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missionary 发音

英:['mɪʃ(ə)n(ə)rɪ]  美:['mɪʃənɛri]

英:  美:

missionary 中文意思翻译



missionary 词性/词形变化,missionary变形

名词复数: missionaries |

missionary 短语词组

1、missionary sales ─── 传教士销售

2、missionary position n. ─── 传教士式体位, 男上女下式体位

3、Missionary Flight Training Foundation ─── 飞行任务训练基金会

4、Christian and Missionary Alliance S ─── 基督教和传教士联盟S

5、Missionary Church of Kopimism ─── 拷贝宣道教会

6、Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School ─── 基督教和传教士联盟孙 ─── 基中学

7、Rhenish Missionary Society ─── 希腊传教士协会

8、Missionary Aviation Fellowship ─── 飞行任务研究金

9、Missionary Travels in South Africa ─── 在南非出差

10、Missionary Ridge ─── 传教士山脉(在美国田纳西州和佐治亚州境内)

11、missionary post ─── [网络] 传教士

12、missionary activities ─── 传教活动

13、missionary boys ─── 传教士男孩

14、Missionary Flight Training Foundati ─── 传教士飞行训练基金会

15、missionary salesman ─── [经] 推销员

16、missionary work ─── [网络] 传教工作;宣教;传教士工作

17、David Hill (missionary) ─── 大卫·希尔(传教士)

18、missionary man n. ─── 摩托教父(歌曲名称)

19、missionary station ─── [网络] 传教站

missionary 相似词语短语

1、missioners ─── n.传教士,教区传教士

2、commissionary ─── 委员

3、missional ─── 使命

4、missioner ─── n.传教士,教区传教士

5、passionary ─── 热情的

6、visionary ─── adj.有远见的;宗教幻觉的;空想的;梦想的;n.有眼光的人;出现宗教幻觉的人;梦想家

7、millionary ─── 百万

8、cessionary ─── n.受让人

9、mansionary ─── 豪宅

missionary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In 2001 Derek was sent as missionary to South America. ─── 在港牧会数年期间,帮助教会建立差传事工。

2、Every month the ZLs report to the president about the status of missionary work. ─── 地带领袖每月都要向会长报告传教的情况。

3、A lot of people were familiar with church through missionary medical work. ─── 其次麦路得医生在梧州的工作也很引人注目。 医学传教极大地推动了传教工作的发展,广大群众通过教会的医疗工作认识和熟悉了教会。

4、After falling out with the American missionary, who he claimed was corrupt, he had an extremely unusual career change. ─── 他说美国传教士很腐败,离开传教团后,他的职业来了一个一百八十度的转弯。

5、Today person textual research, "South stars " be Fujian language " new beans column " , the cure bureau seat that missionary is in Guangzhou. ─── 今人验证,"星辰南"就是闽语"新豆栏",传教士在中国广州的医局所处地。

6、He spent 20 years in Korea as a missionary. ─── 他在韩国当宣教士有20年之久。

7、Seen by many as a potential Republican presidential contender, Huntsman is fluent in Chinese from his days as a Mormon missionary in Taiwan. ─── 亨茨曼是共和党党员,许多人认为他是下届总统的潜在候选人。

8、"We would like very much to have you for dinner," as the cannibal said to the captured missionary. ─── 嗜食人肉的生蕃对被俘掳的传教士说:“我们想设宴招待你(吃掉你)”。

9、Liang went through many difficulties for his faith and missionary works, and was nearly beheaded for his writings. ─── 他为信仰与宣教屡遇艰困,曾为撰写证道小册而险遭砍头。

10、"We will like very much to have you for dinner, " as the cannibal say to the capture missionary. ─── 嗜食人肉的生番对被俘掳的船较士说:"我们想设宴招待你"。

11、"It had to be somebody," she said to the erect, austere missionary . ─── “总要有人来做,”她对坐得笔挺的严肃的传教士说。

12、Sir Albert Cook of the Church Missionary Society described the condition in patients at his Mengo hospital Hospital in Kampala. ─── 圣公会传教会的艾伯特先生库克描述在坎帕拉蒙哥医院(受布鲁里溃疡感染的)患者的病情。

13、In addition, Seoul will halt all Christian missionary work in Afghanistan. ─── 另外,汉城也会停止在阿富汗的所有基督教传教活动。

14、He abandoned a life of wealth and ease to go to China as a missionary. ─── 他放弃富裕的生活,去中国作了一名传教士。

15、Whatever the successful experiences or the defeatist lesson, they were both valuable wealth for the Jesuit missionary. ─── 但是到目前为止,学术界对耶稣会士在韶州的传教活动的研究状况却仅仅止于对其它专题探讨时所做的附带性研究。

