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08-20 投稿


elicit 发音

英:[ɪˈlɪsɪt]  美:[ɪˈlɪsɪt]

英:  美:

elicit 中文意思翻译



elicit 词性/词形变化,elicit变形


elicit 短语词组

1、elicit from ─── 从…探出[引出]

2、elicit from the class ─── 从课堂上引出

3、elicit synonym ─── 引出同义词

4、elicit confession ─── 引起忏悔

5、elicit the truth ─── 引出真相, 探出真相

6、elicit latent faculties ─── 诱发潜在能力,发挥潜力

7、tease out elicit ─── 挑出引出语

8、elicit cream ─── 诱导霜

9、elicit crossword ─── 引出填字游戏

10、elicit meaning ─── 引出意义

11、elicit crossword clue ─── 引出纵横字谜线索

12、elicit definition verb ─── 引出定义动词

13、elicit brands ─── 引出品牌

14、illicit elicit ─── 非法引出

15、elicit definition ─── 引出定义

elicit 相似词语短语

1、elicited ─── 引出

2、licit ─── adj.正当的,合法的

3、elicitor ─── n.诱导子;激发子

4、Felicity ─── n.幸福;快乐;幸运;

5、helicity ─── n.[物]螺旋性

6、elicits ─── 引出

7、Delicia ─── n.磷化铝(杀虫剂)

8、explicit ─── adj.明确的;清楚的;直率的;详述的

9、Felicita ─── 祝贺 你。

elicit 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe ─── 尺寸、力量或范围使人敬畏的

2、Enlist people's participation to elicit information relevant to your project. ─── 发动人们的参与,来引出于与你的项目相关的信息。

3、Wendy Hill, professor of psychology at Lafayette College, Pennsylvania began the research to find out why the mundane physical activity of rubbing lips can elicit such a gratifying emotional response. ─── 宾夕法尼亚拉法叶大学心理学教授,开始研究为什么摩擦嘴唇样的身体活动可以引起愉悦的情感反应.

4、There are three sections included in the main body of this research, as following: First section: it is a part to elicit theories concerning about the research. ─── 对幼儿、幼儿体育、幼儿基本体操的概念界定,国内外幼儿体育任务的现状描述等,并从幼儿身心发展特点角度思考幼儿基本体操的价值。

5、A black teenage boy walking down the street may elicit fear in a white couple, but if he turns out to be their son's friend from school he may be invited over for dinner. ─── 一个十来岁的黑人小男孩在街上行走也许会引起一对白人夫妻的惧怕,但是如果他是这对夫妇在学校的朋友,那这对夫妇也许会邀请他去家里吃饭。

6、His indifference to fire was sufficiently remarkable to elicit a word of remonstrance from Mr. Lorry; his boot was still upon the hot embers of the flaming log, when it had broken under the weight of his foot. ─── 他对那火的满不在乎的神态很奇特,罗瑞先生急忙警告他,此刻燃烧的柴块虽已被脚踩碎,靴子却还踏在炽热的炭火上。

7、At first, he wanted only a few words with Polina, just to see if he could elicit a smile. ─── 刚开始的时候,他只是想和她说几句话,冲他笑一笑。

8、Specifically, what behavioral and/ or attitudinal response can advertising elicit that will help achieve client's marketing goals? ─── 尤其是广告所表现出来的什么行为及/反应态度是否可引导客户达到其市场目标?

9、If available, a pink deer mouse will often elicit a very strong feeding response in most North American snakes of the genera Lampropeltis, Elaphe, and Pituophis. ─── 如果没吃,就在前一天晚上在盒子的2边,分别用小碗装一堆露鼠。如果还没吃,过2天后给它只脑袋被砸了的露鼠。

10、Claiming urgency is very likely to be counter-productive: most hackers will simply delete such messages as rude and selfish attempts to elicit immediate and special attention. ─── 宣称“紧急”极有可能事与愿违:大多数黑客会直接删除这种消息,他们认为这是无礼和自私地企图得到即时与特殊的关照。

