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08-20 投稿


emigrated 发音

英:[ˈemɪɡreɪtɪd]  美:[ˈemɪɡreɪtɪd]

英:  美:

emigrated 中文意思翻译



emigrated 词性/词形变化,emigrated变形

名词: emigration |动词现在分词: emigrating |动词过去分词: emigrated |动词过去式: emigrated |动词第三人称单数: emigrates |

emigrated 同义词

trek | evacuate |migrate | move away | relocate | leave | travel

emigrated 反义词


emigrated 短语词组

1、emigrated meaning ─── 移民的意义

2、emigrated means ─── 移民是指

3、emigrated from ─── 离开(本国)移居到国外

4、emigrated or immigrated ─── 移民或 ─── 移民

5、emigrated definition ─── 移民定义

6、emigrated cells ─── [医] 移出细胞

emigrated 相似词语短语

1、emigrate ─── vi.移居;移居外国;vt.移民

2、migrated ─── 迁移;迁徙(migrate的过去式和过去分词)

3、immigrated ─── vi.移入;vt.使移居入境

4、remigrates ─── vi.再迁移;重新移植;再移民

5、emigrates ─── vi.移居;移居外国;vt.移民

6、denigrated ─── v.使变黑;诋毁;诽谤(denigrate的过去式和过去分词)

7、remigrated ─── vi.再迁移;重新移植;再移民

8、emicated ─── 排尿的

9、emirate ─── n.酋长国

emigrated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He emigrated from Britain to Australia in order to find a better job. ─── 他从英国移居到澳大利亚,想找一份更好的工作。

2、Thousands died or emigrated during the Irish famine. ─── 在那次爱尔兰饥荒中,数千人饿死或背井离乡。

3、Many black people emigrated to Britain in the 1950's. ─── 在二十世纪五十年代许多黑人移民到英国.

4、I emigrated to New Zealand. ─── 我移民到新西兰。

5、It was estimated that 40300 and 30900 people emigrated in 1996 and 1997,respectively. ─── 当局估计一九九六年的移民外地人数约有40300人,而一九九七年则有30900人。

6、Her father, the son of a peasant, emigrated to America, made some money and returned to China where he earned a fortune printing Bibles. ─── 她父亲是农民之子,移民美国,赚了笔钱之后返回中国,靠印刷圣经发财。

7、Joe was an Eiffel Tower of a kid, an incipient giant. His family had emigrated from Europe, and he had a faint accent. ─── 对于他的年龄而言,乔是一个少年巨人。他全家是从欧洲移民过来的,他有着轻微的土音。

8、We thought you'd emigrated."—"No, no." ─── 我们还以为你已经移民了呢。”—“不,没有。”

9、He' s emigrated to the USA and gone completely native. ─── 他已移居美国, 完全成了美国人.

10、His uncle's branch of the family emigrated to Australia. ─── 他的家族中叔父这一支系已移居澳大利亚.

11、Iqbal Quadir, a Bangladeshi who emigrated to America to become an investment banker and then a business academic, had a dream of bringing mobile phones to his homeland. ─── IqbalQuadir,一个移民至美国从事投行职业后来转行成为商业学者的孟加拉人,梦想将移动电话带到他的故乡。

12、I meet Alen, a thirtysomething Muslim who emigrated to Florida during the war and is now back home in Mostar.He explains, "In those years, night was the time when we lived.We didn't walk ... we ran. ─── 在开始阶段,联合国人居署将派遣一名资深的城市规划人员作为市长和城市发展部主管的特别顾问。

13、Since World War Two, more than one and a quarter million Britons have emigrated to Australia, and for millions more it's still the end of the rainbow. ─── 二战以来,已有125万以上的英国人移居澳大利亚,而对其他数百万人来说,那里仍是个向往的地方。

14、His family emigrated to the U.S. Last winter. ─── 他们一家去年冬天移民到美国了。

15、many Farsi emigrated to India near Bombay. ─── 很多波斯人移居到了孟买附近的印度。

16、Brandeis was born in 1856, into a family of non-religious Jews a few years after they emigrated from Germany to the United States. ─── 布兰迪斯来自于一个不信奉宗教的犹太人家庭,在这个家庭从德国移民到美国多年后的1856年出生。

17、The moral weight of Karl Marx's criticisms of 19th-century capitalism even won him praise from the high priest of Western liberalism, Karl Popper, a Viennese-born philosopher who emigrated to London. ─── 卡尔.马克思对于19世纪资本主义批判的道义影响,甚至赢得了西方自由主义权威,维也纳裔伦敦哲学家卡尔.波普的高度赞扬。

