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08-20 投稿


trafficking 发音

英:[ˈtræfɪkɪŋ]  美:[ˈtræfɪkɪŋ]

英:  美:

trafficking 中文意思翻译



trafficking 短语词组

1、trafficking in securities ─── [法] 非法买卖有价证券

2、human trafficking crime ─── 贩卖人口罪

3、illegal drug trafficking ─── 非法贩毒

4、child trafficking ─── 贩卖儿童

5、illicit trafficking ─── 非法贩运

6、illicit and clandestine trafficking ─── [法] 非法和秘密贩运

7、stop human trafficking ─── 制止人口贩运

8、human trafficking in china ─── 中国的人口贩运

9、human trafficking crimes ─── 贩卖人口罪

10、human trafficking trade ─── 人口贩运贸易

11、membrane protein trafficking ─── 膜蛋白转运

12、opium trafficking ─── [法] 私贩鸦片

13、Trafficking in film and television ─── 贩卖影视

14、trafficking in narcotics ─── [法] 私贩麻醉剂

15、membrane trafficking ─── 膜运输

16、drug trafficking and holding ─── 毒品贩运和持有

17、drug trafficking ─── 毒品走私; 贩 ─── 毒

18、human trafficking and slavery ─── 贩卖人口和奴役

19、drug trafficking dog ─── 贩毒犬

trafficking 词性/词形变化,trafficking变形

动词过去分词: trafficked |动词第三人称单数: traffics |动词过去式: trafficked |名词: trafficker |动词现在分词: trafficking |

trafficking 相似词语短语

1、practicking ─── 练习

2、trafficked ─── 行车的

3、traiking ─── 跟踪

4、mafficking ─── v.公开庆祝,狂欢庆祝

5、traffickers ─── n.贩毒者(trafficker的复数)

6、trafficky ─── adj.交通繁忙的

7、tracking ─── n.追踪,跟踪;v.跟踪(track的ing形式)

8、tricking ─── n.欺骗;装饰;v.戏弄(trick的现在分词)

9、trafficker ─── n.贩子;商人;从事违法勾当者

trafficking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That reduces the incentives for trafficking into Sweden, and the number of prostitutes seems to have declined there. ─── 这又降低了将女性贩卖到瑞典的利润刺激,卖淫女的数量似乎就此开始下降。

2、A highway intersection designed to permit traffic to move freely from one road to another without crossing another line of traffic. ─── 互通式立体交叉一种设计的使车辆不用穿过另一条线的车辆就可以从一条路到另一条的交叉路口

3、He was fined for breaking traffic regulations. ─── 他因违反交通规则而被罚款。

4、He was sentenced to ten years in prison on charges of drug trafficking. ─── 他被指控贩毒,被判10年徒刑。

5、A competition in which automobiles are driven over public roads and under normal traffic regulations but with specified rules as to speed, time, and route. ─── 公路车赛一种汽车赛,比赛中车辆在公路上按照正常的交通规则行驶但对速度、时间和路线有特殊的要求

6、A woman packed into a transparent suitcase bearing a label that says "Stop Human Trafficking! " rides on the luggage belt at Munich Airport. ─── 在慕尼黑机场的行李带上一个女人被打包在一个标有“制止贩卖人口”的透明手提箱里。

7、Traffic was interrupted by a dense fog. ─── 交通因浓雾而受阻。

8、They drove away from the city centre, the roar of the traffic still dinning in their ears. ─── 他们驶出了市中心,但车来人往的喧嚣声仍在耳中回响。

9、The driver was weaving his way through the traffic. ─── 司机在车辆和人流中曲折前进。

10、She made her way through the traffic to the other side of the road. ─── 她穿过来往的车辆走到路的对面。

11、Keep the traffic flowing. ─── 保持交通畅通无阻。

12、Why was the area closed off to all traffic? ─── 为什么断绝了该地区的一切交通?

