polyphony 发音
英: 美:
polyphony 中文意思翻译
polyphony 词性/词形变化,polyphony变形
名词复数: polyphonies |副词: polyphonously |形容词: polyphonous |
polyphony 反义词
polyphony 同义词
polyphony 短语词组
1、imitative polyphony ─── 模仿式复调
2、polyphony digital ─── 复调数码
3、polyphony hs ─── 复调hs
4、polyphony songs ─── 复调歌曲
5、polyphony music definition ─── 复调音乐定义
6、polyphony music example ─── 复调音乐示例
7、polyphony era ─── 复调时代
polyphony 相似词语短语
1、polyphones ─── n.多音字母
2、polyphons ─── 复调
3、polyphagy ─── n.多食症;贪欲;杂食性(等于polyphagia)
4、polyphone ─── n.多音字母
5、polygony ─── 多边形
6、polypody ─── n.瓦苇属的植物
7、colophony ─── n.树脂;松香
8、polyphon ─── 波里丰
9、polyphonic ─── adj.多音的;有韵律变化的;对位法的
polyphony 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Polyphony of harmony ─── 和声复调化
2、Their artistic forms are characterized by features of "soul stories" and "polyphony" novels. ─── 在艺术形式上,则呈现出“心灵故事”和“复调”小说的特征。
3、The motet was the most important musical genre of the 13th century and an essential vehicle for the development of polyphony. ─── 经文歌是13世纪最重要的音乐类型,也是发展复调音乐的基本工具。
4、Their artistic forms are characterized by features of "soul stories" and "polyphony" novels. ─── 在艺术形式上,则呈现出“心灵故事”和“复调”小说的特征。
5、The Polyphony of The Scarlet Letter ─── 《红字》的复调性
6、With the concept of polyphony, The article makes a new explanation of The French Lieutenant's Woman which was always regarded as a "metafiction". ─── 本文以复调理论对福尔斯的这部一向被视为“元小说”的作品进行新的阐释。
7、The main courses include Theory of Composition, Harmony, Polyphony, Musical Analysis and Orchestration. ─── 主要课程包括:作曲技术理论、和声、复调、曲式、配器等。
8、polyphony music ─── 复调音乐
9、The production of his Wilderness Men in 1985 was a real polyphony . ─── 1985年公演的《野人》是一部真正的复调戏剧。
10、There was also French-influenced polyphony written in German areas at this time, but it was somewhat less sophisticated than its models. ─── 这个时期的德国同样存在法国式复调音乐的写作,但还并不是很成熟。
11、There was also French-influenced polyphony written in German areas at this time, but it was somewhat less sophisticated than its models. ─── 这个时期的德国同样存在法国式复调音乐的写作,但还并不是很成熟。
12、The Analysis and Practice of Insulation Layer of Flat Polyphony Roof-board in Southern Area of China ─── 南方地区平屋面聚苯板隔热层的分析与实践
13、Harmony of Polyphony ─── 复调和声化
14、Now that musicians have truly begun to explore the effects of polyphony, where different melodies combine to wonderful effect, music is becoming progressively more popular. ─── 音乐家们通过复调技法,将不同旋律糅合在一起构成美妙曲调,令音乐为更多民众所喜爱。
15、Renaissance is the golden time that European polyphony underwent development and prosperity. ─── 文艺复兴时期是欧洲复调音乐发展和繁荣的黄金时期。
16、Key concepts: Madrigals, Dances, Renaissance instruments, polyphony, St Marks, Mass, ─── 聆听目的:了解文艺复兴时期的乐器,时尚和服饰,舞步,艺术作品
17、Abstract: The origin of polyphony is closely related to religion.The emergence of polyphony has a far historical significance. ─── 文章摘要: 复调音乐的起源与宗教密不可分,它的出现对其后相当长的历史阶段产生了深远的影响。
18、Voice Polyphony, dynamically allocated, lightning fast performance. ─── 128语音复调音乐,动态分配,快如闪电的性能。
19、The Bistritsa Babi-Archaic Polyphony, Dances and Rituals from the Shoplouk Region ─── 肖普卢克地区的复调、舞蹈和宗教仪式
20、This music became known as "Hot Jazz", because of the often breakneck speeds and amazing improvised polyphony that these bands produced. ─── 这种爵士音乐被称之为“热辣辣的爵士”,因为他们的节拍很快,他们即兴表演特别迷人。
21、The notation of polyphony develops, and the assumption is that formalized polyphonic practices first arose in this period. ─── 据推测,复调记谱法的发展使得复调的实践在这段时期内得以发展并最初成为一种形式。
