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08-20 投稿


antiphonal 发音

英:[ænˈtɪfənl]  美:[ænˈtɪfənəl]

英:  美:

antiphonal 中文意思翻译




antiphonal 常用词组

antiphonal singing ─── 对唱;轮唱

antiphonal 短语词组

1、antiphonal psalmody ─── 对唱诗体

2、antiphonal singing ─── 对口唱; ─── 对唱 ─── 对唱;轮唱

3、antiphonal define ─── 对位定义

4、antiphonal psalmody definition ─── 对唱诗体定义

5、antiphonal bible ─── 对位圣经

6、antiphonal festival ─── 对唱节

7、antiphonal defined ─── 对位的

8、antiphonal singing day ─── 对唱日

9、antiphonal def ─── 对位def

10、antiphonal ad intro ─── 对唱广告简介

antiphonal 词性/词形变化,antiphonal变形

副词: antiphonally |

antiphonal 相似词语短语

1、antiphons ─── n.轮流吟唱的歌;n.(Antiphon)人名;(法)安蒂丰;(约480BC-411BC)安梯丰〈希〉雅典演说家、政治家。

2、antiphon ─── n.轮流吟唱的歌;n.(Antiphon)人名;(法)安蒂丰;(约480BC-411BC)安梯丰〈希〉雅典演说家、政治家。

3、antiphonally ─── 轮流吟唱地

4、antiphonic ─── 反音

5、antiphony ─── n.交互轮唱;轮唱赞美诗

6、antiphonical ─── 反音

7、antiphonals ─── adj.轮流吟唱的;轮流朗诵的;n.日课交替合唱集;轮唱赞美诗集

8、antiphonary ─── n.交替圣歌集

9、antiphoner ─── 轮唱

antiphonal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A composition that is sung responsively;an antiphon. ─── 唱和诗歌的乐曲;唱和诗歌的作品

2、On the variety of the antiphonal singing culture ─── 对歌文化的多样性

3、to sing in antiphonal for seeking a spouse ─── 对歌求偶

4、Antiphon is one of main ways of connecting with each other in writing creation , so they had influence on each other. ─── 第三章:苏门诸公互相唱和是他们在创作上进行联系的主要方式之一,由此而互相影响。

5、"qu" was singings in antiphonal style, it effected the transformation from personal lyric to representation of complicated plot. ─── 曲多为个人咏唱的联篇对答,实现由单一抒情向复杂的情节再现的转换。

6、Would sing antiphonal songs with their cousin. ─── 都要去跟表弟们对歌。

7、He ranks with Antiphon as a writer of clear, simple prose of great effectiveness; ─── 他与安梯丰同为效率高、文体朴实无华的作家。

8、Antiphonal violins adding to the aural pleasure? ─── 轮唱小提琴的加入增加了听觉上的乐趣?

9、antiphonal singing ─── 轮唱

10、including horse racing, antiphonal singing, and big-scale folk dance. ─── 有赛马、对歌和大型群众性歌舞活动。


12、Besides of the rites to worship “Sanduo” Saint at home, they will also hold a variety of entertainment and trade activities like horse racing, antiphonal singing, picnic and interchange of goods. ─── 除了在自家举行祭祀“三朵”神的仪式外,还有赛马、对歌、野餐、物资交流等多项文娱商贸活动。

13、In Songci,responsories were popular in which there were many phenomena of replying rhyming that took the form of antiphonal style,chorus,self-replying and imitation. ─── 张先首起尝试,苏门大开风气,苏辛派积极效仿,周姜派较少采用,最后趋于融合,这是宋词次韵现象演变的脉络。

14、If the antiphonal songs go well, they will have more dates in this form of "Xingge Zuoyue". ─── 这天一早,侗家姑娘们便穿上盛装,手提盛满葱蒜的篮子等候心上人的到来。

15、To test a would-be bride's antiphonal skill, ─── 為了考验準新娘对歌的本领

16、The antiphon poetry is the mirror of friends dealings and differs with imperial official commerce, so they can reflect Beisong penmen's real life and mentality. ─── 第四章:苏轼等人的唱和诗是朋友间交往的实录,不同于冠冕堂皇的官方应酬,因此颇能反映北宋文人的真实生活和心态。

17、Do you mean I'm going to sing antiphonal songs today? ─── 你是说我今天又要对歌了?

18、Now we know what an antiphonal work song is like. ─── 我们见识到了劳动盘歌。

19、On the variety of the antiphonal singing culture ─── 对歌文化的多样性

20、activities, among which, playing the sheng (a reed pipe wind instrument), antiphonal singing and bullfighting are the most characteristic. ─── 在节日里,苗族人要举行各种各样的庆祝活动,其中吹芦笙、对歌、斗牛是最有特色的活动。

21、"It would be truer . . . to see[conservation] as an antiphon to the modernization of the 1950s and 1960s" (Raphael Samuel) ─── “可以更真实地看到 就是对20世纪50,60年代现代化的回答” (拉斐尔·塞缪尔)

22、Their antiphon poetry have distinguished traits embodying showy communication attibute and daily life flavor different with gone poetry in form, contents and nature. ─── 第二章:苏公诸人的唱和诗无论从形式、内容或性质来看,都具有不同于以往唱和诗的特点,体现出鲜明的交际性和日常生活味道。

23、Factors of Existence of the Buyi people's Antiphonal Culture ─── 试论布依族对歌文化的生存因素

24、Factors of Existence of the Buyi people's Antiphonal Culture ─── 试论布依族对歌文化的生存因素

25、"this curious antiphonal relationship between the two men" (Henry A. Kissinger) ─── “两个人之间奇怪的交替关系”(亨利A.基辛格)

