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08-20 投稿


blackening 发音

英:[ˈblækənɪŋ]  美:[ˈblækənɪŋ]

英:  美:

blackening 中文意思翻译



blackening 词性/词形变化,blackening变形


blackening 短语词组

1、blackening meaning ─── 发黑的意思

2、blackening of eyes ─── 眼睛发黑

3、blackening stainless steel firearms ─── 发黑不锈钢枪械

4、blackening seasoning recipe ─── 发黑调味料配方

5、blackening the corresponding ─── 相应的变黑

6、blackening hands ─── 黑手

7、blackening prince ─── 发黑王子

8、blackening church ─── 黑教堂

9、blackening the circle ─── 使圆圈变黑

10、blackening brass ─── 发黑黄铜

11、blackening family ─── 发黑族

12、blackening seasoning ─── 发黑调味料

13、blackening seasoning for shrimp ─── 虾仁发黑调味料

14、blackening coating ─── 发黑涂层

15、blackening process ─── 发黑工艺

blackening 相似词语短语

1、blacking ─── n.黑色涂料(尤指鞋油);炭粉;v.使变黑,弄脏;把黑油彩抹在……上;黑屏;(旧)抵制(black的现在分词)

2、black ring ─── [植保]黑环病

3、blackleading ─── vt.给...涂石墨;n.石墨

4、slockening ─── 灭火

5、blacklegging ─── 黑腿

6、slackenings ─── vi.松劲,懈怠;变松弛;变缓慢;vt.使缓慢;使松弛

7、slickening ─── 光滑

8、slackening ─── vi.松劲,懈怠;变松弛;变缓慢;vt.使缓慢;使松弛

9、black rings ─── [植保]黑环病

blackening 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When the sun insolates, ray meets UVA stimulate the generation of melanin long-term and abidingly directly, cause skin pigment ad cool-headed, bring about the skin to blacken, make splash. ─── 太阳暴晒时,UVA射线会长期持久地直接刺激黑色素的产生,引起皮肤色素沉着,导致皮肤变黑、生成色斑。

2、The treatments can do stainless-steel blacken(green),copper and aluminum alloy brazing,heat preservation material sulfuration and frothing,etc. ─── 不锈钢发黑(绿)处理;铜、铝合金的钎焊;保温材料的流化发泡等。

3、Studies on the electrochemical blackening of alloy structural steel at room temperature ─── 合金结构钢常温电化学发黑工艺研究

4、any of various diseases in which the central tissues blacken. ─── 中心组织变黑的一种疾病。

5、A Room Temperature Two Step, Non-poisonous Blackening Technique of steel ─── 两步法钼系钢铁无毒常温发黑的研究

6、Control step in the process of blackening at nomal temperature ─── 常温发黑过程中的控制步骤

7、In the hairdressing simultaneous, have accomplished nutrition , have protected the process sending out , restoring entireness sending out quality , blackening. ─── 在洗发的同时,完成了营养、护发、修复发质、变黑的整个过程。

8、Re-Discussion on the Method to Eliminate the Blackening of the Copper Conductor in Rubber Sheathed Cords ─── 再论橡套软线铜线发黑的解决办法

9、Don't blacken my name by spreading rumors. ─── 不要散播流言,破坏我的名誉。

10、Oxidation blackening and phosplating blackening, performance characteristic of coatings and application are reviewed. ─── 对述及的几种发黑技术的特点、发展方向进行了初步探讨。

11、radiographic blackening ─── X线摄影(胶片)黑化度

12、Analysis and Countermeasure of Rubefaction and Desquamation of the Blackening Film ─── 彩管生产中黑化膜发红、脱落的研究

13、a disease blackening the leaves of pear and apple trees. ─── 使梨树或苹果树叶子发黑的一种病。

14、Steel blackening process under room temperature has been analyzed and possible mechanism of film formation discussed. ─── 分析钢铁常温发黑过程,探讨其可能的成膜机理。

15、Film form-ing mechanism of ambient temperature blackening. ─── 并重点对常温发黑、化发黑、化发黑的成膜机理、层性能特点及应用情况作了说明。

16、Another dangerous factor is that the water pollution including industrial wastes and poisonous gases which eventually blacken rivers and form acid rains. ─── 另一种危险是水的污染,包括工业废物和有毒气体,这些东西最终会使河流变黑并且形成酸雨。

