deduct 发音
英:[dɪˈdʌkt] 美:[dɪˈdʌkt]
英: 美:
deduct 中文意思翻译
deduct 常用词组
deduct from ─── 扣除
deduct money ─── 扣钱;扣款
deduct 词性/词形变化,deduct变形
deduct 短语词组
1、deduce versus deduct ─── 演绎与 ─── 演绎
2、deduct in year incurred ─── [经] 在发生当年扣除
3、deduct protein from carbs ─── 从碳水化合物中减去蛋白质
4、deduct wages ─── [经] 扣工资
5、deduct vs induct ─── 扣除vs导入
6、deduct opposite ─── 扣除对方
7、deduct prepayment ─── [经] 扣除预支
8、deduct from the salary ─── [经] 薪金中扣除
9、deduct property tax 2020 ─── 扣除2020年房产税
10、deduct expenses ─── 扣除费用
11、deduct from ─── 扣除 [经] 还钱, 偿还, ─── 扣还
12、deduct definition ─── 扣除定义
13、deduct money ─── 扣款, ─── 扣钱
14、deduct meaning ─── 演绎意义
deduct 相似词语短语
1、abduct ─── vt.绑架;诱拐;使外展
2、beduck ─── 盖
3、deduce ─── vt.推论,推断;演绎出
4、adduct ─── n.[化学]加合物;vt.使内收
5、deducts ─── 扣除
6、deducted ─── 扣除
7、deduces ─── vt.推论,推断;演绎出
8、educt ─── n.离析物;推论
9、deduced ─── 推理
deduct 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Lump Sum deduct in the event Owner elects to purchase the steel plate materical directly from steel/mill supplier on behalf of Contractor. ─── 如果业主选择由承包商直接从钢铁供应商处购买板材的采购方式,可考虑适当降低一次性付款的总价.
2、In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip. ─── 在特殊情况下,丈夫可以扣除差旅中随行妻子的旅费。
3、The debtor in afore-mentioned case has liquidated, ought to deduct debtor to liquidate property the part of actual pay off, maintain to irrecoverable money for bad Zhang loss.. ─── 上述情形中的债务人已经清算的,应当扣除债务人清算财产实际清偿的部分,对不能收回的款项认定为坏账损失...
4、In computing the rate of return on stockholders' equity, analysts should deduct the preferred dividends to maintain the equity belonging to common stockholders. ─── 在计算股东权益报酬率时,分析者应当扣除优先股权益,只保留应该归属于普通股的权益。
5、Reasonable layout and perfect dimension deduct space aesthetics. ─── 合理布局,完美尺度演绎空间美学。
6、Do not pour water when you reply the post. Otherwise you will be deduct marks severely or forbid the speech. ─── 回贴时不能灌水,一经发现,严厉扣分。严重灌水的给予禁言处罚。
7、If you close your checking account and there is an advance balance due, the Bank will automatically deduct the balance due from your closing checking account balance. ─── 如果您关闭您的支票帐户,并且您的预支款项偿还当时已到期,本银行将从您即将关闭的支票帐户馀额中自动扣除应付款项。
8、Any of these options you can deduct from regime if you think Google penalty will be unwanted. ─── 这些选项可以从制度中扣除,如果你认为谷歌将不需要的罚款。
9、We send you herewith a cheque , value 90 have deduct the usual trade discount of 2% . ─── 依贸易惯例,扣除2%折扣后,奉上面额为90英镑支票一张。
10、To withhold or deduct a part from (one's salary or wages). ─── 以某人(月工资或周薪中)扣掉一部分.
