unscientific 发音
英:[ˌʌnˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk] 美:[ˌʌnˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk]
英: 美:
unscientific 中文意思翻译
unscientific 网络释义
adj. 不科学的,不符合科学原理的;非学术的;无科学知识的
unscientific 反义词
unscientific 短语词组
1、unscientific races ─── 非科学种族
2、unscientific designs ─── 不科学的设计
3、unscientific syn ─── 不科学综合征
4、unscientific diet ─── 不科学的饮食
5、unscientific notions ─── 不科学的观念
6、unscientific approach ─── 不科学的方法
7、unscientific survey ─── 不科学的调查
8、unscientific words ─── 不科学的词
9、unscientific design ─── 不科学的设计
10、unscientific def ─── 不科学的定义
unscientific 词性/词形变化,unscientific变形
副词: unscientifically |
unscientific 同义词
intuitive | instinctive | half-baked | irrational |illogical | seat-of-the-pants
unscientific 相似词语短语
1、antiscientific ─── adj.反对科学的(antiscience的变形)
2、prescientific ─── adj.近代科学出现以前的;科学发展以前的
3、bioscientific ─── 生物科学
4、neuroscientific ─── 神经系统科学的
5、scientific ─── adj.科学的,系统的
6、nonscientific ─── adj.不涉及科学的,与科学无关的
7、unscientifically ─── 不科学地
8、pseudoscientific ─── 伪科学的
9、geoscientific ─── 地理科学的
unscientific 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、This system existed from the beginning the establishment is imperfect, unscientific management issues, most of the money precipitation. ─── 这项制度从建立之初就存在着制度不完善、管理不科学等问题,大部分资金沉淀。
2、Thus, it is wholly unreasonable and unscientific for the US and Europe to have recklessly imposed limits simply according to their statistics collected in three to four months. ─── 美欧仅凭三四个月的数据,就草率对中国纺织品设限,这是完全没道理也是不科学的。
3、Involves the simultaneous punishment for several offenses aspect law to be suitable either to lack stipulated explicitly or the stipulation is unscientific. ─── 涉及数罪并罚方面法律适用或缺乏明确规定或规定不科学。
4、This text makes simple analysis of basic mechanical principle and indicate some unscientific understanding about the technical function index to the compact's netty apron. ─── 本文用力学基本原理的简单分析,指出了目前业内对网圈技术性能指标上的一些不科学认识。
5、We conducted our own, entirely unscientific, survey to ascertain just how much chocolate Nobel laureates ate. ─── 我们开展了完全没有科学依据的调查,来探知诺贝尔奖获得者们的巧克力消费量。
6、The librarian only needs a little knowledge of computer to operate the system easily and consequently abandon the unscientific way of pen-and-paper registration by working manually in the old times. ─── 图书管理者只需略懂电脑知识就可以简易的操作该图书管理系统,从而抛弃了以往手工作坊笔纸登记不科学的方法。
7、I realized sadly that I had been completely defeated by their ingenuity.The ants had been quick to find an answer to my thoroughly unscientific methods! ─── 蚂蚁已很快找到了相应的对策,来对付我那套完全不科学的办法!
