broomstick 发音
英:['bruːmstɪk] 美:['brumstɪk]
英: 美:
broomstick 中文意思翻译
broomstick 网络释义
n. 扫帚柄;帚柄
broomstick 短语词组
1、broomstick cowboy ─── 扫帚牛仔
2、broomstick lake ny ─── 纽约扫帚湖
3、broomstick putters ─── 扫帚推杆
4、flying broomstick ─── 飞天扫帚
5、broomstick fortnite ─── 金刚砂扫帚
6、marry over the broomstick ─── 同居
7、broomstick crochet ─── 扫帚钩针
8、broomstick glitch ─── 溴棒故障
9、broomstick skirt ─── 扫帚裙
broomstick 词性/词形变化,broomstick变形
动词第三人称单数: brooms |动词过去式: broomed |形容词: broomy |动词过去分词: broomed |动词现在分词: brooming |
broomstick 相似词语短语
1、bestick ─── 文件
2、broomstaff ─── 溴化物
3、bigstick ─── 大棒
4、broomstick skirt ─── 扫帚裙
5、broomsticks ─── n.扫帚柄;帚柄;n.飞天扫帚(出自《哈利·波特》)
6、breadstick ─── 面包棒;棍子面包
7、drumstick ─── n.鸡腿,家禽腿;鼓槌
8、big stick ─── n.大棒政策(凭借本国实力用武力威胁别国的政策);云梯
9、broomstaffs ─── 溴化物
broomstick 习惯用语
1、jump over the broom ─── 非正式结婚, 姘居, 做露水夫妻(英国古代风俗, 男女姘居者必须举行一种模拟式的婚礼, 由男女双方跳过一个扫帚柄) ─── [方]结婚
2、jump over the broomstick ─── 非正式结婚, 姘居, 做露水夫妻(英国古代风俗, 男女姘居者必须举行一种模拟式的婚礼, 由男女双方跳过一个扫帚柄) ─── [方]结婚
broomstick 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The brooms made by a 300-year-old family-run broomstick business in Hampshire were chosen to appear in the fourth Harry Potter film. ─── 一家位于英国汉普郡的拥有300年历史的家庭作坊生产的长柄扫帚被哈里·波特系列电影第四部选中。
2、What's the difference between a broomstick putter and City? ─── 高尔夫球棒和曼城有什么区别?
3、your own rods with simple household items: telescoping mop handles, PVC pipes, or a broomstick. ─── 用一些家用的东西就可以做个自己的话筒杆:可以伸缩的墩布把、pv c管材、或者扫帚把。
4、An air-cooled motor was more effective than a witch's broomstick for rapid long-distance transportation. ─── 在快速长途运输中,气冷式电动机比巫婆的扫帚更有效。
5、After running away from the Dursleys, Harry considered the idea of casting a spell to make his trunk feather-light so he could carry it all the way to London on his broomstick (PA3). ─── 从德斯礼家跑出去之后,哈利曾经想用咒语使皮箱变得没有重量,好让他能用扫帚带着飞到伦敦去。
6、The history of the broomstick, as explained in QT[/COLOR], makes this clear. ─── 飞天扫帚的历史,正如在QT[/COLOR]中解说的那样,很清楚地向我们证实了这点。
7、Hooch, Madam: Broomstick and flying teacher at Hogwarts. ─── 霍奇夫人。飞行课教师。
8、This cat wasn't hit over the head with a broomstick. There is no evidence at all that Potter has done anything wrong. ─── 这只猫又不是被扫帚打中了脑袋。而且没有证据显示波特做了任何错事。
9、Harry stuffed his rucksack and broomstick down by his feet and rammed Hedwig's cage between his knees. It was extremely uncomfortable. ─── 哈利把背包和扫帚塞在脚边,又把海德薇的笼子夹在膝间,真是太不舒服了。
10、Professor McGonagall was very reserved in her demeanor, until the subject was the Gryffindor's quidditch team. She was ecstatic when Wood told her of Harry's broomstick riding skills. ─── 麦教授是个拘谨沉默的人,但谈到她的葛莱分多魁地奇球队时例外。当木透告诉她哈利驾驭飞行扫帚的技术时,她高兴地跳了起来。
11、He dreams of stone turrets and a burning sunset and soaring through a vast, open sky in pursuit of a red-cloaked figure on broomstick. ─── 他梦到许多的石碓,还有燃烧般的日出,他在一片宽广的天空中搜寻着一个骑在笤帚上的红色斗篷的剪影。
12、Crackle Powder:this alchemical powder creates a loud crackling noise,like a broomstick breaking,whenever it is jostled or struck.a single packet covers 5-foot-radius area; ─── 噼啪粉:这种炼金术粉末被挤压敲打时能产生破竹般的爆裂声。一包这样的粉末可以覆盖五英尺半径的地面,这需要一个整轮动作。
13、The most important thing of all was a certain broomstick, on which Mother Rigby had taken many a ride at midnight, and which now served the scarecrow by way of a backbone. ─── 其中最重要的东西是一根扫帚柄,里格比大娘多次在夜里骑过它,现在作了稻草人的脊梁骨。
14、value one's own old broomstick; treasure one's own things ─── 敝帚自珍
15、Cleansweep 7 Type of broomstick used by Fred and George Weasley. ─── 乔治和弗雷德韦斯莱用的是横扫七星。
16、marry over the broomstick ─── 草草行礼成婚
17、In pictures, you often see a black cat on the back of a witch's broomstick. ─── 在一些图上,你经常看到一只黑猫在女巫的帚柄的后面。
18、She needs no old woman's broomstick to fly withal! ─── 她根本用不着老女巫的笤帚就能飞行!
