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08-20 投稿


disclosing 发音

英:[dɪsˈkləʊzɪŋ]  美:[dɪsˈkloʊzɪŋ]

英:  美:

disclosing 中文意思翻译



disclosing 短语词组

1、disclosing disability to employer ─── 向雇主披露残疾

2、disclosing tablet ─── 披露牌

3、disclosing party ─── 披露方

4、disclosing agent ─── 牙斑显示剂,菌斑暴露剂,菌斑染色剂 [亦称作disclosing tablet]n. ─── 牙菌斑显示剂

5、disclosing entity ─── 披露的实体

6、disclosing antonym ─── 反义词

7、disclosing entities ─── 披露实体

8、disclosing solution ─── [医] 显示液

9、disclosing tablets ─── 披露平板电脑

10、offence of disclosing military secrets ─── [法] 泄露军事机密罪

11、disclosing author ─── 披露作者

12、disclosing definition ─── 披露定义

13、disclosing information ─── 信息披露

disclosing 反义词

hide |conceal

disclosing 词性/词形变化,disclosing变形

动词过去分词: disclosed |动词现在分词: disclosing |动词第三人称单数: discloses |名词: discloser |形容词: disclosable |动词过去式: disclosed |

disclosing 同义词

divulge | uncover | signify | let out | release | open | unmask | let on | relate | represent | make known | locate | expose | unfold | give away | indicate | find | discover | show | break | bring out | confide | unwrap | unearth |reveal | unveil

disclosing 相似词语短语

1、discoing ─── n.迪斯科舞厅;的士高;n.(Disco)人名;(意)迪斯科

2、discasing ─── vt.除去…外罩

3、disinclosing ─── 辟谣

4、discoloring ─── v.(使)变色,褪色,损坏……的色彩(discolor的现在分词)

5、disposing ─── 排列;安排;处理(dispose的现在分词)

6、discussing ─── 论述

7、discolouring ─── v.使变色;使褪色(discolour的现在分词)

8、inclosing ─── v.围绕;围(公地)为私有;使与世隔绝;随信附上(inclose的现在分词形式)(同enclose)

9、disenclosing ─── 解开

disclosing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The surgeon took off his cap and surgical mask, disclosing a young and smart face. ─── 外科医生除去手术帽和口罩,露出了一张年轻帅气的脸。

2、Next, after disclosing action observation application in planning and design, the paper explains its operation in park use research with details. ─── 在揭示该方法的专业适用领域后,深入解析了它在公园绿地使用调查研究中的具体操作。

3、information disclosing ─── 信息公开

4、There are 80% enterprises in our sample disclosing the information in the specialzed notes in the Disclosure of financial statements, and they usually disclose the items in the FASB No.140. ─── 四、大约有80%以上的企业选择以专门附注的方式,来揭露证券化交易的资讯,主要都是按照公报中的揭露项目来逐一说明。

5、Last week she teased fans by disclosing that, although she had several unpublished works “languishing in drawers”, she might write something “completely different”. ─── 上周她泄露了这样的消息:虽然她还有几部没出版的作品“在抽屉里发霉”,但她还是可能写些“完全不同的东西”。

6、What you once thought was the government publicly disclosing information is actually a play acted out for an audience. ─── 原以为政府信息公开,未曾想却当了看戏的观众。

7、I may be blackballed from the Royal Society of Small Business Scribblers for disclosing trade secrets. ─── 也许,我会因为泄露业内诀窍而被“皇家小企业撰稿人协会”除名。

8、Aplix shall pay particular attention to satisfy the convenience of all stakeholders by disclosing specific corporate earnings'information every quarter, every semester and during the business year. ─── Aplix应通过于每个季度、每半年和每个财政年度披露具体的公司利润的方式最大限度地为所有持股人提供便利。

9、Disclosing the Cause of a BFPT Exhaust Pipe's Deformation by Means of Finite Element Analysis ─── 小汽轮机管道变形原因的有限元分析