22、Hayden was an African American poet who managed, in this brief epic, to bring the slave trade into lyrical focus with a polyphony of voices. ─── 海登是一个非裔美国诗人,他专注于描写奴隶贸易的多韵抒情叙事诗。
23、In this symphony of beats, widely used in Transition and Polyphony way, it helped to bring about greater music speeding, Music as a whole organizational structure to carry out a dividend. ─── 在这部交响曲的终曲中,广泛采用变奏和复调手法,因此更大地促成了音乐的疾速进行,并使整个音乐织体富于力度变化。
24、If say that the Chinese painting art has a kind of line melody " spirit, the western music brush art can call to is in the painting of polyphony music". ─── 如果说中国的绘画艺术具有一种“线韵”意味的话,西方的音乐绘画可以称作是绘画中的“复调音乐”。
25、In the Chinese sentences,it has no obvious interval mark between words.It has polyphony and multi-vocal words in Chinese sentences. ─── 由于中文句子中,词与词之间没有明显的分隔标志,且存在多音多义词,因此不可避免的存在切分歧义。
26、The article purposes on opening another new idea of dancing creation by using the mode of polyphony music thinking. ─── 他山之石,可以攻玉,文章意在通过音乐复调思维方式的借用,开启舞蹈创作的另一个新观念。
27、polyphony narrative ─── 复调叙事
28、From the perspectiveof unreliable narrators, the “polyphony” in Truffaut's films originates fromthe contradictions of his character and sorts, while that in Godard's hishumanity social criticism. ─── 戈达尔影片中的“复调”则是源于他人本主义的社会批判意识。
29、Keywords Heterophony;Modern music;Texture;Folk music;Multipart music;Polyphony; ─── 关键词支声;现代音乐;织体;民间音乐;多声部音乐;复调音乐;
30、Bakhjin used the musicology terminology "polyphony" to establish the Polyphonic Novel Theory with the dialogue. ─── 摘要巴赫金借用音乐学术语“复调”创立了以对话为核心的复调小说理论。
31、People can read them aloud with rhyme and tone.Her paintings present different shapes, like a harmony and polyphony of a series of notes and rhymes. ─── 她的画,形态各异,却分明都是用一串串音符和韵脚构成的和声的复调,使和谐成为可能。
32、Microcosmic Thinking of Polyphony and Micro- polyphony Techniques in Chinese Musical Composition during the New Period ─── 新时期中国音乐创作中复调微观思维及微复调技法初探
33、Modern society is in an era of cultural polyphony composed of mainstream culture, refined culture, and public culture. ─── 摘要现代社会是一个由主流文化、精英文化和大众文化所构成的文化复调时代。
34、It has four times more maximum polyphony, allows longer duration within one project, has more velocity layers, and two MIDI I/Os means it can work with two units at the same time. ─── 它有多出四倍的发声数,在一次使用里可以容许较长的使用时间,有更多的力道变化不同,而两组米地输入/输出让它可以同时和两个单体一起运作。
35、This is verified by its application to the analysis of a wide variety of conventional forms of music: Gregorian chant, Mediaeval polyphony, Back counterpoint, and sonata form. ─── 我们利用影像处理中的各种技巧,建立成一套辨识系统。当机器人看到乐谱时,能够在短暂时间内将乐谱的内容唱出。
36、Plurality and Polyphony in The Canterbury Tales ─── 试论《坎特伯雷故事》的多元与复调
37、national polyphony ─── 民族复调
38、The annual cycles arrange themselves in lifetimes; lifetimes twine with destinies and in their polyphony one can feel the course of a people before eternity. ─── 年度的周期自组成生命周期,生命周期与命运交织在一起,在其复调音乐里,可以感受一个民族在永恒前面的进程。
39、So it's complex stuff, this polyphony or this counterpoint. ─── 这是复杂的东西,不论是复音还是对位法。
40、Comp.Lit. = Comparative Literature.Jenny: Penaissance Polyphony. ─── 詹妮:是文艺复兴时期的复调音乐。
41、On the platform of polyphony theory,we can discover the modernistic connotation of Hufeng's theory. ─── 由复调这个新的视野,我们可以发现胡风文学理论未尽的现代蕴涵。
42、Modern society is in an era of cultural polyphony composed of mainstream culture, refined culture, and public culture. ─── 现代社会是一个由主流文化、精英文化和大众文化所构成的文化复调时代。
43、Keywords polyphony lene sulf ide;polyethersulf one;melting;crystallization;thermal histo-ry.; ─── 聚苯硫醚;聚醚砜;熔融;结晶;热历史;