19、Neville fell from a broomstick from way up in the air and only broke his wrist. ─── 纳威骑着扫帚上天,从空中摔了下来,仅仅摔断了腕关节。
20、Carlyon knows first hand the proper way to ride a broomstick -he said he had three, though all were grounded at the moment. ─── 卡尔扬有关于骑扫把的正确方式的亲身体验--据他说他有3把扫把,尽管它们此刻都在地上呆着。
21、" " we of course can, " this Na Jun's soldier replies, "But the trouble depends on northward fellow need not sweeping broomstick to fight. ─── “我们当然能,”这位南军士兵回答,“但是麻烦在于北方佬不用扫帚柄打仗。”
22、The witch is riding on a broomstick. ─── 巫婆正骑在扫把上?
23、"From log cabin to White House, my dear," Bernie said, "isn't done on a broomstick any more." ─── 伯尼说:“要从一个默默无闻的人成为一位大人物,那可不是靠魔法变出来的啊。”
24、If Snape could catch it on that broomstick,you can. ─── 如果斯奈普能骑着那把扫帚抓到钥匙,那你也能抓到.
25、And from black paper you'd cut "scary" designs ---an evil witch with a pointed hat riding through the sky on a broomstick, maybe with black bats flying across the moon, and that meant bad luck. ─── 你可以用黑色的纸做一个可怕的造型--一个骑在扫帚把上戴着尖尖帽子的女巫飞过天空,或者是黑蝙蝠飞过月亮。这些都代表厄运。
26、For one of my Halloween parties, he created an electrical pumpkin and mount it on a broomstick. ─── 一次万圣节前夕晚会,他为我做了个电南瓜,还把它装在一个扫帚把上。
27、Only now it seems as though that broomstick, which he had so nonchalantly slung under his arm, as he walked away, is lost forever. ─── 如今发生的事情是那场梦的继续-还是同一个范诺登,不过没有了那个原始动力。
28、Remember those 3)hair-raising scenes of Harry"s first 4)broomstick flying lesson? ─── 还记得哈利第一次上扫帚飞行课时令人毛发直竖的场景吗?
29、It also seems likely that flying a broomstick doesn't involve actually sitting on the handle, which would be uncomfortable indeed. ─── 骑行一把飞天扫帚似乎也不是直接坐在它的把手上,这的确会很不舒服。
30、I am a little snowman, short and fat, here is my broomstick, here is my hat , ─── 我是一个小雪人圆又胖,我有一把扫帚还有一顶帽。
31、For one of my Halloween parties, he created an electrical pumpkin and mounted, it on a broomstick. ─── 有一次万圣节,他为我做了个电南瓜,还把它装在一个扫帚把上。
32、Little Boys and Girls, Will You Come and Ride with Me on My Broomstick? ─── 名称:小男孩和女孩,你们能一起来骑在扫把上飞嘛?
33、"From log cabin to White House, my dear, " Bernie said, "isn't done on a broomstick any more." ─── 伯尼说:"要从一个默默无闻的人成为一位大人物,那可不是靠魔法变出来的啊。"
34、a form of baseball played in the streets with a rubber ball and broomstick handle. ─── 一种在街道玩的棒球游戏具有一个橡胶球和一个扫帚形的把手。
35、When Harry's Nimbus was destroyed by the Whomping Willow and his Firebolt was confiscated, he half-heartedly perused Which Broomstick looking for a replacement. ─── 赫敏在哈利13岁生日时买了一套作为礼物。
36、one of my Halloween parties, he created an electrical pumpkin and mounted, it on a broomstick. ─── 一次万圣节,他为我做了个电南瓜,还把它装在一个扫帚把上。
37、a form of baseball played in the streets with a rubber ball and broomstick handle ─── 一种在街道玩的棒球游戏具有一个橡胶球和一个扫帚形的把手
38、That's a broomstick, he said, throwing it back to Harry with a mixture of jealousy and spite on his face. ─── 是一把飞天扫帚。他说,一边把包裹扔还给哈利,脸上混杂着嫉妒和怨恨的表情。
39、"The little baggage had witchcraft in her, I profess,"said he to Mr. Dimmesdale. "She needs no old woman's broomstick to fly withal!" ─── "这小姑娘准是有魔法附体,我敢说,"他对丁梅斯代尔先生说。"她根本用不着老女巫的笤帚就能飞行!"
40、He falls twenty feet from a broomstick. ─── 他从二十英尺高的扫帚柄上掉下来。
41、Once upon a time, there was a witch with a broomstick flying here and there. ─── 很久很久以前,有个巫婆乘着扫帚飞来飞去...