8、Any subjective conjecture or guess, it is unscientific. ─── 任何主观的臆测或猜想,都是不科学的。
9、According to one unscientific online survey cited by Chinese media, 80% of around 20,000 respondents opposed the concept of a special pardon. ─── 中文媒体引述的一项非学术性网上调查显示,在约2万名受访者中约80%的人反对特赦这一概念。
10、the thought that their malleable minds should be exposed to such unscientific tosh was painful to me. ─── 把孩子们的可塑性思想暴露在这种伪科学的胡说八道中让我感到不安。
11、"Apeman" is an unscientific term that can allude to several things that generally have some of the traits of both other apes and humans:....... ─── 确实全世界只剩下中国还用"猿人"这个词,那个是有政治因素的。
12、some organization correction method is not right, injects the sedative for the patient, even uses the electrotherapy, this is unscientific, even is the counter-science. ─── 有的机构纠正方法不对,为患者注射镇静剂,甚至使用电疗,这是不科学、甚至是反科学的。
13、According to information theory, we can see that "faithfulness" is a very obscure concept.It is unscientific to use such an obscure concept to judge and direct translation act. ─── 根据相关信息论原理,我们可以看到,“信”其实是一个相当模糊的概念,以其作为标准来评价及指导翻译活动是不科学的。
14、"He earnestly warned," China will see the construction of Aguilar, a construction master, can not accommodate certain unscientific, anti-art manipulation. ─── 他谆谆告诫,“中国要出立得住的建筑,要出建筑大师,就不能迁就某些不科学、反艺术的操纵。”
15、Tax plan,as an operating activity,possibly due to the regulation of tax policy and unscientific tax plan,may result in failure. ─── 税收筹划作为企业的一项经营活动,可能由于税收政策的调整、税收筹划方案不科学等原因而导致失败,产生不良的后果。
16、The former part of the theory of institutional changes of new institutionalism is scientific,while the latter part of it is unscientific. ─── 新制度主义制度变迁理论一部分是科学的,一部分是非科学的。
17、It is unscientific to replace aesthetics with profit.That would disastrously harm culture and the humanitarian spirit. ─── 强调以创造文化价值为核心,包括文化的生产、流通和消费的经济门类;
18、Any unscientific assertions or assurances in terms of effectiveness; ─── 含有不科学的表示功效的断言或者保证的;
19、Of course, my data sample was tiny and entirely unscientific. ─── 当然,我的数据样本很小,完全是不科学的。
20、Although the box lunch the variety are many, but boils the system method not to be unscientific, moreover many vendors to save the cost, will provide is freshest, the seasonal meat vegetarian dish. ─── 盒饭虽然品种较多,但是烹制方法不科学,而且许多摊主为了节约成本,不会提供最新鲜、时令的荤素菜。
21、Some of the history books on chemistry hold such a view that the "the rule of the simplest",put forward by Dalton in his atomic theory,is personal,hurried,and unscientific. ─── 有些化学史书认为道尔顿在其原子论中提出的“最简规则”是人为的、武断的、甚至是不科学的。
22、In fact, when I conducted a recent unscientific e-mail survey of married people I know, 10 out of 13 agreed that over the years, money has taken up far more energy and time than their sex life. ─── 事实上,我最近针对认识的已婚者进行一项不科学的电子邮件问卷调查,发现13人中有10人同意,结婚这些年来,金钱耗费的精力与时间,比性生活多出许多。
23、To student online turn pale at the only mention of sth terrible, it is unscientific. ─── 对学生上网谈虎色变,是不科学的。
24、On the existing city to resolve this problem is unrealistic, from the point of view of ecology is also unscientific. ─── 依靠现有城市来解决这一问题是不现实的,从生态学的角度讲也是不科学的。
25、"unscientific outlook and the performance of financial risks worry for the government horns of a dilemma. ─── “不科学的政绩观以及对金融风险的顾虑,让政府左右为难。
26、They say that portraying introduced species as inherently bad is an unscientific approach. ─── 他们说,把引进的物种描绘成天生的坏物种是一种不科学的做法。
27、When evaluates an enterprise" performance, the means that takes the stockholders" benefits as the target and the only criterion would be obviously unilateral and unscientific. ─── 并且,在实践中这种以股东利益至上为目标的企业绩效评价方式已经不断显现出其弊端。
