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08-20 投稿


veneer 发音

英:[vɪ'nɪə]  美:[və'nɪr]

英:  美:

veneer 中文意思翻译



veneer 网络释义

n. 外表;虚饰;饰面;胶合板的一层;薄木片vt. 胶合;虚饰;给…镶以饰片

veneer 短语词组

1、complete veneer ─── [医] 全覆盖

2、one-half veneer crown ─── [医] 半罩冠

3、veneer core ─── 心板

4、pink veneer rubber ─── [医] 粉红色表面橡皮

5、veneer glue ─── 单板胶水

6、baked-porcelain-veneer crown ─── [医] 烤瓷罩冠

7、veneer-making machine ─── 单板机

8、veneer crown ─── [医] 罩冠

9、three-quarter veneer crown ─── [医] 四分之三罩冠

10、pit-veneer preparation ─── [医] 针形罩冠制备

11、veneer saw ─── 胶合板锯

12、porcelain veneer crown ─── [医] 瓷罩冠

13、veneer retainer ─── [医] 罩冠固位体

14、veneer wood ─── 胶合木材

15、acrylic veneer crown ─── [医] 丙烯酸酯罩冠

16、complete veneer crown ─── [医] 全罩冠

17、coursed veneer ─── 有花纹的单板

18、veneer lathe ─── [机] 薄片木机床

19、back veneer ─── [化] (胶合板之)里板

veneer 词性/词形变化,veneer变形

动词现在分词: veneering |动词第三人称单数: veneers |动词过去分词: veneered |动词过去式: veneered |名词: veneerer |

veneer 相似词语短语

1、venerers ─── n.猎人

2、veneered ─── v.(用薄片镶饰等)饰面,覆盖;掩饰,粉饰(veneer的过去式及过去分词);adj.有饰面的,有贴面的

3、venter ─── n.腹部;腹面;母;n.(Venter)人名;(英)文特尔

4、venerer ─── n.猎人

5、veneers ─── n.贴面板;[木]薄木片(veneer的复数);v.将…粘合成胶合板;镶饰(veneer的第三人称单数)

6、vender ─── n.卖主;小贩;自动售货机(等于vendor);n.(Vender)人名;(塞、捷)文德

7、meneer ─── 先生。

8、venger ─── n.(Venger)人名;(俄)文格尔

9、veneerer ─── n.外表;虚饰;饰面;胶合板的一层;薄木片(veneer的变形)

veneer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We supply high quality MDF(medium density fibreboard) and LVL(laminated veneer lumber) products to markets around the world. ─── 厂商简介: Nelson Pine Industries is a leading New Zealand wood products supplier established in 1984.

2、White oaks are used for architectural interiors, paneling, furniture、flooring、tight cooperage, pallets, and veneer. ─── 主要产于维吉尼亚肥沃的丘陵地带。

3、In addition ,we also supply raw wood , spuare wood and veneer laminates (0.1---5mm thick) of teak. ─── 另本公司大量供应柚木原材、柚木枋、柚木皮(厚度10-500丝)。

4、Canada s Westmill Industries is a world leading supplier of machinery and parts for veneer and plywood manufacturing. ─── 加拿大威世林工业有限公司是世界一流的单板和胶合板生产线设备的设计、制造及供应商。......

5、They also last much longer. Typically, you will get over 10 years of use out of a dental veneer. ─── 它们的效用也更持久。一般来说,牙齿镶嵌的效果可持续10年。

6、The dining room is decorated with macchiato wood veneer, chandelier and a wooden wall, imparting a calming atmosphere. ─── 关于居住空间的定义,相信是多有不同的,品质与品味的兼具更是需要。

7、When the black veneer peeled off the big gates, they were painted again. But no matter what changes took place, the secrets were kept. No outsider was ever permitted to know them. ─── 大门上的黑漆脱落了,又涂上新的,虽然经过了这些改变,可是它们的秘密依旧不让外面的人知道。

8、Our production sections include a saw mill, veneer mill, flooring section, moulding section, veneer-wrapping section, finger-jointing section and kilning section. ─── 公司简介 : Our company is a manufacturer and exporter of various wood products including lumber, sliced veneer, mouldings, solid flooring, etc.

