trope 发音
英:[troʊp] 美:[trəʊp]
英: 美:
trope 中文意思翻译
trope 网络释义
n. 比喻;修辞;转义
trope 词性/词形变化,trope变形
形容词: tropical |
trope 短语词组
1、trope signs ─── 比喻符号
2、trope trainer ─── 比喻训练器
3、trope image ─── 转子图像
4、trope meaning ─── 比喻意义
5、averted trope ─── 正面比喻
6、conversed trope ─── 反向比喻
7、subverted trope ─── 也被颠覆了
8、trope anime ─── 太多的灵魂
9、sen trope ─── 它的比喻
10、determinator trope ─── 决定论比喻
trope 相似词语短语
1、trode ─── v.践踏(tread的过去式);踩
2、rope ─── n.绳,绳索;vt.捆,绑;vi.拧成绳状;n.(Rope)人名;(英)罗普;(芬)罗佩
3、grope ─── vi.摸索;探索;vt.摸索;n.摸索;触摸;n.(Grope)人名;(德)格罗佩
4、trompe ─── n.水风筒
5、-trope ─── n.比喻;修辞;转义
6、tope ─── n.翅鲨;圆顶塔;vt.豪饮;vi.豪饮;n.(Tope)人名;(英)托普
7、troupe ─── n.剧团;一班;一团;vi.巡回演出;n.(Troupe)人名;(英)特鲁普
8、tripe ─── n.肚子;内脏;废话;n.(Tripe)(美、英、罗)特里佩(人名)
9、tropes ─── n.比喻;修辞;转义
trope 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Those rhetorical devices used in advertisements of enterprises such as trope or transferring meaning, personification, pun and allusion, repetition and parallelism, rhyme, especially alliteration and rhythm offer enjoyment in aesthetics. ─── 企业广告中运用比喻、拟人、双关和成语典故、反复和平行结构、押韵和节奏等修辞手段,给人以美的享受。
2、Tui-xian-zhi-yin has a significant role in the construction as well as reconstructions of the narration trope. ─── 盖隐之所在,即历史真相之所在,亦即历史解释之所在。
3、The Discussion of the Translations of the Zeugma Trope in Uygur Proverbs ─── 议维吾尔语中拈连修辞格谚语的翻译
4、As a widely used figure of speech, trope is important to enrich and develop the syntactic form.It can be used as different grammatical formatives with different function. ─── 比喻作为现代汉语最为常用的修辞手法之一,对于语法形式的丰富和发展有着积极的意义,可以充当不同的句法成分,具有不同的作用。
5、It's an artistic trope that seems to be popular in Shanghai just now. ─── 这是一个似乎在上海颇受欢迎的艺术比喻。
6、"Post-PC world" was that trope today. ─── 他一再用到的措辞就是“后个人计算机世界”。
7、While ordinary individuals are qualitatively complex, a trope is qualitatively simple, and is, in fact, a particular property instance. ─── 而通常的殊相个体都是性质上复合的,但一个殊质在性质上是简单的,事实上就是一个具体属性的实例。
8、2 Symbol, partial tone, trope etc are often used in designing pattern. ─── 2 在创作思路上,常用象征、谐音、借代、组合的方法创作图案;
9、No trope of stagecraft went unexplored this week as the United States jockeyed for advantage in a high-level economic dialogue with China. ─── 中国人以为他们在看美国大戏呢。美国人在本周与中国高层的经济对话中为占先机可谓无所不用其极。
10、a trope that involves incongruity between what is expected and what occurs ─── 预期的和发生的不一致的一种修辞
11、Trope can be used to express as well as to recognize, as an important means to build an article from macrocosm to microcosm. ─── 比喻不仅具有表达功能,而且具有认知功能,是从宏观到微观建构评论文章的重要手段。
12、I talked to Yaacov Trope, a New York University professor who has researched how people's reactions change as they get nearer to a situation. ─── 我们从没为买台电视机花费超过250美元。
13、The thesis will give analyses and explanation from trope and expression to the condition of dialect swear words in the west. ─── 文章从修辞格及其表达效果层面对西部区方言詈词的语用状况做出分析与阐释。
14、(rhetoric) Characterized by or of the nature of a trope or tropes,changed from its literal sense. ─── (修辞学)具有修辞或比喻的特征或性质,从字面意义变化而来。
15、Special attention will be paid to the Trope theory, especially J.Bacon's (1995) new formulation and discussion. ─── 我将特别讨论殊质理论,尤其是培根(1995)新近的陈述与讨论。
16、Trope is also used to make the language of news comments concise, increase the imagery and effect of comments language. ─── 比喻还运用于新闻评论的语言锤炼,增强评论语言的形象性和感染力。