44、Musical forms have undergone from a single sound thinking (homophony) to a three-dimensional sound thinking (polyphony), and finally achieved both coexistence. ─── 音乐形式则表现为从单个音的线形思维(主调音乐)到多个音的立体思维(复调音乐),最后达到二者的共存;
45、The second chapter is a brief review of Bakhtin’s polyphonic theory, including carnivalesque overtones, dialogism and polyphony. ─── 第二章简略介绍了巴赫金的复调小说理论,包括“狂欢化”、“复调”和“对话理论”三个方面的内容。
46、Research On the Polyphony Teaching Methods In the Department of Musicology ─── 音乐学系复调教学探索
47、In the Chinese sentences, it has no obvious interval mark between words. It has polyphony and multi-vocal words in Chinese sentences. ─── 由于中文句子中,词与词之间没有明显的分隔标志,且存在多音多义词,因此不可避免的存在切分歧义。
48、Evolution and Development of Polyphony ─── 复调音乐形式的发展与演变
49、Polyphony theory ─── 复调理论
50、the Chinese polyphony theory ─── 中国复调音乐理论
51、The particularities of village names manifest in following aspects, such as comparative lag in pronunciation and semantics, polyphony in word construction, regional feature in word -usage. ─── 村名的特殊性表现在读音的滞后性、构成的多音节化、词义的保守性、村名用字的区域性等。
52、Now, however, I'm definitely sticking with Polyphony's physics tour-de-force as it now feels as fun as it does challenging. ─── 反正不管怎么样,我肯定是玩儿专业级去享受挑战的乐趣。
53、Additionally, a trailer for a PSP version of the game has also been revealed, and according to Polyphony Digital, the PSP edition will boast 800 cars, 35 tracks and a number of racing modes. ─── 此外,拖车的PSP版的游戏也已发现,并根据复调数字,在PSP版将拥有800辆汽车,35轨道和一些赛车模式。
54、Collage and polystylism are two modern western composing techniques influenced by the thought of polyphony in the 20th century. ─── 拼贴技术及复风格是20世纪复调思维作用下的西方现代作曲技术。
55、The independent thought of national musical polyphony creation ─── 在民族音乐复调创作路上的独立思考
56、Manufacturers have offered to pay to have their vehicles included, but Polyphony Digital has never accepted any money. ─── 制造商表示愿意支付费用为他的车辆收集在游戏内,但 Polyphony Digital公司从来没有接受过任何款项。
57、My instinctive need was for polyphony, harmony,not this single thin tone of a violin, so often out of tune,always dependent on an accompanist. ─── 我的本能要的是复音和和谐音,而不是单薄的小提琴音,因此经常走音,常常依赖伴奏。
58、Through its polyphony, its blend of genres and the scrutiny that the act of writing subjects itself to, the book recalls German Romanticism's magnificent concept of a universal poetry. ─── 通过多声部的叙事,体裁的交叉和内省的写作方式,让人想起德国浪漫派关于世界诗的宏伟观念。
59、Of, relating to, or characterized by polyphony. ─── 复调的属于、关于复调音乐的或具有复调音乐特征的
60、The present paper holds that the thematic signification of Four Quartets is realized by way of such music techniques as polyphony, counterpoint, harmony and variation. ─── 艾略特这部作品的主题意义,是借助复调、对位、和声、变奏等音乐技法来建构的。
61、In addition, the play still has room for improvement in view of the distance between the practice of polyphony and its theory, and the slightly pale image of characters as well. ─── 此外,多声部的创作实践与理论的反差、人物形象稍显单薄是该剧的不足之处。
62、The“Revelry”of Literature and the“Polyphony”of Literature Study ─── 文学的“狂欢”与文学研究的“复调”
63、With language experiment, he makes innovation in poetics based on Americanism through the techniques of collage, polyphony, and fragmentation, and has composed many poems that are different from modernist poetry. ─── 他以语言游戏实验,运用拼贴、复调和碎片化等技巧,立足美国本土进行诗学革新,创作了许多与现代主义迥然不同的诗歌作品。
64、There are 32 polyphony ring tones, according to the developers the loudness of the ring tones is increased. ─── 32和弦铃声,根据开发者说吵闹的环境的音量比以前增加不少.
