cheerfulness 发音
英:['tʃɪrfəlnɪs] 美:[ˈtʃɪrflnəs]
英: 美:
cheerfulness 中文意思翻译
cheerfulness 词性/词形变化,cheerfulness变形
名词: cheerfulness |副词: cheerfully |
cheerfulness 短语词组
1、cheerfulness syndrome ─── 快乐综合征
2、cheerfulness syn ─── 快乐syn
3、cheerfulness means ─── 快乐意味着
4、cheerfulness clue ─── 快乐线索
5、cheerfulness is health ─── 快乐就是健康
6、cheerfulness is the promoter ─── 快乐是推动者
7、cheerfulness def ─── 快乐定义
8、cheerfulness var ─── 快乐变量
9、cheerfulness and felicity ─── 快乐与幸福
10、cheerfulness bulbs ─── 快乐灯泡
11、cheerfulness is the best promoter ─── 快乐是最好的推动者
12、cheerfulness is the best ─── 快乐是最好的
13、cheerfulness crossword ─── 快乐填字游戏
cheerfulness 反义词
uncheerfulness |cheerlessness
cheerfulness 同义词
jauntiness | sunniness |sunshine | merriment | joyfulness | joy | jollity | cheer | blitheness | exuberance | joviality | happiness | optimism
cheerfulness 相似词语短语
1、gleefulness ─── 欢喜
2、colorfulness ─── 色彩
3、cheerless ─── adj.阴郁的;惨淡的,无精打采的
4、carefulness ─── n.仔细;慎重
5、cheeriness ─── n.开心,快活
6、cheerishness ─── 快乐,
7、heedfulness ─── 注意
8、uncheerfulness ─── 不虔诚
9、fearfulness ─── n.可怕;厉害
cheerfulness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A good meal brought cheer to our hearts. ─── 一顿美餐使我们心中愉快。
2、You see, I was asked to be the cheer leader. ─── 你知道,大家要我当啦啦队队长。
3、Everybody must remember to cheer me on! ─── 大家一定要记得给我加油啊!
4、Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other. ─── 健康和愉快互为因果。
5、Health is the condition of wisdom,and the sign of cheerfulness. ─── 健康是智慧的条件,欢乐的标志。
6、So cheer us on through the sun and rain. ─── 因此尽管有太阳和雨水都来为我们欢呼。
7、She did everything in cheerfulness. ─── 她做什么事情都很开心。
8、Let's cheer the old up, and don't let them down. ─── 咱们让老人们高兴起来,别让他们失望。
9、She knew that her efforts to feign cheerfulness weren't convincing. ─── 她明白自己强作欢颜是瞒不了谁的。
10、Health is the condition of wisdom and the sign of cheerfulness. ─── 健康是智慧的条件,快乐的表现。
11、The simplicity and cheerfulness of her nature, her contented and grateful spirit, were a recommendation to everybody. ─── 她质朴愉快的性情,知足常乐的精神,对每个人来说,是可称道的。
12、The retort raised a cheer in support of the speaker. ─── 发言人这一反驳博得了一片支持的欢呼声。
13、Christmas should be a time of great cheer. ─── 圣诞节应是欢乐的时刻。
14、The characteristic I like best in him is his cheerfulness. ─── 他的愉悦气质是我最喜欢的特点。
15、His cheerfulness is false. ─── 他的快活是虚假的。
16、A cheer rose from the south stand(s). ─── 南看台上响起一片欢呼声.