18、Jung was born in Canada to parents who emigrated from China to practice architecture and civil engineering. ─── 她从不忘记小时候父母都她的关于做人原则的教育。

19、He's emigrated to the USA and gone completely native. ─── 他已移居美国,完全成了美国人。

20、I don't know if his parents and relatives have all emigrated too, but hasn't he thought about just how many people will be affected by his actions? ─── 不晓得他父母亲戚是不是也都转移出国了,也不想想自己的所作所为会影响多少人。

21、I have sometimes thought that I should have emigrated. ─── 我有时想我早该移居国外。

22、* The Roth family, whose progenitors emigrated from Germany early in the nineteenth century, settled in Peru, Illinois. ─── *家庭的罗斯,其祖从德国移民早在十九世纪,定居在秘鲁,伊利诺伊州。

23、Figures refer to the number of responding diagnostic radiographers who reported emigrated, household duties, etc. ─── 有關數字指填報填報移民或料理家務等項目的放射診斷技師人數。

24、Nicholas Rainer was born in South Africa but emigrated to the island paradise of Mauritius when he was 10 years old. ─── 尼古拉斯出生于南非,在他10岁时移居至岛国天堂毛里求斯。

25、Hostess: Since you emigrated to Hong Kong in 1963, have you ever come back to Chao Zhou? ─── 主持人:在从1963年就到香港,之后有没有再回来潮州啊?

26、After he had passed over he did his damnedest, via a British medium, to keep in touch with Hans, who had emigrated to New York. ─── 叔叔越洋后,也还想尽办法,通过一家英国媒体来与汉斯取得联系,可汉斯当时移民至纽约,这无疑也就让跨(大西)洋电话业务赚了一笔。

27、Polymorphonuclear leukocyte gathered in vessel or emigrated out of vessel in 50% samples; ─── 50%标本多形核白细胞血管内聚集或游出血管外现象;

28、They emigrated to start a new life in Canada. ─── 他们移居加拿大,开始了新的生活。

29、Both her parents were dead. The rest of her family had emigrated with the great Anglo-Indian exodus following Partition. ─── 她的父母都死了,其他的家人在(

30、After several incidents of attacking campers, all bears were emigrated from the park. ─── 发生几起宿营者袭击动物的事件之后,所有的熊都从公园迁徙走了。

31、have emigrated to the U.K. or the U.S. and, because of their linguistic prowess, ─── 已经移民到英国或美国,并且由于他们的语言天份,

32、Kaz's father had been born to a family of some wealth and social position in Hiroshima, and had emigrated to America in the early 1920s in the spirit of adventure, not of need or flight; ─── 和子的父亲出生在广岛一个殷实、有一定社会地位的家庭,20世纪20年代初移居美国,不是因为贫穷或者逃亡,而是冒险精神使然。

33、emigrated cells ─── [医] 移出细胞

34、"The fact is that, due to a family dispute with legal ramifications, all four of my grandparents emigrated from Yugoslavia to Poland. And my parents were born in Poland." ─── “是这样的:我的祖父母和外祖父母都因家庭争执触犯法律而从南斯拉夫移民到波兰,所以我的父母都出生于波兰。”

35、My grandparents emigrated to Canada to try their luck there. ─── 我的祖父母移民到加拿大去碰碰运气。

36、He emigrated to a distant country, where he felt he could live in safety from his enemies ─── 他移居到一个遥远的国家,在那里他觉得能摆脱仇敌,可以平平安安地生活。

37、Gla erg, his brothers and parents emigrated to Canada after the war ended. Shlick and her sister moved to Estonia, where Bertha died in1970. ─── 战后,格莱斯伯格及其父母兄弟移民加拿大。史利克和大姐移居爱沙尼亚,大姐贝莎于1970年去世。

38、Many thousands of them emigrated from the war-ravaged South to the North from 1865 to 1915 in the hope of finding work in the Big industrial cities ─── 从1865年至1915年,成千上万的黑人从遭受战争蹂躏的南方迁移到北方,希望那里的大工业城市里找到工作

39、I worked there for six years until I emigrated to Canada. ─── 我移民加拿大之前在那里工作了六年。

40、My parents died when I was a baby, and the next of kin was my father's cousin, he put me in an orphanage then emigrated to Australia after the war, that was all. ─── 我父母在我是个婴儿时就去世了,跟我最近亲的人是我父亲的表弟,他把我送去一家孤儿院然后就移民去澳洲了,那就是全部了。

