and the content distributions of element in small area after brazing. ─── X射线能谱仪给出了钎焊后金刚石与钎料中存在的元素及各元素在微区的含量分布情况。
30、With excellent machinability,cold plasticity,hot plasticity,freecutting and resistance to corrosion ,it is easy to joint and braze. ─── 有良好的机械性能,热态下可塑性好,冷态下塑性也可以,切削性好,易衔接合焊接,耐蚀,但易产生腐蚀破裂。
31、Low temperature brazing of aluminium plate was studied experimentally after copper brush plating, which is the key technique for the electric conduction and then the electromagnetic shielding shelter. ─── 摘要对于大板式电磁屏蔽方舱,有效解决各大板之间的电气连接性是其制造过程中的关键技术。
32、The company produces the manual brazing machine, fully automatic grinding machine. ─── 主要生产经营:手动焊齿机、全自动磨齿机设备。
33、The Brazing of Big Area Circular Hard Alloy ─── 大面积环形硬质合金的钎焊
34、I thought that it would have been no more work than cutting and brazing the one in the first place, and the second was was the same. ─── 我认为,它将有更多的工作,没有比切割和钎焊一个摆在首位,第二次是是一样的。
35、Results show that the brittle fracture is mainly caused by hydrogen brittleness that results from the oxidation arid absorbing hydrogen of copper tube during braze welding. ─── 同时在加热和冷却时,由于异种材料的热胀系数差别过大,产生的较大热应力作用于已存在的裂纹,促使裂纹二次扩展,甚至使得晶粒脱落产生空洞,最终导致焊接接头漏气失效。
36、Unfortunately, the brazing performance of Si-Al series alloys was found to be very poor due to very high silicon content. ─── 然而,喷射成形硅铝系合金中硅含量很高,其焊接性能较差。
37、Work experience as refrigeration technician, ideally skills in ship refrigeration. Experience in pipe laying and wiring. Oxygen brazing and TIG welding. Experience in working in a workshop. ─── 有作为制冷技术员工作经验,有很好船舶制冷技巧。有管道铺设,电线。氧焊,氩弧焊经验。在工厂工作满一年。
38、Silver brazing filler metals of different types are widely appliend for welding of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. ─── 各种牌号的银基钎料,广泛应用于黑色和有色金属的焊接。
39、White powder,Mixed with Silver brazing,alloy Can braze Copper,copper alloy,steel and cast-iron,with strong removing oxide-capability. ─── 850白色粉末,除氧化物能力强,配合银钎料,钎焊铜、铜合金、钢、铸铁等材料。
40、Its comprehensive coverage focuses on printed circuits, integrated circuits, contact materials, semiconductors, wire, bonding, brazing, soldering, and welding. ─── 它的广泛报导集中在印刷电路、集成电路、连接材料、半导体、导线、粘结、钎焊、焊锡和焊接。
41、The characteristics of the braze materials with different states were compared overall. ─── 对钎焊的特点及钎焊料应具备的性能进行了较为全面的论述。
42、A number of brazing alloys are available and a careful study should be made in every case to determine the proper alloy for the particular application. ─── 对于特定的应用,则应该对市面上提供的许多铜焊合金以及每个具体应用进行详细的研究,以决定采用何种恰当的合金。
43、Diamond can be soaked by the metal that tends to form carbide when it is melted. Therefore the alloy that contain active element (forming strong carbide) and the single active element can be used as bond or brazing material of diamond tool. ─── 具强烈形成碳化物倾向性的金属在熔化时能使金刚石润湿,因而可采用含有活性元素(强碳化物形成元素)的合金或单活性元素金属作为金刚石工具的粘结剂(或钎料)。
44、The high-strength airborne computer cabinet made from the 6061 spacial material should be welded integratively, to which the key problem is vacuum brazing. ─── 摘要6061(锻铝材料)高强度机载计算机机箱采用的是整体焊接工艺,其关键技术之一是高真空钎焊。
45、The hair pin and U-type brass pipe brazing. ─── 冷冻空调散热盘管与U型管焊接制作。
46、The nitrogen base controlled atmosphere continuous brazing furnace is the new brazing equipment. ─── 文章介绍了现代用于冷轧不锈带钢生产的连续退火炉的组成及结构。
47、Starting from the influence of brazing clamp on brazing, what we should be especially considered in the brazing clamp design is analyzed by practical examples. ─── 从钎焊夹具对钎焊产生的重要影响入手,运用实例论述了钎焊夹具设计应重点考虑的因素。
48、SEBB experiments of thin tube-to-plate structure were carried out by applying the optimized processing parameters from finite element analysis, and a good brazing joint was acquired. ─── 利用有限元分析得到的优化工艺参数对毛细管板结构件进行了扫描电子束钎焊试验,获得了良好的钎焊接头。