11、For this checklist, the more questions that elicit a negative response, the higher the risk that the requirements elicitation will fail. ─── 在这个列表中,越多问题的答案是否定的,那么需求捕获失败的可能性就越高。

12、elicit the truth by disscussion ─── 从辨论中认识真理

13、To evoke as a response; elicit ─── 博得引起反应;引出

14、It is thought that these elicit the sepsis-induced attenuation of the muscle-relaxing effects of rocuronium. ─── 从中得出脓毒血症引起的减弱肌松剂罗库溴铵的作用。

15、Cause sth.to appear or be shown;elicit sth ─── 使某事物出现或显出;引出某事物

16、My wife is a clever woman ,she can elicit the truth from me without causing any suspicion. ─── 不好意思,不是搞摄影的。做室内设计,天天也软件打交道,所以有一点点摄影的基础知识.

17、Furthermore, they show that consumer evaluations may change in response to physical contact with products that elicit even moderate levels of disgust. ─── 作者进一步证明,消费者的评价可能随引发厌恶的与产品的物理接触的变化而相应改变。

18、Both Z-and E-12-14C:AC can elicit EAG potential of a few mv respectively; however, the compound Z-12-14C:AC was about 10 times more active than the compound E-12-14C:AC. ─── Z-和E-12-14C:AC分别能引起几个毫伏的触角电位,然而Z-12-14C:AC 活性大于E-12-14C:AC。

19、so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe. ─── 尺寸、力量或范围使人敬畏的。

20、Mr Obama, too, is aware of the emotional opposition that government ownership can elicit. ─── 奥巴马同样清晰地认识到“公有”举措能够引发的反对。

21、In naturall y infected subjects,Helicobacter pylori elicit stronger humoral immunity respon ses and a certain extent cellular immunity responses. ─── 但是,自然感染往往不能使机体产生有效的免疫保护,相反可引起对机体的免疫病理损伤。

22、So remarkable as to elicit disbelief; fantastic. ─── 如此特别以至让人难以相信; 精彩绝伦的

23、cause sth to appear or be shown; elicit sth ─── 使某事物出现或显出;引出某事物

24、elicit the truth from a witness ─── 使证人讲出真情

25、However, this technique continues to be characterized by its propensity t o elicit passive results, such as restenosis, inflammation, thrombopoiesis, form ation of encrustation or stone. ─── 但是,再狭窄、感染、凝血、硬壳或者结石的形成仍然是支架植入术后容易发生的问题。

26、SP1.1: Elicit stakeholder needs, expectations, constrains, and interfaces for all phases of the product life cycle. ─── 干系人的需要、望、束和接口要求被收集并转化为客户需求。

27、If you can elicit pain at a specific point in a bone, muscle or joint by pressing your finger into it, you may have a significant injury. ─── 如果你把手指压在骨头、肌肉或关节的某个特定部位,就能引起疼痛,那你可能受到了严重的伤害。

28、These differences may elicit different brain responses. ─── 这些差异可能引起不同的大脑反应。

29、Diplomacy secured the cooperation that confrontation had failed to elicit. ─── 圆滑的外交手段加强了采用对抗无法实现的合作。

30、SP 1.1: Elicit stakeholder needs,expectations,constrains,and interfaces for all phases of the product life cycle. ─── 干系人的需要、期望、约束和接口要求被收集并转化为客户需求。

31、Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a popular business catchphrase that can elicit a wide range of interpretations and attitudes. ─── 企业社会责任已经成为一种普遍的商业标语,同时也被广泛的应用。

32、It aims to elicit beneficiaries' participation in a way that can help reduce poverty and at the same time support biodiversity. ─── 它的目的是采取激发受益人参与的方式来帮助减少贫穷,与此同时支持物种的多样性。

33、So remarkable as to elicit disbelief;fantastic. ─── 如此特别以至让人难以相信;精彩绝伦的

34、Hoping to elicit more information from the public, the FBI Thursday released new photographs of two of the suspected hijackers. ─── 为了从公众那获取更多得资料,FBI星期四公布了两个劫机嫌疑人的新照片。