41、Powell, the sixth son of church pastors, is one of the few among the many famous Jamaican sprinters who has not emigrated. ─── 鲍威尔是一名牧师的第六个儿子,也是少有的成名后没有移民的牙买加短跑运动员。

42、When he was a baby his family emigrated to the United States.There, he went on to global stardom playing the loin-clothed ruler of the apes. ─── 强尼在襁褓时,随家人移居美国,因为饰演绑缠腰布的人猿泰山而红遍全球。

43、high noble family that emigrated to the south ─── 侨姓高门

44、As the result of the insurgence of minority of Qidan and Xi, Government Office of Yingzhou had to be emigrated to Yuyang of Youzhou twice. ─── 因奚和契丹的叛乱,营州都督府曾经两次被迫迁往幽州的渔阳。

45、THE OTHER SON - A mother spends her life waiting for news from her two sons (emigrated to America) while ignoring her third, because he is the reincarnation of the bandit who raped her. ─── 影片根据意大利著名小说家皮兰德娄描写故乡的几个短篇小说改编而成,影片的片名在意大利语中有杂乱无章的意思,但同时又是皮兰德娄的家乡的村名。

46、Directors of F were one representative for a large Dutch company that provides corporate and trust services (connected to I) and the elderly Swedish man and his wife that had emigrated in the seventies. ─── 公司的主管是一家提供社团和信托服务的大型荷兰公司的代表(与I公司有关系),另一个年纪较大的瑞典人和他的妻子已经在70年代移民了。

47、The emigration continued until the transplantation of late rice, but the weevils on the field ridges still emigrated even after transplantation and nearly nothing left. ─── 早稻田内的一代成虫在晚稻插秧前一直外迁,田埂上的个体则几乎全部迁出(插秧后仍继续外迁),仅晚稻插秧时尚未迁走的田内成虫(仅占早稻收割前残留一代虫量的5%?

48、In 1987, Mueller and her husband emigrated from Romania to Germany. ─── 1987年,米勒和她的丈夫从罗马尼亚移民到德国。

49、It was estimated that 40,300 and 30,900 people emigrated in 1996 and 1997,respectively. ─── 当局估计1996年的移民外地人数约有40,300人,而1997年则有30,900人。

50、Eric: I have emigrated to Mainland China. ─── 我移民去了大陆。

51、2002 Granted Permanent Residence by the American government as an outstanding person and emigrated to New York with family. ─── 2002年底在中国获“美国杰出人士绿卡”携全家侨居美国纽约。

52、2.I never told her how I met other negresses like myself,the boy children of women who had emigrated to New York from islands like Jamaica,Cuba,Antigua,Anguilla,Baibuda. ─── 2我从没有告诉她我是怎么认识其他像我这样的黑人女性和她们的儿子的,她们从牙买加,古巴,安提瓜,安圭拉,百慕大这些岛国移民到纽约。

53、He would like to have emigrated, but his wife successfully opposed the idea. ─── 他本想移居国外,但因为他妻子的反对没有成。

54、Brandeis was born in 1856, into a family of non-religious Jews a few years after they emigrated from Germany to the United States. ─── 布兰迪斯来自于一个不信奉宗教的犹太人家庭,在这个家庭从德国移民到美国多年后的1856年出生。

55、Figures refer to the number of responding optometrists who reported emigrated, engaging in household duties, etc. ─── 有關數字指填報移民或料理家務等項目的視光師人數。

56、In 1850, Cruise's great-great-grandfather Dylan Henry Mapother emigrated from the town of Flint, north Wales, to Louisville, Kentucky. ─── 1850年,好莱坞巨星克鲁斯的高曾祖父(曾祖父的父亲)从威尔士北部的弗林特镇移民至美国肯塔基州的路易(斯)维尔市。

57、Figure refers to the number of responding dentists who reported engaging in household duties, emigrated, etc. ─── 有關數字指填報料理家務或移民等項目的牙醫人數。

58、Why Chinese Emigrated to Canada in the 19th Century ─── 19世纪中国人移民加拿大原因初探

59、A person born in America of parents who emigrated from Japan. ─── 二世父母从日本移民其美国,出生于美国的人

60、I'm trying to get in touch with my brother; he emigrated to Australia, and I lost touch with him. ─── 我正设法与哥哥取得联系,他移居澳大利亚了,那时我们就失去了联系。