10、The consummated governmental finance information disclosing institution and developed information technology will certainly to contributes for our country"s governmental public management day by day. ─── 完善的政府财务信息披露体系结合日益发达的信息技术,必将为我国政府公共管理绩效的提高做出突出贡献。

11、The crime of disclosing information without regulations ─── 不按规定披露信息罪

12、By disclosing the different constructions of female and male gender identities through appraisal resources, this study deconstructs the implicit sexism in discourse. ─── 作者以评价理论为工具揭示时尚话语中男性和女性社会性别身份构建的不同,从而解构话语中的隐性性别主义。

13、Methodologically, before interpreting the Jewish religious attitudes towards modem Zionism, we regard Kultur as an expression for human existence disclosing the innate qualities of cognition and creation acquired by mankind. ─── 从文化视角考察近现代犹太宗教思想对于现代犹太复国主义的理解与回应,可以发现,传统宗教资源在救赎问题上的内在张力成为犹太教现代性回应中不可逃避的历史遗产。

14、Wiping out blackhead, dirty grease and dead skin. Disclosing lightly, dirty substance runs away. No painful,noscar and without extrusion. ─── 吸黑头、拔酒米、抽污脂、去死皮,轻轻一揭,黑头酒米全拔光,全无痛楚,无需挤压,不留疤痕。

15、Keywords ethylene equips;machine pressurize;disclosing;air pressurize; ─── 乙烯装置;机械密封;泄露;干气密封;

16、Urge the state government to stop blaming and politicking but instead to concentrate on the economic development of the state by disclosing their economic development blueprint for Penang state. ─── 吁请槟州政府停止推卸责任及玩弄政治的把戏。反之应认真关注州内的经济发展,并尽快推出槟州发展大蓝图。

17、Buy us a phial of disclosing agent. It should be profitable to paint teeth before brushing them. ─── 如果可以,不妨买罐小瓶的牙菌斑回家,刷牙前涂一下,那就更好了。

18、Patents give inventors a temporary monopoly on a new idea in return for disclosing how it works, so that others can subsequently build upon it. ─── 专利权赋予了发明者一个暂时独占新主意的权利,作为他揭示其如何工作的回报,其他人从而也可以在此基础上发展并使用。

19、Problems Concerning Crimes of Insider Trading and Disclosing Insider Information ─── 内幕交易、泄露内幕信息罪若干疑难问题探析

20、The positive significant events were synchronicity, expression of insight and understanding, disclosing personal information, and receiving the clear information from counselor. ─── 其中正向重要事件为八类,包括:同时性现象、获得顿悟和了解、开放个人资料、获得谘商师所提供的明确讯息等;

21、Be careful disclosing information. ─── 当心不要泄漏信息;

22、On Disclosing Forecasting Enterprises Financial Information ─── 对企业预测性财务信息披露的思考

23、Alibaba, which has 30 expatriates in Hangzhou, has made disclosing one's salary a sackable offence, says its head of human resources, Jin Jianhang. ─── Alibaba在杭州雇用了30名海外人员,其人力资源主管JinJianhang说,如果披露个人收入将成为可能导致解雇的理由。

24、The Disclosing Party and the Receiving Party will be referred to individually as the "Party" and collectively as the "Parties" . ─── 披露方或接受方单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。

25、Game Analysis of Disclosing Costs and Benefits through False Information in Listed Companies ─── 上市公司虚假信息披露成本与收益博弈分析

26、The door swung open, disclosing a long dark passage. ─── 门开了,露出一条昏暗的长通道。

27、Be careful disclosing information. ─── 泄露信息的时候要谨慎。

28、only now did the young girls rub some of the soot from their noses, disclosing their sallow skin; ─── 年轻的姑娘们到现在才把鼻尖上的煤污减去一点,露出点红黄的皮肤来;


30、Kaminsky said that he had found the flaw, but refrained from disclosing the details until vendors could issue a patch. ─── 卡明斯基说,他已经找到了这一缺陷,但不透露详情,直至供应商可问题的修补程序。