35、Pigmented lesions, especially in infants, should be rubbed in an attempt to elicit Darier's sign (whealing) as seen in urticaria pigmentosa. ─── 伍氏灯(365nm)很常用,对诊断某些类型的头癣、花斑癣和红癣有价值。

36、To elicit advice from students about how to search the Web, the team asked them how they would explain Web searching to a grade-school student. ─── 为了要诱使学生提出建议关于如何检索网站,这个团队询问他们如何解释网站搜寻对于中学学校学生而言。

37、For this checklist, the more questions that elicit a negative response, the higher the risk that the requirements elicitation will fail. ─── 在这个列表中,越多问题的答案是否定的,那么需求捕捉失败的可能性就越高。

38、Androids can thus elicit the most natural communication. ─── 但除了这类正当理由,石黑浩相信,人类对极像人的机器反应较好。

39、How are you holding up in this weather?" narrows the conversation, right away. Again, it can elicit a short answer or an elaborate one. ─── 在这天气里您是怎么阻止的?"这立即使交谈狭窄了。再者,它可能得出一个短的答复或一个精心制作的答案。

40、Don't try to elicit business secrets from me. I won't tell you anything. ─── 你休想从我这里套问出我们的商业机密,我什么都不会告诉你的。

41、The student is expected to recruit subjects, understand some of their history, and produce stimuli that elicit long-term memories of the particular subject. ─── 希望学生们能够招募一些受试者,了解他们的过去,并针对特定的某个受试者设计刺激实验来引出其长期记忆。

42、From police car to elicit policeman. ─── 出示警察图片。

43、Thus individuals who fear dogs do not live in a constant state of fear, but the appearance of a dog is likely to elicit fear. ─── 因此,一个怕狗的人,不会长时间的停留在对狗的恐惧中,而是仅仅在看见狗的那一刻开始,恐惧才会出现。

44、Assay of LPF by CHO cell-clustering response,it can elicit a clustered growth pattern by 3. 3pg. ─── CHO细胞簇聚活性检测结果显示,3.3pg的精制LPF可引起CHO细胞明显的簇聚反应;

45、A hearing on Capitol Hill included testimony from Tillman's brother.A House panel is hoping to elicit new information about the incident. ─── 在国会大厅进行了新一轮的听证会,提尔曼的哥哥也出庭作证,议会调查小组希望找出更多的新信息。

46、He thought by this little trick to elicit Butler's real name. ─── 他想利用这个小小的花巧办法诱出巴特勒的真姓名来。

47、Maybe he just made up the five hundred year thing to try to elicit sympathy to his quest to join the Headless Hunt. ─── 大概这只是他为了加入无头猎手会,而编造了五百年之说来引起人们的同情心。

48、The antigenic peptides derived from CT antigens such as MAGE-1[7], MAGE-3[8] and NY-ESO-1[9] have been proven to be elicit CTL responses in the context of MHC class I molecules. ─── 因此,CT抗原无疑是肿瘤免疫治疗的理想靶标。 迄今为止,实验已经证实,来源于多种CT抗原(如MAGE-1,MAGE-3、NY-ESO-1)的抗原肽能够在体外有效地激发特异性的CTL反应。

49、a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others. ─── 为引出他人反应的实验性建议。

50、CRF family peptides, which elicit their effects through G-protein-coupled receptors known as CRF1 receptor and CRF2 receptor, are capable of strong anorectic and thermogenic effects. ─── CRF家族肽与G蛋白偶联受体CRF1R或者CRF2R结合能够产生强烈的厌食及产热作用。

51、Neither eugenol nor formocresol nor chlorphenol elicit any higher penetration through or beyond the restoration. ─── 临时封闭材料中的丁香油、formo甲酚、氯酚等都不会导致修复体有更多的微渗漏。

52、Elicit stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces for all phases of the product life cycle. ─── 导出干系人对整个产品生命周期各阶段的需要、期望、约束和接口要求等。

