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08-20 投稿


bismuthinite 发音

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bismuthinite 中文意思翻译



bismuthinite 短语词组

1、bismuthinite appearance ─── 辉铋矿外观

2、bismuthinite fluorite ─── 辉铋萤石

3、bismuthinite mineral ─── 铋矿

bismuthinite 相似词语短语

1、bismuth ─── n.[化学]铋

2、bismuthous ─── adj.含三价铋的

3、Wisconsinite ─── n.威斯康星州(美国州名)(Wisconsin的变形)

4、bisontine ─── 双峰

5、bismuthal ─── adj.铋的,含铋的

6、bismuthyl ─── n.氧铋基

7、bismuthine ─── n.辉铋矿;氢化铋

8、bismuthic ─── adj.五价铋的

9、bismutite ─── n.泡铋矿

bismuthinite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords bismuthinite;molybdenite;pyrite;flowsheet design;Na_2S-induced flotation; ─── 辉铋矿;辉钼矿;黄铁矿;流程设计;硫化钠诱导浮选;

2、properties of chalcopyrite and bismuthinite are described. The progress in the research of the flotation separation and the wet separation of copper from bismuth are discussed. ─── 介绍了黄铜矿和辉铋矿的性质,论述了目前铜铋浮选分离和铜铋湿法分离两个方面的研究进展。

3、The results show that molybdenite is the main recoverable metal mineral and bismuthinite and scheelite are the associated metal minerals recoverable. ─── 结果表明:该矿石中主要可回收的金属矿物为辉钼矿,可综合回收的伴生金属矿物为辉铋矿和白钨矿;

4、Other minerals: Arsenopyrite, Native bi, bismuthinite, tetrahedrite, Hg, etc. ─── 其它矿物:毒砂、自然铋、辉铋矿、黝铜矿、汞等。

5、Foramtion and Oxidation Mechanism of Sulfur in the Process of Slurry Electrolysis on Bismuthinite ─── 辉铋矿矿浆电解过程硫的形成及氧化机理

6、Keywords molybdenite;bismuthinite;pyrite;Na_2S-induced flotation;closed-circuit flotation test; ─── 辉钼矿;辉铋矿;黄铁矿;硫化钠诱导浮选;闭路试验;

7、Keywords slurry electrowinning process;bismuthinite;leaching; ─── 矿浆电解;辉铋矿;浸出;

8、The research results show that BBY has good selectivity for collecting bismuthinite. ─── 研究结果表明,BBY对辉铋矿具有良好的选择性捕收作用。

9、Keywords Bismuthinite;Slurry Electrolysis;sulfur; ─── 辉铋矿;矿浆电解;硫;

10、The stage grinding and collectorlittle flotation flowsheet of one orecontaining molybednite and bismuthinite were designed and tested according to process min-eralogy consideration. ─── 提出了钼铋硫化矿阶段磨矿微捕收剂浮选流程及硫化铜矿石无捕收剂浮选和微捕收剂浮选工艺。

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