28、show enthusiasm is to risk appearing unscientific, unobjective; it is to appeal to the students' emotions rather than their intellect. ─── 表现出热情就有可能显得不科学、不客观;这是为了迎合学生的情感而不是他们的智力。
29、The meat that resembles emphasizing mouthfeel too kind, often meet the collocation of oversight nutrition, this is unscientific. ─── 像太强调口感的肉食类,往往会忽略营养的搭配,这是不科学的。
30、"Ancient methods do not necessarily mean unscientific ones. ─── 周先生说,“古代的方法并不一定就不科学。
31、At present the government and public opinion are publicized, to student online turn pale at the only mention of sth terrible, do not let a student get online even, this is unscientific. ─── 目前官方和舆论宣传,对学生上网谈虎色变,甚至不让学生上网,这是不科学的。
32、Accordingly, certain unit rigid sets everybody that he must go up of evening shift " one knife is cut " method is unscientific. ─── 因此,某些单位硬性规定每个人必须上夜班的“一刀切”办法是不科学的。
33、Discuss a car at that time, the garage puts in owner 's charge entirely after all all, if pass a network to decide by ballot, it is unscientific for certain, because appeal to severally,beg different. ─── 当时讨论车位、车库究竟是不是全部归业主所有,如果通过网络投票表决的话,肯定是不科学的,因为各自的诉求不一样。
34、Because the term complexity is vague and unscientific at present, no one has done a systematic study of the fossil record to determine whether or not quantitative complexity increases over time. ─── 由于复杂性的定义目前仍然是含糊不清和没有严格的科学定义的,因此迄今为止尚未有人做系统的化石记录研究,以确定是否随着时间的推移是否有定量的复杂性增加。
35、I think a 5% sales tax and 4% surtax is unscientific, the effect of the transaction tax as Hangzhou : reducing supply, pushing up prices. ─── 我认为征收5%的营业税和4%的附加税是不科学的,其效果如同杭州的交易税:减少供给,推高房价。
36、They inveighed against this unscientific procedure. ─── 他们痛骂这种违背科学的程序。
37、Perhaps not, at least according to my own utterly unscientific surveys. ─── 也许不是,至少这是我根据完全不科学的调查得出的结论。
38、By analyzing the specific manifestations of translators' subjectivity, this paradigm turns out to be unscientific . ─── 通过分析译者主体性的具体表现论证了这一范式的不足。
39、But in fact, lacking of living experience leads to the mediocre composition for the students, and unscientific guide fetter the students' thought. ─── 可实际上,中学生生活的缺席导致作文的枯竭和平庸,急功近利的模式化训练偏离了作文教学规律,不科学的作文评价和价值导向变成了束缚学生思想的枷锁。
40、But others have argued that foisting human emotions onto animals is unscientific. ─── 但另一些人据理力争,说道将人类的感情强加给动物是不科学的。
41、But over emphasizes finance dividend policy if listed company is unscientific and irrational, with random and blindness. ─── 股利政策不科学、不理性,股利决策带有很大的随意性、盲目性。
42、In the old days some people considered traditional Chinese medicine unscientific. ─── 在过去有些人认为中医不科学。
43、Fake pesticide often handwriting is punch-drunk, peculiar with misprint, unscientific hyperbole drug effect, content is not complete wait. ─── 假冒伪劣农药往往字迹模糊不清、异样和错字,不科学地夸张药效,内容不完整等。
44、He also noted that the proof of its production to drink paint paint is healthy behaviour is unscientific. ─── 他还指出,以喝涂料证明其生产的涂料是健康的行为也是不科学的。
45、Unscientific exercising ways would damage key areas of the body of the exerciser, being the main cause for sudden death in exercising. ─── 不科学的运动方式,使运动者身体关键部位损伤,是运动猝死的主要原因。
46、If you have one to the extreme (mind/spirit), you’ll be very unscientific. ─── 如果你对极端 (思想/精神) 有一, 你将会非常不科学。
47、For example, nonstandard bidding procedure, unscientific method for evaluation, unadvanced mode of quoted, corruption and so on. ─── 如:招投标程序不规范、评标方法不科学、缺乏先进的投标报价模式、腐败问题等。
48、I should regret giving any colour to the notion that I subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine. ─── 我对于自己在书中为我建立的理论是错误而不科学的种族主义理论的说法提供任何辅证感到遗憾。