17、Properties current status and prospect of blackening technology for iron and steel are introduced. ─── 对钢铁零件表面黑色转化膜技术的发展状况进行了全面论述。

18、Quite significantly, there was no blackening of the emulsion at the mirror's surface . ─── 十分引人注意地,在反射镜表面的乳胶没有变黑。

19、If their aim was to blacken the UNDP, then leaks to American newspapers and to Republicans in Congress have had the desired effect. ─── 如果这些美国官员目的是要诽谤联合国发展计划署,那么向美国报纸和国会的共和党人披露就已经达到目的了。

20、Flames were coming from a human being; his body was slowly withering and shriveling up, his head blackening and charring. ─── 火焰从人体上腾起,他的身体慢慢地萎缩干枯,他的头颅渐渐烧焦变黑。

21、Despite occasional growls about unnamed enemies blackening the army's name, General Basbug seems quietly to be co-operating with the government in its investigation. ─── 尽管不时地有一些不知名的敌人大肆宣扬、抹黑军队,巴什布将军似乎并未对这些人进行回应,而是默默地配合政府进行调查。

22、Keywords Steel blackening;Compound layers;Blackening at room temperatures;Phosphatization; ─── 关键词钢铁发黑;复合层;常温发黑;磷化;

23、Some researches and projects showed that aeration was an available way to dispel water blackening and stink and renew the ecological function of water bodies gradually. ─── 实验室和工程实践证明,对河道进行曝气充氧可以消除河道黑臭,使水体逐步恢复自然的生态功能。

24、It comes without a whisper, quiet as thistledown, brushing the comer of a hillside garden.Dawn comesyou see its path-the glistening leaf, the gloaming stem, the limp, blackening garden vine. ─── 它默默不语,静如蓟花冠毛,轻轻掠过山坡上果园的一角。

25、In the East, skin bottles are hung up in rooms where smoke cannot escape resulting in shriveling up and blackening of the skin bottles to the point that they become unrecognizable. ─── 在东方,皮袋是挂在密封的房间中而变得乾枯,而皮袋也被薰黑到难以辨认的地步。

26、The blast left a gaping hole in the front window and shattered a glass door, twisting and blackening its metal frame. ─── 爆炸把前窗户炸了一个洞,玻璃门粉碎,金属框扭曲变黑。

27、The abrupt blackening was the first part of a nationwide program to make British television entirely digital by 2013. ─── 信号的突然消失是英国到2013年实现全国电视数字化行动的第一部分。

28、Clouds blacken the heavens. ─── 云遮暗了天。

29、He sought to blacken his cousin's reputation. ─── 他企图败坏他表兄的名声。

30、To legitimise the use of tiger bone in Chinese medicine, in fact, would blacken the name of Traditional Chinese Medicine throughout the world. ─── 实际上,如果要让虎骨在中药中合法化,就是在全世界给传统中医的名声抹黑。

31、5.Chinese herbal components of the product act on removing pigmentation and wrinkles, cosmetics and blacken the hair. ─── 5、本品所含中药成分有祛斑、减皱、美容、乌发的功效。

32、The media tried to blacken his name. ─── 媒体企图抹黑他的形象。

33、It expands work work cleaning space, reduces maintenance time, adds special blackening resistance device and prevents from producing oxides and polluting by applying single cantil-evered pump device instead of traditional fixing device. ─── 单悬臂泵浦装置,不同于传统固定装置,加大作业清理空间,缩短保养时间,附加独特防炭粉?生装置,减少气化渣?生及污染。

34、The abrupt blackening was the first part of a nationwide program to make British television entirely digital by 2013. ─── 信号的突然消失是英国到2013年实现全国电视数字化行动的第一部分。

35、Keywords steel part;lower middle temperature blackening; ─── 关键词钢铁件;低中温发黑;

36、MZ42 Type PTC Thermistors can be as Flourecent Lamp cathode pre-heating starting to preventing lamp-tube form blackening and extending lamp-tube operating life. ─── MZ42型PTC热敏电阻器用于荧光灯阴极预热启动,有效防止灯管早期发黑,延长灯管使用寿命。

37、Investigation on the Causes of Blackening of Caproic Acid Bacteria Solution ─── 己酸菌液发黑原因

38、Don't blacken his good name by spreading lies. ─── 不要散播谎言诋毁他的名声。

39、Keywords Agent;Copper blackening at room temperature;Blackening solution;Statistics experiment; ─── 助剂;铜;常温发黑;发黑液;统计学实验方法;

40、density of blackening ─── 感光密度, 黑化密度

41、Drink coke skin to you can blacken? ─── 喝可乐皮肤会变黑吗?