49、In order to develop new generation monolayer brazing CBN (cubic boron nitride) grinding wheels, two types of active filler alloys (Ni Cr and Ag Cu Ti) were tested in vacuum furnace. ─── 为研制我国新一代单层钎焊CBN(立方氮化硼 )磨料砂轮 ,尝试Ni-Cr和Ag -Cu-Ti两种活性钎料 ,在真空炉中钎焊。
50、Medium frequency transformer quenching is used for workpiece diathermy,quenching,annealing,brazing,etc. ─── 中频淬火变压器用于工件的透热、淬火、退火、弯管钎焊等工艺。
51、Profiting from the entirely new AlfaFusion brazing technology, the AlfaNova has founded a new application for plate heat exchangers and won the advantage of traditional heat exchangers in the competition. ─── 得益于全新的AlfaFusion钎焊技术,全不锈钢钎焊板式换热器AlfaNova开创了板式换热器应用的新领域,在和传统换热器的竞争中占据了优势。
52、The furnace is applicable for high temperature degassing and vacuum brazing. ─── 并能广泛适用于高温脱气、真空钎焊等场合。
53、The graphitizing welding rod Z258 have been used in both aspectsnoted above.And low-alloy system of Mo, Ni, Cu is used to gain austenite andbainite in the braze seam of the latter. ─── 上述两种工作使用的焊条都是石墨型球墨铸铁焊条Z258,后者还另外添加了Mo、Ni、Cu合余系统来影响焊缝组织转变。
54、High melting point,cheap price,can braze copper and steel without cadmium. ─── 770 810熔点较高,但无镉,价格低廉,可焊铜、钢等材料。
55、Reliability experiment was shown that braze welding quality could be known exactly by ultrasonic inspection when proper device, parameter and evaluation method were selected. ─── 可靠性验证结果表明,选择合适的仪器设备及检测参数,采用正确的评定方法,超声波所测结果能较准确的反映零件的钎焊质量。
56、MISSION - Be responsible for daily production of the APU ; manage the assembly, brazing, finishing lines. - Braz...... ... ─── 公司名称:艾克塞迪斯信息技术咨询(上海)有限公司工作地点:广东省佛山市发布时间:2009-4-23
57、Copper phosphorus alloys. Useful for braze copper-copper or copper-brass, using flux. ─── 以铜和磷为主要成份,用于铜-铜或铜-铜合金的焊接,需要使用助焊剂。
58、Fins are attached to the plates by a mechanical fit, gluing, soldering, brazing, welding, or extrusion. ─── 翅片靠机械配合、粘结、软焊、硬焊、焊接或挤压附着在板上。
59、This paper introduces the filler metal, processes, strength and micro structure of brazed seam for Ru -base and FeNiCo alloy brazing. ─── 主要介绍了适用于钌基合金与铁镍钴合金的钎料、钎焊工艺和焊缝强度,分析了焊缝微观组织。
60、In view of the joining precision and the feature of CRB, the technology factors affecting brazing quality were analysed and effective measures were adopted. ─── 分析了影响钎焊质量的工艺因素及应采取的措施。
61、These radiators are made by brazing thin aluminum fins to flattened aluminum tubes. ─── 散热器由薄铝片通过铜焊焊在扁铝管上。
62、"Attempting to braze a contaminated or improperly cleaned surface will result in an unsatisfactory joint. ─── 在已经弄脏或不正确清洗的表面上进行钎焊,焊接效果就很难令人满意
63、In the paper,the technology and equipment of furnace brazing for AL alloy radiator are introduced.The property of brazed joint is analyzed. ─── 介绍了一种铝散热器的钎焊工艺和设备,并对钎焊接头性能进行分析。
64、A solder paste used for brazing was developed and its technical performance was investigated. ─── 研制了铝硬钎焊用钎料膏,对其工艺性能进行了研究。
65、The core of the EGR cooler can be made by vacuum brazing. ─── EGR冷却器的芯子可以通过真空钎焊获得。
66、Especially,the amorphous Ti-based braze materials which are widely used in astronautical and aeronautical fields were elaborated particularly. ─── 对不同状态钎焊料的性能特点进行了全面的比较,特别是对在航天、航空领域广泛应用的非晶钛基钎焊料进行了重点介绍。
67、Describes the advantages of the jointly-designed three-chamber vacuum brazing furnace and the construction of vacuum mup and solders used for it. ─── 叙述了真空保温杯的种类,保温时间及使用寿命,联合设计三室真空钎焊炉的优点以及真空杯的钎焊焊料、结构。
68、The quality problems of home made brazing filler metals as compared with ones used abroad are analyzed on the basis of testing and supervision results of filler metal last few years. ─── 从近几年国内钎料质量检测结果出发,分析了国产硬钎料产品质量方面存在的问题以及与国外同类产品相比所存在的差距。
69、The resistance brazing principle; the selection of brazing parameters and quality control measures are introduced for the lap joints of copper strip rotor coils within big electrical generator. ─── 介绍了大电机紫铜带线圈斜搭接接头电阻钎焊装置工作原理、参数选择以及钎焊质量的控制.
