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08-21 投稿


franks 发音

英:[fræŋks]  美:[fræŋks]

英:  美:

franks 中文意思翻译



franks 词性/词形变化,franks变形


franks 短语词组

1、franks diner menu ─── 法兰克餐厅菜单

2、franks hot dogs ─── 弗兰克斯热狗

3、franks and sons ─── 弗兰克斯和儿子

4、franks buffalo wings sauce ─── 弗兰克斯水牛翅酱

5、beans and franks ─── 豆子和法兰克

6、franks automotive ─── 弗兰克斯汽车公司

7、franks noodles house ─── 法兰克面条屋

8、franks pharmacy mi ─── 密歇根州弗兰克斯药房

9、franks shoprite grass lake ─── 弗兰克斯shoprite草湖

franks 相似词语短语

1、Franks ─── n.弗兰克斯(姓氏);法兰克人(书名)

2、frank ─── adj.坦白的,直率的;老实的;n.免费邮寄特权;vt.免费邮寄;n.(Frank)弗兰克(人名)

3、francs ─── n.法郎;法郎体系

4、flanks ─── n.两翼(flank的复数);拱侧翼;石侧面;v.侧面攻击(flank的单三形式)

5、fracks ─── 水力压裂

6、branks ─── n.荞麦

7、fanks ─── n.(Fank)人名;(德)范克

8、pranks ─── n.恶作剧(prank的复数);v.盛装;打扮(prank的三单形式)

9、cranks ─── n.[机]曲柄(crank的复数)

franks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You be quite frank with me about this matter? ─── 在这个问题上你能不能真正地跟?

2、But after years of detective work and long conversations with her ailing father, Franks eventually pieced together most of his story. ─── 但是在几年时间的侦查和与病中父亲长时间的沟通后,弗兰克斯终于拼凑出了父亲大概的经历。

3、Will you be quite frank with me about this matter? ─── 在这个问题上你能不能真正地跟我说实话?

4、"You must pay up what you owe me." Edwin said to Frank. ─── "你必须还清欠我的钱,"埃德温对弗兰克说。

5、Frank; straightforward; blunt. ─── 坦率; 直接的; 毫不含糊的

6、Do you really think that Frank will be a good boss? ─── 你真的认为法兰克可以成为一个好的上司吗?

7、To be frank, he is not an able man. ─── 坦率地说,他并不是一个有本领的人。

8、They looked and smiled with frank enjoyment. ─── 他们四目相视,微笑着,充满了坦率的快乐

9、But to be frank,I don't know much about wine. ─── 不过说实话,我对酒不太了解。

10、To be very frank, I think you have very little chance of getting the job. ─── 坦白地说,我认为你获得这项工作的机会微乎其微。

11、Frank Lucas don't run from nobody. ─── 卢卡斯从谁的手上都逃不脱。

12、To be frank, I have done one thing evil. ─── 坦白来说,我曾做过一件坏事。

13、He is an extremely frank person. ─── 他是个极其老实的人。

14、He is very frank, calling a spade a spade. ─── 他很坦白,总讲老实话。

15、Like everybody else, Frank had an exciting day. ─── 富兰克象其他人一样,这一天过得十分愉快。

16、To be frank, you need to lose weight. ─── 坦白说,你需要减肥。

17、In a frank manner; candidly. ─── 不加掩饰地; 坦白地

18、"That was his wife barking," Frank said cheerily. ─── “那是他老婆在叫唤。”弗兰克乐不可支地说。

19、b. Many of the Normans stayed behind as the Franks went on -- prefiguring what was to happen time and again within the crusading movement. ─── 许多诺曼人停留下来,而法兰克人却继续前进——这也预示着将会在十字军运动中会反复发生什么。

