chuckled 发音
英:[ˈtʃʌkld] 美:[ˈtʃʌkld]
英: 美:
chuckled 中文意思翻译
chuckled 词性/词形变化,chuckled变形
动词第三人称单数: chuckles |动词过去分词: chuckled |形容词: chucklesome |动词现在分词: chuckling |名词: chuckler |动词过去式: chuckled |副词: chucklingly |
chuckled 短语词组
1、chuckled meaning ─── 含笑的意思
2、chuckled squad ─── 小队咯咯笑了
3、chuckled definition ─── 轻笑的定义
4、chuckled antonym ─── 反义词咯咯笑了
5、chuckled define ─── 咯 ─── 咯笑着说
chuckled 相似词语短语
1、chuckler ─── 轻声地笑的人;暗自笑的人
2、chucked ─── v.抛掷;丢弃;放弃;与……断绝关系;驱逐;轻拍,抚弄;犯规投(球);n.(机器)卡盘;牛肩胛肉;抚弄;宝贝儿(熟人间友好称呼);免职,拒绝;n.(Chuck)恰克(人名)
3、chackled ─── 颠簸的
4、cackled ─── v.(尤指母鸡或鹅)咯咯叫;发出格格的笑声;喋喋不休地谈(cackle的过去式及过去分词)
5、chuckle ─── v.咯咯的笑,轻声地笑;(动物)咯咯叫;n.轻笑,窃笑
6、chuckie ─── 楚其
7、chucker ─── n.投掷者(尤指棒球投手);六角车床
8、buckled ─── adj.有扣的;v.用扣子把…扣紧;使连接;使做好准备(buckle的过去式和过去分词形式)
9、chuckles ─── 轻声笑;咯咯的叫声(chuckle的名词复数);咯咯笑;暗自笑(chuckle的第三人称单数)
chuckled 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、They decided to investigate the possible healthy effects of laughter by measuring vascular dilation after people chuckled at funny bits or reacted to intense images. ─── 他们决定研究笑可能引起的健康效果,因为某一件小事人们抿着嘴笑或者对紧张的图像起反应之后,测量动脉血管的膨胀。
2、“But, Piglet,” chuckled Pooh, “the gifts won't be here until tomorrow morning. ─── “小猪,”维尼笑着说,“礼物明天早上才有呀。
3、Nothing in my life is going as I planned it, but l know it's all a part of a bigger plan." Barry chuckled. ─── 我生活中的许多事都与计划背道而驰。 可我相信那都是一个更大计划的组成部分?
4、She heard a BANG and saw a bullet whiz by the voice chuckled in amusement. ─── 只听“砰”的一声,她看到一颗子弹呼啸而过,这肯定是那个吃吃笑的声音干的。
5、Then he chuckled and added: "Unless they were going to send me here to Dallas with Dirk (Nowitzki), you know what I mean? " ─── 然后他轻声笑着添加道:“除非他们会把我交易到达拉斯和德克搭档,你明白我的意思吗?”
6、said Wu Sun-fu, then chuckled and picked up his glass for another sip. ─── 吴荪甫轻声笑了起来,又拿起酒杯来喝了一口。
7、Chippy Hackee was not too fat, but he did not want to come; he stayed down below and chuckled. ─── 东部花鼠奇比不是很胖,但是他不要来;他留在底下并咯咯地笑。
8、I chuckled and shook my head. "But Halloween!" ─── 我轻笑,同时摇摇头。
9、A satisfied smile played on her lips. "If I remember correctly, Yuuki Miaka got homesick in the beginning. What a fool." She chuckled. ─── 她的嘴角浮现出满意的微笑:“如果我没记错,夕城美朱刚开始居然很想家,真可笑。”她轻笑着。
10、"Hush now," Gabby said in Auris' voice. "I'm listening." He added in llf's voice, sounding crestfallen, "Caught me again!" then chuckled nastily. ─── “安静,”饶舌头用奥瑞丝的声音说,"我正在听呢。"然后它又用里夫的声音,垂头丧气地说,“我又出丑了。”接着不怀好意地吃吃笑起来。
11、Beat that, Pooh,” laughed Tigger.“ If without the blindfold, I will pin the tail in the right spot!” chuckled Pooh. ─── 快钉啊,维尼!”跳跳虎指着维尼钉尾巴的地方,在一旁拍着手又叫又笑。“要是我不把眼睛蒙上,就能找对地方了!”维尼自己也大笑着说。
12、" He chuckled in that self-satisfied "I'll believe it when I see it" way that always gets me riled. ─── 他一边说,一边得意地笑。那种‘见了才相信’的神气样子使我感到十分恼火。
13、He chuckled to himself over the success of the scheme. ─── 想到那条妙计很灵验,他得意地笑了起来。
14、" Tonya Harding looks like a pretty tough cookie to me. " He chuckled after I asked him about the figure skater's boxing match with Paula Jones. ─── 当我问他如何看待花样滑冰运动员托尼娅·哈丁与葆拉·琼斯之间的拳击比赛时,他轻声笑着说:“托尼娅·哈丁在我看来就像一块坚硬的小甜饼”。
15、"It sounds as if the two of you are always of one mind. " Second Sister chuckled, "How would it be if we were to betroth you to him? " ─── 尤二姐听说,笑道:“依你说,你两个已是情投意合了。竟把你许给了他,岂不好?”
