ack 发音
英:[,æk'æk] 美:[ei si: kei]
英: 美:
ack 中文意思翻译
ack 网络释义
abbr. 命令正确应答;确认字符(acknowledgement character)
ack 短语词组
1、ack syn ack ─── 子公司
2、ack emma ( ─── 在)上午
3、ack spindle cool ack ─── 主轴冷却
4、ack-emma n. ─── 上午
5、ack scan ─── 确认扫描
6、ack pink ack ─── 粉红色
7、ack technologies ack ─── 技术
8、ack news ack ─── 新闻
9、b ack adv. ─── 向后地; ─── 向后仰地;在背面;有距离地;忍住地;回原处;以前地;在前面地;回报;落后地;恢复正常;再度流行;n.背部;脊梁骨;后部;背面;末尾;(椅子)靠背;后卫;船体;(飞机)机身;(人的)躯干;n.(Back)(美)巴克(人名)adj.后面的;背后的;过去的;拖欠的;舌后的v.(使)后退,倒退;支持;下赌注;赞成;增援;伴奏;附带收录进……;逆时针转 ─── 向;收帆;背对着;在……背后加固;位于……的后面
10、ack ba ─── 阿克巴
11、b ack coffee ─── 无糖咖啡
12、ack joe ─── 阿克·乔
13、ack seq ACK SEQ
14、ack-ack n. ─── 高射炮
15、ack-ack gun ─── [网络] 高射炮
16、ack bar ─── 确认栏
17、ack xue ack xue ─── 公司
18、ack pure ─── 纯ack
19、ack flood ack ─── 洪水
ack 相似词语短语
1、hack ─── v.砍;猛踢;非法入侵计算机;对付,应付;骑马;开出租车;不停地咳;在饲草架上放(饲草);n.砍,劈;出租马车;狱警;雇佣文人,写手;政治仆从;出租车司机;供出租的马;骑马;(运动中)踢;(用球杆)击打;伤口;(对电脑的)非法侵入;(冰壶中)冰槽;饲鹰饭;(晒乳酪等的)晒架;adj.陈旧的,陈腐的;雇佣文人做的;n.(Hack)(美、印、丹等)阿克(人名)
2、jack ─── n.千斤顶;[电]插座;男人;vt.增加;提醒;抬起;用千斤顶顶起某物;adj.雄的
3、lack ─── n.缺乏,不足;v.缺乏,不足,没有;需要;n.(Lack)(美、德)拉克(人名)
4、back ─── n.背部;脊梁骨;后部;背面;末尾;(椅子)靠背;后卫;船体;(飞机)机身;(人的)躯干;;adj.后面的;背后的;过去的;拖欠的;舌后的;adv.向后地;向后仰地;在背面;有距离地;忍住地;回原处;以前地;在前面地;回报;落后地;恢复正常;再度流行;;v.(使)后退,倒退;支持;下赌注;赞成;增援;伴奏;附带收录进……;逆时针转向;收帆;背对着;在……背后加固;位于……的后面;n.(Back)(美)巴克(人名)
5、pack ─── n.包装;一群;背包;包裹;一副;vt.包装;压紧;捆扎;挑选;塞满;vi.挤;包装货物;被包装;群集;n.(Pack)人名;(英、德)帕克
6、mack ─── abbr.军事空运司令部(MillitaryAirliftCommand);n.老弟;老兄(常用作呼唤语);橡胶雨衣;n.(Mack)人名;(德、意、法)马克;(英)麦克
7、AC ─── abbr.活性炭(ActivatedCharcoal);自适应控制(AdaptiveControl);自动控制(AutomaticControl);交流电(AlternatingCurrent);摊余成本(AmortizedCost);空调(AirConditioning);二级建造师(AssociateConstructor)
8、dack ─── n.达克(男子名)
9、Eyck ─── n.(Eyck)人名;(西)埃克;(英、德、荷)艾克
ack 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、ack pressure ─── 反压
2、ack emea ─── 在午前飞机工人
3、Ack: Indicates that the acknowledgment number field is significant. ─── ACK:表明确认号字段是有意义的。
4、He went over and found a bl ack and white dog in a tr ap. ─── 他跑过去发现一只黑白相间的小狗被困在陷阱里。
5、ackack ─── n. 高射炮
6、"Whats that? ack! Playoffs?! Don't talk about playoffs! Are you kidding me? Playoffs?! I'm just hoping we can win a game." ─── 什么?确定!季后赛?别谈论季后赛了!你在和我开玩笑吗?季后赛?我只希望我们能够赢一场比赛。
7、Keywords communication protocol;common model;ACK signal;NAK signal; ─── 关键词通信协议;通用模式;ACK信号;NAK信号;
8、Ah, here's my hamburger. Ack! They messed up my order! There are onions on this burger! ─── 你说什么呀?他们把你的汉堡包怎么啦?