49、"There are too many neurologic diseases which are collapsed into alcoholism," he says. "This is unfortunate, unscientific and unfair to a patient and their family." ─── “有太多神经学上的疾病被笼统地归咎于酒精中毒,”他说,“这对于患者及其家属来说是不幸的、不科学的和不公正的。”
50、an unscientific lack of objectivity. ─── 不科学,缺乏客观性。
51、Attendances have been sick children from the home decoration of the investigation, then the conclusions drawn decoration trigger leukaemia, such inference method is unscientific. ─── 从就诊的已患病儿童中调查家中装修情况,再得出装修引发白血病的结论,这种推断的方法是不科学的。
52、In an online poll (admittedly wildly unscientific) taken in recent weeks, the totalitarian leader Joseph Stalin is a front-runner for the title of greatest Russian. ─── 在最近几周的一项网上调查投票中(并不科学),极权主义领袖约瑟夫?斯大林位于“最伟大的俄罗斯人”的前列。
53、When some consumer are choosing aggrandizement wood floor board, commonly used hammer is bungled, the key delimits, the method such as bleb examines, although this has certain rationality, but unscientific, not necessary. ─── 有些消费者在选择强化木地板时,常用锤子砸、钥匙划、水泡等方法检验,这虽有一定的合理性,但不科学、没必要。
54、Conclusion It causes unjust、inaccurate and unscientific result from which different proportion Tanshine powder sieving . ─── 结论不同的过筛比例,造成了含量测定结果的不公正、不准确、不科学。
55、"Therefore, the simple average price in the market Yishoufang to balance prices are rising in the region is a very unscientific or dropped. ─── “因此,简单的用市场上一手房的平均房价去平衡这个地区的房价是涨了还是跌了是非常不科学的。”
56、No member of the team was medically qualified and its methods were considered totally unscientific. ─── 小组成员均无医疗资格,而且他们使用的方法被认为是完全不科学的。
57、UNSCIENTIFIC studies conclude that if you were to ask ten Koreans, "What is the one thing you cannot live without? " ─── 一项民间的研究显示,如果你问10个韩国人:“你生活中最不可或缺的一样东西是什么?”
58、Experts specially stressed that to some certain stages of solar totality, if people adopt unscientific observation methods, his/her eyes will be wounded, extremely permanent ablepsia. ─── 专家特别强调,在日全食发生的某些阶段,如果不采用科学的观看方法,将对人的眼睛造成伤害,严重者甚至永久失明。
59、Some experts also say to decoration : pollution caused by the decoration for many reasons, but people overlook the fact that the owners unscientific concept is a great incentive for renovation. ─── 而一些装修行家也是直言以对:造成装修污染的原因是多方面的,但让人忽略的是,业主不科学的装修理念也是一大诱因。
60、So, many die not of disease, but of ignorance and of their unscientific lifestyles. ─── 所以,许多人不是死于疾病,而是死于无知、死于自己不科学的生活方式。
61、"In an information asymmetry, not transparent, not standardized, unscientific market information superiority side always easily gain access to such advantages. ─── “在一个信息不对称、不透明、不规范、不科学的市场,信息优势方总是能够利用这种优势轻易获得利益。
62、Indeed, Chile is no exception to this loose and unscientific rule. ─── 确实,智利也反映了这一不严谨不科学的规则。
63、The measure of carbon emission is entirely irrelevant and unscientific. ─── 碳排放的测量完全的不相关也不科学。
64、I think many people in China who study English have a mistake.They try to use very scientific methods to study something that itself is very unscientific. ─── 我认为在中国,很多学习英语的人都犯了一个错误,他们试图用很科学的方法学习某些本身并非很科学的东西。
65、It is Unscientific to Name the Critic Methods with the Numbers ─── 以数字命名批评方法不科学
66、Because the Law doesn't stipulate how to cognize it and the Regulation by the executive department are unscientific,how to judge in a case depends on justice's discretion. ─── 由于该法未对其如何认定作出规定,而部门规章的规定又缺乏科学性,个案处理基本上取决于法官的自由裁量权。
67、Some mothers eat fruit in time to use microwave ovens to heat it, it is unscientific. ─── 有的产妇在吃水果的时候会用微波炉将它加热,这样做其实是不科学的。
