fake 发音
英:[feɪk] 美:[fek]
英: 美:
fake 中文意思翻译
fake 短语词组
1、fake pass ─── 假传球
2、fake sb out ─── 用欺骗手段胜过某人
3、fake bill ─── 假账单
4、fake someone out ─── 假装有人出去
5、fake News ─── 虚假新闻
6、a medical fake ─── 医疗假药
7、a fake ─── 一盘绳索
8、fake blow ─── [体]虚拳
9、fake off ─── 假的
10、fake root ─── [计] 伪根目录, 虚根
11、fake out ─── 捉弄, 欺骗
12、fake up ─── 伪造,捏造
13、fake book ( ─── 未经版权所有者许可而出版的)冒牌(或伪版、盗版)流行歌曲集,流行歌曲集资印本
14、fake it up ─── 涂抹,装饰
15、fake blog ─── 假博客
16、fake sector ─── 虚假扇区
17、pump-fake ─── 投篮的假动作
18、fake it ─── 假的
19、fake-news ─── 虚假新闻;伪新闻;美国的假新闻
fake 词性/词形变化,fake变形
动词过去式: faked |动词第三人称单数: fakes |动词现在分词: faking |动词过去分词: faked |
fake 相似词语短语
1、faked ─── 捏造;假装…的样子(fake的过去式、过去分词)
2、fakie ─── adv.倒着滑地;n.倒滑
3、faker ─── n.摊贩;骗子;伪造者,伪装者;n.(Faker)人名;(阿拉伯)法克尔
4、flake ─── n.小薄片,碎片;古怪的人;搁架;坚硬石片;(卷绳或盘索的)一圈;v.剥落,将……剥落;使……成薄片;(非正式)入睡,筋疲力尽;把(绳子)松松挽好;n.(Flake)(美)弗拉克(人名)
5、fakey ─── 法基
6、ake ─── abbr.密钥交换(AuthenticatedKeyExchange);肢端角化性弹性组织角化症(acrokeratoelastoidosis);(阿克)反精英键盘记录(Anti-KeyloggerElite);n.(Ake)人名;(西)阿克
7、Lake ─── n.湖;深红色颜料;胭脂红;vt.(使)血球溶解;vi.(使)血球溶解;n.(Lake)人名;(德、塞、瑞典)拉克;(英)莱克
8、Jake ─── adj.(非正式)顺利的,令人满意的;n.家伙;消防队员;n.(Jake)杰克(人名)
9、fakes ─── n.赝品;云母板状岩;假冒商品(fake的复数);v.佯装;假装(fake的三单形式);n.(Fakes)人名;(法)法克
fake 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Do it for a week and say hello to ten extra minutes of time for you. This is time you can spend putting your fake eyelashes on or something. ─── 坚持一周都这样做,你就能迎来十多分钟宽裕的时间,这样你就有时间整理你的假睫毛或着做其他的事情。
2、Well, as a matter of fact, this is a fake. ─── 嗯,实际上,这是一个假货。
3、In fact we will use a simple image to create a Fake reflection. ─── 事实上,我们将使用一个简单的图像创建一个虚假的反映。
4、Back in the attorney-client visitation room, Lincoln is livid that evidence of a fake phone call isn't enough for a stay of execution. ─── 在律师会客室,由于一个谎报的电话并不足以作为证据而延迟执行死刑的时间,Lincoln极为恼火。
5、With their big fake smiles and stupid lies? ─── 带着他们虚假的微笑和愚蠢的谎言吗?
6、Add a very strong fake vignette. ─── 加上特强的假虚光。
7、There are fake and real in life, yet love is the everlasting truth. ─── 任凭人生是真是假,用爱相待却是永远的事实。
8、Brian's fake smile looked fishy. ─── 布莱恩假惺惺的笑容看起来很可疑。
9、He fake my signature to get money from my bank. ─── 他冒充我的签字从我的银行里取钱。
10、Can you find the fake fur coat? ─── 你能找到这件假皮衣吗?
11、They advise that consumers should not be misled by the fake ads. ─── 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途(误导).
12、The fake and shoddy goods gave rise to the consumers'complaints. ─── 假冒伪劣商品引起了消费者的投诉。
13、As if fake sick notes and illegal gambling weren't enough, Chinese fans are calling for the national men's team to be dismissed. ─── 除了伪造病假条和非法赌球之外,中国球迷还呼吁解散中国男足。
14、Don't go out in the sun-get a fake tan from a bottle. ─── 别顶着太阳出去了,擦点棕褐色油装作太阳晒的就行了。
15、He used to kid around with me about buying those fake antiques. ─── 他过去经常取笑我买那些古董。
16、With negative power she gave birth to an evil fake Suzaku... ─── 她为了得到魏而进入书中。
17、NO display items; NO second/defected items; NO fake items. ─── 不是陈列品,次货或赝品.
