arillate 中文意思翻译
arillate 短语词组
1、arillate seeds ─── 假种皮
2、arillate fruit ─── 假种皮
arillate 词性/词形变化,arillate变形
形容词: ariled |
arillate 相似词语短语
1、papillate ─── adj.(生物)乳头状突起的
2、areolate ─── adj.小空隙的;网眼状的;网纹状的;区划形的
3、vacillate ─── vi.犹豫;踌躇;摇摆
4、hariolate ─── 哈里奥特
5、arillode ─── n.假性假种皮
6、arillary ─── 假牙
7、mamillate ─── adj.有乳头状突出物的
8、arillated ─── arilated
9、variolate ─── vt.给...引痘;adj.有痘痕的
arillate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Seeds 1 to numerous, arillate; ─── 种子1到许多,具假种皮;
2、Seeds small, arillate. ─── 种子小,具假种皮。
3、Leaf blade (0.7-)1.1-2.5 cm. Aril of seed ellipsoid to ovoid or elongate-ellipsoid, apex obtuse-rounded. ─── 叶片(0.7-)假种皮的种子椭圆形到卵球形或1.1-2.5厘米拉长椭圆形,先端钝圆形。
4、Seeds ellipsoid, 3-4 mm in diam., black-brown, basally covered by aril. ─── 种子椭圆形,直径的3-4毫米,黑色的棕色,基部通过假种皮盖住。
5、Seeds ca. 8, when dry pale yellowish brown, ca. 5 mm, smooth, enveloped in a thin, fleshy, pale yellow partly fimbriate aril. ─── 种子约8,干燥时浅淡黄棕色,长约5毫米,平滑,被包围在瘦,肉质,浅黄色部分流苏状的假种皮中。
6、Seeds 3 or 4 per valve, brown, subglobose;aril saclike. ─── 种子3或4每裂片,棕色,;
7、Parachute n. special structure of seeds such us aril, caruncle, pappus, or wing, which aids dispersal by wind;a fold of skin used for gliding as in flying squirrels. ─── 种子的特殊构造,如假种皮、脐阜、柔毛或翅等,均有助于风力传播;伞传播体用于滑翔飞行的皮肤褶,见于鼯鼠。
8、Dry cassava, fresh longan, fresh durian, dry longan or longan aril and dry or fresh mangosteen are the most important products. ─── 最终确定干木薯、鲜龙眼、鲜榴莲、龙眼干与肉以及鲜或干山竹果为重点关注产品。
9、seed surrounded by a cupular or saccate aril, but with distal part exposed. ─── 一杯状或囊状的假种皮,但是暴露的具上部包围的种子。
10、Its beautiful tree figure and fleshy red aril make it perfect for a gardening plant. ─── 它优美的树形、鲜艳的红色假种皮使其非常适合于园艺。
11、A yellowish - red dyestuff obtained from the seed aril of this plant, used especially to dye fabric and to color food products such as margarine and cheese. ─── 胭脂树红,胭脂树橙从胭脂树果肉中提取的橙红色染料,尤用于给纺织品染色,或给食品如人造黄油和奶酪上色
12、Mace is the ground outer covering (aril) of the nutmeg seed. ─── 肉豆蔻衣是肉豆蔻的表皮.
13、Leaf blade veins regular in dense nets, petiole bent, enlarged; aril dry, white or brown. ─── 在紧密网状,叶柄被弯曲,扩大里整齐的叶片脉;假种皮干燥,白色或者棕色。
14、Seeds enveloped by red succulent aril. ─── 种子有红色肉质假种皮。
15、Seed sessile or pedunculate, drupelike or nutlike, partially enclosed in a succulent, saccate or cupular aril, or completely enclosed within aril; ─── 种子无梗或有花序梗,核果状或,部分肉质的的内藏在一,囊状或杯状假种皮,或完全内藏在内;
16、The membranous aril contains outer epidermis, inner epidermis and multiple layers of parenchymatous cells between them. ─── 摘要茴香砂仁种子的假种皮膜质,由内、外表皮及其间的数层薄壁细胞构成。
17、Seeds many per locule, enveloped by a black smooth aril. ─── 种子每室多枚,被黑色平滑假种皮包围。
18、Seed nutlike, oval like with apex exposed, grow within the succulent, cup-like aril. ─── 种子坚果状,卵圆形或长圆形,顶端凸尖,生于杯状肉质的假种皮中。
19、Seeds 2 or 3 each locule, ovoid to globose, dark brown, arillate. ─── 种子2或3每子房室,卵球形到球状,暗褐色,具假种皮。
20、Seeds usually 2 per locule, sometimes 3, ellipsoid, dark brown, arillate. ─── 通常种子2每室的,有时3,椭圆体,暗褐色,具假种皮。
21、Seeds hard, not arillate; ─── 种子硬,不具假种皮;
22、, red when fresh, or black when dry, partially covered by aril. ─── 红色的新鲜时,干燥时或黑色,部分通过假种皮盖住。
23、aril breakdown ─── 果肉自溶
24、McCann L. Wallach R.Reference service:a field with a view.The Reference Librarian.1999(Aril):165-174 ─── 李春旺,李广建.学科馆员制度范式演变及其挑战.中国图书馆学报.(待发