17、Cheerfulness and friendliness. ─── 乐观和友爱。
18、Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other . ─── 健康与欢乐相辅相成。
19、He said, with a great show of cheerfulness: "I bet there's been pirates on this island before, boys." ─── 他露出充满兴趣的样子说:“伙计们,我敢说这个岛上以前一定有过海盗。”
20、The audience rose bodily to cheer the speaker. ─── 听众全体起立向演讲者欢呼。
21、The doctor speak word of cheer to the sick child. ─── 医生向病童说了一些鼓励的话。
22、Try as we would, we could not get him to cheer up. ─── 不管我们怎么劝说,都不能使他打起精神。
23、Again came the sounds of cheerfulness and better heart. ─── 又响起了一片欢天喜地的声音。
24、Oh, don't tell me none of that, cheer up. ─── 哦,亲爱的??别这样。打起精神来。
25、She alone radiated confidence, cheerfulness and charm. ─── 唯独她流露出信心,喜悦和魅力。
26、What are you so gloomy about ? Cheer up ! ─── 你为什么情绪这么低落?振作起来吧!
27、One thing that won't rescue your mood is simply putting on a happy face, trying to will yourself into constant cheerfulness. ─── 无法拯救你情绪的是仅仅带上一副快乐样子,试图用意志力来保持自己一直快乐。
28、His cheerfulness had been replaced by a frown. ─── 他一反笑容可掬的常态,蹙起了眉头。
29、Ease or cheerfulness in manner or style. ─── 举止或风度的自在或优雅
30、He has an air of cheerfulness. ─── 他有欢喜的神态。
31、She has a congenital cheerfulness. ─── 她天生性情开朗。
32、He' s always full of cheer at Christmas. ─── 圣诞节他总是兴致勃勃。
33、They faced the crisis with good cheer. ─── 他们欣然面对危机。
34、Cheer after cheer shook the air. ─── 一阵阵欢呼声响彻了云霄。
35、She soon gets down, but she just as soon recovers her cheerfulness. ─── 她可以很快变得消沉,但同样很快地又可以变得快活起来。
36、She promised to help with good cheer. ─── 她愉快地答应帮忙。
37、What are you so gloomy about? Cheer up! ─── 你为什麽情绪这麽低落? 振作起来吧!
38、A bit of music will cheer you up. ─── 听会儿音乐会使你的心情愉快起来。
39、Perhaps my cheerfulness rests on a slender hope. ─── 也许我的快乐是建筑在渺茫的希望之上的。
40、The audience greet his speech with loud cheer. ─── 听众对他的演讲报以高声欢呼。
41、true source of cheerfulness is benevolence. ─── 快乐的真正源泉是行善。
42、I have tried in my time to be a philosopher; but, I do not know how, cheerfulness is always breaking in. ─── 再我的一生中,我曾经想成为一个哲学家; 可是,不知道怎么的,高兴的情绪老是闯了进来。
43、Cheerfulness is the basis of friendliness. ─── 令人愉快是友谊的基础。
44、He has been let down. Cheer him up. ─── 他很气馁。让他振作起来。
45、Facing up to the general director, all the cheerfulness on their faces is tense and artificial. ─── 在总经理面前,他们脸上的愉悦的表情既紧张又虚伪。
46、Cheer up, I'm only trying to make you jealous. ─── 别不高兴,我只不过想引你吃醋。
47、Your words of cheer disposed me for the task. ─── 你的一番鼓励的话使我乐意接受这项任务了。
48、The whole city turned out to cheer the Pope. ─── 全城居民倾巢而出欢迎教皇。
49、Show cheerfulness even when you don't feel it. ─── 即使没有感觉到愉快也要表现出愉快。
50、His speech ignite the audience's cheer. ─── 他的讲话激起了听众的喝采。
51、A fireplace lends coziness and cheer to a room. ─── 壁炉给房间带来温暖,舒适和欢乐的气氛。
52、The cheerfulness of the children added a relish to his existence. ─── 孩子们给他的欢娱,更使他加添了生活的乐趣。
53、Cheerfulness,Helpfulness and caring. ─── 乐于助人和关心他人。
54、A deafening cheer went up from the crowd. ─── 人群中爆发出震耳欲聋的欢呼声。
55、Today at good cheer, tomorrow on the bier. ─── 今日兴致好,明日进棺材。
56、A Japanese battle cry or patriotic cheer. ─── 万岁日本人在进攻时的呐喊或爱国的欢呼;
57、Cheer for the sports meet I hope to see your brig. ─── 为你喝彩向着明天奔跑。
58、Cheer up! Try to be better next time. ─── 别灰心!想办法下次做得更好。
59、The more the merry,the fewer the better cheer. ─── 人多欢乐,人少享受。
60、He made faces to cheer up his sister. ─── 他做鬼脸逗妹妹笑。
61、Christmas should is a time of great cheer. ─── 圣诞节应是欢乐的时刻.
