saturated 发音
英:['sætʃəreɪtɪd] 美:['sætʃəretɪd]
英: 美:
saturated 中文意思翻译
saturated 词性/词形变化,saturated变形
动词第三人称单数: saturates |动词现在分词: saturating |动词过去分词: saturated |形容词: saturable |动词过去式: saturated |名词: saturator |
saturated 反义词
saturated 短语词组
1、saturated carbon ring ─── [化] 饱和碳环
2、saturated fat ( ─── 来自肉类和乳类的)饱和脂肪
3、coordinatively saturated complex ─── [化] 配位饱和络合物
4、saturated color ─── [医] 饱和色
5、saturated edge ─── [计] 饱和边, 饱和界限
6、saturated calomel electrode ─── [机] 饱和甘汞电极
7、saturated compound ─── [化] 饱和化合物 ─── [医] 饱和化合物
8、saturated compounds ─── [机] 饱和化合物
9、saturated diode ─── [计] 饱和二极管
10、saturated circuit ─── [计] 饱和电路
11、saturated brine ─── [化] 饱和盐水
12、adiabatic saturated temperature ─── [化] 绝热饱和温度
13、saturated acid ─── [化] 饱和酸
14、aliphatic saturated hydrocarbon ─── [化] 脂族饱和烃; 饱和链烃
15、anti-saturated logic circuit ─── [计] 抗饱和逻辑电路
16、saturated dihalide ─── [化] 二卤代烷
17、saturated air ─── [化] 饱和空气
18、dry saturated steam ─── [机] 干饱和蒸气
19、saturated ammonia ─── [机] 饱和氨
saturated 同义词
soaked | brimful | overloaded | overwhelmed | wet through | concentrated | replete | flooded | overfull | full | packed | drenched | pure | wet | brimming |soggy | soaking | wringing wet | waterlogged | dripping wet
saturated 相似词语短语
1、desaturated ─── v.降低饱和度,稀释(desaturate的过去式和过去分词)
2、aurated ─── 听觉的
3、saturater ─── 饱和
4、maturate ─── v.化脓;(使)成熟
5、maturated ─── v.化脓;(使)成熟
6、saturates ─── v.(使)浸透;使饱和,使充满;变得饱和(saturate的第三人称单数);n.饱和脂肪(saturate的复数)
7、saturate ─── vt.浸透,使湿透;使饱和,使充满;adj.浸透的,饱和的;深颜色的
8、unsaturated ─── adj.不饱和的
9、saturaters ─── 容器
saturated 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Our clothes were saturated with the heavy rain. ─── 我们的衣服被大雨淋透了。
2、Even better, that same can of tuna has ZERO grams of saturated fat! ─── 做得更好,同时也可以金枪鱼零克饱和脂肪!
3、Snack food market is largely saturated, and to grow. ─── 休闲食品市场基本饱和,并呈增长趋势。
4、We lay on the beach,saturated in sunshine. ─── 我们躺在沙滩上,沐浴在阳光里.