9、Clinical main symptoms is the stiffness and pain of the lumbar, sacro, ack, cervical spine and hip, even affect to the hypochondria and anterior part of thorax. ─── 临床主要表现为腰、骶、背、颈、脊柱和髋部僵硬疼痛,甚至影响到胁肋及胸前部。
10、Furthermore,the ACK message send by the upstream node triggers the CTS-only handshake of the downstream node and,the three-way exchange(CTS/DATA/ACK) is performed. ─── 上游节点的ACK应答直接触发下游节点的CTS握手,形成CTS/DATA/ACK三维交互机制.
11、CLCA Close Logical Channel Ack ─── 关闭逻辑通道命令
12、In Figure , the sender sends three packets before it expects an ACK. ─── 如图所示,发送端在预期ACK之前传送三个封包。
13、The TEWL levels of the 8anato mical regions were put in order with s tatistics:palm >forehead >cheek =b ack of hand >calf =back >forearm =chest. ─── 在8个不同部位测量中,经统计得到TEWL值顺序为:手掌>额部>颊部=手背>小腿=背部>前臂=胸部。
14、Once a connection is established, the ACK flag is set for all segments during the session. ─── 一旦建立好连接,在该交谈中的所有区段都设定了ACK旗标。
15、I only want a ack. ─── /我只想要一份快餐。
16、There is a strategy to tackle this issue by increasing the ACK assembly time. ─── 对于这一问题,可以通过一种增大ACK封装时间的汇聚方案来解决。
17、ACK Based Scheduling Algorithm for 1xEV-DV ─── 一种基于ACK反馈的多用户分组调度方法
18、This expression of critical stress can be reduced as famous ACK solution when the effects mentioned above are ignored. ─── 在不考虑界面层和热应力的条件下其可退化为著名的ACK解。
19、bitmap ACK ─── 位图确认
20、There are also some relationship between the WP pattern and ACK EAJ in winter. ─── WP遥相关型还与北极涛动、东亚高空急流等环流系统有一定关系。
21、T he influences of some parameters, such as rail surface irregularity wavelength, track mass, track rigidity and track viscosity, on the critical speed and the tr ack wave propagation are analyzed. ─── 分析了轨面不平顺波长、轨道质量、刚度、阻尼等参数对轨道临界速度及位移波的影响。
22、In data communications, the transmission of acknowledgment (ACK) characters from the receiving device to the sending device indicates the data sent has been received correctly. ─── 数据通信中,接收设备向发射设备发送确认(ACK)字符表示发送数据已经正确接收。
23、Smaller whales include the bottlenose, the hum ack, the erm, and the fi ack. ─── 并且它与在整个文章内容上不能衔接,故不能填。
24、The ACK flag is a single bit in the code field of the TCP segment header and the Acknowledgment Number is a 32 bit field TCP segment header. ─── ACK旗标是TCP区段表头的代码栏位单一位元,且确认号码为TCP区段表头的32位元栏位。
25、The credit reporting system is helpf ul to solve the problem arising from l ack of personal credit in China. ─── 个人信用征信是解决我国目前信用缺位、维护市场经济秩序的有力手段。
26、If the port is not open, the scanned host sends a packet with the RST and ACK flags set. ─── 如果端口未打开,则被扫描主机发送设置了RST和ACK标志的包。
27、Dig through that blog a bit.You might learn something.Prediction:"Gackackack" will be just as prevalent as it was before. ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。
28、Swam: Ack! Our time-traveling path has been shattered! ─── 啊!我们的时间旅行路线被打破了!