16、A paper of mine entitled" The Proustian theme in a letter from Keats to Benjamin Bailey" was chuckled over by the six or seven scholars who read it. ─── 我有一篇题目为“济慈给本杰明?利的一封信中的普鲁斯特式话题”的论文,博得了六、个学者的赏识。
17、He chuckled to himself when he remembered the trick he'd played on them. ─── 他想起捉弄他们的事就忍俊不禁.
18、They yelled at me for being a pervert for an hour, while my grandpa sat and chuckled. ─── 她们骂我不学好骂了一个小时。爷爷在一边偷笑。
19、Had he always chuckled like that? It sounded to Petra less like amusement than like nervousness. Mother was not the only one afraid of her. ─── 他总是喜欢这么笑吗?听在佩查耳中不像娱乐倒像神经过敏。母亲并非唯一一个害怕她的人。
20、We've all chuckled over how only Germans could dream up Schadenfreude and how the English can't say bon appetit because their cooking is so bad. ─── 当我们一想到为什么只有德国人创造出“Schadenfreude”(译注:幸灾乐祸)这个词时,就会变得乐不可支,而英国人因为烹饪技术太差所以不会说“bonappetit”(译注:好胃口)。
21、She chuckled at the joke. ─── 她听了笑话,咯咯地笑了。
22、Wilt Chamberlain once told Ron Artest that he'd had sex with 20,000 women. Ron Artest chuckled, sounds like a pretty busy weekend. ─── 张伯伦告诉阿泰他和20000个女人上过床,阿泰微微一笑:“也就老子一个周末的量。”
23、Joe chuckled, and then he was alone again with his breviary. ─── / 乔吃吃的笑,然后再一次以他的每日祈祷书他很孤独。
24、2. He chuckled,"Give me time. Patience, and let nature go to work." ─── 他咯咯地笑了,“我得慢慢来。要耐心,让天性去发挥作用吧。”
25、She chuckled with delight. ─── 她愉快地轻声笑了起来。
26、Timmy Tiptoes sat out, enjoying the breeze; he whisked his tail and chuckled "Little wife Goody, the nuts are ripe; we must lay up a store for winter and spring." ─── 提米脚尖儿坐到外面,享受着微风;他挥动尾巴和静静地笑“可爱的老婆糖果,坚果成熟了;我们必需为冬天和春天预先储备。”
27、When I first heard that some employers actually permit their workers to stay home all day and “commute” to the office over the Net, I chuckled with good-natured disbelief: No way. ─── 当我第一次听到有些雇主真的允许职员整天待在家里,通过网络“往返”办公室时,我不禁用笑声表示礼貌的怀疑:绝对没有这种可能。
28、" He chuckled to himself as he made his way up to his heavily loaded wagon. ─── 他在往他那不堪重负的马车走的时候轻声笑了出来。
29、Yellow chuckled:'You are all so serious.I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. ─── 人生旅途中, 许多人都在盲目地挤来挤去. 因为挤,这个世界似乎变得很小;
30、He chuckled and said, “If I told you, you wouldn't believe me! ─── 他咯咯地笑着说:“如果我告诉你们,你们不会相信的!
31、He chuckled under his breath. I hope she's making it good, he thought. ─── 他忍住笑,想着,希望她能如愿。(希望她能说得精彩些。)
32、"But it's cold, " I complained. It surprised me when he chuckled under his breath. There was an edge to the sound. ─── “但这儿太冷了。”我抱怨着。让我惊讶的是,他悄声地笑了起来,声音小得几乎听不见。
33、The count chuckled. ─── 伯爵哈哈大笑起来。
34、The fat man chuckled as he unlocked the door and stood aside to let his guest enter. ─── 胖子低声笑了笑,开开门上的锁,站在一边,让他的客人进去。
35、Doctor Winter chuckled and said, "That's good enough for a paragraph in my history." ─── 温特医生笑着说:“在我的历史里,这就足够写它一大段了。”
36、Barry chuckled "God has a great sense of humor, but a poor sense of timing." ─── 巴里笑言:"上帝的确够幽默,可却不太会安排时间。
37、"For me?" Dad chuckled, reaching for it, but Meg was too quick and snatched the stick back. ─── “给我的?”父亲咯咯地笑了,便伸手去够。可是梅格飞快地冲上前,把棍子夺了回来。
38、"Beat that, Pooh," laughed Tigger. "If without the blindfold, I will pin the tail in the right spot!" chuckled Pooh. ─── “快钉啊,维尼!”跳跳虎指着维尼钉尾巴的地方,在一旁拍着手又叫又笑。“要是我不把眼睛蒙上,就能找对地方了!”维尼自己也大笑着说。
39、The clear, bright water chuckled over gravel. ─── 清澈晶滢的水从砂砾上汩汩地流过去。
40、"It sounds as if the two of you are always of one mind." Second Sister chuckled, "How would it be if we were to betroth you to him?" ─── 尤二姐听说,笑道:“依你说,你两个已是情投意合了。竟把你许给了他,岂不好?”
