counteract 发音
英:[kaʊntər'ækt] 美:[,kaʊntɚ'ækt]
英: 美:
counteract 中文意思翻译
counteract 短语词组
1、counteract synonym ─── 抵消同义词
2、counteract definition ─── 抵消定义
3、counteract warfarin ─── 中和华法林
4、counteract melatonin ─── 中和褪黑素
5、counteract medicine ─── 抗药性
6、counteract inflation ─── [经] 反通货膨胀
counteract 词性/词形变化,counteract变形
动词第三人称单数: counteracts |名词: counteraction |形容词: counteractive |动词现在分词: counteracting |副词: counteractively |动词过去分词: counteracted |动词过去式: counteracted |
counteract 相似词语短语
1、counterpart ─── n.副本;配对物;极相似的人或物
2、counteracts ─── vt.抵消;中和;阻碍
3、counterpace ─── 反诉
4、counteractor ─── 中和剂
5、counteracted ─── vt.抵消;中和;阻碍
6、counterfect ─── 反作用
7、counteractant ─── adj.抵抗的;反对的;n.冲消剂
8、counterfact ─── 反作用
9、counteracter ─── 反承包商
counteract 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、As a practical matter, he says, Washington must counteract the damage from America's trade policies more than it has in the past. ─── 他说,在实务上,华府比过去更必须抵销美国贸易政策带来的损害。
2、If the policy of macrocosm and part as to protection of entironment and the development not aptitude,it will counteract the actualization of new entironment policy. ─── 不恰当的整体与局部,生态保护与自我发展的政策链接点,阻碍了环境规划的实施。
3、Information meters can't stop thievery or hacking, but meters can counteract the effects of lazy mooching and the natural human desire to share. ─── 信息计量表虽然拦不住贼偷或者黑客,但是却可以抵消掉那些坐享其成以及人类天生的分享欲望。
4、Her moral communications with him had never been sufficiently intimate to counteract the effect. ─── 她和他又从来没有足够的道义接触来抵消这种作用。
5、The doctor gave him some medicine to counteract the effect of the poison. ─── 医生给他些药解毒。
6、For example, FGD, the counteract of acidic waste water, the dealing of industrial waste water for nickel, chromium and lead. ─── 例如:烟气脱硫,酸性废水的中和,处理含镍、铬、铅的工业废水。
7、Her moral communications with him had never been sufficiently intimate to counteract the effect. ─── 她和他又从来没有足够的道义接触来抵消这种作用。
8、But if there really were to be a generalised lack of spending, national and international authorities would have the means to counteract it. ─── 但如果是整体消费支出确实有所不足,各国政府和国际机构会有办法来缓和其影响。
9、They will counteract the effects of his bad influence. ─── 他们要清除他的不良影响。
10、The pancreas then produces more insulin to counteract these negative effects, ”Associate Professor Watt said. ─── 因此胰脏就需要分泌更多的胰岛素来抵消这些不良反应。
11、Five minutes of Sarvangasana should be sufficient to counteract the problem of blood stagnation in the lower part o the body. ─── 5分钟的肩肘倒立体式练习,将足以抵消因血液循环停滞在下半身所产生的问题。
12、The dialog box image that the dialog box DCL language build up, keep the view, can input, modify at will, the mouse, keyboard counteract, is a kind of interface for welcome. ─── 对话框DCL语言所建立的对话框形象、直观,可随意输入、修改,鼠标、键盘并用,是一种深受用户欢迎的界面。
13、But if your centre back is at sixes and sevens, there is little the rest of the squad can do to counteract that. ─── 但是如果你的中后卫有六,七个之多,那剩下的阵容恐怕很难抵消这一点。
14、Medicine To counteract the effect of (a drug or toxin). ─── 使无效:消除(药物或毒素)的作用
15、Britney Spears has never been shy about her love for junk food and engages in all kinds of behaviour to counteract her taste for Taco Bell. ─── 布兰妮从未掩饰过她对垃圾食品的喜爱以及用各种办法来消耗掉她吃的塔克贝尔(墨西哥煎玉米卷)。
16、He ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard to counteract the list. ─── 他命令把左弦上所有的大炮移到右舷以抵消船的倾斜。