11、In dressage competitions, the judges deduct a fair number of points for crookedness. ─── 在舞步比赛中,裁判会对扭曲的步伐进行罚分。
12、When I send you an account sale, I will deduct the insurance premium from the respective account . ─── 在寄送销售帐单时,我将从有关帐户中扣除保险费。
13、DC opening charges are for account of beneficiary. For the first negotiation, the issuing bank will deduct USD208.14 from the proceeds at time of reimbursement. ─── 信用证的开证费由受益人承担。对于第一次议付,开证行将在偿付时从收益中扣除208.14美圆。
14、Most forms of investment pay only the paltry leavings after others deduct their expenses and fair compensation for using your money. ─── 大多数投资是这样的,别人使用你的钱,扣除必要的费用并补偿你以后,你所得到的钱非常少。
15、If an oil slinger is used behind the inner pinion bearing cone, deduct the thickness of the slinger from the dial indicator reading and use that total for shim selection. ─── 如果抛油环用在内侧驱动小齿轮内圈的后面,从针盘指示表读数中扣除抛油环的厚度,垫片的选择用这个总数。
16、For convenience sake we will deduct these charges from the commission. ─── 为了方便起见,我们将从应付给你的佣金中扣除这些费用。
17、Plan China staff should monitor and check Volunteer's work, if there is any discrepancy between the content of the translation and the original letters, Plan China has the right to refuse the payment or deduct the payment. ─── 国际计划员工对志愿者的工作进行监督、检查和管理,如有不符合国际计划相关规定将拒付或扣除相应报酬。
18、Originally, this topic request water used stroke design drawing, this careless student had not seen that “I have used the pencil, did not know that can deduct points. ─── 原来,这道题要求用水笔画设计图,这个粗心的学生没看到, “我用了铅笔,不知道会不会扣分。”
19、Please attached INVOICE for your all of expenses and per diem, otherwise accounts will deduct IIT from your salary according to local tax low. ─── 员工报销时,需要提供正式发票(包括出差补贴),缺少发票财务部将按照税法规定从其工资中扣除个人所得税;
20、Please deduct this from your C&F quotation and send us a proforma invoice accordingly.Please requote FOB prices and send us a proforma invoice accordingly. ─── 因此要求对方报价时将原来包含运费的报价扣除运费后再重新报价。
21、The vendee should cover the sample fee and postage.but we'll deduct these charges after we receive the formal order. ─── 买家需支付样品费,邮寄费。当有正式定单后前两重(种?)费用予以扣除。
22、Students who know they will be missing class can deduct from invoice in advance before the due date. ─── 五人以上是团体课,若有暂时少于五人的情况,由学校决定是团体课或个别班。
23、Don't deduct the commission from the value of the consignment. ─── 不要从货物的价值中扣。
24、A person's day can deduct to this situation, might call it really the boundary. ─── 一个人的日子能演绎到这个地步,真可以称之为境界了。
25、Like Zhu Zhihang, Gao Wenchao, inferior representative also gambles sometimes, all sorts of allocation that what press an agreement scale deduct a percentage from a sum of money. ─── 与朱志杭、高文潮一样,下级代理有时也参赌,并按约定的各种分配比例提成。
26、At major competitions,two judges determine the start value Based 0n difficulties and Bonus met,the other four judges deduct for execution and composition only. ─── 在大型比赛中,2名裁判根据难度系数决定起评分和奖励分,另4名裁判根据动作的完成情况和编排扣分。
27、I am sorry for what has happened. I will make the goods for S immediately. For my mistake please deduct $200 from payment as compensation though it equals my monthly income. ─── “对发生这样的事情我非常难过,我们会尽快赶做S国客人的货。为表示歉意,货款请少付200美金,尽管它是我一个月的工资。”
28、When the listed company calculates the relevant indicators, it shall deduct from its total share capital the quantity of Shares that have been bought back. ─── 上市公司在计算相关指标时,应当从总股本中扣减已回购的股份数量。
29、No units purchasing agricultural products may, at the time of purchasing, beat down the grade or price of agricultural products or deduct any costs from the payment. ─── 农产品的收购单位在收购农产品时,不得压级压价,不得在支付的价款中扣缴任何费用。
30、If there are some person dare to pour water again, i will deduct your marks severely! ─── 如果有人再敢灌水,我将严厉扣你的分!
31、Fortunately, Afu's failure to deduct a point from Froch played no role in the decision. ─── 好在,有没有罚去弗罗奇一分,都不影响最后的结果。
32、Can enter silk enter and deduct detail of describing, it is obvious Dickens one outsight and realize strength better people more like this. ─── 回国后,他成了一名作家,又娶了爱格妮为妻,从此过上了幸福美满的生活。
33、If you send it through the post office they deduct 100. ─── 如果你通过邮局寄钱,他们要扣掉100美元。
34、In case party B breaches this Contract, party A has right to deduct the default fine, compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit . ─── 因乙方违反本合同的规定而产生的违约金、损坏赔偿金和其它相关费用,甲方可在押金中抵扣。
35、When I send you an account sales, I will deduct the insurance premium from the respective accounts. ─── 在寄送销售帐单时,我将从有关帐户中扣除保险费。
36、Many schoolfellows asked that my hearing answer spelling mistake solution will not deduct points. Can the month write the abbreviation.... ─── 好多同窗问我听力答案拼写错误解不会扣分。月份可不可以写缩写。...