29、Therefore, most connection-oriented, reliable protocols allow multiple packets to be sent before an ACK is received. ─── 因此大部分的连结导向、可靠的协定在收到ACK之前,允许传送多个封包。
30、ack of her bike until she found the courage to say, “Let's go!” ─── “不想。”她说。然后她毅然站起,同意再试试。我扶着车尾,直到她有勇气说:“放手!”
31、The sender also starts a timer when it sends a segment and will retransmit a segment if the timer expires before an ACK arrives. ─── 发送端在送出区段时也起动了一个计时器,并且假如ACK到达前逾时,将重传区段。
32、then were big Y chromosome, four cases, accounting for 7.02% of patients studied and 17.39% of those with ACK: 46,XY/47,XXY and 47,XXY, one case for each type. ─── 其次为大Y染色体4 例,检出率为7.02%,占异常核型的7.39%。 46,XY/47,XXY和47,XYY各1例,检出率为1.75%,占异常核型的4.35%。
33、The ACK request needs to be configured just like the INVITE request created previously. ─── ACK请求需要像前面创建的INVITE请求那样配置好。
34、task end ack ─── 任务结束确认/输出表
35、ACK number ─── ACK值
36、at 10 ack emma ─── 上午十时
37、Beat Online Black zfin ack. ─── 击败在线黑杰克。
38、out of w(h)ack ─── adj. 无法修理的,不起作用的
39、Most TCP sessions start with one endpoint sending a SYN packet, to which the other party responds with a SYN -ACK packet. ─── 我们知道,绝大多数的TCP会话的建立,都是通过一端先发送一个SYN包开始,另一方则回发一个SYN-ACK包的过程。
40、Reliable multicast transport protocol mainly includes NACK、ACK based tree、asynchronous layered coding (ALC) androuting assistance protocol. ─── 可靠组播数据传输协议主要有基于NACK的协议、基于树的ACK协议、异步分层编码协议(ALC)以及路由辅助协议。
41、Same problem! ─── 同样的问题又发生了!
42、Likewise, the receiving side must not only agree to send back an ACK once they receive a message, but they must ignore any duplicate messages. ─── 同样,接收方不仅要同意一旦收到消息,立刻返回一个ACK,还必须忽略任何重复的消息。
43、A study of EDCA based on no ACK of IEEE802.11e ─── IEEE802.11e中基于无确认策略的EDCA机制研究
44、Because these protocols, such as TCP, expect frame acknowledgment, ACK, to be sent by the peer station within a certain time, retransmission usually occurs. ─── 因为这些协定,诸如TCP,期望有讯框确认,ACK,被对等的机台在某时间内传达,重新传输经常发生。
45、A hum ack whale mother and calf embark on an epic journey from tropical coral paradises to storm ravaged polar seas. ─── 一头母座头鲸带着她的幼鲸开始了一场从热带天堂般的珊瑚海开始的远行,她们的目的地,是布满惊涛骇浪的极地大洋。
46、Research on Quantum Neuron Characteristics Based on Ack Propagation(BP) ─── 基于BP的量子神经元特性研究
47、At this point, the server allocates the resource for the connection and acknowledges this by sending a COOKIE-ACK to the client. ─── 现在,服务器要为这个连接分配资源,并通过向客户机发送一个COOKIE-ACK报文对其进行响应。
48、Rizatriptan 5 mg for the acute treatment of migraine in adolescents: Results fro m a double blind, single attack study and two open label, multiple att ack studies ─── 利扎曲普坦5mg用于青少年偏头痛的急性治疗:一项双盲单次给药的研究与两项开放性多次给药研究
49、The &nbslp;mocker knocked the stock with the knots on the stocking and & pl sp; ack. ─── 嘲笑者用长袜和短裤上的结鼓打存货。
50、In fact, the highest part is 5,072 meters above sea level, making it the highest rail 22) ack on the 23) planet! ─── 事实上,最高的地方海拔5,072公尺,所以这是地球上最高的铁路轨道!
