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08-20 投稿


louvre 发音

英:[ˈluːvər]  美:[ˈluːvə(r)]

英:  美:

louvre 中文意思翻译



louvre 网络释义

n. (法)罗浮宫(等于louver)

louvre 常用词组

louvre museum ─── 卢浮宫

louvre 词性/词形变化,louvre变形


louvre 短语词组

1、Louvre Lens ─── 卢浮宫镜头

2、Place du Louvre ─── 卢浮宫广场

3、le louvre museum ─── 卢浮宫

4、louvre pyramid in paris ─── 巴黎卢浮宫金字塔

5、chalcographie du louvre ─── 卢浮宫摄影

6、louvre pyramids ─── 卢浮宫金字塔

7、double bank louvre ─── 双排百叶窗

8、louvre pyramid architect ─── 卢浮宫金字塔建筑师

9、louvre doors ─── 百叶门

10、louvre art ─── 卢浮宫艺术

11、le louvre ─── 卢浮宫

12、louvre jobs ─── 卢浮宫工作

13、louvre avu dhabi ─── 颜色有达比

14、caryatids louvre ─── 卢浮宫女主角

15、le louvre museum abu dhabi ─── 阿布扎比卢浮宫博物馆

16、Louvre Museum ─── [网络] 卢浮宫;罗浮宫;罗浮宫博物馆

17、colonnade du louvre ─── 卢浮宫柱廊

18、louvre pyramid ─── 卢浮宫金字塔

19、louvre opening times ─── 卢浮宫开放时间

louvre 相似词语短语

1、louvered ─── adj.装有百叶窗板的

2、Louvre ─── n.(法)罗浮宫(等于louver)

3、louvred ─── adj.百叶式的;装百叶窗的(等于louvered)

4、louvres ─── n.百叶窗(louvre的复数);遮光栅格;n.(Louvres)人名;(法)卢夫尔

5、loure ─── 乡间慢速舞(曲)

6、louvers ─── n.[建]百叶窗(louver的复数)

7、louche ─── adj.声名狼籍的;品德有问题的;n.(Louche)人名;(法、阿拉伯、英)卢什

8、louvars ─── 鲯鲭

9、livre ─── n.里弗(古时的法国货币单位及其银币)

louvre 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Promenade in the Musee du Louvre, Paris. ─── 漫步在卢浮宫。

2、The Louvre is another place you have to go. It's an art museum. One of the word's famous paintings, the Mona Lisa, is in the Louvre. ─── 卢浮宫是另一个你应该游览的地方,它是一座博物馆,一幅世界上最著名的画,蒙娜丽莎,就在卢浮宫里。

3、Leonardo began work on the painting in 1503, and it now hangs in the Louvre in Paris. ─── 达芬奇1503起开始创作此画,现在这幅名画还挂在法国巴黎罗浮宫的墙上。

4、Unit 12 The Louvre: The World's Best Museum? ─── 第十二单元

5、Jack Pan: I have seen the little toy boy with the drum on top of the Louvre. ─── 潘杰客:我在卢浮宫外墙的上面看见一个“打鼓的小男孩”玩偶。

6、It looked as if a bomb had been dropped on it. It made Oscar Madison's bedroom look like the Louvre. ─── 和我们的客厅相比,奥斯卡·梅迪森的卧室简直是卢浮宫。

7、Jack Pan: As the Director of the Louvre, how do you attract more people to classical art? ─── 潘杰客:作为卢浮宫的馆长,你怎样吸引更多的人来欣赏古典艺术?

8、After the French Revolution, the Palais du Louvre was opened to the public. ─── 法国大革命之后,罗浮宫对外开放。

9、During our four days in Paris we spent one whole day at the Louvre Museum. ─── 在巴黎的四天当中,我们花了一整天参观卢浮宫。

10、The best museum in Paris is the Louvre. ─── 巴黎最佳的美术馆是罗浮宫。

11、Jack Pan: It seems to me that you work in the Louvre seven days a week. ─── 潘杰客:在我看来,你一周七天都在卢浮宫工作。

12、Can you find it in the world-class museums, such as the Louvre? ─── 你能否在世界一流的博物馆,倒如卢浮宫中找着呢?

13、The City had Notre-Dame; the Town, the Louvre and the Hotel de Ville; the University, the Sorbonne. ─── 老城有圣母院,新城有卢浮宫和市政厅,大学城有索邦学堂。

14、I saw the French President at the Louvre in Paris last Saturday,blow me tight. ─── 上星期六我在巴黎浮宫见到法国总统,有假的话我就下地狱。

15、You'll visit the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and all of the top museums. ─── 您将参观罗浮宫、菲尔铁塔和所有最棒的博物馆。

16、Have you taken the Louvre at all, sir? ─── 您在卢浮宫里多少还吃得开吧,先生?