42、The potential appropriate for electrochemical blackening of copper was determined by examining cyclic voltammetric (CV) properties of copper in 0. ─── 对铜在无硒电化学发黑液中的行为进行了研究。

43、MZ41 Type PTC Thermistors can be as Flourecent Lamp cathode pre-heating starting to preventing lamp-tube form blackening and extending lamp-tube operating life. ─── MZ41型PTC热敏电阻器用于荧光灯阴极预热启动,有效防止灯管早期发黑,延长灯管使用寿命。

44、blackening agent ─── 乌发剂

45、Study of Electrochemical blackening Processon stainless steel ─── 不锈钢电解发黑工艺研究

46、She attempts to blacken her ex-husband's character. ─── 她企图毁谤她前夫的品格。

47、blacken sb's character by insinuation ─── 含沙射影地贬低某人的品格.

48、A hymn to my wandering light Blackening sun, emptiness ─── 一首关于蜿蜒之光,黑暗的太阳和虚无的赞美诗

49、If you use hair Blackening shampoo, you will find your hair healthy, soft and smooth. ─── 使用乌发洗发膏,健康柔顺新感觉。

50、It can avoid the particles gathering and colour blackening if the potassium is added in direct reduction for MoO 2 from secondary ammonium molybdate. ─── 仲钼酸铵直接还原成二氧化钼时加钾,可克服产生颗粒聚集、颜色发黑等还原不良现象。

51、Can leave blackening, small hole, cause serious infection even. ─── 会留下暗斑、小坑,甚至引起严重感染。

52、This custom is called the "blackening of the bride" , a very old Scottish tradition; some say even older than Sean Connery himself. ─── 这种习俗被叫做“涂黑新娘”,是一个非常古老的苏格兰传统,有人说甚至比肖恩.康纳利(译者:老牌007那位?)他自己还要古老。

53、The essential ingredient of Eherber Blacken Hair Shampoo is Polygonum Multiforum Thunb Extract. ─── 工作压力、思虑过多等因素,皆易造成白发丛生、发根大量脱落等现象。

54、Why can the tooth blacken? ─── 为什么牙会变黑吗?

55、Here's a video to flesh out any curiosities you may have about the blackening of the bride. ─── 这里有一个视频可以把你对把新娘弄黑的好奇具体化。

56、blackening at room temperature ─── 常温发黑

57、It comes without a whisper, quiet as thistledown, brushing the comer of a hillside garden.Dawn comes and you see its path-the glistening leaf, the gloaming stem, the limp, blackening garden vine. ─── 它默默不语,静如蓟花冠毛,轻轻擦过山坡上果园的一角。

58、Do not blacken your fame, and perish in dishonour! ─── 不要玷污你的名声,不光彩地毁掉自己!

59、Keywords blackening under normal atmospheric temperature;non selenium group;sulphuret; ─── 常温发黑;非硒系;硫化物;

60、Please blacken the circle(s) next to the name(s) of the absentee(s).# Please add any missing name(s) to the end of the name list. ─── 請將缺考學生名字右方的圓圈塗黑。#請在名單後加上遺漏的學生姓名。

61、He accused the newspaper of trying to blacken his name. ─── 他指责报纸企图败坏他的名声。

62、If time became long,put a soap above, slowly soap also can blacken. ─── 假如时间久了放一块肥皂在上面,慢慢地肥皂也会变黑。

63、married women of Shitamachi maintained the custom of blackening their teeth. ─── 町的已婚妇女保留了染黑牙齿的习俗。

64、Cheeper 15 months, tooth gradually by yellow blacken, have broken bits appearance. ─── 幼儿15个月,牙齿逐渐由黄变黑,有掉渣现象。

65、Leaves used for black tea ferment for days before they're heated, causing the leaves to blacken and many chemical changes to happen within them. ─── 如果是制作黑茶,先发酵几天,然后加热,这样做是为了使叶子变黑,还有在其中产生多种化学变化。

66、The solid decomposed rapidly with blackening. ─── 固体迅速分解并变暗。

67、Quite significantly, there was no blackening of the emulsion at the mirror's surface. ─── 十分引人注意地,在反射镜表面的乳胶没有变黑。

68、Can from morning till night blacken to computer skin? ─── 一天到晚对着电脑皮肤会变黑吗?