17、Third chapter mostly discuss dufu "s trope imago single and brilliance Character from taste angle. dufu poem visualize muchmore brilliance,verse novelty and vivid.imago old and grand. ─── 第三章主要论述杜诗喻象的审美特征。本文认为,其审美特征主要表现在鲜明生动,新颖传神,苍老雄浑三个方面。
18、(rhetoric) characterized by or of the nature of a trope or tropes; changed from its literal sense. ─── (修辞学)具有修辞或比喻的特征或性质;从字面意义变化而来。
19、translation of trope ─── 比喻翻译
20、(rhetoric) characterized by or of the nature of a trope or tropes; ─── (修辞学)具有修辞或比喻的特征或性质;
21、The heaven/hell trope, for example, was repeatedly used by travelers as they explored the cities of Europe. ─── 例如天堂/地狱的比喻曾为旅行者在探索欧洲城市时反复引用。
22、Trope is an important method of garnish news comments, playing an important role in the aspects of designation of the layout of the article, innovation of the structure of comments. ─── 比喻是新闻评论篇章修辞的重要手段,在谋篇布局、创新评论结构形式等方面有着重要作用。
23、The dinner even is only the parable of a dinner,commonly.As if only the savage dwelt near enough to Nature and Truth to borrow a trope from them. ─── 甚至连吃饭也一般只不过是吃一顿饭的比喻,仿佛只有野蛮人才跟大自然和真理住得相近,能够向它们借用譬喻。
24、Metonymy is not just a rhetorical trope, but also a ubiquitous phenomenon in language, a mode of thinking in essence. ─── 借代不仅仅是一种修辞手段,还是普遍的语言现象,更是基本的思维方式。
25、Foundational Analysis of Language Psychology of trope of words ─── 词义比喻引申的语言心理基础分析
26、It's hard to avoid this trope, and no wonder: The gap between the haves and have-nots is one of the largest I've seen anywhere. ─── “两个印度”,这个比喻很形像,这种现象则难以避免。印度的贫富差距最之大是我前所未见的。
27、No trope of stagecraft went unexplored this week as the United States jockeyed for advantage in a high-level economic dialogue with China. ─── 美国人在本周与中国高层的经济对话中为占先机可谓无所不用其极。
28、Trope thoughts are of special value in the designation of news comments. ─── 比喻思维在新闻评论的构思中具有独特价值。
29、and an ordinary object, which is a complex particular, has a certain quality in virtue of having, as a member of the complex, a particular trope, which is that particular character. ─── 一个日常对象,是一个复合的殊相,据其所拥有的具体殊质而有特定性质,这个具体的殊质是这个复合物的成员,是具体的性质特征。
30、The fifth part is to compare the differences between trope and other rhetoric. ─── 第五个部分是比较比喻和其它辞格的异同之处。
31、a trope that involves incongruity between what is expected and what occurs. ─── 预期的和发生的不一致的一种修辞。
32、So we've already seen the trope of the house. ─── 我们已经看过关于房子的比喻。
33、Metaphor is not only a means of trope but also a cognitive approach. ─── 隐喻不仅是一种修辞手段,更是人类的一种认知方式。
34、Trope, a pearl in the treasury of language, is a figure of speech that is cherished by Chinese. ─── 比喻是语言宝库中的一颗明珠,是中华民族宝贵的语言性格。
35、trope of sight is obviously extremely important here. ─── 视力的比喻在这里非常的重要。
36、Speaking in simile is a special way of the application of trope in news comments, being a excellent way of reasoning in news comments. ─── 喻证法是新闻评论运用比喻的一种特殊形式,是新闻评论的一种很好的辅助说理手段。
37、A comparative study of biyu in Chinese and trope in English ─── 中英比喻修辞格比较
38、The disquisition particularly reviews the comparison rhetoric research productions in modern Chinese.Discusses some issues in trope itself. ─── 论文仔细地评介了现代汉语中比喻修辞的研究成果,探讨了比喻自身仍然存在的一些问题。
39、If trope theories are presented as a solution to the Problem of Universals, they should explain how there can be truths to explain the appearance of generality in reality. ─── 如果殊质理论作为共相问题的解决方案,那么她们就会解释‘如何才能解释在实在[界]中表现出来的一般物’。