17、Retailers are also trying make shopping seem fun and exciting to counteract the economic gloom. ─── 为了缓和经济萧条的气氛,零售商们还努力想让购物显得趣味盎然。
18、They launched a campaign to counteract the influence of the extremists. ─── 他们发起了一项活动来抵消极端分子的影响。
19、Ni’s aims to subvert the status quo and counteract preconceived notions of art are, in the artist’s words, an effort towards reaching a ‘zero degree of meaning’. ─── 倪海峰以打破现状、对抗预先形成的艺术概念为目标,用艺术家的话表达是一种致力于达到“零度意义”的努力。
20、The great parks that were built in the second half of the 19th century were intended to counteract the ill effects of city living, and so are the new ones. ─── 19世纪下半页修建的大公园意在抵消城市生活带来的副作用,这也是新修的公园的用意。
21、"We are still not in a position to quantify likelihoods objectively to 2100,because the problem becomes more nonlinear," Allen says,referring to the possibility that new effects could amplify or counteract the warming. ─── “我们仍然不能很客观地量化出到2100年气温升高的可能性,因为问题越来越呈非线性发展,”艾伦说道。他所指的是新的措施将可能加剧或抵消升温现象。
22、You should coordinate with each other, not counteract each other rs efforts. ─── 你们俩要相互照应,不要相互拆台。
23、Gemmell said: "An anaesthetic can slow the heart rate and we can give patients drugs to counteract that, which could be regarded as resuscitation. ─── 基梅尔说,“麻醉会降低心率,我们可以给病人用药来抵消麻醉的作用,这也可以看作是一种复苏。”
24、The experimental results demonstrate that the DPA-resistant standard cell library can counteract DPA attacks effectively. ─── 实验结果表明,这种标准单元库能够很好地起到防DPA攻击的作用。
25、Atthe same time some hemostat infused by intravenous drip through upper limb to counteract the excessive heparin existing in other parts of the body under strict surveillance. ─── 同时在严密监测下经上肢静脉滴注止血药 ,以对抗身体其他部位过多的肝素。
26、An electrical device used to counteract fibrillation of the heart muscle and restore normal heartbeat by applying a brief electric shock. ─── 自动减颤器通过短暂简单的电击缓解心的纤颤,并使其恢复正常的心跳的一种带电装置
27、Intelligence tests were devised to counteract this narrow specialization, by introducing problems which were not based on specifically scholastically-acquired knowledge. ─── 为了抵消这种狭隘的特殊化,智力测试被设计出来,它采用的不是基于需要特定的学校教育的知识。
28、A mechanism or system used to counteract an automatic control. ─── (自动控制的)超驰,超驰控制装置用于抵消自动控制的装置或系统
29、In hypertensive patients, the baroreflexes tend to sustain rather than counteract hypertension, a phenomenon known as "resetting the barostats," which may be a result rather than a cause of hypertension. ─── 在高血压病人中,压力反射往往是维持而不是抵消高血压,也就是人们所说的“压力调节器复位”现象,它可能是高血压的结果,而不是原因。
30、Meaning: I do not think we could have stopped the horse if one of the men had no been calm and wise enough to put a handkerchief over his nose and to light a bit of brown paper to counteract the odour of the cheeses. ─── 在我看来,若不是他们其中一人能够临危不乱,用手帕捂住它的鼻子,有燃起草纸抵销奶酪的气味,他们根本止不住它。
31、Thus, Hirudoid/ Hirudoid forte prevent the formation of superficial thrombi, promote their absorption, counteract local inflammatory processes and accelerate the absorption of haematomas and the reduction of swelling. ─── 因此,喜疗妥乳膏/强喜疗妥乳膏能预防浅表血栓的形成,促进它们的吸收,阻碍局部炎症的发展,加速血肿的吸收和具有消肿作用。
32、In some instances El Nino seems to counteract the volcanic effects; in others, they seem to reinforce one another. ─── 有时候厄尔尼诺现象似乎抵消了火山爆发的影响,而另外一些时候则是加强了。