31、Going into the truth and disclosing the central intention of art--dwelling on Chinese modern art on the base of Chinese watercolor art of SUN Zheng-xue ─── 守拙觅真以艺进道--从孙政学先生的水彩画看中国当代艺术

32、The company is now reducing carbon dioxide emissions and disclosing energy reduction performance goals. ─── 现在公司正在减少二氧化碳的排放量并且正对外披露能源缩减的业绩目标。

33、Establishing energy conservation information disclosing system ─── 建立节能信息发布制度

34、7. The receiving party shall immediately notify the disclosing party in the event it discovers a loss or unauthorized disclosure of such proprietary information. ─── 如接收方发现机密资讯遗失或未经授权被揭露时,接收方应立即通知揭露方。

35、It is contemplated that either party may be disclosing certain confidential and/or proprietary information to the other party pursuant to the Business Purpose hereof. ─── 不排除任何一方都有可能为了商业的目的而向外界透露特定机密或者专属资料。

36、You get exact intelligence of the enemy's location and movements, without disclosing your own. ─── 你不用暴露自己就能获得敌人所在位置及其活动的准确情报。

37、Accordingly, it is agreed that the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to injunctive relief, specific performance and/or any other appropriate equitable remedy for any such breach. ─── 因此,一致认为,泄露缔约方应有权禁令救济,具体的性能和/或任何其他适当的公平补救任何此类违反。

38、Discussion About Disclosing the Enterprise Environment Accounting Information ─── 企业环境会计信息披露探讨

39、Each such party agrees that it shall not export or re-export Confidential Information of the disclosing party without first having obtained all necessary approvals therefor. ─── 前述各当事人均同意在未取得必要之许可前,不应将揭露人之机密资讯出口或再出口。

40、If Builder has no problem in disclosing his identity (VISIBLE) ─── 如果Builder愿意透露其身份(可见)

41、The curtains rose, disclosing a stage bathed in red light.(Dictionary) ─── 帷幕升起,显露出笼罩在一片红光之中的舞台。

42、None of the companies doing large-scale Web services-based development are disclosing much about their experiences. ─── 尚未有过任何一家从事大规模的基于Web服务开发的公司过多透露他们的经验。

43、The aim of disclosing the theoretical limitations of Habermas's discourse ethics is not to deny it, but to widen its thinking roads which can be developed well. ─── 对哈贝马斯对话伦理学理论限度的揭示不是为了对之加以否定,而是旨在开拓其可以更进一步发展的致思路向。

44、In May this year, the SEC had a Credit Suisse employee prosecuted for unlawfully disclosing information on nine transactions to Pakistani investors. ─── 今年5月,美国SEC还起诉一名瑞士信贷集团的人员,在总共9宗交易案中,向巴基斯坦的投资者非法透露资讯。

45、The Study of Motivation on Disclosing the Inadequate or False Information in Listed Companies ─── 上市公司披露欠缺或虚假信息的动机研究

46、Since disclosing the budget cut, however, the company has tacked on 33% in the stock market and moved off its intraday lows for the year at just below $10 a share. ─── 不过,自披露削减预算的计划后,该公司股价已经上涨了33%,脱离了今年创出的不到10美元的盘中低点。

47、offence of disclosing military secrets ─── [法] 泄露军事机密罪

48、The severest test of character is not so much the ability to keep a secret as it is, but when the secret is finally out, to refrain from disclosing that you knew it all along. ─── 对品德的最严格考验,不在于你能否保守秘密,而在于秘密泄露后你能否不说你早就知道.

