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08-20 投稿


fastening 发音

英:['fɑːs(ə)nɪŋ]  美:['fæsnɪŋ]

英:  美:

fastening 中文意思翻译



fastening 网络释义

n. 扣紧;系结物(fasten的现在分词)

fastening 同义词

do up | clinch | zip up | cinch | wire | rope | anchor | tack |tie | affix | glue | bind | clamp | tape | clip | moor | close | secure | grip | solder | hinge | tighten | hitch | chain | button | attach | fix | cement | tie up | lace | connect | shut | nail | knit | lock | pin | screw | stick | zip | join | strap | seal | bond | clasp | button up | buckle | tether | cord | staple | hook

fastening 词性/词形变化,fastening变形

动词过去式: fastened |名词: fastener |动词过去分词: fastened |动词第三人称单数: fastens |动词现在分词: fastening |

fastening 反义词

loosen |unfasten

fastening 短语词组

1、fly fastening fly ─── 扣件

2、dovetail fastening ─── [电] 鸠尾接榫

3、auxiliary rope fastening device ─── 辅助系绳装置

4、fastening screw ─── 紧固螺丝

5、fastening material ─── 夹紧材料

6、fastening device ─── 夹紧机构

7、fastening products ─── 紧固件产品

8、fastening bolt ─── [化] 夹紧螺栓

9、fastening motion ─── 夹紧

10、through fastening ─── 贯通固紧

11、screw fastening ─── 螺旋连接; ─── 螺钉连接

12、smoke box fastening angle ─── [机] 烟箱装牢角铁

13、flexible fastening ─── 弹性固定

14、foot step fastening angle ─── [机] 踏阶连接角铁

15、fastening angle ─── [机] 连接角铁

16、fastening wire ─── 绑扎用钢丝

17、mechanical fastening ─── 机械紧固

18、fastening ring ─── 迷人的戒指

19、fastening piece ─── 紧固件

fastening 相似词语短语

1、flattening ─── n.整平;扁率;压扁作用;v.压扁(flatten的ing形式)

2、battening ─── v.用板条固定(某物);钉牢;(以他人代价为前提的)茁壮成长(batten的现在分词)

3、chastening ─── adj.精练的;惩罚性的;矫正性的;v.惩罚;遏制;使…精炼(chasten的ing形式)

4、unfastening ─── vt.解开;放松;vi.解开;放松

5、fastenings ─── n.紧固零件;连接件(fastening的复数)

6、fattening ─── v.养肥(fatten的现在分词);adj.使人发胖的;正被养肥的;用于养肥禽畜的

7、refastening ─── vt.再次稳固;再次固定

8、hastening ─── vt.加速;使赶紧;催促;vi.赶快;急忙

9、fasting ─── n.禁食;斋戒;adj.禁食的;空腹的;v.斋戒;节制饮食(fast的ing形式);n.(Fasting)人名;(丹、挪)法斯廷

fastening 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can you fasten the lid on(upon)this box? ─── 你能把这个盖子安在这个盒子上吗?

2、Nylon fastening tapes with AZO free are available for 108 colours. ─── 尼龙粘扣带不含偶氮染料,常备108种颜色的现货。

3、When you sew up to this end, fasten off the thread. ─── 当你缝到这头时, 把线打个结。

4、Why do you fasten such a nickname on her? ─── 你为什么给她取这样一个绰号?

5、He is always fastening on a newcomer to tell his stories to. ─── 他老是缠住新来的人讲自己的事。

6、Pins are used to fasten things together. ─── 大头针被用以把东西钉在一起。

7、The trousers have a fly fastening. ─── 这条裤子是前开口。

8、They have been fastening exclusively on the project. ─── 他们一直把全部注意力集中在这个项目上。

9、To fasten or decorate(hair) with a band or ribbon. ─── 加边用带子或丝带系上或装饰(头发)

10、She tried to fasten the blame on others. ─── 她试图把罪过扣牢在他人身上。

11、To fasten with or as if with a clip;hold tightly. ─── 夹牢,夹紧用或好象用夹子固定;紧紧抓住

12、Sir, please fasten your seat belt. ─── 先生,请系好你的安全带。

13、Draw yarn through all sts. Fasten off. ─── 将线穿过所有的针,拉紧结束。

14、Willy is fastening his seat belt. Mandy found a coin on the footpath. ─── 威利正扣上安全带。嫚娣在人行道上找到一个硬币。