16、In 1906, missionary Pev and Mrs Harry Parsons brought potato into this area. ─── 1906年,传教士张道惠夫人将洋芋引入石门坎。

17、He presided over the huge student missionary conference held at Yale and served as president of the honor society Phi Beta Kappa. ─── 他主持了一场在耶鲁举行的盛大的学生宣道大会,也是斐陶斐荣誉学会的会长。

18、My mother would still like me to be a missionary in Africa. ─── 我母亲还是想让我在非洲做一名传教士。

19、Romance lay not in the original cultural of Tibet but rather in the heroic nature of the missionary struggle in an exotic environment. ─── 传教士的浪漫传奇并不在于藏文化本身,而在传教士们在一个陌生环境下艰苦卓绝的英勇斗争。

20、In 1871, journalist-explorer Henry M. Stanley found missing Scottish missionary David Livingstone in central Africa. ─── 1871年,新闻记者-探险家享利发现苏格兰传教士大卫在非洲中心城市利文斯致失踪。

21、Whatever their planned target, the mortar rounds landed in an orphanage run by a missionary group in the small Vietnamese village. ─── 一次美军的例常炮击,击中了坐落在一个越南小村庄里的一所孤儿院,这是由一个传教团体创办的.

22、Later, he told me he had been a missionary in Tientsinbefore he "had aspired to become a Sinologist. " ─── 后来他告诉我,“在想当汉学家之前,他在天津当过传教士。”

23、He became a missionary to China in 1846, where he worked himself literally to death to convert the population to Christianity. ─── 他成为一位传教士,在1846年去了中国,为了使那里人们皈依基督教,他在那里传道,直至生命的尽头。

24、As a Protestant missionary in Samsun, on the Black Sea, he has had death threats and his church has been repeatedly stoned. ─── 作为在黑海海岸的萨姆松(Samsun)城中传道布教的新教教士,他的生命受到了死亡的威胁,他所在的教堂不断遭到石块的攻击。

25、After he contracted leprosy, Father Damien wrote that he was now “the happiest missionary in the world. ─── 后来,达米盎染上了麻风病,却因此写下了他是世界上最幸福的麻风病人的话。

26、In a giant all star cast, Bergman plays a funny old Swedish missionary[6]. ─── 在宏大的抒情诗般的明星阵容中,她扮演滑稽可笑的瑞典老传教士。

27、The missionary sprang to his feet and strode across the room. ─── 传教士跳了起来,在房间里大步踱来踱去。

28、St. John Rivers asks Jane to be his wife and to go with him to India where he plans to become a missionary. ─── 圣约翰·里弗斯要求简做他的妻子,与他同去印度,他打算在那里当个传教士。

29、Legge's version intends to assist the expansion of Western missionary work into China in the second half of the 19th century. ─── 卫本旨在向西方学者传播博大精深的中国文化,以拯救二十世纪初由于资本主义无休止的对外扩张和世界大战而遭受巨大创伤的西方文明。

30、Paul visited Thessalonica for the first time on his second missionary journey and stayed only 3 weeks. ─── 保罗在他第二次宣教旅程中,首次到访帖撒罗尼迦,并在那里逗留了短短三个星期。

31、Later he went to India as a missionary. ─── 后来,他以传教士的身分去了印度。

32、When the missionary first arrived at the sanitarium, he tried to pass out little booklets of the Gospel of John. ─── 他讲到那里的一个病重的老人的故事:他刚到那里时向人派发约翰福音小册子。

33、Do you feel it is very special, three years, but nothing. Jesus also had stayed with us three years as a public missionary. ─── 你是否觉得这有些特别呢?三年,却什么都没有。耶稣同样也与我们在一起并公开传教三年。

34、"It had to be somebody, " she said to the erect, austere missionary. ─── “总要有人来做,”她对坐得笔挺的严肃的传教士说。

35、Faith, the missionary's armor. ─── 信仰,传教士的保障

36、There was a lot of missionary work needed in those early years. ─── 在开始的那些年代里,需要进行大量的宣传说服工作,但逐渐开始出现了几件新事物。

37、To participate annual RETI workshop and BlueSky Award candidate technology exhibition in CHTF its satellite meetings as a missionary. ─── 作为工作人员,为每年的“深圳可再生能源技术与投资国际研讨会”和中国国际高新技术成果交易会蓝天奖入围技术展提供服务。