51、ack emma ─── n. 飞机修理工, 午前
52、We find Hawking temperature of a charged bl ack hole depends not only on the time; ─── 发现带电黑洞的霍金温度不仅依赖于时间 ,而且依赖于极角 .
53、The number of data packets the sender can transmit before it receives an ACK is known as the window size, or window. ─── 发送端在收到ACK之前所能传送出的资料封包数目被称为视窗大小,或称视窗。
54、Will you tell him a oo a he get ack. ─── 他一回来你就会告诉他吗?)
55、To initiate a normal TCP connection, a sender first sends a “SYN”packet and the receiver then sends back a “SYN ACK” packet to acknowledge the sender. ─── 为了初始化一个正常的TCP连接,一个发送方首先发送一个“SYN”包,接收者发回一个“SYNACK”包来回应发送方。
56、resynchronize ack ─── 再同步确认
57、retrieve ack ─── 恢复证实
58、Ack-Requested: This element lets the client determine whether an acknowledgement should be returned for a message sent. ─── Ack-Requested:这一元素允许客户端来决定对于发送的消息是否需要确认。
59、On network model design, the system and the physical basis of the network between i nput and output were well considered. The network model was transformed from "bl ack box model" to "gray box model" to a certain degree. ─── 在网络模型的设计上 ,较好地考虑了系统及网络输入与输出间的物理基础 ,网络模型在一定程度上由常规的黑箱模型转化为“灰箱模型”。
60、An AMC/HARQ Scheme Based on ACK Feedback ─── 一种基于ACK的AMC/HARQ算法
61、And finally, upon receipt of Message 2, the destination can now send back one final ACK indicating that it received all three messages for this sequence. ─── 并且最后,一收到Message 2,目的地就可以发送回最终的ACK来标志它收到了这个队列中的所有三个消息。
62、The packet retransmit mechanism is used in the application. After send the packet, if we don't receive the ACK packet until one second later, we will retransfer this packet. ─── 在网络传输中采取网络包超时重传机制,当大于1秒没有返回包时,将重传该数据包。
63、Let’s ba(th th)ree times.I lo(ve f)rance.She I(s S)usan.The garag(e sh)ould be cleaned.He has a hu(ge ch)imp.Put the ca(p b)ack on.Da(d t)old me. ─── 不同但相似的辅音如相对的清浊辅音在一起时,也只发后一个音, 如 it’s a big cake , I like goats.