9、Introducing the principle and main technology of super veneer vacuum 3D-overlaying on MDF,countering and analyzing the problems in 3D-overlaying. ─── 介绍微薄木在中密度纤维板上的真空膜压原理及主要工艺,并对工作中易出现的问题进行了分析。

10、The fact is that.Like it or not, behind our smart veneer, we're all just chipboard. ─── 事实上,不管我们喜欢与否,那漂亮的镶面下只是刨花板。

11、We offers a wide range of jointed production, mainly export Laminated Veneer Lumber. Our products me... ─── 发布者:高哲所在地:山东青岛市行业:建筑、建材职位:外销员工作年限:

12、Driers with the air flow being parallel to the veneer surface have now largely been replaced by perpendicularly impinging jet driers. ─── 与常规室干或高温室干相比,两者的操作温度均较低,因而干燥时间较长。

13、Furniture,shelves,wall,flooring,cabinets,alcove posts,musical intruments,tables,sliced veneer,etc. ─── 傢俱、壁架、壁板、地板、橱柜、乐器构造物、木桌、平切单板等。

14、This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. ─── 它是遗存的人民呼声,现已空洞消亡。

15、Finwood produces Engineered Wood Veneer and Engineered Wood Sawn Timber such as Oak、Ebony、Zebra、Wenge、Teak、Walnut、Cherry、Maple、Rosewood and so on. ─── 公司主要出品橡木、檀木、斑马木、铁刀木、柚木、胡桃木、樱桃、枫木、玫瑰木等系列的科技木皮、木枋。

16、A veneer of civility hides our true self-interests. ─── 以虚假的表象掩饰真正的自我。

17、Materials from the company's veneer market since the shopping center furniture, furniture plate supporting the industry enjoyed an excellent outside visibility and reputation. ─── 公司的饰面材料自面市以来,在商场家具、板式家具配套业内外享有极好的知名度和美誉度。

18、One who has stripped away all veneer of thought, all layers of mind, becomes ensouled. ─── 一个剥去了思维的虚表的人,所有的思维层次,变得更加富有灵魂。

19、But the truth of the marketplace is that shabby products can do just fine if they sustain the veneer of quality while slipping downhill, as has much of higher education. ─── 但是市场的实际情况是,当劣质产品的质量走下坡路时,如果它们保持高质量的外表,它们仍可能销路很不错,高等教育与之非常相似。

20、High quality Chinese wood and MDF with fireproof veneer,standard accessories. ─── 优质国产木材及人造板贴防火板饰面,基本配置。

21、But we begin to see that beneath that smug, arrogant veneer lies a fragile, vulnerable person, which I think is so often true of bullies. ─── 但是我们开始看到他的傲慢之下,那易碎的自大的谎言和脆弱的性格,我想这也通常是弱者的表现。

22、Main : Application: it is used for cutting and shaving the veneer. ─── 主要用途:用于对单板的剪断和齐边。

23、This machine adopts vacuum filming technology. With a special silicon sheet, it can paste veneer tightly on the cabinet. ─── 功能简介本机采用真空吸覆贴面技术,配专用硅胶板,将木皮牢固地贴覆于门芯板的表面。

24、The fact is that,like it or not,behind our smart veneer, we're all just chipboard. ─── 可实际上,不管我们喜欢不喜欢,在漂亮的镶面下只是刨花板。

25、I pretended not to care, but under the veneer of my nonchalance, I felt badly hurt, as if I was heartlessly abandoned and the classmate unreasonably became my “rival in love”. ─── 俺假装不关心,但外表下的冷淡,我觉得受重伤,因为如果我是无情地抛弃和不合理的同学成为我的“情敌” 。