5、In spite of their large ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids, trisaturated acylglycerols are not present. ─── 尽管饱和脂肪酸与不饱和脂肪酸的比例很大,三饱和酸甘油酯并不存在。
6、Muzo gems have the quintessential pure, strong, saturated dark green color. ─── muzo宝石有精华纯,强烈,饱和的颜色深绿。
7、Total Phospholipid(TPL),Saturated Phosphaytidylcholine(SatPC) and Total protein(TP) in the BALF were measured. ─── 取SatPC/TPL和SatPC/TP比值作为判断PS活性水平的指标。
8、The density of saturated vapour also increase when the temperature becomes higher, as shown in Table 1. ─── 如表1所示,温度升高时,饱和水气的密度也随之增加。
9、Fishes containing high-quality protein and little saturated fat are good for health. ─── 含有优质蛋白质及少量饱和脂肪的鱼类,对人体健康非常有益。
10、If it lies on the curve, the air is said to be saturated. ─── 如该点刚好在曲线上,空气就是饱和。
11、Influence of Biot slow wave in layered saturated porous medium. ─── 层状饱和多孔介质中Biot慢波的影响
12、Both his clothes and the hay were saturated with rain. ─── 他的衣服和麦草都浸透了雨水。
13、Dinner 7% saturated the most comfortable. Treat my girlfriend the most requested at 7%. ─── 吃饭7成饱最舒服。对待女友最多也请保持在7成。
14、We have the saturated calomel electrode. ─── 我们得到饱和甘汞电极。
15、Battelle Laboratories and I joined up in Bellingham, Washington, there were four piles saturated with diesel and other petroleum waste. ─── 巴特尔实验室和我一起在华盛顿贝灵汉,我们有四堆用柴油和其它石油废液浸透的绒布。
16、The saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer. ─── 在烟肉里的饱和油脂也是可以致癌。
17、They lay on the beach and were saturated with sunshine. ─── 他们躺在沙滩上,沐浴在阳光里。
18、Fish oils are less saturated than animal fats. ─── 鱼油不如动物脂肪饱和。
19、Because compounds of this type contain only single bonds they are often referred to as saturated hydrocarbons. ─── 因为这类化合物只含有单键,所以它们常被称为饱和烃。
20、The students are going to a dance party on Satur. ─── 学生们在星期六晚上要去参加一个舞会。
21、During a fog, the air is saturated with moisture. ─── 下雾时空气被湿气浸透。
22、Run through the streets together, jump in puddles and get totally saturated. ─── 一起在大街上穿行,跳入地上积水,来个落汤鸡。
23、He ways it's hard to sell a house now; the house market is saturated. ─── 他说现在很难出售房子,因为房屋的供应已饱和。
24、Since Mitch had been so close to Honduras for almost a week, the ground was already saturated with water. ─── 由于米奇如此深入袭击洪都拉斯几乎达一周时间,整个大地都浸在了水中。
25、Milk chocolate is high in calories, saturated fat and sugar. ─── 奶油巧克力的卡路里、饱和脂肪和糖的含量都很高。
26、Marius' blandishments, all saturated with fancy, were, so to speak, of azure hue. ─── 在狎昵念意的跟前,心,为了更好地爱,后退了。
27、The probability that the saturated flow of the network is not less than dis used to evaluate the flow capability of the network. ─── 尝试用两端点网络饱和流值不小于给定需求的概率评估网络实际流通能力的可靠性。
28、When the speed servo system has a large torque reference, the output of its PI controller is often saturated. ─── 当速度伺服系统的转矩参考值很大,转矩PI调节器的输出就容易饱和。
29、When multiple saturated colors are used together, chromostereopsis and other perceptual artifacts often occur. ─── 当使用多种饱和色时,经常出现多彩立体影像和其他视觉假象。
30、He is saturated with knowledge. ─── 他知识渊博。
31、Most of the NOA's of strength 2 are saturated with a small number of them being supersaturated. ─── 强度为2的设计绝大多数是饱和的,其中有少量是超饱和的。
32、If you are thoroughly saturated in that state of mind, your playing will reflect it. ─── 如果你彻底地渗进了那种思想状态,你的演奏会将它反映出来。
33、When an air parcel is cooled, at a certain temperature it will become saturated. ─── 当一个小气团冷却,气团内的水气会于低至某一个温度达到饱和。