65、characteristics of polyphony ─── 复调特点
66、A distinct polyphony character has been displayed in the aspects of artistry and ideology in novels by Lin Bai, one of the important feminism writers now. ─── 摘要林白小说在艺术手法和思想意蕴方面带有明显的复调小说的特征。
67、The “polyphony” is not only analysive, but also be a form's , a subject's . ─── “第二扇窗”的打开,打开了新的视野,突破了单一的美学图景;
68、polyphony word ─── 多音字
69、In the melodic development, it forms the polyphony (compound) construction by a basic scale, and portrays a very bright and distinct musical painting. ─── 在旋律发展上 ,以一个基本音阶形成复乐段结构 ,刻画出非常鲜明的音乐形象。
70、polyphony of novel ─── 复调小说
71、As one of the most outstanding composers in Germany, Bach gives Polyphony a high priority in his musical composition, affluent with profound philosophy and rigid logic. ─── 约翰.塞巴斯蒂安.巴赫是德国最伟大的作曲家之一。他的音乐创作以复调手法为主,富有深厚的哲理性和严密的逻辑性。
72、the concept of polyphony ─── 复调
73、Stravinsky's rival for a time in neo-classicism was the German Paul Hindemith, who mixed spiky dissonance, polyphony and free ranging chromaticism into a style which was "useful". ─── 史特拉汶斯基在这一领域中的竞争者是德国作曲家亨德密特。
74、Study on Processing Methods of Chinese Homonym and Polyphony Words ─── 汉语同音字和多音字处理方法研究
75、A Report on the Polyphony Courses in the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris ─── 在巴黎国立高等音乐学院观摩复调课的启示
76、MIDI MIP Maximum Instantaneous Polyphony, ─── 最大同时和弦
77、linguistic polyphony ─── 语言多声性
78、micro- polyphony thoughts ─── 微复调思维
79、Another way to approach it is to help the kid calm down and listen to the effect of the polyphony sound and how different threads play with each other, in other words, play Bach's game. ─── 入静是一个好办法,但怎样引导孩子入静倾听一直是个问题。问题是孩子不习惯喜欢这种谐和内在含蓄和纯真的东西,觉得因为是不来情绪的东西不过赢。
80、polyphony and abbreviation ─── 多音/缩略
81、Carnivalization of language is an important linguistic theory encompassing many disciplines, analyzed and generalized from linguistic polyphony and heteroglossia of long novels by Bakhtin. ─── 语言的狂欢化是巴赫金从长篇小说多声与杂语的修辞特点中分析、概括出的一条熔铸诸多学科的重要的语言理论。
82、The Review of My Teaching of Polyphony ─── 回顾我的复调教学生涯
83、Unlike written polyphonic systems, the polyphony practiced by the Aka Pygmies allows for spontaneous expression and improvisation. ─── 不象其他复调音乐记录在纸上,阿卡人常常是有感而发或即席创作。
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