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08-20 投稿


countervailed 发音

英:[ˈkaʊntəveɪld]  美:[ˈkaʊntərˌveɪld]

英:  美:

countervailed 中文意思翻译



countervailed 短语词组

1、countervailed definition ─── 反补贴定义

countervailed 词性/词形变化,countervailed变形

动词现在分词: countervailing |动词第三人称单数: countervails |动词过去分词: countervailed |动词过去式: countervailed |

countervailed 相似词语短语

1、countervail ─── v.等量对抗,抵销;补偿,弥补

2、counterclaimed ─── n.反诉;反对要求;vt.反诉;vi.提起反诉

3、counterstained ─── 对染(counterstain的过去式与过去分词形式);复染(counterstain的过去式与过去分词形式)

4、counterraided ─── 反驳

5、counteracted ─── vt.抵消;中和;阻碍

6、counterfeited ─── adj.(钱币或商品)伪造的,假冒的;(古旧用法)假装的,虚假的;v.伪造,仿造,造假;假装;(文)酷似;n.仿冒品,伪造物,赝品

7、countermanded ─── v.取消,撤消;下反对命令召回;宣布(选举)无效;n.取消;反对命令

8、countervailing ─── v.对抗;抵消;补偿;与……势均力敌(countervail的现在分词);adj.抗衡的;抵消的

9、countervails ─── v.等量对抗,抵销;补偿,弥补

countervailed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shirt-sleeve limits should fit pathological changes position, unfavorable and overmuch, the strain of acting countervail sex that can cause adjacent joint too much is accelerated. ─── 融合范围要适合病变部位,不宜过多,过多能引起邻近关节的代偿性劳损加快。

2、Restrain growth when season network game and advertisement service battalion, partial countervail of gross profit embellish glide. ─── 当季网络游戏及广告服务营收增长,部分抵销了毛利润的下滑。

3、and it is, I suspect, seeking to countervail US pressure on the exchange rate of the renminbi. ─── 而且,我猜中国还试图对抗美国在人民币汇率上施加的压力。

4、The improved experiment device of interference of sound wave can feel the interference countervail and strengthening of sound in ordinary lab, and measure the sound velocity. ─── 摘要本文给出了改进声波干涉实验装置的具体方案,该改进装置可在普通实验室内感受声音的干涉相消和干涉加强现象,并能测定声速和频率。

5、Abstract: In civil litigation, the defendant can offer to countervail creditor's rights in order to ban down creditor's litigant appeal. ─── 文章摘要: 民事诉讼中被告可以减少或消灭对方诉讼请求为目的提出债权抵销的主张。

6、Subsequently, antrum room ties just provides according to original frequency afresh excited, formed so not the acting countervail of completeness is intermittent. ─── 随后,窦房结才重新按照原有频率发放激动,如此便形成了不完全性的代偿间歇。

7、But if we had been sold for bondmen and bondwomen, I had held my tongue, although the enemy could not countervail the king's damage. ─── 我们若是只被卖为奴婢,我也必闭口不言,但王的损失是敌人不能补偿的。”

8、Before the auction lives, the Wu of repay a debt of countervail of apartment in order to that sent Po to must sell off a 12 centuries. ─── 在拍卖生活前,派珀不得不变卖了一套12世纪的公寓用以偿还债务。

9、 双语使用场景

10、1.Produce acting countervail effect. ─── 1.发挥代偿作用。

11、Now the emptiness which can be socially countervailed among the business variables during analysis for the calculation of general business ratios, is not treated properly. ─── 目前一般经营比例计算所涉及的经营变数,对其中于分析时从社会面可冲掉的虚性,均未予以妥善处理。

12、In civil litigation, the defendant can offer to countervail creditor's rights in order to ban down creditor's litigant appeal. ─── 民事诉讼中被告可以减少或消灭对方诉讼请求为目的提出债权抵销的主张。

13、countervail v. ─── 补偿;抵消;

14、And acting countervail sex bends to because of lumbar side is bent and can get corrective. ─── 而代偿性弯曲则可因腰椎侧屈而得到纠正。

15、Anaemic clinical expression decides the anoxic rate at each organ and organization, and each organ, organization is opposite the body anoxic acting countervail function and get used to ability. ─── 贫血的临床表现决定于各器官和组织的缺氧程度,以及身体各器官、组织对缺氧的代偿功能和适应能力。

16、A nerve was damaged, can take the place of by the nerve of its photograph adjacent countervail, but if appear,2 above nerval is damaged, can appear hard compensatory feeling and motion lose sign. ─── 一条神经损害了,可以由其相邻的神经代偿,但如果出现二条以上神经的损害,就会出现难以补偿的感觉以及运动丧失征象。

17、Article author is aimed at the different situation that produces from different period, introduced the understanding that records to weaving countervail is divided. ─── 本文笔者针对从不同时期发生的不同情况,介绍了对编制抵销分录的理解。

