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perspicuous 发音

英:[pərˈspɪkjuəs]  美:[pəˈspɪkjʊəs]

英:  美:

perspicuous 中文意思翻译



perspicuous 网络释义

adj. 明了的;清晰明白的;易懂的

perspicuous 短语词组

1、perspicuous antonym ─── 清晰的反义词

2、perspicuous 1 ─── 清晰的1

3、perspicuous define ─── 清晰的定义

4、perspicuous defined ─── 清晰的定义

5、perspicuous definition ─── 清晰的定义

6、perspicuous means ─── 明确的手段

7、perspicuous example ─── 清晰的例子

perspicuous 词性/词形变化,perspicuous变形

名词: perspicuousness |副词: perspicuously |

perspicuous 相似词语短语

1、perspicaciously ─── 洞察地;睿智地

2、transpicuous ─── adj.透明的;明白易懂的;清晰的

3、perspicuousness ─── n.清楚;明白

4、persicots ─── 波斯

5、conspicuous ─── adj.显著的;显而易见的

6、perspicuously ─── adv.显明地

7、perspicacious ─── adj.有洞察力的;聪颖的;敏锐的

8、persecutes ─── vt.迫害;困扰;同…捣乱

9、perspicuity ─── n.(语言、文章、表达等的)明晰;简明

perspicuous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Such solutions were more manageable, more perspicuous , and more readily used for calculation. ─── 这样的解,在计算中是更易于掌握的,更明白的,并且是更易于使用的。

2、Their companion is not seized with madness: he is but a perspicuous warner. ─── 他们的同伴绝没有疯病,他只是一个坦率的警告者。

3、We have evolved as perspicuous of animals. ─── 我们已经进化成为通达的动物了。

4、There are quantitative indices and qualitativ indices which include brief and perspicuous explanation on the standard of mode. ─── 模式标准,既有定量指标,又具有简明扼要文字说明形式的定性指标。

5、In fact, political philosophy is traditionally the main focus of Chinese philosophy, which is a perspicuous characteristic of Chinese philosophy. ─── 事实上,政治哲学是中国哲学的一大传统,也是中国哲学的一大特色。

6、Map Layers Display section----this part display all map layers through tree frame with perspicuous and convenient way. ─── 地图层显示区:用树形结构显示系统所有图层,层次分明,操作方便。

7、Numerical calculation results show that BPF is fit for evaluating high energy beam quality due to its advantages in perspicuous principle, handy-for-measuring and all-purpose in application fields. ─── 结果表明,BPF具有物理概念明晰、测量方便、通用性强等优势,适合于评价高能激光光束质量。

8、a perspicuous argument. ─── 明白的意见。

9、The purpose of it is to make the "interfix determinism" concept perspicuous and to try to establish determinate theoretic foundation for the research of problems on determinism. ─── 总之,本文所作是为决定论概念的研究提供一套新方法,使相关决定论概念得以明晰,试图为决定论问题的研究打下一定的理论基础。

10、The analysis of concepts is a matter of finding more perspicuous and complexity-revealing words. ─── 对概念进行分析是一项有关寻找更加明白易懂和能揭示复杂性的词汇的问题。

11、Do they not reflect? Their companion is not seized with madness: he is but a perspicuous warner. ─── 难道他们没有思维吗?他们的同伴绝没有疯病,他只是一个坦率的警告者。

12、How to create the cost control system with perspicuous responsibility for management? ─── n 如何建立明晰责任的成本调控机制?

13、The way we behave is often best explained in terms of both perspicuous not directly in physical terms. ─── 我们的行为往往最好地解释了,物理术语既通达又隐晦的表达方式。

14、This leads us to remark that the question of what would occur under circumstances which do not actually arise is not a question of fact, but only of the most perspicuous arrangement of them. ─── 这就使我们注意到,在实际上并没有出现的情况下问会有什么会出现这个问题不是一个事实问题,而只是对这些事实作最明显的排列的问题。

15、Simple and succinct, this program has perspicuous interface and extensive application. ─── 该程序应用简单,界面明了,适用范围广。

16、Such solutions were more manageable, more perspicuous, and more readily used for calculation ─── 这样的解,在计算中是更易于掌握的,更明白的,并且是更易于使用的。

17、And the key of discrimination is defining perspicuous, making the relation clearly and discriminating the approach useful. ─── 对两类思维对象进行鉴别关键是概念清楚、关系明晰及鉴别方法普遍有效。

18、The most perspicuous physical characteristic of the porosity of a soil or rock matrix is its continuity ─── 岩土格架的孔隙率的最清晰的物理特性是它的连续性。

19、In this paper, a possible scheme is offered to make "interfix determinism" concept perspicuous. ─── 本文所作即是为明晰“相关决定论”概念提供一种可能方案。

20、Those who practice well are the most powerful. Those who are intelligent are the most perspicuous. ─── 有修行的人最有力,有智能的人最通达。

21、Those who practice well are the most powerful. Those who are intelligent are the most perspicuous . ─── 有修行的人最有力,有智能的人最通达。

22、Do they not reflect? Their companion is not seized with madness: he is but a perspicuous warner. ─── 难道他们没有思维吗?他们的同伴绝没有疯病,他只是一个坦率的警告者。

23、A.L.R. These are the symbols (or Verses) of the perspicuous Book. ─── 艾列弗,俩目,拉仪。这些是明确的天经的节文。

24、Like Scripture, natural revelation is necessary, authoritative, sufficient, and perspicuous . ─── 和《圣经》一样,自然启示是必须的、权威性的、足够的和清晰的。

25、Conclusion The new tables are simple, perspicuous and easy to record. The tables give prominence to the nursing procedure and cover the designing nursing. ─── 结论新表格简洁明了、易于记录,突出护理程序,体现计划护理,达到了住院病人全程记录及提高工效的目的。

26、This program has perspicuous interface and extensive application. ─── 该程序界面明了,适用范围广。

27、More encyclopedical knowledge, responsibility to durative development, perspicuous theory and design system are demanded for the designer in green design. ─── 接着介绍了绿色设计的概念、历史、现状和发展趋势,分析了绿色设计与传统设计的关系;

28、So the interface is perspicuous and the operation is convenient.This design style well represents the amicability of the software. ─── 系统软件操作界面采用了下拉式菜单结构和弹出式对话框并用,使得界面简单明了、操作方便快速,充分体现了系统的友好性。

29、a perspicuous argument ─── 明显的论据

30、This calculating program has many advantages,such as friendly interface,simple operation,reliable function and perspicuous result.It can serve as reference for the engineering. ─── ANSYS建模简单,使用方便,从计算实例看,计算结果较准确,取得了较好的效果,在工程实践中有一定的参考价值。

31、2.This article is to provide a perspicuous and direct survey on the data mining techniques from four classifictions based on the kinds of knowledge. ─── 为了对数据采掘有一个比较清楚直观的了解,本文基于知识的种类将数据采掘分成四类,并在每一类中展现了一些有代表性的和比较新的技术。

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