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08-20 投稿


ferox 发音

英:[ˈferɑːks]  美:[ˈferɒks]

英:  美:

ferox 中文意思翻译



ferox 短语词组

1、ferox ark ─── 费罗克斯工具

2、Aloe ferox Miller ─── [医] 好望角芦荟, 南非芦荟

3、Dinobdella ferox ─── [医] 恐蛭

4、forever ferox ─── 永远的费罗克斯

5、prurigo ferox ─── [医] 重痒疹

6、Aloe ferox ─── [网络] 芦荟;芒芦荟;好望角芦荟

7、ferox cull ferox ─── 剔除

8、Aconitum ferox ─── [化] 印度乌头

9、Cryptoprocta ferox ─── [网络] 马岛獴;长岛长尾狸猫;隐肛狸

10、ferox enclave wiki ─── 飞地维基

11、ferox enclave ─── 飞地

12、Datura ferox ─── [医] 多刺曼陀罗

13、ferox strategies ─── 费罗克斯策略

14、ferox inc ferox ─── 公司

15、Euryale ferox Salisb. ─── [医] 芡 ─── [鸡头]

16、ferox id ─── 费罗克斯id

ferox 相似词语短语

1、fer ─── pref.带,拿来;n.(Fer)人名;(英、法、土、罗)费尔

2、fervor ─── n.热情;热烈;热心;炽热

3、felon ─── n.[法]重罪犯;瘭疽;恶棍;n.(Felon)人名;(法)弗隆

4、ferro- ─── pref.表示“含铁”

5、fedex ─── n.联邦快递(等于theFederalExpress)

6、Xerox ─── n.施乐(商标名,美国办公设备制造公司);影印,静电印刷品;vt.用静电复印法复印

7、detox ─── n.排毒;(对吸毒者或酗酒者的)脱瘾治疗;v.(使)脱瘾;戒酒,戒毒;给身体排毒

8、Velox ─── 接触印像纸

9、feod ─── n.封地;采邑

ferox 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One of the positive characteristics set forth by the manufacturers of this type of paint (Ferox inc. ─── 新一代锌基油漆的研究取得进展,所用的锌颜料为片状。

2、Determination of Aloin in Barbados Aloe (Aloe barbadensis) and Robust Aloe (Aloe ferox) by RP-HPLC ─── RP-HPLC法测定芦荟中芦荟苷的含量

3、Solanum ferox ─── n. 毛茄

4、Smilax ferox Wall. ─── 刺萆

5、seed of Euryale ferox Salisb in Wabu lake ─── 瓦埠湖芡实种仁

6、Florida softshell turtle (Apalone ferox ) ─── 佛罗里达鳖

7、Definition: Gordon Euryale Seed is the dried kernel of ripe seed of Euryale ferox Salisb. (Fam.Nymphaeaceae). ─── 本品为睡莲科植物芡 Euryale ferox Salisb. 的干燥成熟种仁。



10、Every seedling organs are of aerenchyma, etc.All of these characters are similar to Euryale ferox, Alisma orientale and Hydrilla verticillala. ─── 种苗的各器官中均有发达的通气组织等基本上与芡、泽泻和黑藻相似。

11、Ultrastructural Changes in the Development of Tapetal Cells of Euryale ferox ─── 芡实绒毡层细胞发育的超微结构变化

12、Content : minimum 18.0 per cent of aloin (C 21 H 22 O 9 ) for Aloe barbadensis, and minimum 6.0 per cent of aloin for Aloe ferox, calculated with reference to the dried drug. ─── 本品按干燥品计算,含芦荟苷(C 21 H 22 O 9 )库拉索芦荟不得少于18.0%;好望角芦荟不得少于6.0%。

13、Black skirts question, the selected green onions, ginger, against good taste, thin hook Euryale ferox starch water, poured Cantharellus, sung into the tray. ─── 待裙边烂后,挑出葱、姜,兑好口味,用水淀粉勾薄芡,浇上鸡油,盛入盘内。