70、Join pipes using couplings, clamps, screws, bolts, cement or soldering, brazing and welding equipment. ─── 使用联接器,夹子,螺钉,螺栓,水泥或焊接,钎焊和焊接设备连接管件。
71、Brazing of stainless steel under vacuum or protective atmosphere. ─── 不锈钢真空或保护气氛钎焊。
72、We recommend our customers to try out brazing, a metal joining technique that adds the benefits of rationalization to high quality, low cost and timely delivery. ─── 我们推荐您使用能使品质,成本和交货期更加合理化的铜焊接技术。
73、RAJAT PRODUCTS offers you pertinent Information by telephone for the ranges Brazing, Flux and Wire in addition to Wire. Contact RAJAT PRODUCTS. ─── RAJAT PRODUCTS是一家高级企业,该企业使用多种工艺制造硬焊,焊药、焊剂,金属线,线材。
74、The method and technology of oxyacetylene flame braze welding for main cable wrapping at Shantou Bay Bridge were introduced,and the difficulties of the welding were analyzed. ─── 介绍汕头海湾大桥主缆缠丝所采用的氧-乙炔火焰钎接焊方法及其工艺,并对主缆缠丝焊接的难点进行了分析。
75、Letting animals feed continely continually and intensively in the same brazing grazing area can require cosplay replantedcostly replanting.. ─── 持续集中地在同一个牧场放牧需要昂贵的重栽。
76、Providing strong joints for copper and alloyed copper, steel and copper pipes brazing. ─── 强度较高,用于铜和铜合金,各种钢材零件,钢与铜管的钎焊。
77、Rated internal pressure is that of the tube being joined. While solders can be used, brazing alloys are recommended. ─── H额定内部压力是所连接的管道额定内部压力。如果可以采用焊料,则推荐使用铜焊合金。
78、performs well in high temperature applications and is easily joined by soldering or brazing. Wrot coper is exclusively used for fittings. ─── 在高温环境下,铜也表现很好,而且易于通过焊接或钎焊进行连接。铜专门用作配件材料。
79、This paper describes contact reaction diffusion brazing process of copper aDoy parts with joint local coats of brush forming interim liquid in furnace shielded with inert gas. ─── 介绍了在铜质零件上局部电刷镀多元合金后,把零件放入惰性气体保护炉内,连接处形成过渡液相的接触反应扩散钎焊工艺。
81、The hi-frequency induction brazing process of PCD tools was summarized in details,and the research status of the PCD tools brazing technology home and abroad was introduced in this paper . ─── 对PCD刀具高频感应钎焊工艺和国内外PCD刀具钎焊技术的研究现状进行了较为详细的阐述,并对国内PCD刀具钎焊技术的发展进行了展望。
82、Brazing technology of aluminium and its alloys is one of the fields which gain more research and development quickly in recent years. ─── 指出铝及铝合金的钎焊问题是近年来研究较多、发展较快的研究领域之一,铝及铝合金钎焊技术应用前景广阔。
83、Thermodynamical anal ysis on Al eutectic reaction brazing [J].The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Me tals, 2001, 11(6): 1017-1020. ─── Al共晶接触反应钎焊热力学分析 [J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2001, 11(6): 1017-1020.
84、Alloys with a high silver content, small melting range, excellent capillarity and fluidity.Used for brazing thin joints such as diaphragms, thermostats, electrical equipment, etc. ─── 含银量高、熔点稳定,具有优异的渗透性和流动性,适于焊接薄膜、温控、电器装置等接触面小的工件;
86、The microstructure and the element profiles of the interdiffused layer formed by electron beam self-material brazing of Nb-1Zr alloy to 1Cr18Ni9 stainless steel was examined by SEM, TEM and EDS. ─── 利用扫描电子显微镜 (SEM)、透射电子显微镜 (TEM)和电子衍射能谱仪 (EDS)分析了Nb 1Zr合金与 1Cr1 8Ni9不锈钢在电子束自钎焊过程中形成的互扩散层的微观组织形貌、析出相成分和结构。
87、The special processes include vacuum brazing, vacuum furnaces, plasma spray, rubber application, NDT, MPI, FPI, EDM etc. ─── 普惠公司是世界三大发动机生产公司之一占有世界民用发动机将近一半的市场份额。
88、To get the nicety and anti-grinding, our company import a list of VOLLMER equipments, GERLING brazing equipment and tungsten carbide which is from Luxembourg and Germany. ─── 引进德国威猛VOLLMER全套生产研磨设备和德国GERLING全自动焊接机,以及卢森堡和德国硬质合金,力求精度和耐磨性。
89、The theoretical rules among the high temperature performance of the brazing alloy, strain rate and the function of Co alterant are analyzed. ─── 分析了钎料高温性能与应变速率、钴的变质剂作用等因素之间的理论规律。
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