26、antiphonal song ─── 双歌

27、This is a counterattack antiphonal singing space bond market. ─── 这也是对唱空债市的一种反击。

28、Would sing antiphonal songs with their cousin. ─── 都要去跟表弟们对歌。

29、Only when you win in singing antiphonal songs, ─── 只有对歌赢了我们

30、relating to or resembling an antiphon. ─── 与轮流吟唱相关的或类似的。

31、Now we know what an antiphonal work song is like. ─── 我们见识到了劳动盘歌。

32、The beginning of the Mass, usually consisting of a psalm verse, an antiphon, and the Gloria Patri. ─── 应答轮唱圣诗弥撒的开端,通常由赞美诗篇、轮流应答吟唱的颂歌以及《荣耀颂》组成

33、(Roman Catholic) an antiphon (usually from the Book of Psalms) immediately after the epistle at Mass. ─── (罗马天主教)一种紧跟在弥撒使徒书后的唱和(通常取自《圣歌》中)。

34、Akens' antiphonal singing assembly is a unique oral linguistic art and plays an important role in the historical heritage of the Kazak culture. ─── 阿肯对唱会是哈萨克族特有的口头语言艺术,它在哈萨克文化历史的传承上起着重要的作用。

35、the musical dialogue in antiphonal style was sung in duet by wizard and immortal, or two immortals, or main wizard and group of wizards; ─── 对唱是正与神的对唱,还是神与神的对唱,抑或是主巫与群正的对唱;

36、The bride and groom will start to sing antiphonal songs. ─── 就已经开始对歌了。

37、The beginning of the Mass,usually consisting of a psalm verse,an antiphon,and the Gloria Patri. ─── 应答轮唱圣诗弥撒的开端,通常由赞美诗篇、轮流应答吟唱的颂歌以及《荣耀颂》组成。

38、The paper mainly introduces the content, manner and development of Akens' antiphonal singing assembly and gives some advice for the preservation and development of this folk art performance. ─── 文章主要对阿肯对唱会的内容、形式及发展进行了介绍,并对保护和发展阿肯对唱这一民间艺术提出了相应的对策。

39、Study the result makes clear, recreational activities affects card of chess of the dance of change singing in antiphonal style of townsman consumption structure, tea the biggest. ─── 研究结果表明 ,城市居民消费结构的改变对歌舞、茶棋牌娱乐活动影响最大。

40、In fact, the force of fashionable tide singing in antiphonal style of foremost edge thinks of Paris the influence of the brand almost nowhere is absent. ─── 事实上,巴黎最前沿的时尚潮流对歌力思品牌的影响几乎无处不在。

41、On one hand, exhibiting talent in the course of antiphon give rise to oddish ryhme and allusion, even language and sense break apart. ─── 唱和诗的赓和逞才,一方面造成了唱和诗押韵、用典方面的求新求怪,时有文意割裂的现象发生;

42、A piece of antiphonal singing from the Huangmei Opera "Goddess Marriage" is quite popular with the general public. ─── 黄梅戏《天仙配》中那段对唱被人们广泛传唱。

43、Think of the screen and your hand. You kiss me. We musical dialogue in antiphonal style love songs. ─── 想起和你牵手的画面。你吻我。我们对唱情歌。

44、1.The beginning of the Mass, usually consisting of a psalm verse, an antiphon, and the Gloria Patri. ─── 该庙逢星期日早上举行崇拜,节目包括唱诗、读经、祭司讲道等。

45、A composition that is sung responsively; an antiphon. ─── 唱和诗歌的乐曲;唱和诗歌的作品

46、There are various kinds of celebratory activities, among which, playing the sheng (a reed pipe wind instrument), antiphonal singing and bullfighting are the most characteristic. ─── 在节日里,苗族人要举行各种各样的庆祝活动,其中吹芦笙、对歌、斗牛是最有特色的活动。

47、song we joined them singing is an antiphonal work song . ─── 我们刚才参与的就叫劳动盘歌呀。

48、Antiphon once answered a patient's question like this, he said, he also didn't know clearly what the meaning of life is, so he would live on. ─── 满阙词中透出的是无边无垠的苦闷忧愁和向往桃花源可桃花源又渺不可寻的极度无奈与惆怅。

49、Do you mean I'm going to sing antiphonal songs today? ─── 你是说我今天又要对歌了?

50、For different sexes Steere’s Liocichlas, Steerii liocichla, engage in antiphonal duetting which is led by male and followed by female. ─── 薮鸟雌雄间具有由公鸟发起,母鸟回应的重唱行为,本研究即针对薮鸟雌雄间的鸣唱声在全台湾13个族群间的变异趋势进行研究。

51、The festival of "Shibao Mountain Singing Fair"(July 25 to august 1) features antiphonal singing, sanxian (a three-stringed instrument), Bawangbian, Buddhist dance, sorcery dance, and Taoist dance. ─── "石宝山歌会"(七月二十五日至八月一日):对歌、弹三弦、霸王鞭、佛教舞或巫舞、洞经乐。

52、The song we joined them singing is an antiphonal work song. ─── 我们刚才参与的就叫劳动盘歌呀。

53、(Roman Catholic) an antiphon (usually from the Book of Psalms) immediately after the epistle at Mass ─── (罗马天主教)一种紧跟在弥撒使徒书后的唱和(通常取自《圣歌》中)

54、This curious antiphonal relationship between the two men Henry a. ─── 两个人之间奇怪的交替关系亨利a。

55、Antiphon poetry poetize everyday life, and maybe it is their ultimate significant value in literary history. ─── 唱和诗在文学史上的最大价值就在于使日常生活诗意化。

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