38、He disguised himself as a missionary. ─── 他伪装成传教士。

39、He was born to missionary parents in Kansu in 1898 and later himself served as a missionary, military interpreter, and anthropologist. ─── 他1898年出生于甘肃的一个传教士家庭,并在以后也成为了一个传教士,还是一个军事翻译和人类学家。

40、Tang Zhaoti with Temple, Todaiji monk Jianzhen east China is also an important place for missionary work. ─── 与唐昭提寺一样,东大寺也是中国高僧鉴真东渡传教的重要场所。

41、The missionary and organization mode of YU Jun Dao had no difference from that of the early Daoism branch and its missionary mode was very practical. ─── 其创立者应该不是汉顺帝时期的那个“宫崇之师”,而是另一个民间道士伪托其名。

42、We will like very much to have you for dinner, as the cannibal say to the capture missionary. ─── 嗜食人肉的生番对被俘掳的船较士说:我们想设宴招待你。

43、Chris's father subsequently became a medical missionary in India. ─── 克里斯的父亲后来成为印度的一名传教医生。

44、In a giant all star cast,Bergman plays a funny old Swedish missionary. ─── 在宏大的抒情诗般的明星阵容中,他扮演滑稽可笑的瑞典老传教士。

45、She had a kind of missionary zeal about bringing culture to the masses. ─── 她对把文化带给大众具有一种传教士般的热情。

46、The prophet has called upon members to do missionary work. ─── 先知呼?教友做传教的工作。

47、The study of missionary sinology. ─── 其他书名传教士汉学硏究.

48、He occasionally left Vancouver to do medical missionary stints, helping patients in Mexico, the Philippines, and China. ─── 他有时候离开温哥华,到墨西哥、菲律宾和中国帮助病人,做医学上的传教士。

49、It was told by an anonymous Kwakiutl Indian of southern Alaska to a missionary in 1896, and here it is. ─── 一位不知名的夸扣特尔印第安人把它讲述给了一名传教士,那是在1896年的南阿拉斯加。

50、A punctual missionary is more likely to be successful. ─── 一个准时的传教士比较会成功。

51、"We will like very much to have you for dinner, " as the cannibal say to the capture missionary . ─── 嗜食人肉的生番对被俘掳的船较士说:“我们想设宴招待你[吃掉匿”。

52、"You don't have to be a missionary--everyone can do something in this world to help another,"Miss Betty said. ─── "你们没有必要非要当传教士--在这个世界上每个人都可以为帮助其他人做些事情。"贝蒂小姐说。

53、Engaged in the activities of a mission or missionary. ─── 传教活动的参加布道或传教会的活动的

54、In the small room at Yale College the experienced missionary and the emotional boy stood with their heads raised to heaven as Abner prayed. ─── 在耶鲁大学的这间小小寝室里,年高德劭的牧师和紧张激动的年轻人垂下脑袋,向上天作了祈祷。

55、He shuddered a little as he looked at the missionary . ─── 他看着传教士,不禁有点心惊胆颤。

56、NB: The opinions stated in this essay do not necessarily represent those of the Church of God Missionary Society. ─── 请注意:本文所述观点不一定代表上帝传教会教堂的观点。

57、Italian-born Jesuit missionary who explored and mapped much of the American Southwest and Mexico. ─── 吉纳,优西比奥·弗朗西斯科1645?-1711生于意大利的耶稣会传教士,曾考察和绘制了美国西南部和墨西哥的大部分的地图

58、The German missionary Mr.Wilhelm discovered tungsten in 1907 in Mount Xihua of Ganzhou where is the first place that tungsten was discovered in China. ─── 1907年,大余县天主教福音堂德国传教士邬利亨发现西华山有钨,由此西华山成为中国最早发现钨的地方,并开始了中国钨矿的开采历史。

59、The poor missionary cast up his eyes to heaven and prayed. ─── 可怜的传教士望天祷告。

60、God intended you to be a missionary's wife. ─── 上帝要让你成为一个传教士的妻子。

61、An organization for carrying on missionary work in a territory. ─── 传教机构为开展传教活动而在一地区设立的机构

62、At the age of fifty, he left the monastery to begin missionary work in Europe, where entire regions had lapsed into paganism. ─── 50岁的时候他离开了修道院,开始在陷入异教的欧洲大陆上传福音。

63、Later, he told me he had been a missionary in Tientsinbefore he "had aspired to become a Sinologist. ─── 后来他告诉我,“在想当汉学家之前,他在天津当过传教士。”

64、In the missionary position, the man can control thrusting while the woman enjoys clitoral stimulation by moving her pelvis to meet his. ─── 在男上女下的姿势中,男性控制插入的节奏,女性通过移动骨盆接受男性的插入,获得阴蒂刺激所带来的快感。