33、But to make thermoform-fill-seal an investment that pays off for both ends of the process, the packager needs to produce adequate volume to counteract capital costs. ─── 但是,为了使加热成型充填封口的投资回报为目的的过程中,包装需求产生充足的数量来抵消资本成本。
34、Results indicated that the concentration of salvolatile and the conserved effect was in proportion because of the capability to counteract the acids produced by microbe. ─── 实验结果表明,浓度越高的碳酸铵盐溶液的保存体系,其缓冲能力越大,越能很好地中和细菌代谢产生的脂肪酸,以防止天然胶乳的迅速凝固,保存效果越好。
35、For a good bond, an adhesive must counteract the effect of surface roughness and boundary layers. ─── 为了取得很好的粘结,粘结剂必须能克服表面粗糙和边界层的反应。
36、He now bore off to the right to counteract the possible deviation from his true course. ─── 为了修正对正确路线的偏离,现在,他要朝右开始他那一摇一晃的行程了。
37、We proposed a dynamic counteracting method by means of the pneumatic spring to counteract on the centrifugal force. ─── 为了消除这种影响,本文提出了一种使用空气弹簧来抵消离心力影响的动态补偿方法。
38、If the shock position cannot be used, a warm covering helps to counteract the effect of shock. ─── 如果无法让伤者采取休克时的姿势躺下,可以通过保温来减轻疼痛。
39、You must be able to act without resistance or hesitation, but with the appropriate amount of positive restraint to counteract the negative effects of overconfidence or euphoria. ─── 你在交易时必须没有压力或不会犹豫,还必须用积极的态度克服过分自信或过分兴奋的消极效果。
40、Opposition is present and you should be prepared to counteract it as best you can. ─── 反对意见也有肯多,最好能尽力消除它们。
41、To counterbalance or counteract the effect of;render ineffective. ─── 使无效平衡或消除...作用;致使无效
42、Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature. ─── 人工技术:用于模仿,补充,改变或抵消自然物品的人工尝试。
43、To temporarily counteract weight gain our laser therapists treat energy points which speed up your metabolism and suppress appetite. ─── 为了临时阻止体重增加,速克的激光治疗人员会通过照射能量点来加速新陈代谢并且抑制食欲。
44、One way to counteract hard water is by using a water softener. ─── 中和硬水的方法是使用软水剂。
45、Mungo's tried to discover what potions he had been given and how to counteract them. ─── Mungo来的医生想要查出他到底是中了哪些魔药,如何处理这些。
46、In addition,Yifusheng could also counteract the increase of blood sugar in hyperglycemia rabbi... ─── 另外,胰复生能对抗肾上腺素诱发的家兔血糖升高。
47、Don't count on them to thrive on the extra CO2 and counteract the greenhouse effect, though. ─── 不过,别指望这些绿色植物会因多出的CO2而长得更繁盛,甚至奢望它们可以抵消温室效应。
48、His aims to subvert the status quo and counteract preconceived notions of art are, in his own words, an effort towards reaching a “zero degree of meaning”. ─── 他的目的在于打破现状,对抗先入为主的艺术概念,用艺术家自己的话来说,就是要努力达到“零度意义”。
49、To counteract or try to counteract the effect of an indoctrination, especially a religious or cult indoctrination. ─── 反思想侵蚀:抵消(或尽力抵消)思想灌输(尤其指宗教或教派的思想灌输)
50、International marketing offers a way to counteract aggressive competition from foreign competitors at home. ─── 国际营销提供了一种方式来对抗外国竞争者在国内咄咄逼人的竞争。
51、In traditional Moroccan medicine, Argan oil is used for the care of the body and face to counteract the effects of age or weather. ─── 在传统的摩洛哥医药中,阿甘油用于护理身体和面部来消除岁月或环境所带来的负面影响。
52、Our work calls for mutual support. We shouldn't counteract each other's efforts. ─── 工作要互相支持,不要互相拆台。
53、But because these clumps are so close to Saturn, their different speeds around the planet counteract this gravitational attraction so that the clumps get stretched like taffy and pulled apart. ─── 但由于它们离土星太近了,为了抵消行星的引力,各部分需要不同的运动速度,结果它们被土星强大的引力像拉牛奶糖一样的拉开。