26、For the first time her veneer of politeness began to crack. ─── 她那彬彬有礼的伪装第一次露了馅儿。

27、ISPM 15 does not apply to manufactured wood products such as fiberboard, plywood, whisky and wine barrels, strandboard and veneer. ─── "如果只是关于一个昂贵的隔离 ( ISPM 15 非顺从的货物 ) 的一个故事进入新闻媒体,它可能是对木材草铺业的真正威胁。

28、We can predict the elastic property of plywood when we know kinds of trees,veneer thickness and layers. ─── 只要给出树种、单板厚度和层数即可预制胶合板的弹性特性。

29、Veneer from various woods cuts very easily. ─── 各种木料的层板很容易切割。

30、But we begin to see that beneath that smug, arrogant veneer lies a fragile, vulnerable person, which I think is so often true of bullies. ─── 但是我们开始看到他的傲慢之下,那易碎的自大的谎言和脆弱的性格,我想这也通常是弱者的表现。

31、He hides his true personality beneath a veneer of kindness. ─── 他把他的真正人格隐藏在亲切的表象下。

32、But under the shiny veneer ran a deep vein of dark emptiness. Jack smiled, but it never seemed to reach his eyes, and he rarely laughed. ─── 但光鲜亮丽的表面下涌动的是黑暗和空虚。杰克很少开怀大笑,微笑时,笑意也从来都在眼睛下方戛然而止。

33、Glass and macchiato wood veneer and white oak are used to form a comfortable and restful area. ─── 主卧区域以玻璃、玛琪朵木皮、及白向来维持空间休憩舒适的协调律动。

34、Her veneer of politeness began to crack. ─── 她那彬彬有礼的伪装开始露馅儿了。

35、Veneer clipping length by digital key-in.Tt is not to occur any error in size when change the feeding speed. ─── 剪板长度以数值输入,速度改变时不会产生尺寸误差。

36、More business included: such as wood flooring, decking, sawn cut veneer, wood/MDF moulding, raw/melamined MDF/PB, bamboo production. ─── 增加的业务范围有:木地板,户外地板,锯切木皮,实木及中密度板线条及一些竹制品。

37、Wall,flooring,tables,panels,picture frames and sliced veneer. ─── 壁板、地板、木桌、相框及平切单板。

38、Beneath that veneer of respectability there lurked a cunning and unscrupulous criminal. ─── 在他可尊敬的表象下,潜伏著一个狡猾又无耻的罪犯。

39、Beneath his tissue-thin veneer of good manners,he was a very vulgar man. ─── 剥去他那彬彬有礼的薄层外表,他其实是个很庸俗的人。

40、A hairline fracture in the cola coloured veneer which seperated my cup of tea from the throbbing liquid lava of red disco heaven beneath the surface of the table. ─── 在可乐色薄板上的细裂纹,它从桌子表面之下的脉动的红色迪斯科天堂的液体熔岩分开了我喜爱的东西。

41、But as time rolled by, the veneer slowly began to peel at the edges. ─── 可 时 间 一 长 , 边 脚 的 松 木 镶 面 开 始 慢 慢 剥 皮 。

42、It will surely produce the sticky membrane paper which suitable for the surface property of the cover surface bamboo veneer membrane board. ─── 该机能生产出符合覆面竹胶合模板表面性能的胶膜纸。

43、To manufacture the best quality, best designed, best packaged wood and wood veneer furniture in the world. ─── 制造世界上质量最好,设计一流,包装一流,木材最好的家具。

44、Wall ties are used by brick masons to connect a house's brick veneer ...... ─── 信息内容:求购砖、砖块,请提供相关的详细资料及报价。

45、But as time rolled by, the veneer slowly began to peel at the edges. It didn't create the same impression any more, but at least it was being honest! ─── 可时间一长,边脚的松木镶面开始慢慢剥皮,再也没有最初的效果了,不过至少还能用。