49、An employee's memory is considered unaided if the employee has not intentionally memorized the Confidential Information for the purpose of retaining and subsequently using or disclosing it. ─── 如果雇员不是出于保存信息以便今后披露或使用的目的刻意的记忆保密信息,则该记忆是独立记忆。

50、He solicited opinions about a variety of people without disclosing his intentions toward them. ─── 他还征询我对许多人士的意见,但是没有表示他对他们有何打算。

51、People are disclosing more personal information than ever. ─── 人们比以往暴露着越来越多的个人信息。

52、Wiping out blackhead, dirty grease and dead skin. Disclosing lightly, dirty substance runs away. No painful, no scar and without extrusion. ─── 吸黑头、拔酒米、抽污脂、去死皮,轻轻一揭,黑头酒米全拔光,全无痛楚,无挤压,不留疤痕。

53、He opened the box, disclosing the contents (to the audience). ─── 他打开盒子,露出里面的东西(给观众看).

54、A disclosing party may, at its sole discretion, offer such products for sale and may modify them or discontinue sale at any time. ─── 一个揭露宴会可能,在它的唯一慎重,为售卖提供如此的产品和随时可能修正他们或停止售卖。

55、Finally, the benefit of disclosing CER responded to the motive, and displayed in the company's image, the competitive power promotion of and the good communication. ─── 四、发布后之效益与动机相呼应,表现在公司形象、竞争力之提升与良好沟通上。

56、The government should remodel itself by disclosing information, using programmed decision and making the result public. ─── 应从信息公开、决策程序化及结果公示等方面重塑政府角色。

57、Chlorophyll disclosing solution ─── 叶绿素显示液

58、Simulation results show that the two models exist differences in disclosing the physical mechanism for single crystals but they predict the same trend of material's mechanical behaviors. ─── 尽管两种模型在揭示单晶体的物理性能方面是不同的,但是在预测材料力学性能方面有着相同的预测趋势。

59、I don't know exactly why, but for me that approach helps me dig a little deeper and encourages me to be a little more self-disclosing. ─── 我不知道我干嘛如此虔诚,但对我来说这样似乎能帮助我更深刻的了解我的内心。

60、In disclosing the switch this weekend, a senior Iraqi official close to Maliki also suggested that the two sides remained deadlocked on key issues. ─── 一位与马利关系密切的伊拉克高级官员周末透露了消息。他还说,美伊双方在一些关键问题上仍处于僵局。

61、Criminal search as a kind of investigative method plays an important role in the process of disclosing,confirming and combating crimes. ─── 刑事搜查作为一种侦查手段,在揭露、证实和打击犯罪过程中发挥着重要作用。

62、England,...of England said Wednesday in disclosing one of the largest bank heists in British...bank policy. ─── No one was injured in the robbery发表评论: 昵称: 密码: (游客无须输入密码...

63、disclosing or stealing inventions of the consignors; ─── (二)泄露或者剽窃委托人的发明创造内容的;

64、(ii) becomes publicly known and made generally available after disclosure by the disclosing party to the receiving party through no action or inaction of the receiving party; ─── (2) 签订本协议之后变成众所周知的或可通过公开途径自然得到的信息;

65、accounting principles are alternative ways of reporting and disclosing information in financial statements and related footnotes. ─── 会计原则在财务报表和相关的脚注中是报告而且揭露数据的其它可能方法。

66、But he declined to provide their brand names because, he says, he is still disclosing the exploits to the companies so they can issue fixes. ─── 但他拒绝提供自己的品牌名字,因为他说,他还透露漏洞的公司,使他们能够解决这个问题。

67、analyzing and disclosing the class nature and serious harmfulness of the theological conception of history; ─── 对神学史观的阶级实质及其严重危害性的剖析与揭露;

68、The Doctor wrote a letter to the Minister disclosing the whole affair. ─── 医生给大臣写了一封信,揭发了整个事件。

69、If the blackmailer expects to get a continuous stream of income, then she would be made considerably worse off by disclosing the information. ─── 如果勒索者想要连续得到收入,那么她可能相当坏地去揭露这些信息。

70、No right or license is granted to either party hereunder with respect to any Confidential Information it receives from the disclosing party.... ─── 下述任何一方都没有权利或许可获得另一方泄漏出的任何机密信息。