18、Why, it's the biggest fake since Cenghis Khan! ─── 啊,这可是自成吉思汗以来最大的一次虚张声势。
19、The market is flooded with fake goods. ─── 市场上充斥着假货。
20、The teapot looked old but was a recent fake. ─── "这把茶壶貌似古董,却是一件新近制作的赝品。"
21、WWE is just fake,magic show!Here the proof. ─── WWE是假的只是魔术秀,这里有些证据。
22、This is the season of fake tans . ─── “假檀”是本季的流行风。
23、On closer examination the painting proved to be a fake. ─── 再经仔细观察,证实那幅画是膺品。
24、He tried to fake sincerity as he smiled at them. ─── 当他朝他们笑的时候,他设法假装真诚。
25、He was taken in by the fake insurance salesman. ─── 他上了冒牌保险业务员的当。
26、His diamond ring looked genuine, but it was a fake. ─── 他的钻戒看起来像真的,但实际是膺品。
27、Narrator The fake Santa Clause lied. ─── 冒牌圣诞老人撒了谎。
28、The grains come out from cautery.The fittings is fake,too. ─── 刃纹是腐蚀出来的。装具看也做旧。假。
29、He used to kid with me about buying those fake antiques. ─── 他过去经常取笑我买那些假古董。
30、He looked like a postman but he was really a fake. ─── 他看上去像个邮递员,但实际上是假冒的。
31、Especially since many have turned out to be fake. ─── 尤其事实证明很多留学中介并不合格。
32、He is trying to fake an answer. ─── 他企图伪造一个答案。
33、Can you distinguish between an authentic antique and a fake one? ─── 你能辨认古董真品和赝 品吗?
34、Something not genuine; a fake. ─── 假货,赝品
35、A sharp-eyed shop clerk spotted the fake. ─── 一名眼尖的售货员发现了假货。
36、He imposed fake antiques on his company. ─── 他把古董赝品兜售给朋友。
37、Bracelet hand crafted from fake cinnabar. ─── 假的辰砂手镯。
38、She lost her hair day by day after misusing the fake shampoo. ─── 勿用假冒洗发水后,她的头发天天掉.
39、A fake, intended to deceive a member of an opposing team. ─── 假动作,佯攻动作欺骗对方球员的假动作
40、And if you think finding out that Santa Claus is really just a fat old man with a hairy bottom and a fake beard was a horrific surprise. ─── 如果你认为,发现圣诞老人实际上是一个带着毛茸茸的假屁股和假胡子的胖老头是一个可怕的意外的话。
41、Thus,please do not plagiarize my style or fake my username. ─── 因此,请不要模仿我的风格或者假冒我的用户名。
42、You can easily fake up an excuse to avoid going out with him. ─── 你可以很容易地编造一个借口而不与他一同外出。
43、The cost of making fake products is usually lower than real ones. ─── 伪劣商品的制造成本通常低于真货。这句话说了一个具体的事实,适合作扩展句。
44、No. I didn't kill anyone! I only made the fake treaty. ─── 不,我没杀任何人!我只是造了那份假条约。
45、A purported biography of him is a fake. ─── “所谓的有关他的传记是伪造的。”
46、Fake artesunate was found in Cameroon in two thousand five. ─── 2005年喀麦隆发现有假冒青蒿素。
47、It turned out the gun was fake, Bernard said. ─── 后来发现他带的是把假枪。
48、A combination of auction fraud and fake escrow sites. ─── 将网上拍卖诈骗与假付款网站相结合。
49、But that was all so fake and pretend. ─── 但这都是多么的虚伪和假装。
50、In a certain sense, fake press conferences are like lip synching. ─── 一定意义上,假记者会类似于假唱。
51、She fake illness so as not to go to school. ─── 她为了逃学假装生病。
52、No one spotted that the gun was a fake. ─── 没有人留意到那是一支假枪。
53、On close inspection, you could see that the sculpture was a fake. ─── 仔细看你就会发现这个雕塑是个赝品。
54、He can tell a fake from the original. ─── 他能分辨出赝品和真品。
55、Fake: Unlocked or agraffe or easy removable tag. ─── 仿品:无搭扣,或掉线很长。
56、He looked like a postman but he was really a fake . ─── 他看上去像个邮递员但实际上是个骗子。
57、Anyone that retails the fake news will be busted. ─── 传播这个假消息的人会被拘捕。
58、They used fake signal lights to bait the enemy ships onto the rocks. ─── 他们用假信号灯诱使敌船触礁。
59、Fake brand name clothes are always much cheaper than the real ones. ─── 假的名牌服装比真的要便宜得多。
60、He's not an overacter or a fake posturer. ─── 他表演起来一点也不夸张过火、矫揉造作。
61、There are also a few fake fire alarms. ─── 也有几起谎报火警的现象。
62、How we protect you from fake evaluation? ─── 如何防止信用炒作
63、Sports To deceive (an opponent) with a fake. ─── 做假动作:以假动作欺骗(对方)
64、Can you distinguish the genuine antique from these fake ones? ─── 你能分辨出古董的真假吗?