41、He chuckled, drawing the horse off the road under the trees and allowing it to graze in the mist. ─── 他抿着嘴笑,在树下,把马拉出马路,雾雨里,轻轻擦破了树皮。
42、He chuckled, "Give me time. Patience, and let nature go to work." ─── 他咯咯地笑了,“我得慢慢来。要耐心,让天性去发挥作用吧。”
43、Emmett chuckled with delight. ─── 埃米特高兴地咯咯笑。
44、When I was playing football and games or running along the road together with my nephew who chuckled all the way, I felt happy. ─── 当和侄子一起踢球或追逐打架的时候,他会笑得很开心,那咯咯的笑声,那脸上的笑容,那得意的神情,让我也感到非常的开心。
45、Pao-yu fell convulsively into his grandmother's arms and she chuckled as she hugged him to her crying, “My precious!” ─── 宝玉滚到贾母怀里,贾母搂着叫“心肝”,王夫人用手指着凤姐儿,却说不出话来。
46、He chuckled and changed the subject. "There'll have to be peace in the country before factories can prosper." ─── 他又洋洋地笑了一笑,就把话支了开去:“总要没有内乱,厂家才能够发达。”
47、He had chuckled at that memory many times over the years, but I never saw the humor. ─── 多少年过去了,每想到此事他就窃笑,可我一点不觉有什么好笑。
48、The audience smiled, chuckled, and finally howled. ─── 听众微笑,窃窃而笑,最后捧腹大笑。
49、He chuckled amusedly. ─── 他吃吃的笑了一阵。
50、Hurrying inside toward the throbbing techno music on a recent Friday night, Chen Ping, a 26-year-old graphic designer, chuckled at the sobering warning. ─── 26岁的平面设计师陈平(译音)最近一个周五夜匆匆进入夜店,朝著震天价响的电子音乐声走去。
51、Their kids love it because it means a special dessert,” he chuckled lightly. ─── 他们的孩子们很喜欢,因为这就意味着有特别的甜点了。”
52、"What a specimen!" he chuckled. ─── “原来是这么一个玩意儿!”
53、Luke, who once again was chewing on his father's mangled com, occasionally cooed and chuckled merrily to himself, blissfully unconcerned with the cabby's remarks about Jedi and their bathing habits. ─── 卢克再次开始吮吸起父亲破旧的通讯器,偶尔自得其乐地唧咕几句,咯咯傻笑一下,对出租车司机关于绝地和绝地卫生习惯的评论毫不在意。
54、He chuckled softly at his own joke. ─── 他对自己那句俏皮话嗤嗤窃笑。
55、He didn't seem to understand the difference. He chuckled. ─── 他并不明白不同在何处。他吃笑起来。
56、He chuckled at the funny story. ─── 他听了这个滑稽故事后轻声地笑了。
57、Cao Shengyuan chuckled, "You said it! This fat dog is going to make a lot of money for us! ─── 曹生源笑道:“真是!这肥狗能让我们赚不少钱呢!