71、You are prohibited from making use of or copying this e-mail or any attachment or disclosing the contents to any other person. ─── 如果您不是此邮件应当的收件人,请注意不可对此邮件及其附件进行利用、复制或向他人透露其内容。

72、and therefore such disclosing party may seek injunctive relief and/or specific performance as well as monetary damages against the party that breaches this Agreement. ─── 如果赔偿不足,资讯权利人可以向违反本协议的一方寻求强制性的救济/或履行本协议以及追索赔偿金。

73、You get exact intelligence of the enemy's location and movements, without disclosing your own. ─── 你不用暴露自己就能获得敌人所在位置及其活动的准确情报。

74、Apple opposed the request, saying it was an attempt to "harass" Apple into disclosing extremely sensitive trade secrets. ─── 苹果公司拒绝了此项要求,并称其为企图以“骚扰”来迫使苹果泄露极度敏感的商业机密。

75、Broadly disclosing the algorithms Google uses would probably aid the bad guys more than those trying to stop them, they say. ─── 他们表示,大范围披露谷歌使用的算法,对犯罪分子的帮助,可能会比对那些试图阻止犯罪的人更大。

76、The attributes owned by principles are always relevant each other, so disclosing some attributes maybe induce leakage of sensitive information, namely inference attack. ─── 主体拥有的不同属性之间可能存在着某种联系,某些属性的披露会导致其它敏感信息的泄露,即推理攻击。

77、Upon request, disclosing the effective yield after deduction of custody fee for the investment amount specified by a customer ─── 在客户要求时,就客户指定的投资金额披露经扣除托管费用后的实质收益率

78、The Company reserves the right to decline the application without disclosing any reason(s). ─── 公司保留拒絕有關申請的權利而毋須披露任何理由。

79、iv) the same information becomes known to the receiving party from a source other than the disclosing party without breach of an obligation of confidentiality; ─── iv)系因接收人自揭露人以外之其它来源接受而获悉同样资讯,但并未违反保密义务;

80、We concluded that disclosing medical errors is not only an ethical obligation but also a way to reduce liability costs. ─── 因此,主动揭露不仅是医师伦理义务的一环,并可能有助于降低诉讼成本。

81、"The first duty of the Press is to obtain the earliest and most correct intelligence of the events of the time, and instantly, by disclosing them to make them the common property of the nation. ─── “新闻媒体的首要职责是尽早获取最准确的时事消息,并立刻公之于众,使其成为国家的共同财产。”

82、Disclosing the veil of cancers ─── 九、揭开癌症神秘面纱

83、Today, though, many of the largest U.S. Foundations regard disclosing and analyzing their failures as bordering on a moral obligation. ─── 今天,虽然许多美国最大的基金会披露方面,分析其失败接壤的一项道德义务。

84、They removed the bookcase, disclosing the entrance to a secret room. ─── 他们把书柜移开,露出通向一个秘密房间的入口。

85、At no time shall the information be used in competition to the disclosing party. ─── 于任何期间该资讯均不得作为与揭露方竞争之用途。

86、“In retrospect, I was wrong to partially sell the holdings,” Buffett said, disclosing that he sold the stock for about $61 or $62 a share. ─── “回顾当时,我错误地部分抛售出了那些股票,”巴菲特说道,并揭露他是以每股61美元或者62美元的价格进行抛售的。

87、The severest test of character is not so much the ability to keep a secret as it is,but when the secret is finally out, to refrain from disclosing that you knew it all along. ─── 对于品德的最严格考验,不在于你能否保守秘密。而在于秘密泄露后你能否不说你早就知道。

88、It is agreed in the event of any breach by the Recipient of the Agreement the Disclosing Party would be irreparably and immediately harmed, and money damages would not be sufficient remedy. ─── 它同意在发生任何违约的收件人协定泄露党将是无可挽回的,并立即伤害,和金钱赔偿是不够的补救措施。

89、the screen fell with a disclosing crash. ─── 屏风砰的一声倒下了。

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