17、Did you get to see the Louvre while you were in Paris? ─── 你在巴黎时有机会参观罗浮宫吗?

18、The Louvre might as well replace it with copy; no one would be able to tell. ─── 卢浮宫完全可以用一幅复制品代替真迹,没人发现得了。

19、This was what a king's palace, a Louvre, a Hotel de Saint-Pol was then. ─── 这就是当时一座宫殿、一座卢浮宫、一座圣波尔行宫的情况。

20、The Louvre is a world-famous museum. ─── 卢浮宫是世界闻名的博物馆。

21、Louvre Museum, Paris 10:46 P.M. ─── 巴黎卢浮宫美术博物馆,夜10时46分。

22、We went over to the Louvre and he looked at the statues but still he was doubtful about himself. ─── 我们过河去了卢浮宫,他注意察看那些雕像,可是依然对自己持怀疑态度。

23、The massive art galleries in the Palace of the Louvre in Paris attract thousands of people. ─── 巴黎卢浮宫巨大的艺术馆吸引着成千上万的人们。

24、Hinged type return air louvre, model ARLH. ─── ARLH型风口属可开式侧壁格栅风口。

25、At the other end is the great tower of the Louvre. ─── 另一端是卢浮宫的巨塔。

26、Jack Pan: It seems to me that you work in the Louvre seven days a week. ─── 潘杰客:在我看来,你一周七天都在卢浮宫工作。

27、They even dance at improper (not proper) places—such as the square in front of the Louvre in Paris where Chinese tourists broke into a dance last year. ─── 他们甚至在不合适的地方跳舞——例如去年中国游客在巴黎卢浮宫前的广场上跳舞。

28、The high point of Hitler's Linz was to be a huge art museum to rival galleries like the Louvre or the Uffizi. ─── 希特勒规划中的林茨最闪光之处是一座可以与巴黎卢浮宫和意大利乌非兹媲美的大型美术馆。

29、It was Zola who predicted that one day Manet's Work would hang in the Louvre. ─── 也正是左拉,预言终有,一天马奈的作品将被悬挂在卢浮宫里。

30、Architecture of the Musee du Louvre, Paris. ─── 卢浮宫的建筑。

31、Louvre Museum viewed through the glass pyramid, Paris. ─── 透过玻璃金字塔看卢浮宫。

32、No other painting in the immense galleries of the Louvre gets this treatment. ─── 在这庞大的艺术馆走廊里,没有其他任何一幅画享有如此厚遇。

33、Francois Mitterrand renovated the Louvre. ─── 密特朗整修罗浮宫。

34、It will be put in a specially renovated room in the Louvre early next year. ─── 明年初,它将被安置在卢浮宫中一间特地为它修建的房间里。

35、Louvre is the biggest museum in Paris. ─── 罗浮宫是巴黎最大的博物馆。

36、Rectify the gap at final connections between air duct and grille / louvre. ─── 修补通风喉管与通风格栅/百?风口接驳处的空隙。

37、Architecture of the Louvre Museum, Paris. ─── 卢浮宫建筑。

38、The creation of the great castle was due to Louis XIV who abandoned the Louvre to build a royal palace. ─── 它是欧洲最繁华的一座宫殿,气势磅礴,布局严密。

39、The N's were scratched off the Louvre. ─── 卢浮宫里的N正被刮去。

40、Not every corner of The Louvre allows photo snapshop. ─── 卢浮宫不是每样东西都可以拍照的。

41、Already a lecture in Egypt by a former Louvre curator has been canceled. ─── 目前已经有一名前罗浮宫主管人员,预计在埃及发表的演说被迫取消。

42、Does the Louvre is the most famous museum in the world? ─── 罗浮宫是世界上最有名的博物馆吗?

43、The Louvre in Paris is a great museum for art lovers. You can see famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa there. ─── 巴黎的罗浮宫对艺术爱好者来说是很棒的博物馆。在那里可以看到像蒙娜丽莎那样著名的画。

44、Even the Nazis protected the Louvre. ─── 即使纳粹党人都曾保护卢浮宫。

45、The Louvre: The World's Best Museum? ─── 罗浮宫??全世界最棒的博物馆?

46、Western aesthetics series build the Louvre of flooring in the 21st century. ─── 西方美学系列筑造一座21世纪的地板罗浮宫。

47、If Degas had unexpectedly run into Manet at the Louvre? ─── 德加是在卢浮宫偶然遇见的马奈;

48、No visit to Paris is complete without a trip to the Louvre, one of the largest and most famous museums in the world. ─── 没到过卢浮宫就不算是到过巴黎,它是世界上最大、最著名的博物馆之一。

49、Thousands more came to see them in London, England and in the famous Louvre Museum in Paris, France. ─── 更多人来到英国伦敦和法国巴黎著名的卢浮宫观看他的画作。

50、The highlight of our tour to Paris was visiting the Louvre. ─── 我们的巴黎之旅最精彩 的部分就是参观罗浮宫.