37、The Chinese Football Association( CFA) announced on October14 night to fine Beijing Hyundai soccer club300,000 yuan and to deduct them three points from the team's total for its first ever walk-off strike in the super league. ─── 中国足协(FA)0月4日晚上宣布对北京现代队制造中超联赛首起罢赛事件的处罚决定,处罚现代队30万人民币,扣除联赛积分3分。
38、If deduct the pay after the word under minimum wage standard, ought to spend hair knock off according to specified number of minimum wage level endowment. ─── 假如扣除后的工资低于最低工资标准的话,应当按照最低工资标准额度发放工资。
39、Have opened personal settlement account in ICBC and agree that bank can deduct the principal and interest of loan from the specified personal settlement account. ─── 在中国农业银行开立个人结算账户,并同意银行从其指定的个人结算账户扣收贷款本息。
40、Accrual is the defray that happens to acquire operation result place, ought to deduct, so accrual supports tax is not income tax not plan the reason that enters cost. ─── 利息是为取得经营成果所发生的支出,应当扣除,所以利息抵税不是所得税不计入成本的原因。
41、You may deduct your families health insurance. ─── 你可以扣除你的家庭健康保险.
42、Do not deduct to commission from the value of the consignment. ─── 不要从货物的价值中扣除佣金。
43、You have the winding to deduct a percentage? ─── 你们有下线提成吗?
44、If unit of choose and employ persons does not have warrant to deduct laborer due pay, attribute the action of salary of embezzle part of what should be issued. ─── 假如用人单位无正当理由扣减劳动者应得的工资,则属于克扣工资的行为。
45、Sports building is carrier for sports culture, and to deduct culture is the most important rational basis of architecture design. ─── 体育建筑是体育文化的载体,演绎文化则是建筑设计的重要理性依据。
46、If you make your first mortgage payment of 2009 before Jan. 1, you can deduct the interest on this year’s taxes.The same goes for any property taxes that are deductible. ─── 如果你2009年1月1日之前进行第一抵押权付款,你就可以扣减这年的税款利息,其它任何可扣除的财产税也是一样。
47、When a company has preferred stock outstanding, we first deduct from net income the amount of current year preferred stock dividends. ─── 如果公司有发行在外的优先股,我们首先应从净收益中减除当年优先股的股利。
48、Moreover, if the patient goes to the dispensing, the inspection, when payment automatically will deduct the registration fee. ─── 另外,病人如果去配药、检查,在缴费时就会将挂号费自动扣去。
49、A quarter percent interest charges will is deduct from the proceeds after conversion. ─── 兑换以后所得的金额中将扣除0.25%的利息。
50、To deduct or subtract from a cost or price. ─── 减少从费用或价格中扣除或减去
51、Sov do lesser matters, such as whether commuters can deduct transport costs from taxes or whether bars can let smokers light up. ─── 任何对反恐警察权力的增加似乎都会招致宪法法院的反对。
52、English speaking acant salary 2000 deduct 300 for food and living. ─── 会计一名,会英语,待遇2000,其中扣除300的食宿。
53、Your action that supports valence to coiled to also rise to deduct. ─── 你的抵价卷也就起到了扣除的作用。
54、Once you deduct your expenses,there is nothing left. ─── 一旦扣除你的费用,就什么也没有了。
55、The Buyer shall be entitled to deduct such amount from may of the above payment as specified in the Contract. ─── 买方有权从上述任何一次支付中扣除。
56、At work, you get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for the prisoners. ─── 你不但要承担上班的所有费用,他们还从你的工资中抽税来支付囚犯的费用。
57、To self-adaptedly deduct the chromatogram baseline of dissolved gas in transformer oil,a half peak width and profile extraction-based baseline deduction method was proposed. ─── 为了自适应地扣除变压器油中溶解气体色谱基线,提出了基于半峰宽和轮廓提取的基线扣除方法。
58、Don't forget to deduct your child-care expenses when calculating your annual income tax. ─── 在计算年度个人所得税时,不要忘记扣除儿童保育支出。
59、car's potential range is also easy to deduct. ─── 汽车的里程也很容易减少。
60、What is it? Jones: Do not deduct our commission from the value of the consignment. ─── 不要在货款中扣除佣金。
61、And then, we will deduct it as ROB in the ullage report. ─── 好的,那我们一会在ROB报告中扣除这部分体积。
62、Review goods return records and deduct the non-refilled from supplier account on timely basis. ─── 复查货品返还纪录,适时地扣除供应商账目中未补充货品价值。
63、Corporations may deduct the cost of capital following capital cost allowance regulations. ─── 公司可根据资本成本备抵规定扣除资本成本。
64、Can domestic enterprises deduct offshore insurance before tax? ─── 境外保险境内企业可以税前扣除吗?
