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08-20 投稿


unquestionable 发音

英:[ʌn'kwestʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l]  美:[ʌn'kwɛstʃənəbl]

英:  美:

unquestionable 中文意思翻译



unquestionable 词性/词形变化,unquestionable变形

副词: unquestionably |名词: unquestionability |

unquestionable 短语词组

1、unquestionable presence ─── 毫无疑问的存在

2、unquestionable presence rym ─── 毫无疑问的存在rym

3、unquestionable def ─── 无可置疑的定义

4、unquestionable crossword ─── 毫无疑问的填字游戏

5、unquestionable evidence ─── [法] 确凿的证据

6、unquestionable define ─── 毫无疑问的定义

7、unquestionable crossword clue ─── 毫无疑问的纵横字谜线索

unquestionable 同义词

authentic | decided | conclusive | demonstrable |indisputable | absolute | incontestable | certain | undeniable | positive | without doubt | incontrovertible | indubitable | bona fide | veritable | categorical

unquestionable 反义词


unquestionable 相似词语短语

1、unquestionably true ─── 毫无疑问是真的

2、unquestionability ─── 毫无疑问

3、unobjectionable ─── adj.无异议的;不会招致反对的;婉转的

4、unquestionably ─── adv.无可非议地;确凿地,肯定地

5、questionable ─── adj.可疑的;有问题的

6、unmentionable ─── adj.不宜说出口的;n.内衣;说不出口的事

7、unexceptionable ─── adj.无懈可击的;完美无缺的;极好的

8、questionably ─── adv.可疑地,不清楚地;不可靠地

9、unquestionableness ─── 毫无疑问

unquestionable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the unquestionable truth-force of Steve's words also inspires me to come to a quiet defense of not starting from scratch. ─── 但乔布斯那勿庸置疑的话语也激发了我要默默护卫这样一个观点:我们的一切并非必需从零开始。

2、While there may be a "flower accounts" too, but now housing investment functions unquestionable. ─── 虽然可能有算“花账”之嫌,但现在的住房有投资的功能,不容置疑。

3、I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor. ─── 我没有看到过更使人振奋的事实了,人类无疑是有能力来有意识地提高他自己的生命的。

4、It has been strained in the titular equipment of Of the Forest and he is already unquestionable. ─── 它在森林的有名无实的仪器中有是紧张的,而且他已经无疑问。

5、Reasons behind this decision are as transparent and 'unquestionable' as ever. ─── 这一决定背后的理由如同以往一样是透明而“毫无疑问”的。

6、The firm enjoys the fullest re ect and unquestionable confidence in the busine world. ─── 该公司在实业界颇受尊敬、信誉很高。

7、Matter in motion, which used to seem so unquestionable, turns out to be a concept quite inadequate for the needs of physics. ─── 行为的物质,以往看起来那么不容置疑,此刻已经成为一个无法餍足物理学必要的不雅见识。

8、You can buy unquestionable Cheap Aion Gold from us, a professional, loyal and reliable Aion Gold exchange corporation and power leveling work group. ─── 每当争论到最激烈的时刻,丈夫就会退出争论而走到地下室去。在那里,保留着一个练习拳击用的吊袋。

9、Can you define the word "unquestionable" as "certain"? ─── 你能把“毫无疑问的”这个词定义为“可靠的”吗?

10、Queuing property are welcomed by the property market, which is unquestionable. ─── 排队的楼盘均是受市场欢迎的楼盘,这一点不容置疑。

11、s unquestionable success this season, the Scot admits he will have one eye on the future when he re-enters the transfer market. ─── 本赛季取得了无可否认的成功。苏格兰人承认再次进入转会市场时他要着眼未来。

12、Those exalted competitors that connect BREGUET admit it is in 200 old histories the development place to watch technology made unquestionable contribution. ─── 就连BREGUET的那些尊贵的竞争对手都承认它在200多年的历史中对手表技术的发展所做出的无可争议的贡献。

13、In the digital era that we live in, efficient coding of signals is an unquestionable need.This thesis is about one of the most useful and popular technique of digital coding: subband coding. ─── 视讯索引技术在视讯随选系统与视讯图书馆系统中扮演相当重要的角色,但是庞大的视讯资料却是造成浏览困难与搜寻不易的最主要原因。

14、Dogma: The dogma of Agnar rests of unquestionable superiority of death above anything else. ─── 教义:艾格内尔的教义因为死亡超越于任何事物而处于毫无怀疑的优势。

15、On the other hand, the growing cult society of Peking,Tsinghua and other top universities has given people an illusion that they are good enough and their position is unquestionable. ─── 另一方面,对北京、清华和其他的重点大学日益崇拜的现象给了人们一种幻觉,那就是它们实在是太好了,以至于对它们的位置毫无疑问。