15、My goal was to replace most of my client's administrative paperwork with a Web service, thereby "fastening" their supply chain. ─── 目的是用Web服务代替客户的大部分行政文书工作,从而“加强”其供给链。

16、Practical shape of housing allows easy fastening with simple straps. ─── 它的外壳造型实用,可以方便地用简易吊带固定。

17、Can you fasten her down to a firm date? ─── 你能让她们决定确切的日期吗?

18、There is no sense in fastening on that pretext of yours. ─── 一味强调你那个藉口是没有用处的。

19、Help them fasten their safety belts? ─── 帮你们系好安全带?

20、Fasten your seat belt while you're driving. ─── 开车时系好安全带。

21、Can you fasten him down to a date? ─── 你能使他确定一个日期吗?

22、We shall be landing (at Gatwick airport) shortly please fasten your seat-belts. ─── 我们马上就要(在盖特威克机场)着陆--请大家系好座位上的安全带。

23、A long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening. ─── 一块很长很薄的布带或纸带,可以用来捆东西或系扎东西。

24、There is no need to fasten a bell to a fool. ─── 不需要给傻瓜系铃铛。

25、Why you fasten such a nickname on me? ─── 你为什么把这个外号加在我身上?

26、Could you help us fasten safety belts? ─── 你可以帮我系好安全带么?

27、Specializing in the production of high-strength bolts fastening nut. ─── 专业生产高强度紧固件螺栓螺母。

28、Do not fasten the responsibility on him . ─── 不要把责任推到他身上。

29、All the exposed fastening pieces are made from stainless steel. ─── 外露紧固件为防掉式。

30、To supply or fasten with a cable or cables. ─── 固定系牢用一根或多根缆绳系住或系紧

31、Could you help me fasten safety belts? ─── 你可以帮我系好安全带么?

32、You will have to fasten the lid down with nails. ─── 你必须用钉子把盖子钉牢。

33、It's silly to drive without fastening one's seat belt. ─── 不系保险带开车就太傻了。

34、Run ribbon through holes and fasten it off at the wrist with a neat bow. ─── 将丝带穿过那个孔在手腕处打一个蝴蝶结。

35、Slice a small hole in the side of a carrier bag and stretch it over the lens hood, fastening with a rubber band to keep it in place. ─── 在一面切个小洞,绷在镜头的那个圈圈上,再用胶带粘牢。

36、It is wrong of you to fasten the blame on him. ─── 你把过错推到他头上是不对的。

37、He had nothing concrete to fasten it upon. ─── 他抓不到什么具体的证据。

38、You fasten the washing to a line with a peg. ─── 你把洗的衣物用一个衣夹夹在绳子上。

39、And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us. ─── 彼得约翰定睛看他。彼得说,你看我们。

40、It's no good your fastening upon your wrong idea. ─── 你坚持错误的观点绝对没好处。

41、A ribbon or band used to fasten the hair. ─── 发带系头发用的丝带或带子

42、He insisted that she fasten her safety belt. ─── 他一定要她系好安全带。


44、Any of various knots used as a temporary fastening. ─── 任何结是暂时用作栓扣物。

45、Please fasten your seat belt for your own safety. ─── 为了你自身的安全,请不要在飞机上抽烟。

46、Why fasten on me? It's not my fault. ─── 为什么揪住我?又不是我的错。

47、Your strap is too loose, just fasten it. ─── 你的皮带松了,把它扣紧。

48、You must turn the lid clockwise if you want to fasten it tightly. ─── 你按顺时针方向旋转才能拧紧盖子。

49、Keep still while I fasten your shoe. ─── 别动,我给你系鞋带。

50、How do you fasten your shoes? buckles? laces? etc. ─── 你的鞋子是用什么方式系好的?带扣?鞋带?

51、For your own safety,please fasten the seatbelt. ─── 为了您自身的安全,请系好安全带。

52、Why do you fasten this nickname on me? ─── 你们为什么硬给我起这个绰号?

