sepium 发音
英: 美:
sepium 中文意思翻译
sepium 短语词组
1、Vicia sepium ─── [网络] 野豌豆;二年生草本植物
2、Calystegia sepium ─── [医] 篱打豌花
3、sepium plant meaning in urdu ─── 乌桕属植物的意义
4、Convolvulus sepium ─── [网络] 旋花ium
5、Periploca sepium Bunge ─── [医] 杠柳, 北五加皮
sepium 相似词语短语
1、sepiums ─── 乌贼
2、medium ─── adj.中间的,中等的;半生熟的;(投球)中速的;n.方法;媒体;媒介;中间物;溶剂;灵媒;中庸
3、Aegium ─── 埃
4、septum ─── n.[无脊椎]隔膜;[电子]隔板
5、septums ─── n.[无脊椎]隔膜;[电子]隔板
6、cesium ─── n.铯(55号元素,符号Cs)
7、helium ─── n.[化学]氦(符号为He,2号元素)
8、cerium ─── n.[化学]铈
9、aecium ─── n.锈子器
sepium 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、intra-alveolar sepium ─── 牙槽窝内的骨间隔
2、Effects of the crude extracts from Periploca sepium Bunge on the bioactivity of imported cabbage worm, Pieris rapae ─── 杠柳根皮粗提液对菜青虫生物活性的影响
3、Periploca sepium Bunge ─── [医] 杠柳, 北五加皮
4、Calystegia sepium ─── 篱打碗花
5、Keywords Periploca sepium;twig bark;triterpenoid;steroid; ─── 杠柳;枝皮;三萜;甾体;
6、Chemical Composition and Insecticidal Activity of Extracts from Periploca sepium Leaves ─── 杠柳叶的化学成分及其粗提物杀虫活性研究
7、Gliricidia Sepium , for example, is a Central American tree that grows well even in poor, dry soil. ─── 例如,毒鼠豆树生长在中美洲,它甚至在贫瘠干旱的土壤中也能茁壮成长。
8、Periploca sepium root bark ─── 杠柳根皮
9、Chemical Components and Insecticidal Activity of Essential Oil in Periploca sepium Root Bark to Schizaphis graminum ─── 杠柳根皮挥发油化学成分及对麦二叉蚜的毒杀活性初探
10、Objective: To conduct pharmacognosical studies on the seedling of Calystegia sepium(L) R.Br. ─── 目的:对旋花苗进行生药学研究,为临床应用和开发利用提供参考资料。
11、ethanol extract from the twig bark powder of Periploca sepium was suspended in water and successively treated with petroleum ether, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. ─── 杠柳枝皮粉末的乙醇提取物悬浮于水后,依次用石油醚、乙酸乙酯和正丁醇萃取。
12、Antifeedant effect and control efficacy of ethanol crude extracts from the root bark of Periploca sepium against imported cabbage worm, pieris rapae ─── 杠柳根皮乙醇粗提液对菜青虫的拒食作用及其防治效果
13、Peri ploca sepium ─── 杠柳
14、Gliricidia Sepium, for example, is a Central American tree that grows well even in poor, dry soil. ─── 例如,毒鼠豆树生长在中美洲,它甚至在贫瘠干旱的土壤中也能茁壮成长。
15、Keywords Periploca sepium;Crysanthemum Cinerariioflium Trev;Rosemary;steroids;cardiac glycoside;terpenes;anlioxidant; ─── 香加皮;除虫菊;迷迭香;甾醇;强心苷;抗氧化剂;化学成分;
16、Gliricidia sepium ─── 腐格里豆
17、Preliminary Study on Chemical Composition and Insecticidal Activity of Root Bark from Periploca sepium ─── 杠柳根皮化学成分及杀虫活性的初步研究
18、Vkia sepium ─── n. 野豌豆
20、seedling of Calystegia sepium (L) R. Br. ─── 旋花苗
21、Keywords periploca sepium bge;anti-tumor;cell proliferation;cell cycle;cell apoptosis; ─── 香加皮;抗肿瘤;细胞增殖;细胞周期;细胞凋亡;
22、A Study on Chemical Constituents of the Stem of Periploca sepium ─── 杠柳茎化学成分的研究
23、Crude extract from Periploca sepium Bunge ─── 杠柳根皮提取物
24、Determination of Periplocin in Different Parts of Periploca sepium ─── 杠柳不同部位的杠柳毒苷含量
25、Periploca Sepium Bge ─── 香加皮
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