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08-20 投稿


commissarial 发音

英:[[ˌkɒmɪ'seərɪəl]]  美:[[ˌkɒmə'serɪrl]]

英:  美:

commissarial 中文意思翻译



commissarial 短语词组

1、commissarial dictatorship ─── 政委专 ─── 政

commissarial 相似词语短语

1、commentarial ─── 评论

2、commissariat ─── n.粮食;粮食补给;军需部

3、commissaire ─── n.法国的高级警官;(职业自行车赛的)官员,裁判;n.(Commissaire)(法)科米赛尔(人名)

4、commissar ─── n.政委;委员;代表;苏俄人民委员

5、commissary ─── n.代表;杂货店;军粮供应;(美)食堂

6、commissariats ─── n.粮食;粮食补给;军需部

7、commissural ─── adj.合缝处的;连合的

8、commissaries ─── n.委托人;代表(commissary的过去式)

9、commissars ─── n.政委;委员;代表;苏俄人民委员

commissarial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The municipal discipline that attends the meeting appoint 31 people of commissarial, attend as a nonvoting delegate 371 people. ─── 出席会议的自治区纪委委员31人,列席371人。

2、Seek advice at the same time appoint commissarial number will be flexibility, without limitation of rigid quota of people. ─── 同时咨询委委员人数将是弹性的,无硬性名额限制。

3、Sheet is set do pioneering work board hair careful appoint, increased commissarial number, increased the proportion of industry expert. ─── 单设创业板发审委,并增加了委员的人数,增大了行业专家的比例。

4、Seek advice at the same time appoint commissarial number will be flexibility, without limitation of rigid quota of people. ─── 同时咨询委委员人数将是弹性的,无硬性名额限制。

5、At present, there still exist some functional defects in our commissarial lawsuit in the aspect of multitude dispute solution.Therefore, it is necessary to set up the additional verbansklage system. ─── 我国的代表人诉讼制度在解决群体性纠纷上存在功能上的缺陷,不能充分地保护公民的合法权益,因此,有必要增设团体诉讼制度。

6、China is holding the whole nation two meetings, commissarial representing come out same sound. ─── 中国正在召开全国两会,委员代表们传出同样的声音。

7、Censure person think economic person assumes cannot commissarial is all and substaintial, also cause the person that deny and harm; ─── 非议者认为经济人假设不能代表人的全部本质,也对人的道德属性造成否定和伤害;

8、Sheet is set do poineering work board hair careful appoint, increased commissarial number, increased the proportion of industry expert. ─── 单设创业板发审委,并增加了委员的人数,增大了行业专家的比例。

9、Exceed me to be able to say the result that is socialization, commissarial conscience. ─── 超我可以说是社会化的产物,代表人的良知。

10、China is holding the whole nation two meetings, commissarial representing come out same sound. ─── 中国正在召开全国两会,委员代表们传出同样的声音。

11、Predict to there still can be many delegates and commissarial bring up again this year this topic. ─── 预计今年还会有不少代表和委员重提此话题。

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