13、His nerves were frayed by the noise of traffic. ─── 他被交通噪音弄得神经紧张。

14、He was seriously injured in the traffic accident. ─── 他在车祸中受了重伤。

15、The traffic jam filled the street up completely. ─── 交通拥塞使道路交通完全中断。

16、He drove through streets empty of traffic. ─── 他驱车驶过没有行人车辆的街道。

17、They also engaged in human trafficking and organized prostitution. ─── 他们还从事贩卖人口和组织卖淫活动。

18、Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour. ─── 尖峰时间交通十分繁忙。

19、Regular air traffic links Xian to the rest of the country. ─── 定期班机把西安和全国其他地方连接起来。

20、In England traffic must keep to the left. ─── 在英国,车辆必须靠左行驶。

21、Repeating;with some degree of correspondence in successive trials or observations;( "a pattern of message traffic"; "a pattern of hardware failures" ). ─── 在连续的试验或观测中,有重复性且有某种程度相似性的信息。例如报文流量模式、硬件故障模式。

22、Traffic slowed down because of the dense fog. ─── 因浓雾车辆减速行驶。

23、I have never engaged in drug trafficking. ─── 我从来没有从事过贩毒。

24、Heavy traffic poses a problem in many old towns. ─── 交通拥挤是许多旧城镇的难题。

25、The incessant noise of the traffic gave us not a moment's peace. ─── 交通车辆不停的喧闹声使我们得不到片刻安宁。

26、Persons involved in organized international drug trafficking. ─── 参与有组织的国际贩毒活动的。

27、He was charged with trafficking in drugs. ─── 他被指控贩毒。

28、City Hall chiefs have called on top phone companies to help crack down on prostitution and trafficking in the lead up to the sporting event. ─── 市政厅官员呼吁国内几大手机运营商在奥运会筹备期间帮助打击卖淫和性掮客。

29、No one was seriously hurt in the traffic accident. ─── 在这次交通事故中没有人受重伤。

30、The trafficking of cocaine, marijuana, heroin and other drugs has continued to frustrate the efforts of governments around the world. ─── 可卡因、大麻、海洛因以及其他毒品的走私继续打击着全球政府的努力。

31、North bound traffic may be delayed because of an accident on the motorway. ─── 因高速公路上发生了事故,北往的交通可能受阻。

32、Jack made a jack-rabbit start when the traffic light turned green. ─── 交通灯一变成绿色,杰克就马上开动车子。

33、If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. ─── 如果你的车子停错了地方,交通警察马上会发现。

34、The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance to the citizens. ─── 城里的交通噪声总是使城市居民烦恼。

35、The traffic lights have changed (from red to green). ─── 交通灯由红灯变绿灯了。

36、A presidentialtask force to fight drug trafficking. ─── 一个专门打击贩毒的总统特别工作组。

37、Traffic is very heavy at peak hours. ─── 在高峰时间交通非常拥挤。

38、Most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic jam. ─── 世界上大多数大城市都交通堵塞为患。

39、The accident backed the traffic up for blocks. Traffic backed up in the tunnel. ─── 事故引起了交通阻塞。在地下道中引起了交通阻塞

40、Heavy snow has blocked off traffic on the motorways. ─── 大雪阻碍了高速公路上的交通。

41、Child trafficking is rampant in Southeast Asia, with hundreds of thousands of children caught up in this lucrative and shadowy business. ─── 贩卖儿童的行为在东南亚地区日益猖獗,成千上万的孩子被这种有利可图的暗中交易所利用。

42、The traffic police flagged the passing car down. ─── 交通警察挥旗命令那辆经过的汽车停下来。

43、The noise of traffic grows louder and louder. ─── 交通的噪音变得愈来愈大。

44、His lateness was due to the very heavy traffic on the motorway. ─── 他迟到是因高速公路上车辆过多所致。

45、He's late he's probably stuck in a traffic jam. ─── 他迟到了--很可能是由於交通阻塞耽误了。

46、During the week, the road is very busy but there is very little traffic on Sundays. ─── 从星期一到星期六,这条路一直川流不息,但是星期日没什麽车辆来往。

47、He was fined200 dollars for violation of traffic regulation. ─── 他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。

