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08-20 投稿


casuistry 发音

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casuistry 中文意思翻译



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casuistry 短语词组

1、casuistry law ─── 判例法

2、casuistry pdf ─── 随机pdf

3、casuistry books ─── 休闲书籍

4、casuistry means ─── 作案手段

5、casuistry define ─── 因果关系定义

6、casuistry definition ─── 因果关系定义

casuistry 相似词语短语

1、cambistry ─── n.汇兑业务;汇兑学

2、casuistries ─── n.诡辩;决疑论,决疑法

3、Jesuitry ─── n.狡猾;阴险;耶稣会教义

4、artistry ─── n.艺术性;工艺;艺术技巧;艺术效果;艺术工作

5、casuist ─── n.诡辩家;决疑者

6、case history ─── n.病历;个案史

7、baptistry ─── n.洗礼池

8、casuistic ─── adj.诡辩的;决疑的

9、casuists ─── n.诡辩家;决疑者

casuistry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、of or relating to or practicing casuistry. ─── 属于、关于或实施诡辩术的。

2、Boundless compassion for all living beings is the surest and most certain guarantee of pure moral conduct, and needs no casuistry. ─── 对所有生灵无尽的同情,是一个人的行为纯粹合乎道德的最可靠、最被期许的证明,并且不需要辩解。

3、One given to subtle casuistry. ─── 阴险狡猾的人

4、of or relating to or practicing casuistry. ─── 属于、关于或实施诡辩术的。

5、Casuist: a person who is expertin or given to casuistry. ─── 诡辩家:擅长或喜欢诡辩的人。

6、Mr Netanyahu showed flashes of his old, combative casuistry as he batted aside the president's demand that West Bank “settlements must be stopped”. ─── 在否决奥巴马“停止西岸定居点活动”的要求时,内塔尼亚胡展现了老练、富有侵略性的辩论才华。

7、a "bottom up" alternative drawn from Medieval casuistry, it is richly described paradigm cases, not principles, that have the central role in moral reasoning. ─── 一项来自于中世纪决疑法,自下而上的研究方案指出,道德推理的核心是那些详尽描述的范例,而非原则。

8、Man's innate casuistry! To change things by changing their names! And to find loopholes for violating tradition while maintaining tradition, when direct interest supplied sufficient impulse. (Marx.) ─── “借更改名称以改变事物,乃是人类天赋的诡辩法!当实际利益十分冲动时,就寻找一个缝隙以便在传统的范围以内打破传统!”(马克思语)

9、This is unconvincing casuistry to those who see the purpose as simply lowering yields for countries that have lost the confidence of investors. ─── 对那些认为欧洲央行的目的仅仅是压低那些失去投资者信心国家收益率的人来说,这是无法让人信服的诡辩。

10、Care ethics and casuistry disapprove radically the establishment and performance of any general material principle, which might be styled anti-principalist. ─── 关怀伦理学和决疑论根本反对建构和推行普遍的实质性原则,当属反原则主义。

11、a Roman Catholic system of casuistry that when expert opinions differ an actor can follow any solidly probable opinion that he wishes even though some different opinion might be more probable. ─── 一个罗马天主教的决疑制度:当专家意见相左时参与者可以自行选择任何可信的意见。

12、A person who is expert in or given to casuistry. ─── 诡辩家擅长或喜欢诡辩的人

13、Casuist: a person who is expertin or given to casuistry. ─── 诡辩家:擅长或喜欢诡辩的人。

14、Keywords Bioethics;Casuistry;Normative ethics;Meta-ethics; ─── 关键词生命伦理;元伦理;决疑论;规范伦理学;

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