gelable 发音
英:[[d'ʒeleɪbl]] 美:[[d'ʒeleɪbl]]
英: 美:
gelable 中文意思翻译
gelable 相似词语短语
1、sellable ─── adj.适于销售的(等于salable)
2、gullable ─── adj.易受骗的(等于gullible)
3、reliable ─── adj.可靠的;可信赖的;n.可靠的人
4、getable ─── adj.能得到的
5、healable ─── adj.可治好的
6、sealable ─── adj.可密封的
7、fellable ─── adj.适于砍倒的;可击倒的
8、reelable ─── adj.可卷的;可绕的
9、peelable ─── adj.可剥的,能削去皮的;可重复使用的
gelable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Women would use a microbicide cream or gel before sex. ─── 女性朋友们可以在性活动之前施以药膏或胶体。
2、You can use a leave-in conditioner and a bit of styling gel to keep the curls looking nice. ─── 你可能用这种不用洗掉的护发素,和一些造型露让卷度看起来漂亮些。
3、The next phase of testing will assess the gel's effectiveness against STDs in humans. ─── 下一步是做人体皮肤试验,从而确定这种凝胶的效能。
4、The patients reported the pleasant cooling effect of the gel. ─── 患者反应凝胶的清凉效果另人愉快。
5、I can go out w/o putting gel on my head,As long as I am myself!!! ─── 希望你突破外表的局限,爱上你自己。没有人是完美的,想想自己的优点吧!
6、S: Your complexion is on the oily side. I suggest you use cleansing gel. ─── 你的皮肤较油,我建议你用洁面赭喱。
7、Boil1 g Agarose in100 ml Gel running buffer( microwave:45 sec, swirl,20 sec, swirl,20 sec). Let cool for10 min. ─── 将1克的琼脂洋菜粉末加入100毫升的胶体电泳缓冲液并煮沸(波炉:45秒,晃几下,20秒,晃几下,20秒)等10分钟待其降温。
8、Hydra Complete Multi-Level Moisture Eye Gel Creme7.5ml .24 oz. ─── 多层次瞬透保湿眼霜满足眼部肌肤无限渴望。
9、Effect : The peeling gel smooth your skin with a gently exfoliating treatment. ─── 主要功效:容易去掉角质死皮,让好的角质和好的皮肤加上一层保护,更有保水的功能。
10、Shinning Gel:Jojoba, Squalene, Pure Natural Plant Oil. ─── 唇密膏成份:荷荷巴油,角鲨烯,纯净天然植物油.
11、BDNF/GDNF(100?ng/ml)was added to the gel. ─── 实验组另外分别添加BDNF/GDNF100ng/ml。
12、Herborist Eye Contour Gel Where can I buy? ─── 佰草集眼部修护啫喱哪里可以买到?
13、 双语使用场景
14、His hair was slicked back/down with gel. ─── 他的头发用了发胶,朝后/朝下梳得平平整整的。
15、Tell him all he needs is a little smoothing gel and he'll be tearing up their hearts. ─── 告诉他他所需要的不过是一点柔顺剂,那样的发型(直发)会令女孩们对他兴趣大增。
16、The cytosol is a gel, with a network of fibers dispersed through water. ─── 不同生物域细胞的细胞质都有着大为不同的特征。
17、What's the ingredients of the gel? ─── 凝胶体的成分是什么?