65、Why do so many women fake orgasm? ─── 为何很多女人爱假装高潮?
66、This market place was closed for selling fake products. ─── 因为卖假货,这个商场被勒令闭市整顿。
67、A few fake paintings were found the museum. ─── 博物馆里发现了一些假画。
68、Fake area light with multiple spots. ─── 使用多盏聚光灯模拟区域灯光。
69、His diamond ring looked genuine, but it was fake. ─── 他的钻戒看起来像真的,但实际是膺品。
70、He used the fake plans to trick her. ─── 他用假计划使她上当。
71、He said the suspected bomber has not been identified, but was carrying a fake driver's license from the U. S. state of Michigan. ─── 他表示,还没有确认袭击者的身份,但此人携带伪造的美国密西根州的驾驶执照。
72、He arranged the accident in order to fake his own death. ─── 他策划了这次事故以便造成他自己死亡的假象。
73、Their scam is selling fake Chinese medicine to old people. ─── 他们的骗局是卖假中药给老人。
74、A few examples of counterfeit (fake) PWD products. ─── 假冒几个例子(假冒)密码产品。
75、C replica handbags to prevent fake handbags scurvy. ─── 于是,我慢慢培养她的自信。
76、Dumpster diving, phone scams, fake mail, security bypassing. ─── 垃圾寻找,电话诡计,伪造邮件,安全绕过。
77、"Afraid of Robles, so fake an injury? ─── “害怕罗伯斯了,所以假装受伤?”
78、Does he fake that drawl or merely nod? ─── 如果他表现得迟疑或只是点点头是不是虚伪?
79、A fake policeman robbed the jewelry store and got away. ─── 一个假扮的警察抢劫了这家珠宝店后逃之夭夭。
80、They crawled on the fake ceiling in all direction and crying meows. ─── 他们在天花板上四处爬着,发出喵喵的叫声。
81、Jay convinced the governor to fire a fake bazooka at him and call him a "girly man" as part of the act. ─── 杰·雷诺说服了施瓦辛格,让这位州长在表演中手持一支假火箭炮向他开火,并公然喊他“娘娘腔”。
82、It's all fake and unattainable, but nobody seems to get it. ─── 实际上都是假的和做不到的。但似乎没人明白。
83、To deceive(an opponent) with a fake. ─── 做假动作以假动作欺骗(对方)
84、He can knock off a fake work in an afternoon. ─── 他能在下午解决掉一件伪造的作品。
85、He was intro by my fake brother, a friend which so cute. ─── 他是我干弟弟介绍的,很可爱的一个朋友。
86、This is how you made the fake treaty. ─── 你就是这么制造假条约的。
87、A Rational Design Process: How and Why to Fake It. ─── 一种理性的设计过程:如何以及为何去仿制它。
88、The fake and shoddy goods gave rise to the consumers complaints. ─── 假冒伪劣商品引起了 消费者的投诉.
89、People who buy fake TV sets never buy the expensive ones. ─── 反正买假货的人永远不会去买昂贵的电视机。
英 ['beɪbɪ] 美 [bebɪ]
n. 婴儿,婴孩;孩子气的人
vt. 纵容,娇纵;把……当婴儿般对待
adj. 婴儿的;幼小的
n. (Baby)人名;(法、葡)巴比;(英)巴比,芭比(女名);(俄)巴贝
Baby Mama 代孕妈妈 ; 片 ; 宝贝妈妈 ; 英文片名
Aishiteruze Baby 爱你宝贝 ; 宝贝我爱你 ; 型仔凑女记
baby hatch 弃婴保护舱 ; 弃婴岛 ; 详细翻译
英 ['leɪdɪ] 美 ['ledi]
n. 女士,夫人;小姐;妻子
Lady Wu 庄穆夫人 ; 孙破虏吴夫人 ; 武则天传 ; 武则天正传
Lady Sovereign 女暴君 ; 女君主 ; 表演者
Lady Tunggiya 清太祖元妃
英 ['meɪbiː; -bɪ] 美 ['mebi]
adv. 也许;可能;大概
n. 可能性;不确定性
Definitely Maybe 绝对可能 ; 爱情三选一 ; 确定地可能原声大碟 ; 确定地可能
maybe then 兴许那时
Strikeout Maybe 删去 ; 删除线 ; 删往
英 [meɪ] 美 [me]
aux. 可以,能够;可能,也许;祝,愿;会,能
May Day 五一节 ; 五朔节 ; 国际劳动节 ; 劳动节
英 [feɪt] 美 [fet]
n. 命运
vt. 注定
n. (Fate)人名;(英)费特
cell fate 细胞命运 ; 巴丁格命 ; 细胞结局 ; 细胞运气
Fate Fighter 赌侠之人定胜天 ; 饰罗四两 ; 详细翻译
tragic fate 悲剧命运 ; 悲惨命运 ; 悲惨的命运 ; 悲剧性命运
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