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08-20 投稿


gradate 发音

英:[ˈɡreɪdeɪt]  美:[ɡrəˈdeɪt]

英:  美:

gradate 中文意思翻译



gradate 网络释义

vt. 使逐渐转化;使顺次排列vi. 逐渐转化;顺次排列

gradate 词性/词形变化,gradate变形


gradate 反义词


gradate 同义词

politeness |kindness | benignancy | cordiality | benignity | favor | affability | courtesy | diplomacy | refinement | civility

gradate 相似词语短语

1、gradine ─── n.(圣坛后方的)一级低台阶

2、graduates ─── n.毕业生(graduate的复数形式);招生数;v.毕业;定等级,分级(原形为graduate)

3、gradable ─── adj.可分类的;可分级的

4、grade ─── n.年级;等级;成绩;级别;阶段;vt.评分;把…分等级;vi.分等级;逐渐变化;n.(Grade)人名;(英)格雷德;(法、德、西、葡、塞、瑞典)格拉德

5、graduate ─── n.(尤指完成学士学位课程的)大学毕业生;毕业生;v.(尤指学士)获得学位,大学毕业;中学毕业;授予(某人)学位;逐渐发展,升级,升迁;按序列或规模安排,分等级;(在仪器或容器上)刻度,做标记;(颜色或色调)逐渐改变;adj.(攻读)研究生的;毕业的

6、gradates ─── v.(使)色彩逐渐转化;顺次排列

7、gradated ─── v.(使)色彩逐渐转化;顺次排列

8、graduated ─── adj.累进的;分等级的;毕了业的;为毕业生设立的;v.使毕业;毕业(graduate的过去分词);使…升级

9、gradatim ─── adv.渐渐地,逐步地

gradate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、gradate employment ─── 大学生就业

2、and with high responsibility to care about every gradate. ─── 高度负责,就业要“一个不少”落实。

3、The Current Method of Gradate Place in Basketball Competition ─── 篮球比赛名次排列办法的现状与改革试验

4、gradate type ─── 级度型

5、gradate veinlet ─── 阶小脉

6、gradate sorus ─── 顺次孢子囊群

7、Success is the most desirable thing, and everyone wants it, especially for those students who just gradate from ivory tower. ─── 成功是件好事,每个人都渴望成功,尤其对那些刚刚从象牙塔毕业的大学生。

8、gradate vein ─── 阶脉

9、According to Associate Press, the particular online garbage seller is Justin Gignac, 26, a gradate of a visual arts school, who works as an art inspector at an advertising agency in New York. ─── 据美联社报道,在网上出售“垃圾盒”的纽约青年叫古斯汀吉内克,今年26岁,毕业于一家视觉艺术学校,是纽约一家广告公司的艺术总监。

10、Decreasing the slope gradate and building thermal-insulated beam have no obvious effect on increasing the thermal stability of the roadbed. ─── 放缓路堤边坡及设置保温护道对冻土路基热稳定性的改善效果并不明显;

11、Fu Xiang; Wang Da; Li Huawei; Hu Yu; Li Xiaowei (Gradate school of China Academe of Science Beijing 100080) (Institute of Computing Technology; CAS Beijing; 100080); ─── 中国科学院计算技术研究所先进测试技术实验室;

12、We have been sticking to the principle-Quality Heavier than Mount Tai, Customer Superior To God.Quality and Gradate is our utmost pursuit, satisfaction of customers being our permenent promise. ─── 我厂坚守"质量重于泰山,客户胜于上帝"的生产经营方针.质量与信誉是我们最大的追求,让客户满意是我们永恒的承诺!

13、A gradate girl made a small film about people's opinion about outlook. ─── 一个毕业的女孩制作了一部关于人们对外貌看法的微电影。

14、Roughly 30 of them are high professional engineers with doctor, master or gradate academic background, the rest employees are mainly experienced technicians with solid skills. ─── 目前拥有包括博士生、硕士生、本科生、高级工程师、工程师在内的中高级专业人才达到十几人,拥有熟练技术工人和维修安装人员近50人。

15、The Current Method of Gradate Place in Basketball Competition ─── 篮球比赛名次排列办法的现状与改革试验

16、Through an experiment,the author tries to make some improvement in the current method of gradate place in basketball competition,hence to help development of basketball in China. ─── 本文通过对篮球比赛名次排列办法的改革与实验,力求遏制原名次排列办法的弊端,以利于篮球运动的健康开展。

17、Thais gradate ─── 蛎敌荔枝螺

18、I was planning to attend gradate school, but then I was offered a good job doing marketing, so I changed my mind. ─── 我本来打算读研的,不过后来有一份不错的工作,是做市场营销的,所以我就改变主意了。

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