40、There are thirty thousand words contents five parts: the first, second and third part is to describe the formerly research of trope in definition, staple and functions. ─── 全论文共三万字左右,共分五个部分:第一、二、三部分是对比喻的定义、分类、作用的研究成果进行评述。
41、Secondly, he asserts composition should combine trope and content together.So he opposes exuberant poetry, especially extremely ornate diction. ─── 其次,他主张华实结合,朴质得宜,反对华而不实,尤其反对“侈于声色”;
42、Interesting Talking about the Idioms and Trope Features Being Made up of Human Organs'Phrases ─── 人体器官所构成的习语及修辞特点
43、Trope believes the shift in my mind occurred when dropping prices suddenly made a big-screen TV a real possibility for me. ─── 而当启程之期临近时,我们就会开始考虑旅行中的种种问题,比如蚊虫叮咬等等。
44、trope of mystery and wonder ─── “神秘”比喻
45、This article discusses the relationship between rhetoric and culture on partialtion, trope, taboo and euphemism of the prevalent figure of speech. ─── 摘要修辞与文化现象密切相关,把某一门语言作为外语的修辞具有“跨文化性。”
46、Three, humerous nature, rich trope. ─── 三、幽默诙谐,比喻丰富。
47、the opposite trope ─── 倒辞
48、On the Art Bourn of Trope Beauty of Prose ─── 论散文辞意美的艺术审美境界
49、Dr. Trope believes the shift in my mind occurred when dropping prices suddenly made a big-screen TV a real possibility for me. ─── 特罗普认为,当价格骤降让拥有一台大屏幕电视突然成为切实的可能时,我的反应发生了变化。
50、We are ever more accustomed to dazzling images of China, the fast-rising nation that may soon surpass the United States and lead the world, according to one increasingly widespread trope. ─── 世人更为熟知的是更为耀眼的中国形象,流传广泛的说法是这个崛起的大国将会超越美国成为世界领袖。
51、Moreover, trope is also an important way appealing to emotion, having peculiar function in making the comments mixed with emotion and reason, touching the readers with emotion. ─── 此外,比喻还是一种重要的情感诉求方式,在使评论情理交织、以情动人方面具有独特功能。
52、"Love is blind" is familar trope in english. ─── “爱情是盲目的”这句话是英语中最为人所熟悉的比喻之一。
53、of war as power dominates the poem by excluding the trope of redemption and avsorbing the trope of suffering. ─── 战争作为一种力量的修辞格贯穿全诗,诗中排除了救赎的修辞格并加入了关于痛苦的修辞格。
54、Vehicle and metaphorical meaning in cultural context of Chinese and English trope ─── 从喻体和喻义看英汉比喻的文化差异
55、Q6: "relentlessly piling one cool action trope on another. ─── " 这句也很难照字面翻出意思.
56、is this just a Wall Street trope? ─── 这仅仅是华尔街的一面之词?
57、The energy and the trope ─── 气骨与藻采
58、Abstract: A borrowed concept of “androgyny” from feminists’ criticism is employed here as a trope to refer to a new type of relations between authors/translators. ─── 摘要 : 本文借助女性主义批评的“双性同体”这一概念,用来喻指原文作者与译者的新型关系。
59、He was acting on a common trope in literature: the collapse of our technology and a return to old ways. ─── 在文学中,他已经成为一个常见的比喻:技术的崩溃,以及古老方式的回归。
60、Chinese Character history phenomenon in the Chinese refers to some phenomena what some aspects showed, such as: Chinese glossary, trope and so on; directly correlate to characters' font style. ─── 摘要“汉语中的汉字化现象”,是指汉语的词汇、修辞表达等方面所呈现的、与汉字的字形结构直接相关的一些现象。
没有百分百的翻译因为细思极恐是形容词也是感叹句。有个网络名词意思很接近:Fridge - horror. 直译 被冷藏的恐惧意译TV Trope上是这么解释的 : when something becomes scary after the fact。就是仔细一想及其恐怖的意思。例句:\"Leia kissed Luke in Episode V, but she found out he's her brother in Return of the Jedi.\"\"That's some fridge-horror right there man.\"
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