62、To be friendly you must feel friendly. Cheerfulness is the basis of friendliness. ─── 要友善,你一定要给人友好的感觉:快乐是友善的基础。
63、They have no prospect of a third to cheer a long evening. ─── 他们不指望再有第三个人来消磨这漫长的夜晚了。
64、I have tried in my time to be a philosopher; but I don't know how, cheerfulness was always breaking in. ─── 在我的一生中,我曾经努力想成为一个哲学家; 可是,不知道怎么的,高兴的情绪老是闯了进来。
65、He gave cheerfulness to the feast by pleasant talk. ─── 他谈笑风生,给宴会带来愉快的气氛。
66、Your words of cheer dispose me for the task. ─── 你的打气使我愿意接这项任务了。
67、He is always full of cheer in summer. ─── 夏天他总是高高兴兴的。
68、His professional cheerfulness conceals his pride. ─── 他那做作到家的嘻嘻哈哈的态度掩盖了他的骄傲。
69、Their good cheer broke after repeated setbacks. ─── 他们的热诚在接二连三的挫折之后消失殆尽
70、With one accord they stood up to cheer him. ─── 他们起立,一致为他欢呼。
71、He was sorry for her and tried to cheer her up. ─── 他为她感到难过,并试图使她振作起来。
72、He tried to cheer them up with funny stories. ─── 他想讲些滑稽的故事使他们开心。
73、Why did the performers refuse good cheer. ─── 为什么演员们拒吃佳肴
74、Lustily, happily and guiltlessly did I cheer. ─── 喊得彩声震天,欢欣雀跃,理直气壮。
75、They beat drums to cheer up the players. ─── 他们擂鼓给运动员加油。
76、Cheer up. The worst hasn't happened yet. ─── 别灰心,最坏的事还未发生。
77、The hostess bade us to make good cheer. ─── 女主人叫我们尽兴吃喝玩乐。
78、Oh, cheer up. A girlfriend is not everything. ─── 别那么垂头丧气,女朋友并不等于一切。
79、She was bubbling over with good cheer. ─── 她兴高采烈。
80、To share other's happiness with cheerfulness. ─── 以愉悦的心分享他人的快乐;
81、His high spirits flood her and cheer her. ─── 他兴高采烈的神情感染了她,使她也快活起来。
82、She was in a miserable mood and all my attempts to cheer her up fell flat. ─── 她心境很坏,我想使她高兴的一切努力都彻底失败了。
83、Cheer up ! Victory is just round the corner. ─── 加油!胜利就在眼前。
84、and the cheerfulness of the children added a relish to his existence. ─── 而那些天真烂漫的孩子也给他的生活增添了乐趣。
85、Maybe I can cheer you up with a joke. ─── 也许我可以说个笑话逗你开心。
86、The girl tried to disguise her failure in cheerfulness. ─── 女孩努力用欢快的外表掩盖她的失败。
87、In your latest books, the sense of menace has receded, and the prevailing atmosphere is one of quasi mathematical, geometric cheerfulness. ─── 在你最近出版的书中,危机感有所减退,但是占主要地位的是一种类似数学的,几何学的快活。
88、The sound of their cheer faded away. ─── 他们的欢呼声逐渐远去。
89、Christmas time is called the season of good cheer. ─── 圣诞节前后是欢乐的时节。
the New Year. 祝节日快乐,新年幸福。
A happy New Year to you. 恭贺新年。
S... wish you happiness, cheerfulness and succes
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