48、The holiday traffic is jamming the roads. ─── 假日的车辆堵塞了交通。

49、He made a lot of money by trafficking illicit merchandise. ─── 他做违禁商品买卖赚了许多钱。

50、Traffic jams in the town happen everyday. ─── 城里的交通天天堵塞。

51、If this line are uncomment incoming traffic is permitted with. ─── 如果此线路未进行说明,进入的的信息被允许WITH

52、He was late owing to/due to the very heavy traffic. ─── 他迟到是因为交通拥挤。

53、The town centre was chock-a-block (with traffic). ─── 市中心(车辆)挤得水泄不通。

54、If you go early you'll miss the traffic. ─── 你早些走就能避开交通拥挤时间。

55、Inside of the firewall the only permit destination for traffic from the interior or exterior route is the bastion host. ─── 在防火墙内部,对于来自内外部路由器的通信量来说,唯一允许到达的目的地是bastion主机。

56、Traffic signs must be conspicuous. ─── 交通标志必须显明。

57、You suspected of drug trafficking! ─── 你涉嫌贩毒!

58、The rush hour traffic is murder. ─── 交通高峰时间真是难以忍受之事

59、The traffic lights turned to amber. ─── 交通灯变成黄色。

60、He died from a traffic accident. ─── 他死于交通事故。

61、He was all but killed by the traffic accident. ─── 他几乎死于车祸。

62、The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance. ─── 交通噪音时时刻刻令人烦恼。

63、Big city traffic bewilders me. ─── 大城市的交通使我晕头转向。

64、If you don't conform to the traffic laws, you might get hurt. ─── 如果不遵守交通法规,则可能受伤。

65、The flow of traffic eased off. ─── 交通已经通畅。

66、What heavy traffic! ─── 多拥挤的交通!

67、Police control the traffic in large cities. ─── 在大城市里,警察控制交通。

68、A landslide has blocked off traffic moving south towards the motorway. ─── 山崩阻碍了高速公路上向南方行驶的车辆。

69、Be it true( that) traffic in britain keep leave? ─── 在英国来车辆都靠左行驶,对吗?

70、The clamor of traffic gave me a headache. ─── 交通噪音让我头痛。

71、The clamor of the traffic gave me a headache. ─── 交通的噪声使我头疼。

72、The driver pulled up at the traffic lights. ─── 司机在红绿灯前把车停住。

73、Kennedy found there was a significant "intelligence gap" in the police and enforcement agencies about the scale and nature of trafficking. ─── 肯尼迪还发现,警察局和执法当局在关于对人口贩卖的规模和性质上情报上差距颇大。

74、The traffic accident led to a chain of events. ─── 交通事故引起了一连串的事件。

75、Passenger traffic has gone up by 20 per cent. ─── 客流量已增长百分之二十。

76、Measures have been taken to solve traffic problems in big cities. ─── 业已采取措施以解决大城市的交通问题。

77、A traffic sign should be conspicuous. ─── 交通标志应该明显。

78、His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident. ─── 他的左膝在一次交通事故中受伤了。

79、His car was stalled in a traffic jam. ─── 他的车子在交通阻塞中动弹不得。

80、A point or an area of traffic congestion. ─── 交通瓶颈交通拥挤的地点或地区

81、Before the traffic signal turns to green light don't cross the street. ─── 在交通信号轮换到绿灯以前不要穿过马路。

82、The accident snarled up traffic for hours. ─── 事故使交通堵塞数小时。

83、travel company is just a front for drug trafficking. ─── 旅行社不过是毒品交易的掩护场所。

84、Walk on the inside to avoid the traffic fumes. ─── 在人行道的内侧走,避开车辆的废气。

85、The guidelines lies down rules for dealing with traffic offence. ─── 基本原则规定了处理违犯交通法规的规则。

86、The traffic had been tied up for three hours. ─── 交通阻塞已有三个小时。

87、Not so good. I broke traffic regulations yesterday and I got a ticket. ─── 不怎么样。我昨天违反了交通规则被罚了款。

88、In severe weather, traffic is restricted to certain roads that have been cleared of snow. ─── 在严寒的天气里,车辆被限制在雪已被清除的公路上行驶。

89、At night these busy streets during the day become empty of traffic. ─── 入夜这些白天繁忙的街道空无行人车辆。

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