foetor 发音
英:[['fi:tə]] 美:[['fi:tə]]
英: 美:
foetor 中文意思翻译
foetor 短语词组
1、foetor alcoholicus ─── 酒精中毒
2、foetor define ─── 页脚定义
3、foetor pronounce ─── 副词发音
4、foetor definition ─── 敌人定义
5、foetor hepaticus ─── 肝硬变
6、foetor meaning ─── 页脚含义
7、foetor etymology ─── 胎儿伦理学
foetor 相似词语短语
1、fautor ─── 福托
2、foetors ─── 恶臭
3、faitor ─── 因素
4、foeto- ─── 脚
5、fetor ─── n.恶臭(等于foetor);强烈恶臭
6、factor ─── n.因素;要素;[物]因数;代理人;vi.做代理商;vt.把…作为因素计入;代理经营;把…分解成;n.(Factor)人名;(英)法克特
7、doctor ─── n.医生;博士;(作头衔或称呼)牙医;诊所;(非正式)建议者;博学的人;人造蝇;凉爽海风;(非正式)船上的厨师;v.篡改,伪造;在(食物或饮料中)添加有害物质;阉割(动物);为……治病;授以博士学位;修理(机器);干扰(球);就医,行医
8、fictor ─── 菲克托
9、fetors ─── n.恶臭(等于foetor);强烈恶臭
foetor 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The fetor of polluted waters; ─── 受污染水体的臭气;
2、the fetor of polluted waters ─── 受污染水体的臭气
3、it let me see there hides too much "fetor" in such beautiful and fashion metropolitan.. ─── 原来在这亮丽的大都市,在这个时尚地带隐藏着那么多“恶臭”。。。。
4、from battle-fields rising, up from the foetor arising. ─── 自这战场,恶臭泛起沿着河上。
5、1) discharge of dust, fetor or other gases with toxic substances into the atmosphere without taking any effective measures to prevent and control pollution; ─── 一)未采取有效污染防治措施,向大气排放粉尘、恶臭气体或者其他含有有毒物质气体的;
6、Article 40 Units that discharge fetor into the atmosphere must take measures to prevent the pollution of neighboring residential areas. ─── 第四十条 向大气排放恶臭气体的排污单位,必须采取措施防止周围居民区受到污染。
7、At any rate, Ikey toiled and snipped and basted and pressed and patched and sponged all day in the steamy fetor of a tailor-shop. ─── 无论如何,在裁缝店水汽蒸腾的恶臭里,艾奇整天又裁又缝又熨又补再用海绵擦洗,一刻都不得闲。
8、discharge of dust, fetor or other gases with toxic substances into the atmosphere without taking any effective measures to prevent and control pollution; ─── (一)未采取有效污染防治措施,向大气排放粉尘、恶臭气体或者其他含有有毒物质气体的;
9、fetor narium ─── [医] 鼻臭, 臭鼻[症]
10、Asphalt smoke is one of the pollution matters, which comes from the production or construction course and has direct influence on the air environment because of its fetor and irritating smell. ─── 沥青烟是生产和建筑施工过程中产生的污染物质之一,该物质产生的恶臭和强烈的刺激味道直接影响周围的大气环境。
11、(1) discharge of dust, fetor or other gases with toxic substances into the atmosphere without taking any effective measures to prevent and control pollution; ─── (一)未采取有效污染防治措施,向大气排放粉尘、恶臭气体或者其他含有有毒物质气体的;
12、Article 40 Units that discharge fetor into the atmosphere must take measures to prevent the pollution of neighboring residential areas. ─── 第四十条 向大气排放恶臭气体的排污单位,必须采取措施防止周围居民区受到污染。
13、Perfume from battle-fields rising, up from the foetor arising. ─── 醇香飘自这战场,恶臭泛起沿着河上。
14、fetor ex vagina ─── 恶臭白带
15、fetor hepaticus ─── 肝病性口臭
16、fetor ex ore ─── [医] 口臭
17、Chapter V Prevention and Control of Pollution by Waste Gas, Dust and Fetor ─── 第五章 防治废气、尘和恶臭污染
18、fetor ex lingua ─── [医] 舌臭
19、Chapter V Prevention and Control of Pollution by Waste Gas,Dust and Fetor ─── 第五章防治废气、尘和恶臭污染
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