16、His honesty is unquestionable. ─── 他很诚实,这是毫无疑问的。

17、a man of unquestionable honesty and integrity ─── 绝对忠诚正直的人

18、Whether this argument is accurate, but the important role marketing is unquestionable. ─── 不论这一说法是否准确,但销售的重大作用是不容置疑的。

19、It seemed to him unquestionable that fortunately he had been permitted to look upon one of the world's really great men. ─── 他觉得自己得以瞻仰了一位世界上真正伟大的人物,确是三生有幸。

20、2002 has been the best of his career and his merits are unquestionable. ─── 2002年是罗纳尔多职业生涯中最成功的一年,他的成绩不容质疑。

21、Iker Casillas has not conceded a goal in 558 minutes of League action, a streak that has made the goalkeeper one of the unquestionable leaders on Bernd Schuster's squad. ─── 卡西在联赛中已经持续558分钟不失一球,这个纪录使得卡西利亚斯已经成为舒斯特尔阵中毫无疑问的领导者.

22、Moreover , it seems to be unquestionable because it immediately uses it from your company after it arrives . ─── 而且这点不容置疑,因为一收到贵公司货物,将立即投入使用。

23、Too apparent to be doubted; unquestionable. ─── 不容置疑的明确无疑的;不容质疑的。

24、The author's grasp of the rudiments of the theory of the subject is unquestionable. ─── 作者掌握了该学科的基本理论,这一点是没有问题的。

25、Now, if you think about it for a moment, what is it about this process that would indicate to the boy that his experience of the situation was not the absolute, unquestionable truth? ─── 现在,如果你想想,如果小孩感觉到的状况并不是绝对真实的,那会如何?

26、We give and receive unquestionable trust. ─── 我们对员工给予充分的信任。

27、The brand assemble of BREGUET the elite of European art and culture, unquestionable the historical treasure that the ground owns all watch brand to be longed for day and night and beautiful fokelore. ─── BREGUET的品牌汇集了欧洲艺术和文化的精华,并无可争议地拥有所有手表品牌都梦寐以求的历史宝藏和漂亮传说。

28、The energy and pace with which United have played this term, particularly in midfield, is unquestionable. ─── 曼联本赛季表现出来的活力和速度,特别在中场是毫无疑问的。

29、The academic performance of her students has proved that her professional career as a teacher is unquestionable. ─── 她学生的学习成绩证明她选择当老师作为职业生涯是无可非议的。

30、indisputable; irrefutable; unquestionable ─── 灼然无疑

31、As I fed Vinh a piece, I knew that I loved this little boy. It was just as Randy had described it: an unquestionable sense of knowing. ─── 我喂了“小越南”一块蛋糕,我知道我已爱上了这小家伙,就如兰迪所说的:“不可理喻”!

32、But for now, Olympus needs your unquestionable obedience. ─── 可是现在,奥林匹斯需要你毫无质疑的绝对服从。

33、The witness showed unquestionable proof. ─── 证人出示了确凿的证据。

34、He has unquestionable discipline. ─── 他的纪律性非常好。”

35、He is a person of unquestionable principles. ─── 他是个具有完美道德原则的人。

36、Huayuan have been a masterpiece of a new chapter, Renzhiqiang devoted its attention and the quality of the work is unquestionable. ─── 作为新华远的开篇力作,任志强对其品质的重视和倾注的心血是不容置疑的。

37、Breaking new ground in monetary management is never easy. You are up against the traditionalists who may be quite dogmatic and who speak with unquestionable authority. ─── 你可能要跟奉行传统一套的人对立,他们可能会相当坚持己见,而说话亦带有相当权威性。

38、Col's unquestionable "right" ─── 科尔无庸置疑是“正确”的。

39、My inferior understanding prevents my grasping the unquestionable soundness of the mission ─── 我理解力差,无法理解这次任务的绝对正确性。

40、Martina told Calcio Mercato: “He plays for Manchester United and is not on the market.He is an unquestionable starter for The Red Devils. ─── 根据维迪奇的经纪人所说,维迪奇目前在老特拉福德过得很开心,他也不打算寻求新的挑战。

41、An unquestionable one is this reform has offered the new vision for managing one to improve of government all around the world too while improving public service effectively. ─── 毋庸置疑的是,作为一种改革公共服务的有效制度安排,西方公共服务市场化改革在有效改善公共服务的同时,也为世界各国政府的治道变革提供了新的视野。

42、an unquestionable (or unequivocal) loss of prestige. ─── 对声望毫无疑问的(确实的)损失。

43、"However, as a racing team and a company whose only business is formula one, with obligations to our partners and our employees, submitting our entry to next year's championship was unquestionable. ─── "但是,作为一个车队和公司,其唯一的业务是一级方程式,义务为我们的合作伙伴和我们的员工,我们的项目提交明年的锦标赛是不容置疑的.