58、She chuckled at what she said. ─── 她笑着说这些话。
59、He chuckled, said, "Very convincing," and then suddenly sank into a crouch, his muscles coiled like a spring. ─── 他咯咯地笑着说,“很有说服力,”然后突然蹲伏下来,他的肌肉就像个收紧的弹簧。
60、He chuckled at the thought of the two of them stuck in the snow. ─── 想到他们两个困在雪中的情景,他就暗笑。
61、Harry chuckled and both Dumbledore and Slughorn looked round at him. ─── 哈利轻轻地笑出了声,邓布利多和斯拉格霍恩都扭过头来看着他。
62、He chuckled at himself for having worn two socks that didn't match. ─── 他对自己穿了两只不同双的袜子而低声轻笑。
63、We even chuckled about our fight. ─── 我们甚至还对吵架的事感到好笑。
64、Ding, a 23-year-old Internet technology expert for a large Chinese bank, chuckled at the thought. ─── 23岁的丁成泰是中国一家大型银行的网络技术人员,当他听到这个消息时咯咯的笑起来。
65、The sunflower chuckled quietly, amused at the man's words. ─── 向日葵被他的话逗得咯咯暗笑。
66、Back safely in the Minister's residence,she chuckled with delight at her most unusual and exciting"escape"from the White House. ─── 待安全地回到公使宅邸后,她想到这种很不寻常的、十分有趣的“逃离”白宫的方式,不禁咯咯地笑了起来。
67、"What a specimen! " he chuckled. ─── “原来是这么一个玩意儿
68、I fairly chuckled at the idea; and perhaps he heard me; for he moved on the bed suddenly, as if startled. ─── 我笑着对这个概念比较,或许他听到我,因为他在床上突然提出,仿佛吃了一惊。
69、He chuckled (to himself) as he read the newpaper. ─── 他看报时暗暗(独自)发笑。
70、She chuckled softly to herself as she remembered his astonished look. ─── 想起他那惊讶的表情,她就轻轻地暗自发笑。
71、Heathcliff chuckled a fiendish laugh at the idea ─── 希斯克厉夫想到这里格格地发出一种魔鬼似的笑声。
72、The banker chuckled and said, "Of course not." ─── 银行家轻声笑了,说道,“当然不。”
73、She chuckled at the memory. ─── 想起这件事她就暗自发笑。
74、He stopped and chuckled as he tugged at his gray goatee. ─── "说到这里他停了下来,捋着山羊胡子格格地笑着。
75、We are the persons who hated ourselves'simple eyelids former and now are chuckled to ourselves! ─── 是原来狂讨厌自己单眼皮,现在却暗暗窃喜的人!
76、Watching feet flying everywhere, she chuckled and said, “I should leave you in there. ─── 小伙伴们都很关照我,把我当成一个正常人。
77、Sid chuckled in a very contented and satisfied way. ─── 希德笑了,心满意足地笑了。
78、The doctor saw my anxiety and chuckled, then winked at me cheekily. ─── 他看到我的焦虑然后吃吃地笑,偷乐地向我眨着眼睛.
79、Of course he will," chuckled the Otter. ─── 他当然愿意。”水獭奥特咯咯笑着。
80、She chuckled at the memory. ─── 她就暗自发笑。
81、I chuckled at him: never had a man been more in love with a woman than my dad. ─── 我对他轻声笑着:没有人像我爸爸这样深爱着一个女人。
82、He chuckled to himself and rubbed his long, nervous hands together. ─── 他自己嘻嘻地笑了起来,搓着他那双细长的神经质的手。
83、He found her on the porch smiling.Aaron chuckled, figured he wasn't meant to know. ─── 他看见它在门廊上笑,艾伦也轻声笑了起来,意思是他无意知道它要去干嘛。
84、It laughed and chuckled when it heard Timmy's story. ─── 它听了提米的故事后咯咯大笑。
85、"No more now," he chuckled as the greedy creature clacked its beak toward his net, "this is for th war. ─── “就这么多了,”希甘向着这只仍紧抓着篓子不放的贪婪生物又吃吃地笑了笑,“这些都是为了战争准备的。”
86、" I chuckled, as he came over and kissed me, then turned around and went back inside. ─── 我咯咯地笑着,他走过来吻了吻我然后转身走进屋里。
87、On hearing that, some passengers even chuckled. ─── 中年男子气极,恨自已身无大侠之力!
88、"Hey, not as bad as one of my tests, is it?" Liz chuckled, the tension easing from her face, and lifted the flute to her lips. ─── “嘿,总不至于像我的考试那么糟吧!”莉斯咯咯地笑着,紧张的神情渐渐从她的脸上褪去,她举起长笛放到了嘴边。
89、He chuckled bitterly. How could he not? It had been prophesied from the day of their birth. ─── 他轻声地苦笑了。为什么他就做不到呢?从出生那天起,他们就被这样预言了。
排名不分先后\r 第一首是The Rolling Stones的Satisfaction,这是用了很久的手机铃声。\r 第二首是Bob Dylan的Like A Rolling Stone,这首歌影响着很多的摇滚艺人。\r 第三首是Pink Floyd的Comfortably Numb,后面的吉他solo真的很震撼。\r 第四首是The Beatles的A Day In The Life,实验性很强但又很好听的迷幻摇滚。\r 第五首是The Clash的London Calling,朋克音乐的巅峰。\r 第六首是The Beach Boys的Good Vibrations,迷幻摇滚。\r 第七首是Led Zeppelin的Stairwat To Haven,\r 第八首是Elvis Presley的Hound Dog。\r 第九首是Chuck Berry的Johnny B Goode。\r 第十首是Marilyn Manson的Sweet Dreams。\r 好听的还有很多,希望能够帮助到你\r \r \r \r
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