18、I think debt"s perishing is not because the contract"s termination or unchaining but countervail of debts.So the mechanism of Debt-to-Equity Swap is countervail theory of civil law. ─── 在讨论中,本文先介绍了我国“债转股”的由来及特定含义,接下来又介绍了我国“债转股”实施的具体过程.从对该过程的分析中,本文指出了我国“债转股”实施中存在的问题。

19、The disturbance feed forward conpensation is used to countervail the disturbance in realtime and the conventional feed back controller is used to ensure the stability and good dynamics. ─── 利用扰动前馈控制器实时补偿系统中的扰动力矩,而利用常规反馈控制器保证了系统的良好的动态特性,并将其应用于实际系统中。

20、The pregnant woman with intentional wrong law, puerpera whether bear gravid, childbirth and postpartum a series of burdens, the key depends on function of cardiac acting countervail. ─── 有心律失常的孕妇、产妇能否承受妊娠、分娩及产后的一系列负担,关键在于心脏的代偿功能。

21、And gold serves as standard money, had capacity of infinite law countervail, bank certificate is OK convertibility becomes gold coin. ─── 而黄金作为本位币,就有了无限法偿能力,银行券可以自由兑换成金币。

22、Encourage the public participation , building-up society to countervail mechanism; ─── 鼓励公众参与,建立社会制衡机制;

23、AndSenileThe symptom of the patient's heart and head constant relatively outstanding, because old person cardiovascular system is acting countervail function is poorer. ─── 而老年患者的心脏和脑的症状常较为突出,因为老人心血管系统代偿功能较差。

24、Children and youth are comparedSenilePatient more the anaemia that ability gets same rate, because their cardiovascular system is acting countervail function is better; ─── 儿童和青年比老年患者更能耐受同样程度的贫血,因为他们的心血管系统代偿功能较好;

25、countervail duty ─── 报复税

26、The element countervail of this two respects the influence of Iraqi war and SARS epidemic situation to plumbic city, it is the payoff that price of lead of the LME that prop up has taken. ─── 这两方面的因素抵销了伊拉克战争和SARS疫情对铅市的影响,是支撑LME铅价走好的决定因素。

27、1.No cedant may countervail the expenses or incomes formed by the relevant original insurance contracts with the incomes or expenses formed by the reinsurance contracts. ─── 再保险分出人不应当将再保险合同形成的收入或费用与有关原保险合同形成的费用或收入相互抵销。

28、But if we had been sold for bondmen and bondwomen, I had held my tongue, although the enemy could not countervail the king's damage. ─── 我们若被卖为奴为婢,我也闭口不言。但王的损失,敌人万不能补足。

29、Enterprise of incorrect foreign capital is importuned " with expenditure of dividend of export earnings low countervail " ; ─── 不对外资企业强求“用出口收益低偿股息开支”;

30、Probing into several value added tax's income tax countervail ─── 关于几种增值税进项税额抵扣的探讨

31、With the expectations for China's accession to the WTO, the group is also developing its expertise in anti-dumping and countervail proceedings. ─── 随着中国加入国际贸易组织日期的临近,竞天公诚诉讼部正在开发其在反倾销和反补贴程序上的专长。

32、Does road of old make water affects the woman and distrustful kidney decline how should be acting countervail treated? ─── 女性多年尿路感染并怀疑肾衰代偿该怎样治疗?

33、People knows a common sense, it is good that the audition that is the blind often compares Everyman, is this why?Acting countervail calls action on medicine. ─── 人们都知道一个常见的道理,就是盲人的听力往往比普通人好,这是为什么呢?医学上叫做代偿作用。

35、(The cardiogram that area of have a common boundary of room of 2) antrum disturbs behaves: Premature beating companion has atrium of the heart between complete acting countervail period. ─── (2 )窦房交界区干扰的心电图表现:心房过早搏动伴有完全的代偿间期。

36、Also somebody already was damaged acting countervail ability of the kidney lose completely call kidney function not complete. ─── 也有人把肾脏的代偿能力已受到损害到完全丧失称为肾功能不全。

37、When producing shipping mass accident, operator should be compensated for when go ahead of the rest, next to concerned responsibility person chase after countervail to wait. ─── 发生运输质量事故时 ,经营者应当先行赔偿 ,然后向有关责任者追偿等。

38、But, these companies did not get countervail place to wish, internet bubble burst also is attacked broke their fond dream. ─── 但是,这些公司并未得偿所愿,互联网泡沫破裂也击碎了他们的美梦。

39、 Article 5No cedant may countervail the liabilities formed by relevant original insurance contracts with the assets formed by reinsurance contracts against. ─── 第五条再保险分出人不应当将再保险合同形成的资产与有关原保险合同形成的负债相互抵销。

40、(The cardiogram that disturbs inside knot of 1) antrum room behaves: Premature beating companion has atrium of the heart between not complete acting countervail period. ─── (1)窦房结内干扰的心电图表现:心房过早搏动伴有不完全的代偿间期。

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