20、Frank inflated the football for Buddy. ─── 佛兰克帮巴迪的足球打气。

21、To be frank,the question is not open to discussion. ─── 坦率地讲,该问题不是一个可以讨论的问题。

22、Franks reports from Jerusalem. ─── 弗兰克斯报告耶路撒冷。

23、Nephew: I want what you got Uncle Frank. ─── 侄子:我想得到弗兰克叔叔拥有的一切。

24、The frank answer is that I do not know. ─── 坦白说,我并不知道。

25、Frank had worked hard as a candidate, and as election day come he felt that the result was in the lap of the gods. ─── 作为一个候选人,法兰克下了很大的功夫,但在选举那天,他觉得选举结果只能听天由命。

26、To be frank, he is not fit for the job. ─── 坦率地讲,他不适合这份工作。

27、To be frank, you need a great deal of courage. ─── 坦白地说,你要有很大勇气。

28、The talks were frank and businesslike. ─── 会谈是坦率的,讲究实效的。

29、Henry chums around with Frank. ─── 亨利跟弗兰克关系亲密。

30、The longest-lasting of these kingdoms, that of the Franks, laid the foundation for later European states. ─── 其中最长久的法兰克王国为后来的欧洲国家建立了基

31、He comes across as being very frank. ─── 他给人的印象是个很坦率的人。

32、He was frank, open and aboveboard. ─── 他胸怀坦白,光明磊落。

33、Frank sends his best wishes, and he says to be sure and tell you how delighted he is to hear about your fine progress. ─── 向你表达良好的祝愿。他让我一定转告你,他得知你的病情; 好转后十分高兴。

34、He was going to black Frank's eye for him some day. ─── 他总有一天要揍弗兰克一顿。

35、Why do you wind and turn? Be frank with me. ─── 你为什么这样转弯抹角的?爽快地对我说吧。

36、Would you eat at Felony Franks? ─── 你会到重罪弗兰克斯餐馆去用餐吗?

37、d. Most of the rest of the empire was parceled out to other Franks, who were to take a feudal oath to the emperor. ─── 帝国剩下的绝大部分被分配给其他法兰克人,他们需要向皇帝宣誓效忠。

38、Franks :Guess what ?A color. ─── 凯文:知道是什么吗...

39、Will you reinforce the takeoff, Frank? ─── 你要助跑吗,弗兰克?

40、To be frank, I don't quite agree with you. ─── 坦率地说,我不太同意你的意见。

41、He called Frank names and irritated Frank. ─── 他骂了弗兰克,把弗兰克惹火了。

42、OK. So, what's the first step Frank? ─── 好的。那么,弗兰克,第一步我们要做什么呢?

43、Franks didn't mention this in his book, although he did say we were there for attitude adjustment, if I remember right. ─── 弗兰克斯在他的书里没有提到这一点,如果我没有记错的话,他只是说我们在那里表明了合适的姿态。

44、Frank's scores in college were all excellent. ─── 佛兰克的大学成绩都很优异。

45、He offered a frank apology to her for hurting her feelings. ─── 他因伤害了她的感情而真诚地向她道歉。

46、Our commander in Afghanistan, Tommy Franks, recently said the Senator's understanding of events does not square with reality. ─── 我们在阿富汗的总司令汤米·弗兰克最近说克里参议员对于事件的理解与现实不符。

47、He is frank and open with people. ─── 他为人坦率。

48、She was about to explore another life with Frank. ─── 她将和弗兰克一起去开辟新的生活。

49、They taunted Frank with being poor. ─── 他们讥笑弗兰克穷。

50、Young Sam Franks: ...guess in the day, light comes to them. ─── 可能白天的时候,光亮找寻它们。

51、"Are you a business man, sonny?" Frank asked. ─── “你是生意人吗,小家伙?”弗兰克说。

52、Frank Barry and John Delaney were bosom friends. ─── 弗兰克·巴里有一位知心好友叫约翰·德莱尼。

53、Frank: What are your terms of sale? ─── 你的销售条件是什么?