46、The colorful debarked bamboo can be used for numerous purposes, such as furniture, pen box, over-lay veneer of plywood, carving material and flowerpot etc. ─── 去皮的染色竹材可望作为家具、笔筒、合板的最外层单板、雕刻材料及花器等。

47、Veneer dyeing technology of the hardwood species. ─── 几种阔叶树木材单板的染色工艺研究。

48、He was able to fool the world with his veneer of education. ─── 他能够通过对自己的教育背景加以虚饰来愚弄世人。

49、He has a veneer of friendliness. ─── 他有友好的外表。

50、High quality Philippines wood and Chinese wood with fireproof veneer,scoreboard, bolt to level the slate,and unique leg levelers. ─── 优质进口南洋木和优质国产木材贴高档防火板饰面,带记分器,有石板调平螺栓,台脚底部带有独特升降器,可根据各自要求调节台高。

51、Equipment good weapon sets out again 1.Ski is veneer of ski of necessary equipment equipment, ski, slippery snowshoe, ski pole. ─── 备好武器再出发1.滑雪必备器材装备滑雪板、滑雪单板、滑雪鞋、滑雪杖。

52、Using the servo system to control the setting of the thickness of veneer and slicing feed to make the amount of feed accurate. ─── 刨切单板厚度的设定、进给是由伺服系统控制,进给准确。

53、He managed to acquire a thin veneer of knowledge to mask his real ignorance. ─── 他设法装出有点知识的样子,用来掩饰自己的无知。

54、Import and export, Production of Hardwood and softwood timber, logs lumber veneer, woodproducts, Global trade contacts. ─── 从事全球范围内的进口和出口以及生产阔叶木和针叶木,原木/锯材/单板/木制品。

55、They're brutal people behind their civilised veneer. ─── 他们表面上温文有礼,骨子里却是野蛮残忍。

56、By ESCA, IR, FTIR, changes of chemical structure of the veneer surface was surveyed. ─── 借助于化学分析光电子能谱仪(ESCA)、红外和傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(IR和FTIR)探查了单板表面化学结构的变化。

57、The main products for all types of decorative wooden door, jamb, window set, kick board, cabinet door, sliding door and other decorative wood veneer lines. ─── 公司主要产品为各类装饰木门、门套、窗套、踢脚线、柜门、移门、异型木饰面等装饰木线。

58、In case you use manual printers for veneer, layer pad of paper or paper is not in the face of these special skinpass can also lead to open. ─── 如果是用手工裱胶举动贴背,其每层瓦纸或背边纸操纵裱裂缝也会导致开胶。

59、However, underneath the socially acceptable veneer of this system lies a typical computer trick:the real Internet addresses are actually numbers,not names . ─── 在这个大家满意的域名系统的外表下面,却有一个典型的计算机技巧:因特网的地址实际上都是一些数字,并不是名字。

60、Veneer - not from intact natural forests. ─── 实木贴面:非出自天然原始森林。

61、Including logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets and plywood. ─── 4包括原木、锯材、饰面木皮及夹板。

62、The despatch of any international observers risks being exploited by Moscow to lay a false veneer of credibility over a sham. ─── 向俄派出任何的国际观察员都有可能被俄利用来掩盖本质,宣扬其“诚意”。

63、It is able to affix various high-profile PVC, hot transfer and single wood veneer to base material. ─── 可进行各种高档PVC、热转印及单面木皮的表面贴饰。

64、Wood veneer producers, for example, suffer because their customers abroad have currency problems of their own when trying to export finished furniture back to the US. ─── 就拿美国的胶合板生产商来说,美元贬值同样有不利因素:它们的海外客户在返销家具成品至美国时,就会遇到汇率难题。

65、You are the veneer of my mind and heart, and yet you think yourself the product of an ape. ─── 你是我的头脑和心贴面,可是你认为自己一个猿的产品。