14、Add to Zhenglong to heat, with vegetables in the rural side dish, and then Euryale ferox Liu Lin Shang. ─── 放入蒸笼回热,郊菜伴于碟边,再将芡料淋上。

15、Definition: Aloes is the dried concentrated matter obtained from the juice of the leaf of Aloe barbadensis Miller, Aloe ferox Miller or other species of the same genus. ─── 本品为百合科植物库拉索芦荟 Aloe barbadensis Miller、好望角芦荟 Aloe ferox Miller 或其他同属近缘植物叶的汁液浓缩干燥物。

16、Study on the Regulation Effect of Aloe ferox Miller on Growth of Plants ─── 芦荟汁对植物生长调控作用的研究

17、Euryale ferox used to thin, with both the raw materials Ruwei, but not to conceal their true color as well. ─── 用芡宜薄,以既能使原料入味,而又不掩盖其本色为好。

18、Study on physical properties and chemical components of Aloe ferox Mill ─── 开普芦荟的物理性质及化学组成的测定

19、Black-lace weave spiders (Amaurobius ferox) are "subsocial" spiders who cooperate at certain stages. ─── 黑人鞋带织布工(蜘蛛名)属于亚社会性昆虫,在特定阶段群居。

20、Applicable to Lu Jin, shark fin, fish and other raw materials, prepared at the request by the slow burn in the fire, or natural juice Jiyong Euryale ferox. ─── 适用于鹿筋、鱼翅、鱼等原料,烹制时要求用中火慢烧,自然收汁忌用芡。

21、Smilax ferox ─── n. 长托菝葜

22、Euryale ferox used to thin, with both the raw materials Ruwei, but not to conceal their true color as well. ─── 用芡宜薄,以既能使原料入味,而又不掩盖其本色为好。

23、block tackle and a strangling pully will bring your lion to heel , no matter how fractious , even leo ferox there , the libyan man eater. ─── 不论多么暴躁的狮子,哪怕是利比亚的食人兽一头猛狮,只要装个滑车,狠狠地一勒,也会乖乖儿地就范。

24、Definition: Aloe is the dried juice of the leaves mainly of Aloe ferox Miller, or of hybrids of the species with Aloe Africana Miller or Aloe spicata Baker (Liliaceae). ─── 本品为百合科植物主要是好望角芦荟 Aloe ferox Miller 及非洲芦荟 Aloe Africana Miller 与穗花芦荟 Aloe spicata Baker 的杂种的叶子汁液的干燥物。

25、Cha Shaobao topping the production of pork is cut into the wire, and then on the cake for the Euryale ferox, steamed, they become "Yuye Chashao Bao. ─── 叉烧包的馅料制作是把叉烧切成丝,再调上糊状的芡,蒸熟,便成为“玉液叉烧包”。

26、Braised dishes such as the help of more than Tangzhi or soy sauce, mirrin, wine, and so to color, so that raw materials in brown or red juice Euryale ferox, Gu Ming. ─── 红烧类的菜肴多藉助于糖汁或酱油、料酒、葡萄酒等提色,使原料或芡汁呈棕红色,故名。

27、Castanopsis ferox ─── n. 思茅锥

28、dinobdella ferox ─── 鼻蛭

29、Black-lace weave spiders (Amaurobius ferox) are "subsocial" spiders who cooperate at certain stages. ─── 黑人鞋带织布工(蜘蛛名)属于亚社会性昆虫,在特定阶段群居。

30、Catasetum ferox (S. ─── 委内瑞拉向巴西) 。

31、C.Dongbei a multi-flavor dishes, clear Xiantian, Sulan crisp, bright color rich, out Euryale ferox brown cigar with an oily, about modeling. ─── 东北菜一菜多味,咸甜分明,酥烂香脆,色鲜味浓,明油亮芡,讲究造型。