54、"We are stilinot in a position to quantify likelihoods objectively to 2100, because the problem becomes more nonlinear," Allen says, referring to the possibility that new effects could amplify or counteract the warming. ─── “我们仍然不能很客观地量化出到2100年气温升高的可能性,因为问题越来越呈非线性发展,”艾伦说道。 他所指的是新的措施将可能加剧或抵消升温现象。
55、The only way to counteract this tendency is to be competently prepared when you are in a position to do so. ─── 对抗这个趋势的惟一方法,就是当你在能够这麽做的情况下,就要完全地准备妥当。
56、Now the American and European economies are far weaker, and though Japan's exports to Asia have grown this year, they do not counteract the sloth elsewhere. ─── 如今,美国和欧洲经济要虚弱很多,虽然日本对亚洲其他国家的出口今年得到增长,但这些并不足以抵消其他地方的停滞。
57、of red wine to counteract high cholesterol has been ballyhooed in the press. ─── 红酒中和高胆固醇的功效在媒体上被夸大了。
58、Despite the hyper-sexualization of our culture, few seminaries are providing pastors adequate training to counteract the sexual lies bombarding Christians every day. ─── 尽管超sexualization我们的文化,很少学院牧师提供适当的培训,以抵消性谎言轰炸基督徒每天。
59、Alas! I hadn't skill to counteract the effect his account had produced. ─── 唉!我却没有本事把他的话所产生的效果取消。
60、The idea behind the Bose QuietComfort headset is that it reads outside sounds and produces an equal and opposite sound wave to counteract it, a phenomenon known as “anti-noise. ─── 在耳朵附近放置了拾音器,将收集的外界噪音通过电子电路产生一个与噪音相位相反的声波。这两种声波相遇产生相消干涉。
61、In order to counteract the flotage of underground water,an evenly arranged vertical anti-floating anchor rod is designed for the basement floor surface of No. ─── 为抵消地下水的浮托力,某工程在地下室底板上设计了面状均匀布置的垂直抗浮锚杆。
62、It would be easy to blame our defensive frailties, but what did the six players in front of the back four do to counteract those weaknesses? ─── 也许后卫很容易就成为了被批判的对象,但四个后卫前面的其他六个人对于我们的弱势又做了哪些贡献哪?
63、Its legendary balance was achieved through a number of devices employed to counteract certain peculiarities of human vision. ─── 它运用了多种设计来抵消人类特殊的视觉偏差,从而达到令人惊叹的均衡。
64、It follows that if one has all of these factors present it may be necessary to obtain aids to help counteract the problems. For example a half-foot, to aid zip insertion, or to aid zip insertion, or to prepare cording. ─── 如果你现在有上述的这些困难,有必要拥有一些辅助设备来解决这些问题。例如,单趾压脚可用来装拉链,或用来缝嵌线。
65、An air straightener should be placed down stream from propeller to counteract circular air motion in the tube. ─── 一种气体直线流动器应该使气流从推进器的反作用中使气体的活动在管内循环。
66、To counteract the effect of(a drug or toxin). ─── 使无效消除(药物或毒素)的作用
67、Third it causes in the circumfluence effect of duality finance structure and region finance to counteract the validity of money policy. ─── ( 3 )导致二元金融结构与区域金融的回流效应对货币政策有效性的冲销。
68、"I like the idea of shutting down commerce and the city to counteract Bush's economic motives for this war," said Eric Anholt, 19. ─── 19岁的eric Anholt说,"我认为这种想法很好,把城市的商业瘫痪,来抵消布什的战争刺激经济的动机。
69、Large water tanks at the tops of buildings could act as mass dampers to counteract any swaying from extreme lateral loads and as reservoirs for deluging fires. ─── 屋顶上装设大型储水槽,可以发挥质量阻尼器的功能,抵消因为侧面负载过重导致的倾斜,此外,也可以用来扑灭大火。
70、What sentence could you say to yourself to counteract the put down message? ─── 去抵消那些贬低你的信息,你会对自己说什么?