66、Production with veneer, panel, office sofa, chair, president desk conference desk, cabinet etc series. ─── 产品以板式、风、公沙发、子、台、议桌、件柜等系列。

67、The fact is that, like it or not, behind our smart veneer, we're all just chipboard. ─── 可 实 际 上 , 不 管 我 们 喜 欢 不 喜 欢 , 在 漂 亮 的 镶 面 下 只 是 刨 花 板 。

68、Behind the veneer of civilization, the primal wild waits to reclaim its dominance. ─── 在文明的虚饰后面,原初的荒野正等着,要求归还他原本的统治。

69、A veneer of weathered granite covers this and other parts of the tower, often sloughing off under body weight. ─── 一块风化花岗岩体覆盖了山峰的这个地方和其他地方,它们在体重的作用下经常会脱落。

70、Bamboo veneer and furniture, and Wls (Oversea Projects) Limited, which mainly produces stone, tiles mold maker and building stone supplier materials. ─── 司法考试让中国人实现在家中,在办公室里,在外出差,随时随地都可以喝到长寿村的健康好水。

71、Without the veneer, he would be exposed immediately. ─── 如果不披着一层外皮,他马上就会暴露。

72、His veneer of politeness concealed a ruthless determination. ─── 他彬彬有礼的伪装下隐藏着不择手段的狠心。

73、To pay for sex is to strip away the veneer of artifice and civilisation and connect with the true animal nature of man. ─── 为性付费,这样才能去除阴谋和文明的虚饰,使我们恢复真正的动物本性。

74、The wood was cut into large sheets of veneer. ─── 这些木料被切割成了大块的饰面薄板。

75、Veneer is very sticky, send out the taste that gives acrimony offending to the eye. ─── 单板很黏,散发出辛辣刺眼的气味。

76、Beneath its conservative veneer, Jeddah life is not as strict as one might assume. ─── 保守的外观下,吉达的生活不比想像的严苛。

77、Veneer grafting during the time of most active growth gives the best results. ─── 单板嫁接时期最为活跃的增长给出了最好的结果.

78、The woodmen were very keen for the veneer to be used for a major architectural project and sold in a single lot. ─── 护林员非常希望这棵橡树生产的贴面可以批量销售,用在一栋较大的建筑工程中。

79、Beneath the polished veneer,he is a country bumpkin. ─── 尽管有着优雅的外表,他不过是个乡巴佬。

80、The veneer of good humor had vanished. ─── 和善脾性的伪装已经消失得无影无踪了。

81、Laminated veneer lumber(LVL) can be divided into structural LVL and nonstructural LVL. ─── 单板层积材可分为结构用和非结构用2类。

82、Beneath the polished veneer, he is a country bumpkin. ─── 尽管有着优雅的外表,他不过是个乡巴佬。

83、Veneer thickness, PF resin concentration, as well as compression ratio, all had significant influences on MOE and MOR. ─── 单板厚度、树脂浓度、压缩率对MOE和MOR有显著影响;

84、Then the log centering precise is raised up and the veneer out put rate of end ... ─── 使原木的定心理论提高到一个新的水平。

85、Interior decoration,furniture,sliced veneer and widely used for decoration. ─── 室内装饰材、家俱、平切单板、在装饰材方面用途广泛。

86、The other 12 patients (224 teeth) were carried out with light-cure veneer bonding technique. ─── 在托槽粘结后的四周、八周、十二周分别记录两组患者的托槽脱落率的情况。

87、Interior decoration, furniture, sliced veneer and widely used for decoration. ─── 室内装饰材、俱、切单板、装饰材方面用途广泛。

88、As the saying goes: wearin'the Ma “ people as Emperor of the veneer of saddle ”, the case be boileretc gives a question. ─── 俗话说:“人饰衣裳马饰鞍”,商品的外包装成为众多生产厂家所重视的一个问题。

89、Brick veneer houses with all the bricks on the outside perform so much worse than something like this. ─── 传统的砖房没有这些优势。

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