32、Euryale ferox Salisb. ─── [医] 芡[鸡头]

33、Cryptoprocta ferox ─── 隐肛狸, 马岛狸

34、Datura ferox ─── [医] 多刺曼陀罗

35、Study on physical properties and chemical components of Aloe ferox Mill ─── 开普芦荟的物理性质及化学组成的测定

36、The contents of resveratrol in Smilax. ferox Wall.ex Kunth etc.were high,but that in S.glabr Roxb.etc.couldn t be detected. ─── 小果菝葜、长托菝葜、黑果菝葜等含量较高,而短梗菝葜、尖叶菝葜、土茯苓等不能检测出。

37、euryale ferox salisb starch ─── 肇实淀粉

38、Study on the Regulation Effect of Aloe ferox Miller on Growth of Plants ─── 芦荟汁对植物生长调控作用的研究

39、Sagitta ferox ─── n. 凶形箭虫

40、Aloe ferox mill ─── 好望角芦荟

41、Chaunocephalus ferox ─── n. 指小肿头吸虫

42、Limnatis ferox ─── 凶猛软水蛭

43、Corylus ferox ─── n. 刺榛

44、After the bombingzha shu remove stem, together with the fungus,yu lan pian , such as red and green peppers, doused with a good hook accompli Euryale ferox juice. ─── 炸熟炸干后捞出,配以木耳、玉兰片、红绿辣椒等,浇上勾好的芡汁即成。

45、Beijing and Tianjin cuisine is characterized by clearly raw and cooked, Xiantian clear, oil-Euryale ferox, Jiangcongsuanxiang, rich flavor. ─── 该饭店擅长京、津、淮、川、粤几大菜系,各种名牌菜式都是该店师傅在保持传统特色的基础上,加以精心改良,烹制而成的。

46、Aloe ferox Miller ─── [医] 好望角芦荟, 南非芦荟

47、Chemical Constituents of the Seeds of Euryale ferox ─── 芡实的化学成分

48、Chemical Constituents of the Seeds of Euryale ferox ─── 芡实的化学成分

49、6) back up, with a little of the original Duck Soup, Lingfen Euryale ferox good hook into the pot, and pour it into the top of the duck, and then poured some of the oil that is good. ─── 6)背部朝上,用少许原鸭汤、菱粉放入锅勾好芡,倒在鸭的上面,再浇上一些麻油即好。

50、prurigo ferox ─── 重症痒疹

51、Euryale ferox ─── n. 芡实

52、Aconitum ferox ─── [化] 印度乌头

53、seed of euryale ferox ─── 南芡实

54、Study on the Antimicrobial Effect of A. Ferox Miller ─── 芦荟汁抗菌作用研究

55、fossa (cyyptoprocta ferox) ─── 马岛狸

56、Definition: Cape aloes consists of the concentrated and dried juice of the leaves of various species of Aloe, mainly Aloe ferox Miller and its hybrids. ─── 本品为以百合科植物好望角芦荟Aloe ferox Miller及其种下变异植物的叶所含汁液的浓缩干燥物。

57、Cryptoprocta ferox [fossa] ─── 窝灵猫

58、Euryale ferox Salisb ─── 芡实

59、Characterized by rich materials, a knife delicate, refreshing taste, aboutqing you have Euryale ferox, with exquisite dishes Tangshan Porcelain container, style. ─── 特点是原料丰富,刀工细腻,口味清鲜,讲究清油抱芡,菜品配以精美的唐山瓷盛器,别具风格。

60、First mistake in the first, celery, fungus, yellow, dried, the meat ball, or a large piece of plywood Rouqie large, non-fried into a soup-smell of urine, poured thick paste Euryale ferox juice. ─── 先用乌龙头、芹菜、木耳、黄花、豆腐干、大肉、丸子、夹板肉切大块或大片,不带汤炒成臊子,浇上稠糊状芡汁。

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