65、Sufficient space layer and perfect dimension deduct space philosophy. ─── 丰富空间层次,完美尺度演绎空间哲学。
66、Yes, when your money is wired, the bank that wires the money will deduct the requested amount. ─── 好的,当您的钱进入电汇时给您电汇款的银行将从中扣除部份手续费。
67、If you work in a company,you usually don't have to go to the tax bureau because your company will deduct it from your salary. ─── 如果你在公司里工作,你不用自己去税务局交税。你的公司会从你的工资中扣除你的所得税。
68、The number of scrapping broken wires for hoisting hot metal or dangerous goods takes half of scrapping broken wires of general hoisting rope, including the deduct of rust and tear and wear on the surface of wire rope. ─── 吊运炽热金属或危险品的钢丝绳的报废断丝数,取一般起重机钢丝绳报废断丝数的一半,其中包括钢丝表面磨蚀进行的折减。
69、If you decide to order after having seen the sample, we will deduct this sample fee from the later payment. ─── 如果您看过样品后决定下单,那我司会在后面的款项中免去您的这部分样品费用。
70、According to the study report from U.S., the constructability can shorten the duration, and deduct the cost. ─── 依国外经验,施工性计画可以减少施工问题、缩短工期、减少成本。
71、Firms would be allowed to deduct immediately the cost of all spending on long-term equipment rather than depreciate it over time. ─── 公司将被允许立即减少所有长期装备的支出成本,而不是待其贬值。
72、The public can employ its powerful function of copying to copy, plagiarize, adapt and deduct the works directly without permission. ─── 公众可以利用互联网的强大复制功能,对作品直接进行未经许可的复制、抄袭、改编和演绎。
73、To deduct from an amount; subtract. ─── 减去,减掉从一数量中抽出;减掉
74、In inn, have storefront hire of what, still have staff deduct a percentage from a sum of money and salary, it is normal also to add 300 yuan so, the price rose so. ─── 到店里,有店面租金什么的,还有人员提成和工资,所以加300元也正常,价格就这样起来了。
75、In no circumstance is it allowed to deduct or delay the payment. ─── 不得克扣或者无故拖欠劳动者的工资。
76、Some agencies deduct photography costs from a girl's first appointments or ask her to pay up front. ─── 一些代理行要从女孩第一次接客所得的收入中扣除照片的花费,或者要求她缴纳这笔费用。
77、And EBITDA is roughly equivalent to operating cash flow: operating profits before you deduct debt interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. ─── 企业价值是一家公司股票和债券的价值,EBITDA基本相当于经营性现金流。
78、Ll write out an allowance slip for you and deduct USD32from the total figure of your bill. ─── 我会开一张减收更正单,从你的账单余额中扣除32美金。
79、Yes, when your money is wired, the bank that wires the money will deduct the requested amount. ─── 好的,当您的钱进入电汇时给您电汇款的银行将从中扣除部份手续费。
80、Plan China staff should monitor and check Volunteer's work, if there is any discrepancy between the content of the translation and the original letters, Plan China has the right to refuse the payment or deduct the payment. ─── 国际计划员工对志愿者的工作进行监督、查和管理,如有不符合国际计划相关规定将拒付或扣除相应报酬。
81、In case discrepant documents are presented, we shall deduct USD55.00 for each discrepant. ─── 如提示不符单据,每一不符点,我行将扣除55美元。
82、At WORK you get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners. ─── 在工厂里,你支付所有费用,还要扣除部分工作得到的工资以供养犯人。
83、If you have to pay points to refinance your home, you can deduct them over the life of your new loan. ─── 如果您有支付项目而需要为你家再筹款,你可以扣除超出你新的借款的部分税款。
84、To deduct from an amount;subtract. ─── 减去,减掉从一数量中抽出;减掉
85、The Company will deduct and with-hold the amount of tax and social security funds payable from your monthly payroll. ─── 公司将从你每月的工资中扣除支付的个人所得税和社会保险金。
86、On condition of your signing this contract, I will deduct a percentage. ─── 如果你在这份合同上签字,我就会给你减免一个百分比。
87、AT WORK...you get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners. ─── 在工厂里...那得为所有的费用付钱,还得从工资里扣税出来,弥补监狱的开支。
88、The crisis only then just started, may globalize the financial big purchase campaign actually unceasingly starts in this confusion to deduct. ─── 危机才刚刚开始,可全球化的金融大收购战役却在这场混乱中不断开始演绎。
89、You can deduct the twenty-five cents out of my allowance. ─── 你可在我的零用钱里扣去二角五分钱。
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