25、Seeds globose-ovoid, arillate or not, usually smooth; ─── 种子球状卵圆形,具假种皮与否,通常平滑;
26、Aril crimson, covering ca. 1/2 of seed. ─── 假种皮深红色,覆盖大约1/2的种子。
27、Seeds 1 to many, with or without a fleshy sometimes brightly colored sarcotesta and/or aril, sometimes with long hairs, or broadly winged;endosperm usually copious and fleshy; ─── 种子1到多数,有或无肉质的有时明亮颜色的种皮和/或假种皮,有时有长毛,或具宽翅胚乳通常丰富并且肉质;
28、specialized aril ─── 狭义假种皮
29、Results:The content of taxol in aril of Torreya grandis cv.merrilli is below 0.003%. ─── 结果:香榧假种皮中紫杉醇含量少于0.003%,提取物中紫杉醇类物质的含量非常少。
30、a deciduous shrub or small tree(Euonymus atropurpurea) of eastern North America,having small purplish flowers,pink fruit,and scarlet arillate seeds ─── 火树,一种北美东部落叶灌木或小树(涤紫卫矛卫矛属),具有小的略紫色花、粉红果实和红色具有假种皮的种子
31、Seeds arillate. ─── 种子具假种皮。
32、Definition: Logan Aril is the aril of Dimocarpus longan Lour. (Fam.Sapindaceae). ─── 本品为无患子科植物龙眼 Dimocarpus longan Lour. 的假种皮。
33、aril red or purple, fleshy, enclosing at least base of seeds. ─── 假种皮红或者紫色,肉质,至少包围种子基部。
34、Analysis of fruit sugar and acid compositions in the aril of different longan cultivars ─── 不同龙眼品种果实品质和糖酸组分分析
35、It is a Christian holiday and it falls on a special Sunday in Aril. ─── 它是基督教的节日,在四月中一个特别的星期日庆祝。
36、aril carnose, red to orange-red. ─── 假种皮肉质,红到橙红。
37、Seeds ellipsoid, sometimes only 1 developing, arillate. ─── 种子椭圆形,有时只1发育,具假种皮。
38、seeds 1 to many, without or almost without endosperm [sometimes arillate]. ─── 种子1到多数,没有或者几乎没有胚乳[有时具假种皮].
39、Seeds brown-red, ca. 1 cm, ca. 1/2 covered by aril. ─── 棕色红色的种子,长约1厘米,约1/2被假种皮盖住。
40、Seed 1, black, glossy, surrounded by fulvous aril at base. ─── 种子1,黑色,有光泽,被黄褐色的假种皮在基部包围。
41、aril white, margin irregularly lacerate. ─── 假种皮白色,边缘不规则撕裂了。
42、Rhizome creeping, elongate, slender, 2--5 mm thick; seeds without aril, funicle not swollen. ─── 根状茎匍匐,拉长,纤细,2--5毫米厚;不膨胀的没有假种皮的种子,珠柄。(3
43、Study on developmental process of aril in seedless-litch ─── 无核荔枝假种皮发育过程的研究
44、Seeds black;aril cushionlike. ─── 种子黑色假种皮垫状。
45、family of aromatic tropical trees with arillate seeds. ─── 热带乔木科,种子有假种皮。
46、Seeds 1(-5), arillate, not viviparous. ─── 种子1(-5),具假种皮,不胎生。
47、Seeds numerous, black, arillate. ─── 种子多数,黑色,具假种皮。
48、Seeds usually only 1 or few per carpel, arillate or not. ─── 种子通常的只1或少数每心皮,具假种皮与否。
49、Leaf venation primarily palmate or radiate; sepals greenish, not petaloid; ovary semi-inferior or inferior; seeds arillate. ─── 叶脉主要的掌状的或辐射状;萼片带绿色,不瓣状;子房半下位或下位;种子具假种皮(2
50、There was no positive correlation between seed hardness and aril size. ─── 种子硬度与籽粒大小的相关性不显著。
51、Seminal egg form, have black aril, the move is strange pledge at the flesh and of expand kind hold in the palm, kind hold in the palm cardinal, smell is sweet can feed. ─── 种子卵形,有黑色假种皮,着生于肉质而膨大的种托上,种托深红色,味甜可食。
52、A deciduous shrub or small tree(Euonymus atropurpurea) of eastern North America, having small purplish flowers, pink fruit, and scarlet arillate seeds. ─── 火树一种北美东部落叶灌木或小树(涤紫卫矛卫矛属),具有小的略紫色花、粉红果实和红色具有假种皮的种子
53、Seed black when dry, with a white aril. ─── 种子干燥时黑色,具白色假种皮。
54、A yellowish - red dyestuff obtained from the seed aril of this plant,used especially to dye fabric and to color food products such as margarine and cheese. ─── 只要购买这种人造黄油,你就会发现这种只用上等配料制成的产品有何等的不同。
55、endocarp bony.Seeds smooth, blackish, arillate, carunculate; ─── 内果皮骨质种子平滑,微黑,具假种皮,具种阜;