61、He emigrated to Braizil in search of a better life. ─── 他为寻求更好的生活,移民到巴西。

62、My uncle's branch of the family emigrated to Canada. ─── 我们家族中我叔父的这一支移居到了加拿大。

63、She emigrated to America in 1995. ─── 她1995年移民美国。

64、They emigrated to America a year ago. ─── 他们一年前移民去了美国。

65、His family emigrated from Italy to America. ─── 他们家从意大利移居到美国。

66、Hopefully, despair and helplessness emigrated. ─── 但愿绝望和无奈远走高飞。

67、He emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1940s. ─── 他于40年代从德国移居到美国。

68、They have emigrated to Australia. ─── 他们已移民到澳大利亚定居了。

69、I think that in the year 1914 alone there emigrated out of Russia, which then included Poland as well, something in the neighbourhood of 120,000 Jews ─── 光在1914年一年里就有约莫120,000犹太人移出俄国(当时版图包括波兰)。

70、They emigrated from Taiwan to Brazil. ─── 他们从台湾移居巴西。

71、He emigrated from Beijing to Australia to find work. ─── 他从北京移居到澳大利亚寻找工作。

72、I lost touch with my brother when be emigrated to Australia. ─── 我兄弟移居澳大利亚后,我就同他失去了联系。

73、Figure refers to the number of responding physiotherapists who reported emigrated, retired, etc. ─── 有關數字指填報移民或退休等項目的物理治療師人數。

74、In 1987 she emigrated to Germany with her husband two years before dictator Nicolae Ceausescu was toppled from power amid the widening communist collapse across eastern Europe. ─── 1987年,米勒和丈夫一同移民德国。2年后,独裁者尼古拉-齐奥塞斯库政权被推翻,当时正值东欧共产主义阵营瓦解时期。

75、They emigrated from China / to America. ─── 他们从中国移居;移居到美国。

76、Cadmus and Harmonia quitted Thebes, now grown odious to them, and emigrated to the country of the Enchelians, who received them with honor and made Cadmus their king. ─── 底比斯城如今只能勾起卡德摩斯和哈耳摩尼亚的无限伤感。他们弃城出走,投奔了安奇里亚人。那里的人们热情地接待了他们,并拥戴卡德摩斯为王。

77、For all I know she may have emigrated to Outer Mongolia ─── 我不太清楚,她也许移民去了外蒙古。

78、After college graduation, Harry emigrated to America. ─── 哈利大学毕业后移民到了美国。

79、Until I emigrated to America, my family and I endured progressive ostracism and discrimination. ─── 我的家庭和我自己忍受着变本加厉的排斥和歧视直到我移居美国。

80、The Han clan, which emigrated from Hongtong Shanxi province, was the descendant of the Minister Hanqi in Song Dynasty. ─── 摘要山西洪洞韩氏由河南安阳移居,系宋代丞相韩琦的后裔。至明朝成化年间户部尚书韩文时该族兴盛,产生了一批士大夫。

81、In 1987, Bekker emigrated to Canada where he concentrated on commercial work and recorded over twenty instrumental albums for stock-music companies. ─── 1987年,贝克移居加拿大,在加拿大他专心于商业音乐,为上市音乐公司录制了20多张乐器专辑。

82、One of his forefathers emigrated to Australia. ─── 他的一位祖先移居澳洲。

83、All the men had been killed in vendettas or had also emigrated, either to America, Brazil or to some other province on the Italian mainland. ─── 亲属中的女人生都寿终正寝,男人不是在家族格斗中给杀害了,就是移居到美国、巴西或意大利半岛去了。

84、I'm trying to get in touch with my brother; he emigrated to Australia, and I lost touch with him. ─── 我正设法与哥哥取得联系,他移居澳大利亚了,那时我们就失去了联系。

85、Many thousands of them emigrated from the war-ravaged South to the North from 1865 to 1915 in the hope of finding work in the big industrial cities. ─── 从1865至1915年间,成千上万的黑人从战火后满目疮痍的南方迁徙到北方,满心盼望着能在工业化的大都市里安身立命。

86、As the Han people emigrated from the city center to the city outside the front door business district began to thrive. ─── 随着汉族居民从市中心移居到城市外部,前门商业区开始兴盛起来。

87、After years of social torture , the family emigrated to the United States in 1938. ─── 在经受多年的社会压迫之后,他们全家于1938年迁移到美国。

88、They emigrated to start a new life in America. ─── 他们移居美国开始新的生活。

89、She emigrated to Greece from Bulgaria and is a waitress with a husband and three children of her own. ─── 她从保加利亚移民到希腊,工作是女招待,有丈夫和三个孩子。

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