18、Typical DNA ladder was shown with 1.5% agarose gel electrophoreais. ─── 1.5%琼脂凝胶电泳呈现典型的阶梯现象。
19、The process of forming a gel. ─── 凝固的过程
20、He flattened his hair down with gel. ─── 他用发胶把头发弄平。
21、Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Staining WithNBT for AST Isoenzvme Measurement. ─── AST同工酶的琼脂糖凝胶电泳NBT显色法
22、Perhaps she just used too much hairspray and gel. ─── 也许她只是用了太多造型液和发胶而已。
23、He knows how to gel his own hair and style his own mohican. ─── 他知道怎么用发胶打理属于自己的摩西干发型。
24、Most of the commercially available reversed phase packing materials utilize fully end-capped, high-purity silica gel. ─── 大部分市面上之逆相充填材料利用完善之终结处理,高纯度之矽胶。
25、A molecule whose Stokes'radius approaches or exceeds the pore radius does not enter the gel and is said to be excluded. ─── 一个分子,它的Stokes半经接近或超过网眼半经,不进入凝胶内,称为被排阻。
26、The influence of two valence metal on gel strength of agar is remarkable. ─── 二价金属元素的存在对琼脂的凝胶强度影响最为显著。
27、When the tube is squeezed the gel is forced through tiny holes. ─── 当管受到挤压时,胶凝体便从微小的孔被挤入。
28、Women would use microbicides cream or gel before sex. ─── 女性可以使用杀菌剂软膏或者凝胶型杀菌剂。
29、Patients completed a isual analog score for gel insertion and cystoscopy. ─── 在行膀胱镜检前,术中以及术后记录生命体征。
30、It's a gel which can well dissolve various paints and varnishes. ─── 一种对各种油漆和清漆有强溶解作用的胶状物质。
31、His long white hair was slicked back with gel. ─── 使(头发)平滑(如用发油):
32、They sell lipstick, hair gel, and a whole range of other cosmetics. ─── 他们卖唇膏、胶和一系列其它的化粧品。
33、Ingredient: Verbena and Aloevera Gel etc. ─── 主要成份:马鞭草、芦荟胶、金缕梅、透明质酸。
34、Gordon : That must take a long time. What do you use? Gel, hair putty or wax? ─── 戈登:一定花很长时间,你用发胶、发泥还是发蜡?
35、Calcium gluconate gel can be massaged into skin while flushing with water. ─── 当用水冲洗时,用葡萄糖酸钙凝胶按摩皮肤。
36、If all the reagents are carefully purified, the gel is water whitel; no trace of yellow color should be obserred. ─── 如果全部试剂都经过仔细的纯化,那么胶体是水白色的,不带一点黄色。
37、After 4 weeks: the Upper Eye Gel helps reduce sagging and drooping**. ─── 使用四周之后:上眼胶可以减少眼睑的松弛和下垂。
38、A gel or cream-based mask, with soothing anti-inflammatory ingredients that delivers immediate relief. ─── 它是一种凝胶或乳脂面膜,有镇定、炎的成分,可以立即减轻你的痛苦。
39、Palpate the PMI, and applying contact gel to the overlying skin. ─── 对最高心跳强度点做触诊,在检查部位的皮肤涂上接触凝胶。
40、Rencher expects the gel to cost no more than condoms--and in places such as Africa, it might be distributed for free. ─── 伦彻希望这种凝胶的成本不要高于避孕套,并且在像非洲这些地方应该免费发送。
41、Lancome Anti-Age Eye Perfecting Gel Anti-Dark Circles. Anti-Puffiness. ─── 循序渐进为你改善眼周肌肤困扰,让眼神魅力不走样。
42、Regen AfterCare is a liquid gel cream that for the skin. ─── 8小时内,在皮肤上呈现“液体绷带”状。
43、We are gel ink pen and gel ink refills manufacturer. ─── 创建您的免费网站寻找中国墨水产品!
44、The most frequently used commercial gel is Sephadex. ─── 商业上常用的凝胶是交联葡聚糖凝胶。
45、Hirudoid gel was very well tolerated. ─── 喜疗妥凝胶的耐受性非常良好。
46、The gel of native products is springness and deacetylated products is a gel. ─── 天然式结冷胶溶液的凝胶特性是粘弹性体,低酰基结冷胶溶液是凝胶体。
47、Carbopol 934P gel is better for cavitary mucosal dru g delivery. ─── 卡波姆934P凝胶剂更适合于腔道给药。
48、Use professional eyeliner brush to dip the eyeliner gel. ─── 使用步骤:上完底妆后,以笔刷沾取适量眼线胶。
49、The gel exfoliates the skin and becomes clustered residue. ─── 凝胶去除死皮和杂物.
50、Hirudoid/ Hirudoid forte have a cream and gel base, which promote diffusion and are extremely well tolerated. ─── 喜疗妥乳膏/强喜疗妥乳膏含有的乳膏和凝胶基质能促进药物的扩散吸收,并且具有非常良好的耐受性。
51、Age, bi teni sini teheye, jak gel jer endi. ─── /哥哥,我刚刚才坐下,饭还没吃呢!