69、A process for plating Sn on metal fasteners was introduced, including degreasing, halide Sn plating, oxidative blackening, polishing and varnishing. ─── 介绍了一种金属钮扣电镀古锡的工艺,其主要工序包括除油、卤化物镀锡、氧化发黑、抛光、罩清漆等。

70、When I blacken hair, I have to beat up the drug powder in water. ─── 我染黑头发时,必须把药粉搅在水里。

71、Study on preparation and Properties of Environment Protected Type Iron and Steel blackening Liquid at Normal Temperature ─── 一种常温环保型发黑液的研制与性能研究

72、The Development and Application of DD-921 Room Temperature Iron and Steel Blackening Agent ─── DD-921钢铁常温发黑剂的研制和应用

73、Don't blacken my name by spreading rumours. ─── 别散布谣言败坏我的名声。

74、The blackening film with better brightness has better corrosion resistance and compactness and strong adhesive force.It is a perfect blackening agent. ─── 发黑膜层与基体结合力强、耐蚀性高、致密性好且色泽光亮,是一种理想的钢铁防锈发黑剂。

75、That it would shower, with a sky so full of blackening thunder-clouds, would scarcely be thought worthy of comment. ─── 一片乌云密布的天空会下雷阵雨,这一点是不言而喻的。

76、I don't want to blacken his name, but they say he's involved in a crime. ─── 我不想进行人身攻击,但他们说他和一件犯罪案有牵连。

77、IF AN American talk-radio host wanted to cook up some tale that would blacken the name of the United Nations for ever, he could hardly have come up with anything spicier. ─── 如果一位美国脱口广播主持人希望捏造出一些能令联合国之名永久受到玷污的谣言,那么他将很难爆出一条比这更加热辣的新闻了。

78、Keywords zinc - iron alloy;tin;blackening passivation;room temperature; ─── 关键词锌铁合金;锡;黑色钝化;常温;

79、Hellish flames billowed upward, blackening the groaning roofbeams. ─── 地狱般的火焰向上翻滚着巨浪,烧黑了房梁,发出嘎吱声。

80、chemical blackening ─── 化学发黑

81、Keywords prawn(Litopenaeus vannamei);blacken;sodium sulfite;sodium hydrogen sulfite;residue; ─── 对虾;黑变;亚硫酸钠;亚硫酸氢钠;残留;

82、From within the room came a great guffaw: 'I'm not the man you're looking for as it happens!But I won't let scum like you blacken the name of the Triads all the same! ─── 东厢房那人哈哈大笑,说道:“老子不姓贾,只是你们这批家伙胡骂天地会,老子可听着不大顺耳。

83、No wool is so white that a dyer cannot blacken it . ─── 人非圣贤,孰能无过。

84、I face computer time to grow too, bring about the skin to blacken, what help is there? ? ─── 我面对电脑时间过长,导致皮肤变黑,有什么补救办法吗??

85、The laundryman replied, "Unfortunately, the arrangement is impossible as far as I am concerned, for whatever I should whiten, you would immediately blacken again with your charcoal. ─── " 在洗衣回答说:“不幸的是,这种安排是不可能的,因为就我本人而言,我应该为任何美白,你会立即与您的木炭抹黑了。”

86、All Meryton seemed striving to blacken the man, who, but three months before, had been almost an angel of light. ─── 三个月以前,差不多整个麦里屯的人们都把这个男人捧到天上;三个月以后,整个麦里屯的人都说他的坏话。

87、They stood together minute after minute, without further speech, each looking at the blackening scene, and each thinking his and her own thoughts. ─── 他们两个站在一起,过了一分钟又一分钟,谁也没再说话,各人看着渐渐昏暝的景物,各人想着各人的心事。

88、In the spring fire swept across the hills, blackening them. ─── 今春的一场大火横扫了这些山,变成了黑色。

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