65、Since the 16th century, the western missionary of Catholicism came to the east. ─── 从16世纪开始,西方天主教传教士东来。

66、A we will like very much to have you for dinner , ' as the cannibal say to the capture missionary . ─── 嗜食人肉的生番对被俘掳的船较士说:“我们想设宴招待你[吃掉匿“。

67、SVD started its mission in Hong Kong in 1879 when the first missionary to China, Fr. ─── 圣言会最早期对香港传教工作始于1879年。

68、As a missionary in France, he won “no more than a handful” of converts, he told a biographer, Hugh Hewitt. ─── 他对传记作者HughHewitt说,他曾在法国传教,只吸收了很少的(nomorethanahandful)信徒。

69、AI Missionary code adjusted- both when choosing destination and when determining the number needed. ─── ai的传教代码改进,在于选择传教目标以及需要多少教士。

70、Insistence on the church as a missionary church. ─── 坚持教会应为差传的教会。

71、Nobuaki is really fired up about missionary work. ─── 伸明对传教工作非常渴望。

72、Among them are two sequels to this story, in which Crusoe returns to the island as a missionary and converts those who were left behind. ─── 全部篇章中,是故事的两个后续.在续集里,鲁宾逊作为一名传教士回到到孤岛上,并改变了那些思想落后的人们.

73、We could therefore say, Missionary Pollard devoted all his life in practicing his ideal for evangelizing a people. ─── 伯格理以其毕生之力实践了他“引导一个民族的皈依”的理想。

74、His coat was a good one, and his black tie was a gift from a kind missionary on Thanksgiving Day. ─── 他的西装上衣算蛮好的,他那条黑领带是感恩节那天一个好心的传教士送给他的礼物。

75、He took upon himself the duties of a country parson whilst living at Downe and contributed to the South American Missionary Society. ─── 他承担着对于这个国家教区长捐献给南美洲传教士社团的关税,同时又住在downe这个小镇上。

76、Christian and Missionary Alliance Church Union--Hong Kong Ltd. ─── 基督教宣道会香港区联会有限公司

77、But they who yield such respect, numerous as they are, are so far heathen, and need to have a missionary sent to them. ─── 可是,这些敬仰着的众人,人数真多,都是异教徒,所以应该派遣一个传教士前去。

78、He is a missionary from England. ─── 他是一位从英国来的传教士。

79、For the detailed facts of the Australian system I am indebted to the Rev. Lorimer Fison, an English missionary in Australia. ─── 关于澳大利亚制度的详细情节,我要感谢在澳洲的英国传教士洛里默·斐孙牧师.

80、The Church in China must also sense in her heart the missionary ardour of her Founder and Teacher” (17.1). ─── 在中国的教会亦应在她心中,感受到她的创立者和导师的传教热忱。”

81、After missionary work in India he travelled to Armenia, Colombia. ─── 他完成了在印度的传教工作后,到了哥伦比亚的亚美尼亚。

82、Brandon Rogers, a former missionary, is a rookie salesman. ─── 以前是传教士,现在是一个新手推销员。

83、The missionary transmitted emission emitted lately. ─── 传教士传播了新近散发出来的散发物。

84、Monastic rapacity and domination were common themes in missionary writing. ─── 僧侣的贪婪和操控是传教士作品中的一个共同主题。

85、after a little more doggy, I signaled her to roll over, entered her, classic missionary, and after just a few strokes I was ready. ─── 在少许狗的交配方式以后,我发信号要她转过来,再次进入她,以经典的方式进行,并且在几个过程以后我准备好了。

86、Islam is the Qing Dynasty Xianfeng (1861) Qinyang Henan Hong Ma Hui Yuan to three and so on xinjiang Xiguan Temple Missionary and start to settle down. ─── 回教是清咸丰末年(1861年)河南沁阳回族马洪元等三户到新绛西关落户建寺传教而开始。

87、The evangelical world today is losing its biblical fidelity, moral compass and missionary zeal. ─── 今天的福音派也失去了对圣经的忠诚,道德方针与宣教的热诚。

88、He was shaven, and his coat was decent and his neat black, ready-tied four-in-hand had been presented to him by a lady missionary on Thanksgiving Day. ─── 他刮过脸,他的外衣是体面的,他干净的、黑色的、系好的蝴蝶结领带是一位女传教士在感恩节送给他的。

89、Derek accepted Christ in junior high, and he decided to go into fulltime ministry by becoming a missionary in senior high. ─── 健民初中时信主,在中七时决定全时间事奉及立志成为宣教士。

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