52、Cream and gel showed a similar effcacy in the different indications. ─── 对于不同的适应症,软膏和凝胶的疗效是相似的。
53、Apply Satinique Advanced Water Styling Gel evenly throughout towel-dried hair. ─── 在抹乾的湿发上均匀地涂上仙姬清爽造型喱。
54、What kind of hair-styling products do you use? Gel? Mousse? Hair spray? ─── 你用哪种头发造型产品?口者哩?摩丝?还是喷发剂?
55、Content: Dissolve dead cell albumen enzyme, Aloe gel and Rose distillate. ─── 主要成份:溶角质蛋白酶、芦荟凝胶、玫瑰精华等。
56、The natural gel is effective for firming skin and pores tightening. ─── 天然的凝胶对松弛的肌肤有紧实的作用,并可紧致毛孔。
57、Don NOT use saliva, creams, oil, Vaseline, soap or shower gel as lube. ─── 不要使用唾液、护肤霜、油脂、凡士林、肥皂以及沐浴露来代替润滑剂。
58、SkinMedica Calming Masque;Murad Soothing Gel Cleanser;B. ─── 参考产品:AESOP Damascan Rose Facial Treatment;
59、Results:Chitosan flocculating method is super to gel flocc ulating method. ─── 壳聚糖絮凝法与醇沉法比较红景天苷保留率分别为95.32%,88.15%;
60、Mixing of K-carrageenan with cellulose nanocrystals(CNC)can form gel. ─── 卡拉胶和纳米微晶纤维素(CNC)共混时可以得到凝胶多糖。
61、Your complexion is on the oily side. I suggest you use cleansing gel. ─── 你的皮肤较油,我提议你用洁面乳。
62、Biopolymer can be triggered in situ to form a gel. ─── 对生物矿化作用的进一步研究有助于微生物调剖机理的完善和应用。
63、Its subject coverage includes: sol gel coatings. ─── 它的主题涉及的范围包括:螺线管胶凝体涂层。
64、I got a bracelet from Art class. it is kind of gel. ─── 中文:今天我从美术课拿回来一个手镯,象胶一样的。
65、Get a printout of your gel and determine the inserts' sizes by comparison with the markers. ─── 取得你的胶体影像印出图,并与标记比较后定出插入基因的大小。
66、Ampholytes are electrophoresed through the gel prior to sample addition. ─── 在加入样品前,两性电解质先通过凝胶电泳。
67、Gel formation requires hooking vari chains together. ─── 凝胶的形成需要把不同的链钩链在一起。
68、Twc-dimensional gel analysis of polymorphism of HLA-DR antigens. ─── HLA-DR抗原多态性的双相凝胶电泳分析法
69、They're into everything: real estate, technology, pharmaceuticals, hair gel. ─── 他们公司业务广泛,房地产,搞科技,医药,发胶
70、This is then coated with agarose, a nutrient gel that bacteria will grow on. ─── 在印章上图一层琼脂糖,细菌就能够在这种营养凝胶体上生长。
71、Ideas were beginning to gel in my mind. ─── 各种想法在我头脑里逐渐明朗起来。
73、Free Grooming Bag when you buy Shave Gel, Shave Reviver and Body Wash. ─── 你够买的剃须啫喱,须后水和沐浴系列可都可以轻松装下!
74、Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole. ─── 为钻导管井眼配制高粘度泥浆.
75、Do you carry any HAODI hair gel? ─── 你们有没有带好迪发胶?
76、But it will take at least five years of further study, before the gel hits the market. ─── 但这种凝胶要投放市场,至少还得花五年时间做进一步研究。
77、Products: aloe pudding, aloe jam, dried-aloe powder, aloe gel. ─── 主要产品:芦荟果丁、荟果酱、荟干粉、荟凝胶。
78、The gel gives your hair a gloss. ─── 发胶使你的头发有了光泽。
79、Gel Refrigerants are available in block and wrap form. ─── 凝胶致冷剂有块状与包装状。
80、Gel involved in activities that will stretch your stamina. ─── 参加一些能延伸你毅力的活动。
81、When it is at rest it is a gel. ─── 处于静止状态时,它是一种凝胶体。
82、Is binding and thickening agent which ability to form elastic gel. ─── 为粘结剂和增稠剂能形成弹性胶;
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