44、Moreover, it seems to be unquestionable because it immediately uses it from your company after it arrives. ─── 而且这点不容置疑,因为一收到贵公司货物,将立即投入使用。

45、The unquestionable leitmotiv of the current development of the nation could be summarized as a mechanical tabula rasa of the past. ─── 不容置疑的国家发展主要内容应该像拥有一个机械、白板的过去。

46、unquestionable true ─── 千真万确

47、The Delegation then continued with its intervention and submitted that the efforts of Brazil were unquestionable and they indicated that combating counterfeiting and piracy was a national priority. ─── 该代表团继续其发言,表示巴西的努力是不容置疑的,打击盗版和假冒是国家的优先项目。

48、As I read about Ms.Silverstein's unquestionable gratitude for life but deep anger over her illness, I had to ask myself why I had stuck to superficial chatter with Donna. ─── 当我读到Silverstein小姐对生命的毫无疑问的感恩,但对她的疾病却有深切的厌恶,我曾经问过我自己为什么只是与Donna小姐进行肤浅的谈话。

49、The above firm enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the business world. ─── 上述公司在实业界颇受尊敬,并享有很高的声誉。

50、We believe that in solving "live" to spend so much energy is as it should be, and such ideas through citations Hong Kong, Japan, and other examples to solidify and become unquestionable. ─── 我们认为在解决“住”的要求方面花费这么多精力是理所应当的,并把这种理念通过引证香港、日本等例子加以固化,变得不容怀疑。

51、Is unquestionable that dye naturally and hands spin wool yarn advantage in art; ─── 天然染色和手纺毛纱在艺术上的优势是毋庸置疑的;

52、To sum up, the above analysis and evidence leads us to the unquestionable conclusion that women are fully qualified to join the armed forces just as men. ─── 上述的分析和种种证据表明,女性和男性同样有资格参加到军队的行列之中。

53、An unquestionable antique. ─── 毫无疑问的文物

54、Not only was he constantly running up the left flank, but his unquestionable fighting spirit will surely win over Madridista fans over the course of the season. ─── 不仅仅是因为他不断地插上助攻,更重要的是他所表现出来的毋庸置疑的斗志,这些东西都将必定帮助他在整个赛季中赢得球迷的心。

55、The unquestionable authority of the founder of the monastery provided from the fourteenth century onwards an influx of the best intellectual and artistic forces, a flood of rich donations from noted statesmen and the richest families. ─── 修道院的奠基人具有毫无疑问的权威,所以从14世纪起就汇集了最优秀的智力和艺术人才大军,而且著名的政治家和富裕的家庭都慷慨解囊,捐助了大量的资金。

56、THE HUMANOIDS is one of the unquestionable classics of the science fiction genre, and arguably the most important novel ever written about robots. ─── 机器人是一个不容置疑的经典的科幻体裁,可以说是最重要的小说都写的机器人。

57、When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable. ─── 一直要学着这样工作,不用多久,你就会变成非常自信的狂人。

58、Be in Europe, ying Feiling in order to be as high as the market share of 15% , become unquestionable market chief. ─── 在欧洲,英飞凌以高达15%的市场份额,成为无可争议的市场魁首。

59、With unquestionable integrity and superior quality, we would like to work hand in hand with counterparts to create successful business. ─── 我公司愿以最完善的服务、最佳的产品质量与各界同仁携手合作,共创辉煌事业。

60、Too apparent to be doubted;unquestionable. ─── 不容置疑的明确无疑的;不容质疑的

61、He is an unquestionable starter for The Red Devils. ─── 他在曼联是一位绝对主力。

62、We were spoiled for a decade by the unquestionable legacy of Michael Jordan, because he was all three. ─── 我们的脑海都曾经被乔丹的神话毋庸置疑地占据了十年,因为他是上面提到过的三种类型球员的综合体。

63、The name of the ship that the humans are living on is "Axiom." In logic and math, an axiom is something unquestionable or taken for granted. ─── 人类居住的飞船名叫“艾克西姆(公理)”。在逻辑学和数学中,公理的意思是一个毋庸置疑或理所当然的事实。

64、real)principle;absolute(or unquestionable)truth;Infallible(or sheer ─── 硬道理

65、2.an authentic signature; a bona fide manuscript; an unquestionable antique; photographs taken in a veritable bull ring. ─── 可信的签名;真实的手稿;毫无疑问的古董;在真实的斗牛场拍摄的相片。收藏指正

