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08-20 投稿


collegian 发音

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collegian 中文意思翻译



collegian 网络释义

n. 学院的学生;学院的一员

collegian 词性/词形变化,collegian变形

副词: collegially |

collegian 相似词语短语

1、collegiate ─── adj.大学的;学院的;大学生的

2、collegium ─── n.社团;(前苏联及社会主义国家的)执行管理委员会;(尤指德国和美国大学附属的)业余音乐家协会

3、collegial ─── adj.学院的;社团的;大学生的

4、collegianer ─── 大学生

5、collegiates ─── adj.大学的;学院的;大学生的

6、collegially ─── 共同掌权地(collegial的副词形式)

7、collegianers ─── 大学生

8、collegians ─── n.学院的学生;学院的一员

9、collegia ─── n.执行管理委员会(collegium的变形)

collegian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Study of the Body Constitution and Health Statute of the Collegian and P. E. Teaching Countermeasure in Lanzhou Jiaotong University ─── 兰州交通大学学生体质健康状况分析及体育教学对策研究

2、This paper proposes the solutions from three aspects: the collegian individualities, schools and the intermediary for the education of mental health. ─── 文章从大学生个体、学校和心理健康教育中介三个维度提出解决措施。

3、(3) pushing up the quality-oriented of collegian in out of class and social activities; ─── (3)在课外活动及社会实践活动中提高大学生的素质;

4、His out pitch as a collegian in Taiwan was a slider. ─── 他在台湾大学时最强的是滑球。

5、7021 It gives me great honor to consult you mr.director.I‘m a collegian major in english.Recently there are growing number of people in China studing 2008-04-17 23:10 ─── 3133您好柴先生我是一名在校大学校请问学英语除了要多听多读多记还有什么更有技巧性的而且比较有效果的学习方法?2008-04-1723:08

6、Collegian CPC Member ─── 学生党员

7、They shook hands warmly, and the solid collegian bustled forth ─── 他们热情地握一握手,这位纯粹的学者便匆匆地走开了。

8、Overseeing English Young Adult and Collegian Ministries, Providing Preaching, Training, Caring, and Coordination to the related ministry. ─── 负责英文部青年及大学生事工,提供讲道、教导、关怀,并督导及协调有关事工。

9、To the collegian, these special group,they dream of love and they ignorant of marrage, so they are full of curiosity of marrage, which they want to try. ─── 对于大学生这个特殊的群体,他们向往爱情,对婚姻的未知,使他们充满好奇,想要尝试。

10、The main conclusion is that Wushu enriches the system of the university course as Chinese historic culture treasure. It is an effective,education method to perfect collegian characters. ─── 结论认为:武术作为中国历史文化瑰宝丰富了现代大学课程体系,是青年大学生有效的教育手段。

11、To Talk the Influence of the Good Professionalism of Teacher to Collegian's Education ─── 良好的师德对大学生教育的影响

12、Keywords collegian;psychologic archive;psychologic intervention; ─── 关键词大学生;心理档案;心理干预;

13、The Pressure and New Outlet of Collegian's Get Employment in China ─── 我国大学生的就业压力与新出路

14、The third, applying disposition education of collegian should do as following: (1) changing of education thinking and updating of education idea; ─── 第三、实施大学生素质教育的方法和途径从以下四方面着手:(1)转变教育思想,更新教育观念;

15、Evaluation of psychological state of collegian with multivariate multilevel model ─── 大学生心理状况的多变量多水平模型评价

16、Three steps teaching and fostering collegian's ability of designing actionin the body mechanics course ─── 健身操课中三步教学法与学生创新能力的培养

17、Keywords Collegian;Interpersonal trust;Psychological health;Relation; ─── 关键词大学生;人际信任;心理健康;相关性;

18、Establishing Effective Mechanism to Cultivate Innovation and Practice Ability of Collegian ─── 建立有效机制培养学生的创新实践能力

19、The building of collegian party member quality warranty system is an important measure to improve and assure the quality of collegian party member. ─── 摘要构建大学生党员质量保障体系是提高党员素质、保证大学生党员质量的重要举措。

20、To develop good personal quality of collegian becomes the most important subject in each university. ─── 培养具有良好品质的人才,成为各高校必须重视的课题。

21、His out pitch as a collegian in Taiwan was a slider. ─── 他在台湾大学时最强的是滑球。

22、The analysis of collegian Psychological barrier in the Physical education teaching ─── 高师体育教学中学生心理障碍分析

23、They shook hands warmly, and the solid collegian bustled forth. ─── 他们热情地握一握手,这位纯粹的学者便匆匆地走开了。

24、A discussion on training of ability of collegian utilizing opportunity in founding an undertaking education ─── 论创业教育中大学生利用时机能力的培养

25、Evaluation of psychological state of collegian with multivariate multilevel model ─── 大学生心理状况的多变量多水平模型评价

26、Establishing Effective Mechanism to Cultivate Innovation and Practice Ability of Collegian ─── 建立有效机制培养学生的创新实践能力

27、The Construction of Campus Culture in Universities and the Education of Morality Cultivating on Collegian ─── 大学校园文化建设与大学生道德养成教育

28、The age of the collegian who had accepted the entire average education was from 19 to 25 basically. ─── 接受过完整中等教育的高校学生,其年龄基本上在19——25岁之间。

29、They shook hands warmly, and the solid collegian bustled forth. ─── 他们热情地握一握手,这位纯粹的学者便匆匆地走开了。

30、It's theories include: center theories, ecosystem idea influence, mental state and behavior characteristics of collegian . ─── 其理论依据有:“中心”理论,生态观念影响,大学生的心理及行为特征。

31、E.class in higher education institution shoulder the responsibility of improving collegian s physical constitution and fostering their virtue of strong will,it is necessary to add som... ─── 大学体育课可以适当加入体验式培训的项目,这必将对培养符合新时期要求的、高素质的大学生起到积极作用。

32、(2) rising the quality-oriented of collegian in teaching activities; ─── (2)在教学活动中提高大学生的素质;

33、Collegian's Psychological Motive mechanism and Leading Strategy ─── 当代大学生心理动力结构及其引导策略

34、The Study of the Body Constitution and Health Statute of the Collegian and P.E. Teaching Countermeasure in Lanzhou Jiaotong University ─── 兰州交通大学学生体质健康状况分析及体育教学对策研究

35、Application on Collegian Using Oxygen - sports Prescription to Lose Weight ─── 有氧运动处方在大学生减肥中的运用

36、pushing up the quality-oriented of collegian in out of class and social activities; ─── 在课外活动及社会实践活动中提高大学生的素质;

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