34、The market for refrigerators is already saturated. ─── 冰箱的市场已经处于饱和状态。
35、Clothing saturated with oxygen is readily ignitable and will burn vigorously. ─── 吸饱了氧的衣物很容易点燃,而且燃烧剧烈。
36、The temperature at which the water vapor in a given sample of air becomes saturated is called the dew point. ─── 使一已知空气样品中的水蒸汽达到饱和时的温度称为露点。
37、And it calls for a limit in the amount of saturated and trans fats in the diet. ─── 并且还呼吁在饮食中限制饱和脂肪和转脂肪。
38、The goods have been heavily saturated by rain because of insufficient packing. ─── 包装不良使货物被雨水浸透。
39、She was saturated with water. ─── 她被水淋湿了。
40、Parents eat the equivalent of almost a pepperoni pizza of saturated fat each week. ─── 父母每周吃进肚里的饱和脂肪数量相当于一个辣香肠比萨饼内的含量。
41、Leaf thickness, leaf saturated water content and vein thickness increased with decreasing temperateness. ─── 叶片厚度、饱和含水量和主脉厚度均随着温和度的降低而增大。
42、His novel is saturated with prejudice toward Christianity. ─── 他的小说充满着对基督教的偏见。
43、Recommended in hybrid systems with saturated polyesters., It has very good flow properties. ─── 建议与深颜色树脂混合,提高流动性。
44、In the early days, too, longlines would have been more saturated with fish. ─── 在早期中,也,多钩长线对鱼感到更饱和。
45、Unhealthful fats include saturated and trans fats. ─── 不利于健康的脂肪包括饱和脂肪及转化脂肪。
46、His shirt was saturated with sweat. ─── 他的衬衫上浸满了汗水。
47、The powerful ventilators added their continuous blasts and saturated the glowing plates with oxygen. ─── 威力强大的鼓风机不停地吹着,把氧气充分地供应给白热的炉火。
48、Screens that must be visible under bright lights or from a distance require high contrast and more saturated colors. ─── 在强光下或者远距离也要能够看清楚的屏幕,需要高对比度和更为饱和的色彩,上年纪的人和视力不好的人需要较大且易读的显示。
49、Air that has become saturated with harmful chemicals, carbon monoxides, dust, and other contaminants. ─── 充满有害化学物质、一氧化碳、灰尘和其它有害物质的空气。
50、In the superheat cycle, the saturated dry steam leaving the boiler drum is further heated before entering the turbine. ─── 在过热的循环过程中,离开锅炉汽包的干饱和蒸汽在进入汽轮机前被进一步加热。
51、A sacred fount of untold power, it saturated every fiber of our being. ─── 一眼浸润我们每个人血管的无尽的力量之泉。
52、Is China Household Eletric Appliance Market Really Saturated? ─── 中国家电市场真的饱和了吗?
53、The consumer market would be saturated with goods. ─── 会有足够的商品来满足消费市场的需要。
54、Doctors advised her to cut down on the amount of saturated fats in her diet. ─── 医生建议她减少饮食中饱和脂肪的摄入量。
55、The BWR state equation modified by Giorgio S. Soave in 1999 was applied to the saturated hydrogen fluid. ─── 将GiorgioS . Soave改进的BWR方程应用于饱和氢流体 ,通过实验数据对方程的参数进行了选择和拟合。
56、His book is saturated with prejudice against Asians. ─── 他的书是被对亚洲人的偏见所充斥的。
57、Some of these remains became saturated with mineral-bearing water and were thus petrified or turned to stone. ─── 其中的一些残骸在含矿液体中饱和并发生石质化。
58、The ECDL is frequency-locked to the Cs D2 line by the method of saturated absorption spectroscopy. ─── 利用饱和吸收谱的方法,激光器频率被锁定在铯原子D2线中超精细能级的跃迁频率上。
59、We must dilute the saturated solution to reduce its corrosion. ─── 我们必须稀释饱和溶液来降低其腐蚀性。
60、He says it's hard to sell a house now; the market is saturated with houses. ─── 他说现在卖房子很难了,市场上已饱和了。
61、It was composed of stringy filaments saturated with water, like the berries, and devoid of nourishment. ─── 它是由一丝丝的充满了水份的纤维组成的:跟浆果一样,完全没有养份。
62、The market is saturated with good used cars, ie There are too many of them for sale. ─── 市场上质量好的旧汽车供过於求.