71、Espionage undertaken to detect and counteract enemy espionage. ─── 反间谍活动对发现和阻碍敌人间谍活动而进行的间谍活动
72、Each country tried its best to counteract the crisis, to lessen the impacts and to build the protection under the menace of this irremediable respiratory epidemic. ─── 在这场无药可治的呼吸道传染病的威胁下,各个国家各自使出浑身解数,应对危机,降低冲击,构筑护栏。
73、To partially or completely eliminate or counteract the polarization of. ─── 去极(化),退极(化)部分或完全地消除极性
74、However, L-trp results in neither repression nor derepression in the mutant, but it can counteract the activity of CXM or IPA. ─── 对CXM抗性变株,CXM与IPA均表现为去阻遏作用,L-trp不具阻遏作用,但可抵消CXM和IPA的去阻遏作用。
75、The book identifies the mechanisms by which immune systems are bolstered to counteract seasonally-recurrent stressors, such as extreme temperature reductions and food shortages. ─── 书鑑定免疫的系统被支持抵消季节性经常出现的紧张性刺激源的机制,例如极端温度削减和食品短缺。
76、This helps to counteract the tendency for colours to darken when baked, and keeps the finished clay piece vibrant. ─── 因为烘烤后颜色一般会比烘烤前深,加入这些可以抵消一些这样的差异。
77、Other highlights include belt tensioners and belt force limiters plus seatbelt warning indicator and head restraints that counteract the risk of whiplash injury. ─── 其他亮点包括安全带收紧和带力限制器以及安全带预警指标和头枕的抵消风险的挥鞭样损伤。
78、Having a truly loving, supportive relationship in the child's life can counteract this, she said. ─── 她说,在孩子的生活中,拥有真正忠诚的、能给予帮助的关系可以解决这个矛盾。
79、All unit SUS304 and axletree also, well organized system assure all machine enable to counteract canker and no leak. ─── 全不锈钢架构、定制之不锈钢轴承座,严密的密封措施,确保机台耐腐蚀、无侧漏。
80、The doctor said this medicine could counteract his high blood pressure. ─── 医生说这种药能遏制他的高血压。
81、He allows them to give advice on how to develop his strengths or counteract his weaknesses. ─── 他允许他们就如何发展他的优势或抵消他的弱点给出建议。
82、To counteract these problems, Beijing ordered central planning and control tightened again. ─── 为了解决这些难题北京下令重新加强中央计划控制。
83、They have great potential, they have many resources that Valencia couldn't counteract. ─── 他们有很优秀的潜能,他们有瓦伦西亚不能比拟的资源。
84、Develops media contacts, plans press conferences and other press activities. Acts as hotel's liaison with media to promote good publicity and counteract bad publicity. ─── 与媒体人士联系,策划新闻发布会以及其它新闻活动。代表酒店与媒体联系,以促进良好的公关形象,抵销一切不良影响。
85、It takes time for the incoming radiation from the sun to counteract the rate that the ground is losing heat. ─── 它需要时间让刚刚来自太阳的辐射去抵消掉地面流失的热量。
86、These exercises aim to counteract the effects of stress and tension. ─── 这些训练旨在抵消压力与紧张的影响。
87、Adopt Diligence to counteract laziness, and tolerance as well as self-discipline as antidotes of lack of resolution and unyielding spirit. ─── 因为懒惰习气的缘故,我们必须精进;因为缺乏决心与刚毅的精神,所以我们需要忍耐与自制。
88、Prostaglandins counteract the actions of vasopressin and influence of how much sodium we excrete. ─── 前列腺素对抗加压素的强弱取决于钠分泌的多少。
89、Applied liquid antacid is best, can counteract hydrochloric acid in gastric juice not only, still can counteract the acidity liquid on esophagus. ─── 应用液体抗酸剂为最好,不仅能中和胃酸,还能中和食管上的酸性液体。
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