64、If a sender had to wait for an ACK after each packet was sent, throughput would be low. ─── 假如发送端在传送每个封包之后,必须等待ACK讯息,传输量将是低的。
65、TDS sho wed that the flow speed of base artery(B A) was increased littlely,the blood flow of left cerebral artery(LACA)was come b ack to well balance and no significant c hange in others at Finally 2 weeks. ─── 两周后 TDS检测 :基底动脉 (BA)流速略有增加 ,左大脑前动脉 (L ACA)血流恢复至正常 ,其它未见明显改变 ,统计学无显著性差异。
66、Moreover, the design scheme of gypsum st ack is assessed on the basis of above test results, some suitable engineering me asures are suggested to take to ensure the stability of gypsum stack. ─── 在此基础上,对设计部门提出的渣场工程设计方案进行了较为全面的技术论证,得出了若干有意义的结论和建议,为该工程的设计和施工提供了科学依据。
67、In the case of TCP,the state engine not only inspects the presence of ACK flags,or looks at source and destination address and ports,but also includes sequence number and window sizes in its decision to pass or block packets. ─── 以TCP为例,状态过滤机制不仅能根据ACK标志和源、目的地址及端口号进行过滤,还能根据TCP包里的序列号和窗口大小来决定对该包的操作。
68、Modes of occurrence of selenium in bl ack Se-rich rocks of Yutangba ─── 恩施渔塘坝富硒碳质岩中硒的赋存状态
69、premature ACK ─── 提前应答
70、ack on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. ─── 党派之争、琐碎幼稚,长期以来这些东西荼毒了我们的政坛。
71、By capturing the ACK packets in the TCP connectionestablished phase, the algorithm can support all kinds of TCP windows announced by receivers in different bandwith IP network. ─── 它通过捕获TCP连接建立阶段的ACK报文,可以支持不同带宽IP网络的TCP发送窗口;
72、After receipt of your e-mail, MPC will within a few minutes automatically send backan acknowledgement, which will have as subject line the line you specified under "ACK". ─── 在收到你的信件之后几分钟内,MPC会回复一封感谢信,信的标题会使用你在"ACK"之下填写的内容
73、China discarded the renmi i‘s direct peg to the US dollar in July last year, switching to a mechanism that sets the exchange rate on a basket of world currencies such as the gree ack, the euro and the Korean won. ─── 在去年7月进行的汇制改革中,中国取消人民币钉住美元的汇率机制,转而实行参考包括美元、欧元和韩元在内的"一篮子"货币政策。
74、Prediction about the influence of Hot Water Discharged from the Nuclear Power-Station on Oxygen-L ack in Bottom Water of the Daya Bay Guandong Province ─── 大亚湾核电站热排水对底层海水贫氧现象影响的预测
75、Reason of att ack remains unclear. ─── 攻击的原因仍不清楚。
76、This ACK indicates that all messages have been received. ─── ACK表明所有的消息都已经收到了。
77、ACK [Acknowledge] ─── 完成接收信号响应信号
78、As mentioned earlier, the sending side must agree to continually resend a message until it receives an ACK for that message. ─── 正如前面提及的那样,发送端必须同意持续重新发送消息直到它收到该消息的ACK。
79、ACK! Bug spray? Why do we need bug spray? ─── 啊?杀虫剂?我们要杀虫剂干什么?
80、In each multicasting session, there are three kinds of members in AAMS: Sender sending data, ACK Client receiving data and ACK Agent. ─── AAMS基于多目广播会话,是一个由Sender、ACK Agent(简称AA)和ACK Client(简称AC)三种成员组成的系统,具有树状结构、层次化和分布式的特点。
81、if a woman goes on a seven-day trip she'll p ack 21 outfits because she doesn't know what she'll feel like wearing each day. ─── 如果一个女人要出门7天,她会带够21天穿的衣服,因为她不知道自己每天稀饭穿什么。
82、lightack - ack ─── [口]
83、Keywords muscle strength training;stretch ultrashort wave;massage;chronic low b ack pain; ─── 关键词肌力训练;牵伸;超短波;中医按摩;慢性腰痛;
84、TCP uses expectational ACKs. This means that the ACK number refers to the next packet that is expected. ─── TCP使用预期的ACK,意即ACK号码参考到的是下一个被期望的封包。
85、delayed ACK ─── 延迟确认
86、Set a beggar on horseb ack, and he'll ride to the devil. ─── 小人乍富,忘乎所以。
87、The processing of DTMF signals in CID service includes the generation of CAS signal and the detection of ACK signal. ─── CID业务流程中涉及到的DTMF信号包括CAS信号和ACK信号,具体的信号处理任务是实现CAS信号的波形产生和ACK信号的波形检测。
88、ACK means that a block of data sent out and arrived at its destination without error. ─── ACK的意思是一组数据资料完整无误的传送到预定目标。
89、In response, the scanned host returns a packet with the SYN and ACK flags set if the port is open. ─── 如果该端口是打开的,则被扫描主机返回设置了SYN和ACK标志的包进行响应。
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