66、unquestionable proof ─── 不容置疑的证据

67、These popular books, written by major scientists with unquestionable stature i n their scientific fields, had the effect of legitimizing public discourse as a worthwhile activity for scientists. ─── 我想就我自己的情况再说几句:我最初的职业是个物理学家,但是我从青年时代起就 一直对人文科学和艺术有强烈的兴趣。

68、Actually, since Bryant tried to trade this set of teammates for another in Chicago last fall, I should say since Kobe's return in 2007, his leadership has been unquestionable. ─── 当然,作为科比意味着他还可以选择继续转变成以前的角色带领球队前进。然而,自从杰克逊2005年回归湖人以后,科比的领袖地位已经毋庸置疑了。

69、The firm enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the business world. ─── 该公司在实业界颇受尊敬,信誉很高。

70、I'm going to refer to it simply as another instantaneous association that makes the reality of the situation from the boy's perspective seem like the absolute, unquestionable truth. ─── 我称为自发的联想,小孩会立刻认为现实是绝对的,毋庸置疑的。

71、Based on historical origin and international laws, Taiwan's sovereignty to the people's Republics of china is unquestionable. ─── 台湾主权归于中国具有历史源流与国际法理依据的不可置疑性。

72、It is the work of civilization, therefore unquestionable. ─── 文明要如此运作,所以无可置疑。

73、2.M: Only by negation, as uncaused, independent, unrelated, undivided, uncomposed, unshakable, unquestionable, unreachable by effort. ─── 只能够用否定,如无生、独立、没关系、没有界分、非编制而成?、如如不动、无庸置疑、休用意、枉劳神。

74、Responsible for boiler safety regulation standard, maintains always clean dry, cleanliness, and left in a absolutes unquestionable condition. ─── 按照锅炉安全规则,保证锅炉总是干燥清洁。

75、Edwin van der Saar, at 37, is subject to aches and sprains, but no unquestionable heir is on the books, although Ben Foster or Tomasz Kuszczak could stake their claim soon. ─── 37岁的范德萨,正在遭受伤病的困扰,但是在球队名单上还没有无可争议的替代者,尽管福斯特或者库茨扎克可能会在不久之后争取他们的位置。

76、"The confidence and belief you get from winning the Champions League, and the manner in which Liverpool won it, which was similar to United's, is unquestionable," he says. ─── 无疑地,你从赢得冠军杯得到的巨大的自信和信念,以及利物浦赢得它的方式,这于曼联非常相似",他说。"

77、"The favour of drop water, should emerge fontal look signs up for " , this is unquestionable. ─── “滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”,这是无可争议的。

78、Czech stressed that the Benes Decrees were the result of the second world war, and are unquestionable and unchangable ─── 捷方强调,贝奈斯法令是二战结果,是不容质疑和改变的。

79、For the centre-left Ta Nea too, the event was an unquestionable success. ─── 中左翼报纸《塔尼》也认为这次开幕式毫无疑问是一次巨大的成功。

80、Therefore, seldom does a seller accept payment by D/P or D/A, unless the buyer is unquestionable integrity or if there is a special relation between the seller and the buyer. ─── 因此,卖方很少接受付款交单或承兑交单,除非买方具有无可置疑的信誉或买卖双方有特殊的关系。

81、Despite its unquestionable impact on the accessibility of discourse entities, Saliency seems to have little bearing on the choice of anaphoric expressions in local discourse environment. ─── 我们的分析和观察表明,显著性虽然对语篇实体的可及性有影响,但这种影响并不明显反映在回指语的选择使用上。

82、Many parts of the released files are whited out and the FBI's ultimate targets are unclear, but the seriousness with which the agency treated the investigation is unquestionable. ─── 很多已解密的文件上有涂白,关于联邦调查局这次调查的最终目的还很不明朗。但是特工们在这项调查工作中的严肃性是勿容置疑的。

83、an authentic signature; a bona fide manuscript; an unquestionable antique; photographs taken in a veritable bull ring. ─── 可信的签名;真实的手稿;毫无疑问的古董;在真实的斗牛场拍摄的相片。

84、unquestionable evidence ─── 无可辩驳的证据

85、It is unquestionable that he must be there. ─── 他肯定在那儿,这是毫无疑问的。

86、His bona fides are unquestionable ─── 他的诚意不容置疑。

87、He inspires affection and respect as a man of unquestionable integrity. ─── 作为一个无可争议的正直的人,他赢得了人们的爱戴与尊敬。

88、The sincerity of his beliefs is unquestionable. ─── 他忠于信念,这是无可置疑的。

89、Against:it is unquestionable that the “squatting service” will waste theattendant's energy.They could hardly endure squatting, how can theyensure the service quality? ─── 反对:这种方式无疑会浪费地铁服务人员的体力,总是蹲来蹲去,服务人员苦不堪言,如何保证服务质量?

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