63、Standard pressure settings for saturated steam service are 5 through 15 psig. ─── 对于饱和蒸汽系统来说,标准的压力设置是5至15 psig。
64、When a sample is initially saturated with a wetting fluid, the process is called drainage. ─── 如果试样原始为湿润流体所饱和,则此过程称为排泄。
65、It is lower in saturated fat than any other kind of oil and, Besides, free from cholesterol. ─── 它的饱和脂肪含量比任何油都低,而且不含胆固醇。
66、This was also true for the soil saturated with oil. ─── 对浸透了油的土壤也是如此。
67、The structure alteration of the lignin treated with saturated steam is more than that heated in dry condition. ─── 与用水蒸气加热处理相比,在干燥条件下加热后木素结构变化相对较小。
68、Beautiful shots, but dang that color is super saturated, are you using FujiFilm? ─── 好图.这些照片的色彩非常饱和,你用的是富士通胶卷么?
69、The mattress is saturated with embalming fluid.It's a morgue for lice, bedbugs, cockroaches, tapeworms. ─── 床垫已被散发出香气的液体浸透,已成了虱子,臭虫、蟑螂和绦虫的陈尸所。
70、The market for home computer is saturated. ─── 家用计算机市场已经饱和了。
71、You will have eaten eight grams of saturated fat instead of 37. ─── 你将吃进8克的饱和脂肪,而不是37克。
72、We were caught in the rain and came home saturated. ─── 我们挨了雨淋, 回家时已浑身湿透。
73、In saturated flow through a porous medium a force is exerted by the fluid on the solid matrix. ─── 在通过多孔介质的饱和流动中,流体会对固体骨架施加力。
74、And make use of the water of saturated steam make a steady polymer in the spore to hydrolyze. ─── 并利用饱和蒸气中的水分使芽孢中稳定的聚合物(钙)水解。
75、Did you know your body actually has the intelligence to make its own saturated fats from all that dry food and store them as fat reserves? ─── 你知道你自己的身体有这个智能来处理所有来自于干粮的饱和脂肪,并把它们储存起来作为脂肪储备吗?
76、The films manufactured by Hollywood are saturated in the cinemas all over the world. ─── 在全世界电影市场上充斥着好莱坞的影片。
77、For example, consider the recent news about trans fat and saturated fat regarding food labeling requirements. ─── 举例来说,最近考虑脂肪和饱和脂肪的消息经有关食品标签的规定。
78、About a minute or so after Bob begins his attack, I notice that my uplinks start becoming saturated with packets. ─── 大约在Bob实施攻击一分钟之后,我注意到信息包逐渐占满了上行链路。
79、And when we achieve the saturated concentration of chemotherapeutics, MPA dose not continue to raise inhibition ratio. ─── 并且化疗药已达到饱和浓度时甲孕酮不能继续提高抑制率。
80、China's market id far from being saturated. ─── 中国市场远未饱和。
81、Use RPMI basic medium supplemented with heat-inactivated 10% FBS, culture under 37?, saturated humidity and 5%CC>2. ─── 将细胞悬液置于56OC灭活的10%胎牛血清+RPMI-1640液的培养体系中,37℃、5%二氧化碳、饱和湿度条件下培养。
82、The market is saturated with gooda used cars. ─── 市场上质量好的旧汽车供过于求.
83、The CPU graph, which had previously consisted of cyclical fits of starts and stops, is now more consistently saturated over time. ─── 此前,CPU图中包含表示启动和停止的周期,现在则是一直占满。
84、Some lakes and rivers are saturated with pollutants. ─── 一些河流和湖泊充满污染物。
85、The atmosphere is saturated with disaster, frustration, futility. ─── 四周的气氛中弥漫着灾难、挫折和徒劳无功。
86、When water reaches the saturated zone beneath the water table, it oozes slowly downward, and laterally. ─── 当水到达潜水面以下的饱和带时,它就缓慢地向下和侧向渗透。
87、If evaporation and concentration continues a saturated solution will eventually be produced. ─── 如果继续蒸发和浓缩,最终就形成饱和溶液。
88、The enclosed space contains air, water vapor, and sufficient excess water so that the vapor is saturated. ─── 封闭容器的空间内储有空气、水蒸汽和足够的使水蒸汽饱和的水。
89、The market is saturated with good used cars. ─── 市场上质量好的旧汽车供过于求。
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