51、Jack Pan: So what does the Louvre mean to the foreigners? ─── 潘杰客:那麽卢浮宫对外国人来说意味著什麽?

52、This picture is on loan from the Louvre to the National Gallery. ─── 这幅画是由罗浮宫借给国家美术馆的。

53、him from the pantheon of English literature would make about as much sense as the Louvre selling off the Mona Lisa. ─── 他移出英国文学的名人堂就等同于卢浮宫卖掉《蒙娜丽莎》一样,意义重大。

54、The Louvre's website also has links to the sites of other museums, such as the Vatican Museum. ─── 泸浮宫博物馆的网站中还有转到到其它博物馆网站的链接,比如梵蒂冈博物馆。

55、There was a gap on the wall and the frame and glass were found hidden in the Louvre but the Mona Lisa was gone. ─── 墙上有个豁口,框架和玻璃留在卢浮宫里,《蒙娜·丽莎》不见了。

56、"Now tell me of the Tuileries, and the Louvre," she continued evasively. ─── “现在对我讲一讲杜伊勒利宫和罗浮宫吧,”她故作遁词说。

57、The "Portrait of Emile Zola" now hangs in the Louvre and is considered one of his best paintings. ─── 现在《左拉像》被悬挂在卢浮宫,而且被公认为是他的最好作品之一。

58、The Louvre does not disappoint them. ─── 这一点罗浮宫不会让他们失望。

59、There are many famous paintings in the Louvre. ─── 罗浮宫里有很多有名的图画。

60、Heavy clouds above the Musee du Louvre, Paris. ─── 卢浮宫上空的乌云。

61、But the boat-rocking claims have been disputed by the Louvre in Paris, where the piece is on display. ─── 但是,这个不合常规的宣称在该杰作陈列馆巴黎罗浮宫引起争议。

62、His best known work is "The Three Graces," now in the Louvre. ─── 她已经完成了她最后一件可怕的工作。

63、The most famous one that remains today is the beautiful 'Venus de Milo', now in the Louvre, Paris. ─── 今天还存在着的最著名的一座雕像是美丽的“米勒岛上的维纳斯”像,现藏巴黎的卢夫宫博物馆。

64、The picture as it is in the Louvre today has lost some of its subtlety. ─── 这幅现存于卢浮宫的油画已失去了它的一些精妙之处。

65、Many people go to the Louvre in Paris to see only this painting. ─── 许多人去巴黎卢浮宫就是为了看这幅画。

66、We got no sight of the countless treasures of art in the Louvre galleries that day. ─── 当天我们没有看到卢浮宫美术馆里的无数艺术瑰宝。

67、The painting will remain on display during the testing, the Louvre said. ─── 卢浮宫方面说,测试期间《蒙娜丽莎》仍将向公众展出。

68、The famous Louvre Museum in Paris is about to expand eastward. ─── 巴黎著名的罗浮宫将向东面扩建。

69、As I was very close to the Louvre, I would loiter in the palace the whole morning. ─── 因为住处离罗浮宫很近,我就整个上午“泡”在罗浮宫里。

70、Tourists resting at the Louvre Pyramid, Paris. ─── 卢浮宫玻璃金字塔下休息的游客。

71、Saint-Jacques de la Boucherie had barely been completed when the demolition of the old Louvre was begun. ─── 屠宰场圣雅各教堂几乎尚未峻工,就开始拆毁古老的卢浮宫了。

72、Jack Pan: What does the Louvre mean to French? ─── 潘杰客:卢浮宫对法国人来说意味著什麽?

73、Jack Pan: So you visit the Louvre since you were very young. You must be familiar with every room, every piece of the art here. . . ─── 潘杰客:那么你从很小的时候就参观卢浮宫,你一定对每个展厅,每件藏品都非常熟悉了?

74、Is trap Louvre trap Pennsylvania exclaimed mBayum in trap difficulty? ─── 罗浮宫是全地球上最有名的博物馆吗?

75、Entrance into the Louvre Pyramid, Paris. ─── 进入卢浮宫透明金字塔的入口。

76、His paintings would hang in the Louvre in Paris. ─── 他的画也将被悬挂在巴黎的卢浮宫里。

77、A benevolent art collector has donated over 100 masterpieces to the Louvre. ─── 一位善心的艺术收藏家捐赠超过一百件巨作给罗浮宫。

78、Then, in 1911, it was stolen from the Louvre by an Italian man. ─── 之后,在1911年,她被一个意大利人从卢浮宫偷走。

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