68、Any unscientific assertions or assurances in terms of efficiency or uses; ─── 含有不科学的表示功效的断的断言或者保证的;
69、Lore ( n.): knowledge or wisdom, especially of an unscientific kind, about a certain subject ─── 学问;知识(尤指某门学科知识)
70、They inveighed against the unscientific procedures ─── 他们强烈反对违反科学的程序。
71、Meaning is not clear on the one hand, but more importantly, on the other hand, science unscientific. ─── 内涵不明确是一方面,但是更重要的是另一方面,即科学不科学。
72、Unscientific led to the planning and construction of urban chaos; ─── 不科学的规划建设导致的城市混乱;
73、Concept mistaken and unscientific design of the front sheet are main reasons of wrong and leaked filling of the items. ─── 概念不清及病案首页不科学设计是错填、漏填的主要原因。
74、There are irrationalities of line-network construction and of arrangement unscientific of bus stop and of outgoing internal in Beijing City. ─── 北京市公共交通系统目前还存在着线网结构和布局不够合理、站点和发车间隔不够科学等问题。
75、Both approaches to the problem are subjective and one-sided, or, in a word, unscientific. ─── 他们看问题的方法都是主观的和片面的,一句话,非科学的。
76、Sure, this was a purely unscientific sample of people, but how did I come to dwell around so many procrastinators? ─── 当然,这是纯粹是一个非学术的行外人的例子,但我怎样开始仔细研究这么多的拖拉者呢?
77、RESULTS &CONCLUSION:Part of the package inserts were not standard in writing contents in that they are unscientific and incompact,which thus remain to be improved. ─── 结果与结论:部分中药注射剂说明书内容不规范,缺乏科学性和严谨性,亟待改善。
78、He believed that hangs the wrong number question mainly and the existing unscientific going see a doctor pattern has the relations. ─── 他认为,挂错号问题主要还是和现有的不科学的就医模式有关系。
79、The sum and substance of the engineer's argument against the design is that it is unscientific. ─── 工程师对这种设计反驳的主要论点是,该设计不科学。
80、In a recent (unscientific) survey by Chinese Web portal Sina.com, more than 60% of 15,000 voters agreed with the statement that "the drama reflects the public's sentiment on house slaves. ─── 在不久前中国门户网站新浪网的一次调查中,在15,000名投票者中有60%以上的人认同“这部电视剧反映了房奴的心态”的说法。
81、Over a two-week period, the Toronto Star conducted this admittedly unscientific experiment to challenge the city's honesty. ─── 多伦多星报进行为期两周的明显不很科学的试验以验证多伦多市民的诚实度。
82、If their demand for sexology can not be satisfied from the normal channel, they could be misguided by unscientific and insalubrious information that brings bad influence to their growth. ─── 他们对性健康知识的需求如果不能从正规的渠道得到满足,就会受到不科学、不健康信息的误导,影响青少年的健康成长。
83、in medicine advertisements, one containing unscientific assertion that the effectiveness and guarantee; ─── 在药品广告中,一是含有不科学的表示功效的断言和保证;
84、In the old days considered traditional Chinese medicine unscientific. ─── 在过去他们认为中医不科学。
85、in physical education teaching there are such problems as technique valued and theory despised teaching, backward evaluation conceptions, incomprehensive contents, and unscientific methods; ─── 教学中重技术、轻理论的传授;评价理念落后,内容不全面,方法欠科学等。
86、Wang Cheng believes that the deodar cedar, gingko, yulan magnolia, called "high-grade trees," "precious trees," the Young Liuhuai called "low bush", the sub-law is unscientific. ─── 王成认为,把雪松、银杏、玉兰等称之为“高档树”、“贵重树”,把杨柳槐称之为“低档树”的分法是不科学的。
87、If we inquire into the reasons for this great change, we receive these answers: political philosophy is unscientific, or it is unhistorical, or it is both. ─── 若追问这一巨变的原因,我们会得到如下答案:政治哲学不科学,或不历史,或既不科学又不历史。
88、The Unscientific Probe into Chinese Library Classification (The Fourth Edition) ─── (第四版)非科学性探微
89、To implemented 7 years “May Day”--- the gold week to cancel is unscientific. ─── 对实行了7年的“五一”黄金周取消了是非常不科学的。
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