53、We have every reason to pour our rage on him, but he was so insignificant, so benighted that the most forceful outpouring of our wrath can elicit nothing but an indifferent look -- it is like playing a lute to a cow. ─── 完全可以把愤怒的洪水向他倾泄。 但是,他太卑微,太渺小,太愚味,最大的倾泄也只是对牛弹琴,换得一个漠然的表情。

54、to elicit a response with a question ─── 以问题引起反应

55、One may wonder what dolphins and whales have done to elicit such harm from the human species? ─── 你可能会感到疑惑,海豚和鲸鱼做了什么引起了来自人类物种的伤害?

56、How great a change in price is necessary to elicit a certain response in the quantity supplied. ─── 为了引起供给数量的一定反应,价格需要发生多大的变化。

57、For lawyers who undertake the cross examination, applic ation of strategy is an effective way to elicit desirable testimony. ─── 对于进行交叉询问的律师而言,策略运用是获取理想证词的有效手段。

58、There are numerous patented technologies which can be piggybacked individually or collectively onto a carrier frequency to elicit all kinds of effects. ─── 在一个载波频率上有着众多的专利技术,它能个别偷偷的或集体的引起所有种类的影响。

59、Chemical substances that elicit action potentials in muscle group IV fibers in order of effectiveness are bradykinin, 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin), histamine, and potassium. ─── 在酸痛的感觉是,主要由集团进行的第四传入纤维。第四组的肌肉传入纤维游离神经末梢是多型和应对各种刺激,包括化学,机械和热。

60、He or she often is in a better position than the executive director to ask the tough questions, to help surface implicit assumptions, and to elicit candid input from team members. ─── 他/她比常务董事更方便问一些尖锐的问题,更容易使一些暗含的设想浮出水面,更容易引发出团队成员坦率的想法。

61、Specifically, what behavioral and/or attitudinal response can advertising elicit that will help achieve client's marketing goals? ─── 尤其是广告所表现出来的什么行为及/或反应态度是否可引导客户达到其市场目标?

62、Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) represent an attractie approach to tackling this problem as they can be designed to selectiely target tumour cells and elicit a ariety of responses once bound. ─── 单克隆抗体提供了一种解决上述问题的方法,因为它既可以选择性识别肿瘤特异性靶标,一旦结合又可引起相关的治疗反应。

63、Both ZP3 protein vaccine and DNA vaccine can elicit immune responses and result in subsequent infertility, but at the same time caus e some structural abnormality. ─── ZP3蛋白疫苗和DNA疫苗可以诱导机体产生较强的免疫反应 ,导致生育降低 ,同时带来一定程度的副作用。

64、The detectives tried to elicit where he had hidden his loot. ─── 侦探试图诱使他说出他藏匿赃物的地方。

65、Mr. Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a positive response. ─── 诺里斯先生说他希望他的要求会引起积极的回应。

66、They were trying to identify short film clips that could reliably elicit a strong emotional response in laboratory settings. ─── 他们试图找出能够在试验环境中可靠地引起强烈情感反应的电影短片段。

67、However, this technique continues to be characterized by its propensity to elicit passive results, such as restenosis, inflammation, thrombopoiesis, formation of encrustation or stone. ─── 但是,再狭窄、染、血、壳或者结石的形成仍然是支架植入术后容易发生的问题。

68、One of the implications of sensitization to DHF is that dengue vaccines need to elicit a balanced immunity to all four dengue serotypes. ─── DHF致敏作用的意义之一是:登革热疫苗需要对4种血清型的登革热病毒产生平衡的免疫性。

69、It accurately calculates the length of each circle arc segment and beeline segment and elicit the calculation method of perimeter on the basis of shape analysis of semicircle welded pipe. ─── 在对半圆形焊管形状分析的基础上,精确计算了各圆弧段、直线段的长度,得出了周长的计算方法。

70、"How are you holding up in this weather?" narrows the conversation, right away. Again, it can elicit a short answer or an elaborate one. ─── "在这天气里您是怎么阻止的?"这立即使交谈狭窄了。再者,它可能得出一个短的答复或一个精心制作的答案。