54、He is the Frank Lampard of the reserves. ─── 他已经成为预备队里的弗兰克·兰帕德。

55、Chang Su-su's frank words had struck home. ─── 多么畅快的话!

56、To be frank, I don't find the book up to much. ─── 坦率地说,我并不觉得这本书怎么样。

57、Anne Frank made her diary her best friend. ─── 安妮·弗兰克将日记当作自己最好的朋友。

58、A frank admission or acknowledgment. ─── 坦白承认直率地承认

59、Why not co-opt both Dr. Gordon and Dr. Franks? ─── 干脆同时指派葛登博士和弗朗克博士好了。

60、His frank statements were really out of place at the party. ─── 他那番坦白话实在不适合在宴会里说。

61、Let us be frank and don't beat around the bush. ─── 大家都坦白点吧,不要绕圈子了。

62、You don't mind my being frank, do you? ─── 你对我的直率不介意,是吧?

63、To be frank, I would like to support. ─── 坦白的说,我想支持。

64、"This is about liberation, not occupation," Gen. Tommy Franks said. ─── “我们的目的是解放,而不是占领,”汤米·弗兰克斯将军说。

65、What do you think of my book? Please be frank. ─── 你认为我的书如何?请坦白告诉我。

66、Better a frank denial than unwilling compliance. ─── 勉强应允不如坦诚拒绝。

67、Her daughter Helen was married to Frank Barry. ─── 婚礼是为女儿爱伦和女婿弗兰克·巴里举行的。

68、He is a frank and open young man. ─── 他是个坦率的青年。

69、The dominant genius of the "Franks" was feudal, military and romantic. ─── “法兰克人”,突出的天才具有封建、好斗和浪漫的色彩。

70、To be frank, I don't agree with what you said. ─── 坦率地说,我不同意你说的话。

71、Frank said he was grateful for your help. ─── 佛兰克说他很感谢你对他的帮助。

72、Her favorite book is the Diary of Anne Frank. ─── 她最喜欢的书是《安妮·弗兰克的日记》。

73、He is an honest and frank official. ─── 他是一位耿介之士。

74、His frank and forthright action deserves praise. ─── 他光明磊落的行为值得称赞。

75、A collector of antique cars asked Frank to look out for a 1906 gas head lamp. ─── 一位老式汽车收藏家要弗兰克留神1906年产的煤气前灯。

76、He is frank with me about everything. ─── 他对我一点也不隐瞒。

77、Franks asked me. ─── 弗兰克斯问我。

78、Did not you, in our own time, engage the Franks at Mortemer? ─── 在我们的时代,你们不是曾在摩梯同法兰克人打过仗了吗?

79、He has been quite frank about everything. ─── 他对一切都很:坦率。

80、Frank had his churlish delicacies. ─── 富兰克有罕见的温情。

81、Frank Churchill, who had promised for months to come to see his father and new stepmother, again put off his visit. ─── 弗兰克·邱吉尔几个月来一直答应要来看望他的父亲和新过门的继母,但却再次推迟了他的来访日期。

82、The noonday train will bring Frank Miller. ─── 弗兰克·米勒将乘正午的火车过来。

83、A frank discussion can help to clear the air. ─── 坦率的谈论有助于消除疑虑。

84、Did not the Franks prefer flight to battle, and use their spurs? ─── 他们不是怯于交战而策马溃逃吗?

85、Mrs. Jerky: Well, to be quite frank, I'm not so hot, young lady. This morning, my dog got hit by a car. ─── 哲琪太太:嗯,坦白说,我不很好,小姐。今天早上我的狗被一辆车撞了。

86、BRITTEN: Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge, Op. ─── 布里顿:弗兰克布里奇主题变奏曲。

87、Don't Go Near That Rabbit, Frank! ─── 不要走近那只兔子,弗兰克!

88、BRITTEN: Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge. ─── 布里奇主题变奏曲。

89、Of Frontier Justice Frank working in a prison. ─── 州长的女儿会在监狱里工作。

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