53、Don't forget to fasten up the bolt. ─── 不要忘记上插销。

54、You forgot to fasten the collar buttons. ─── 你忘了系鞋带。

55、The accident sensor has at least one hole which has a bolt in an elastically designed sleeve as the fastening means. ─── 该事故传感器具有至少一个孔,该孔具有一在一作为固定装置的、弹性地构成的套筒中的栓。

56、They're trying to fasten the blame on others. ─── 他们想嫁祸於人.

57、An artisan was fastening Mother Hucheloup's big straw hat on his head with a string, "for fear of sun-stroke, " as he said. ─── 一个工人用细绳把于什鲁大妈的大草帽拴在头上,他说:“免得中暑。”

58、Can you fasten her down to a date? ─── 你能使她确定一个日期吗?

59、An ornamental looped braid or cord with a button or knot for fastening the front of a garment. ─── (纺锭物)饰扣一种用来系住衣服前襟的装饰性扣环或扣结

60、My uncle reminds me to fasten my seatbelt. ─── 叔叔提醒我要系好安全带。

61、For your own safety,please fasten your seat belts. ─── 安全起见,请系紧安全带。

62、Quick and simple anchor fastening design. ─── 喜利得快速简易锚栓设计程序。

63、setting up some fastener at the side edge of the opening used for fastening the power socket. ─── 其中,该开口的侧边设置一能紧固该电源插座的固定元件。

64、Do not fasten off the bottom wire. ─── 不要固定底部的电线。

65、The sundress has a neat back zipper fastening. ─── 这件太阳裙背后有根灵巧的拉链。

66、To fasten, join, or encircle with loops or a loop. ─── 以环固定用一个或几个环拴牢、系紧或环绕

67、Fasten towing line on your bitts. ─── 6将拖缆系在你的缆桩上。

68、Second, fasten a key to the end of the long string. ─── 其次,把钥匙固定在那根长细绳的末端。

69、He had to fasten it upon something. ─── 他好歹总得去找个原因吧。

70、Fasten your seatbelt before you drive on the way. ─── 开车上路之前,要先系上安全带。

71、Fastening the safety belt, applying to the driver and passenger. ─── 使用安全带,适用于驾驶员和乘客双方。

72、Fasten your seat belts when you drive! ─── 你开车的时候,要系紧安全带!

73、Sichuan Nanshan Power Actuated Fastening System Co., Ltd. ─── 四川南山射钉紧固器材有限公司。

74、We use buttons to fasten our clothes. ─── 我们用钮扣把衣服扣好。

75、Every one fasten where there is gain. ─── 利之所在,人人争先。

76、Good for eyesight fasten what Dai Ye goes! ─── 如果视力很好,带隐形眼镜可以么?

77、Fastening my eyes on the medal, I still felt I were in a dream. ─── 紧紧盯着奖牌,我仍然觉得自己在做梦。

78、What is happy? Does joy conceal inner anguish to smile to fastening namely? ─── 什么是快乐?快乐就是掩饰内心的痛苦对别微笑吗?

79、Would you please fasten your safety belt,sir? ─── 先生,请系好安全带。

80、Seam by seam, fastening up the ragged edges of our relationship. ─── 一线一线,我们处于边缘的关系又被系牢。

81、Both the moving element and the driven hanger piece of the door page adopt gomphosis sliding fit with the fastening element. ─── 运动部件和从动门页吊件均与固定部件采用嵌合滑动配合。

82、The Cossacks were untying the horses and fastening the saddlegirths. ─── 哥萨克们解开马,收紧了肚带。

83、Don't forget to fasten your seat belt. ─── 别忘了系好安全带。

84、Can you fasten him down to a firm date? ─── 你能让他订下一个确定的日子吗?

85、It is advisable that you fasten on the opportunity. ─── 你抓住这个机会是明智的。

86、To fasten trademark, weighing pan, FPC. ─── 商标、称盘、FPC的固定。

87、Don't try and fasten the blame on me. ─── 别想把过错推到我头上。

88、The adjustable belt with reinforced fastening straps will fit any waist size. ─── 可调式腰带设计,拥有强力固定夹可适合任何腰围。

89、We'd better fasten our seat belts. ─── 我们最好系上安全带。

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