42、Just learn to attach a mop to the right end of the broomstick and find a pail without holes. ─── 只要学会使用拖把和扫帚的正确一端,并确认水桶没有洞就行了。
43、Watching Harry's first ride on a flying broomstick could make you feel dizzy, ─── 看着哈利第一次骑在飞天扫帚上会让你觉得眩晕,
44、Have Neville ever learned to ride a broomstick? ─── 纳威最后学会用扫帚飞行了吗?
45、Here is my broomstick, here is my hat. ─── 这是我的帚柄,这是我的帽子。
46、What does it really feel like to ride a broomstick? ─── 当真的骑上扫帚时是什么感觉呢?
47、place a broomstick, pole, barbell, or body bar across your back, at the base of your neck. wrap both of your arms over the stick. take a large step forward, sinking your hips... ─── 全自动预拉伸缠绕包装机适用于大宗货物的集装箱运输及散件托盘的包装,目前,此类产品已经在化工、电子、食品、饮料、造纸等行...
48、being capable of riding a bicycle is much cooler than riding a broomstick. ─── 也许在外人看起来很了不起的东西,对自己来说却不费吹灰之力。
49、Carry the snitch along with you, as well as a broomstick, to look as if you just came from a Quidditch game. ─── 带着你的金色飞贼和扫帚回来,这样就有刚从魁地奇比赛中胜利归来的感觉啦!
50、Can you ride on a broomstick to places far distant? ─── 你能骑着扫把去很远的地方吗?
51、A town on the east coast of Scotland, Arbroath's only reference in the books comes in QA1, where we learn that Guthrie Lochrin flew a splintery broomstick from Montrose to Arbroath in 1107. ─── 苏格兰东部沿海城镇,只在魁地奇第1章中提及。1107年GuthrieLochrin骑着一把破扫帚从Montrose飞到了艾布洛夫。
52、Carlyon knows first hand the proper way to ride a broomstick -he said he had three, though all were grounded at the moment. ─── 卡尔扬有关于骑扫把的正确方式的亲身体验--据他说他有3把扫把,尽管它们此刻都在地上呆着。
53、But, much to their disappointment, she did not mount the broomstick and take flight. ─── 但是,非常让他们失望的是,她并没有骑上扫帚飞一圈。
54、I never imagined I would be riding a broomstick, flying around chasing a little ball, but it went well, I think. ─── 我从没想像过我能够骑在飞天扫帚、在天空飞翔追逐那小球,不过我认为一切都很顺利。
55、A witch is an ugly, old woman.She has a big hat and a broomstick. ─── 女巫是一个又老又丑的女人,头戴大帽子,手拿扫把。
56、It's difficult to imagine someone as bulky as Hagrid riding a broomstick, and he certainly isn't able to Apparate. ─── 难以想象海格那么魁梧的人骑在扫帚上,显然他也不会幻影移形。
57、I've always wanted to fly a broomstick and I think it would be fun making people fall over or not be able to move. ─── 我经常想着在扫帚上飞行,如果让人们从扫帚上面摔下来或者让他们不能动,这一定很好玩。
58、hide them in the broomstick cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs and put on their uniforms. ─── 把他们藏在扫帚柜,扯下他们几根头发,然后穿上他们的制服.
59、Even during his first ride on a broomstick, Harry was recognized as an outstanding flyer. ─── 哈利第一次骑上飞天扫帚,就被认定是一位杰出的飞行员了。
60、a sawed-off broomstick; the shortened rope was easier to use. ─── 一节锯短了的扫帚柄;截断的绳索很容易使用。
61、We gra ed a broomstick to stay together and tried to paddle toward the raft, which was 275m away. ─── 我们抓住一个扫帚柄,以便大家不致分散,并设法向救生艇划去,救生艇当时在275米之外。
62、The moonwitch took me to a ride on a broomstick ─── 月亮女巫让我搭乘扫帚兜风
63、Everyone step up to the left side of your broomstick. ─── 每个人都站到自己扫帚的左边去.
64、A flying broomstick is not simply a "normal" broomstick pressed into service as a mode of transportation. The flying broomstick is a magical item with built-in charms. ─── 一把飞天扫帚不仅仅是“普通”的扫帚暂时充当的交通工具。飞天扫帚是一种包含了咒语的魔法工具。
65、At last! Faster than a turbo-powered broomstick, Harry Potter has started flying off the shelves. ─── 总算等到了!哈利波特开始飞下书架,速度比涡轮驱动的扫帚还快。
66、The spell words for this are not given, but these spells are very common, especially the broomstick variety. ─── 虽然这个魔咒的咒语没有给出,但这些咒语(尤其是与飞天扫把有关的那些)使用得是很普遍的。
67、jump over the broomstick ─── vi. 结婚
68、You can buy a "broomstick servicing kit" which includes a Handbook of Do-It-Yourself Broom Care," a tin of High-Finish handle polish, and a clippers to trim crooked tail twigs. ─── 你可以购买到一套“飞天扫帚维修工具箱”,它包括了一本《飞天扫帚护理手册》,一罐高度完美的飞天扫帚上光剂,一把扫帚细枝剪切器。
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