56、Seeds with or without an aril; ─── 种子有或无假种皮;
57、Seeds ellipsoid, 3-4 mm in diam., basally covered by white aril. ─── 种子椭圆形,直径的3-4毫米,基部通过白色的假种皮盖住。
58、Seeds ellipsoid, sometimes only 1 developing, arillate. ─── 种子椭圆形,有时只1发育,具假种皮。
59、Seed appendages on or near funicle, arillate; ─── 种子附属物生于珠柄上在或者接近珠柄,具假种皮;
60、Study was conducted on the change of fresh weight,moisture and the aril total-sugar of logan before and after the fruit cluster nutation by choosing the extremely serotinous variety-Lidongben. ─── 以晚熟龙眼品种立冬本为试材,研究了果穗垂头前后果实鲜重、各组织的水分及假种皮总糖的变化。
61、Fruit a 3-seeded, explosively or slowly dehiscent capsule; seeds never arillate. ─── 果3结子,爆炸或者缓慢开裂的蒴果;从未的种子具假种皮。
62、1 Ovary 4--10-loculed, with axile placentation; berry indehiscent; seeds sometimes with a spongy (never succulent) aril on 1 side. ─── 子房4--10室,具中轴胎座;浆果不裂;种子有时具一种海绵状的(从未肉质植物)假种皮在一边上。(2
63、A yellowish-red dyestuff obtained from the seed aril of this plant,used especially to dye fabric and to color food products such as margarine and cheese. ─── 胭脂树红,胭脂树橙从胭脂树果肉中提取的橙红色染料,尤用于给纺织品染色,或给食品如人造黄油和奶酪上色。
64、Seeds numerous, often angled, arillate. ─── 种子多数,经常有棱,。
65、Seeds arillate or not; ─── 种子具假种皮或不具;
66、Fruit a hygroscopic or circumscissile capsule, more rarely a berry or nut.Seeds with slender embryo curved around perisperm, rarely with an aril; ─── 周裂蒴果,有时为浆果或坚果种子具细长的胚包围粉质胚乳,少数有假种皮;
67、common nutmeg aril ─── 肉豆蔻衣
68、Seeds 2 per follicle, subtrigonous, 4-5 mm, attached in dehisced follicle to a fleshy funiculate aril; ─── 每蓇葖果2枚种子,近三角形,附于开裂的蓇葖果、肉质的有索假种皮上;
69、Seeds black, subglobose, lenticular, with aril. ─── 种子黑色,近球形,透镜状,具假种皮。
70、micropyle formed by inner integument, rudimentary aril. ─── 珠孔形成于内珠被,假种皮不发育。
71、Seed orange, oblong, ca. 1 cm, with membranous aril at base. ─── 种子橙,长圆形,约1厘米,具膜质假种皮在基部。
72、Seeds not arillate, with usually large embryos and abundant endosperm. ─── 种子不具假种皮,通常有大的胚和丰富的胚乳。
73、Seeds oblong, brown-purple, ca. 10 mm, more than 1/2 covered by aril. ─── 种子长圆形,棕色紫色,长约10毫米,假种皮盖住的超过1/2。
74、Seeds with or without aril and wings. ─── 种子有或无假种皮和翅。
75、The fruits are edible; the pulpy, yellow aril is somewhat acid with an agreeable taste. The wood is used for furniture and cabinetwork. ─── 果可食用。汁多,黄色假种皮有一种令人愉快的酸的口味。木材用于家俱和细木工。
76、Caruncle A fleshy outgrowth from a seed, similar to, but smaller than, an aril. ─── 种阜:外种皮延伸所形成的结构,与假种皮相似但通常小于假种皮。
77、Seeds 1 to several, pendulous, usually arillate in lower 1/2; ─── 种子1到数个,下垂,在下部1/2里通常具假种皮;
78、An evergreen tree(Torreya californica) native to California, having yewlike linear leaves and solitary drupelike seeds surrounded by a green, purple-streaked, fleshy aril. ─── 加州榧树:一种生长于加利福尼亚的常绿树木(加州榧树榧树属),长有紫杉状狭长的叶子和被一层绿色、带紫色条纹的肉质假种皮包裹的核状单种
79、Aril rusty and polish when ripe. ─── 假种皮红色,熟时有光泽。
80、Seeds numerous, arillate; ─── 种子多数,具假种皮;
81、Seeds globose, ovoid, or ellipsoid, smooth or longitudinal ridges pubescent, arillate. ─── 种子球状,卵球形,或椭圆形,平滑的或纵脊短柔毛,具假种皮。
82、Seeds globose-ovoid, arillate or not, usually smooth; ─── 种子球状卵圆形,具假种皮与否,通常平滑;
83、Seeds few to many, arillate; ─── 种子少数或多数,具假种皮;
84、Seeds subglobose, red, partly covered by orange-red aril. ─── 种子近球形,红色,部分被橙红色的假种皮盖住。
85、Seeds numerous, ovoid or slightly compressed, arillate; ─── 种子许多,卵球形或稍压扁,具假种皮;
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