71、Let's face it: if they've gotten far enough to read the warning, it isn't likely to stop them, but it sure will elicit a few chuckles. ─── 面对现实吧:如果他们不足以读懂这些警告,谁也不能阻止他们那样想,但肯定会引起一些笑话。

72、Elicit the website and introduce how to surf on it. ─── 引出学习网站,介绍使用方法。

73、Over the next three years, numerous studies and therapeutic trials failed to elicit the cause of her dysosmia or to provide relief. ─── 在未来三年内,有无数的研究和治疗试验失败的原因,征求她的嗅觉障碍或提供救济。

74、To draw or bring out; elicit. ─── 引出或带出;启迪

75、Most existing vaccines elicit a targeted antibody response, but safely activating cellular immunity against many infectious diseases remains a challenging task. ─── 多数现存疫苗所引发的是特定抗体反应,至于想要安全活化细胞免疫,来对抗许多传染病,目前还是一项挑战。

76、A pentagram, numbers, there's certainly something to elicit from all this. ─── 五角星形,数字,一定有某些事可以从这些被推导出来。

77、Being confident and smiley will elicit a far more positive response. ─── 充满信心的笑容往往会得到比较正面的回应。

78、As discussed above, specialists are generally better able than generalists to elicit patient history information, ascertain physical findings, and interpret lab results within their area of expertise. ─── 像上面所讨论的,专家在他们的专业领域通常比通科医生更有能力得出准确的病史信息、明确体格检查发现和说明实验室检查结果。

79、As is well known,the dormitory relations are very difficult to be together well.Little things may make elicit a conflict .For example,closed a door in a loud sound, taked a hot - water bottle by mistakes and so on. ─── 众所周知,宿舍关系是很难相处好的.一点大的小事都有可能引发出矛盾.例如,关门声大了,错拿了热水瓶等等.

80、It was reported to have been printed at a time when Mao was trying to elicit Lin's support during the Cultural Revolution. ─── 据报导,这枚邮票是在文革时期毛泽东努力争取林彪支持的时候印制的。

81、He must not only do his own job well, but elicit the best results from those he supervises. ─── 他不仅要做好自己份内的工作,还要激发下属有最好的表现。

82、His question elicit applause. ─── 他的问题赢得了人们的掌声。

83、Although some observers have suggested [that crying is a way to elicit assistance from others {as a crying baby might from its mother, } the shedding of tears is hardly necessary to get help. ─── 尽管一些观察员已经提出哭是想要从别人那里得到帮助一种方式,就像婴儿哭可能是需要妈妈一样,但是流泪是很难得到所需帮助的。

84、Stepping on someone's toes on a crowded bus, though not intentional, should elicit an immediate @I'm sorry. ─── “I'm sorry”用于事态较严重的情况。

85、Use the participant's journals and diaries to create stimuli that will elicit the participant's memory of specific events when he/she sees them inside the scanner. ─── 使用受试者的定期记录和日记来建立一个刺激,这个刺激能够引发受试者记起一个他(她)在扫描器中看到的特殊事件。

86、Another line of research has revealed cellular and molecular abnormalities that could well elicit or sustain autoimmune activity. ─── 另一个方向的研究发现,细胞和分子的异常,会诱发或使自体免疫活性持续。

87、After much questioning, he elicit the truth from the boy. ─── 在多次询问後,他从这男孩处诱出了真情。

88、They even offer hope for those who do not enjoy exercise but do it anyway.These exercisers might learn techniques to elicit a feeling that makes working out positively addictive. ─── 如果扫描结果显示,内啡肽正在产生且聚集在与情绪有关的大脑区域,那就是内啡肽假说的直接证据。

89、In the mouse immunization test, the PrV-SY1 could elicit high anti-CSFV and anti-PrV antibody responses. ─── 在小鼠的实验中发现,此重组病毒确实能同时引起抗猪瘟病毒和假性狂犬病毒的免疫反应。

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