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impracticable 发音

英:[ɪm'præktɪkəb(ə)l]  美:[ɪm'præktɪkəbl]

英:  美:

impracticable 中文意思翻译



impracticable 短语词组

1、impracticable contract ─── 不可行合同

2、impracticable mean ─── 不切实际的手段

3、impracticable plan ─── 不切实际的计划

4、impracticable defined ─── 不可行的定义

5、impracticable meaning ─── 不切实际的意思

6、impracticable synonym ─── 不切实际的同义词

7、impracticable definition ─── 不切实际的定义

8、impracticable define ─── 不可行的定义

impracticable 词性/词形变化,impracticable变形

副词: impracticably |名词: impracticability |

impracticable 反义词


impracticable 同义词

impracticality |impossibility | uselessness | impracticableness

impracticable 相似词语短语

1、impracticably ─── adv.没用地;不能实行地;无法可想地

2、impractical ─── adj.不切实际的,不现实的;不能实行的

3、unpracticably ─── 不切实际

4、impracticableness ─── 不切实际

5、impracticability ─── n.固执;无法实施;不能实施的事项

6、unpracticable ─── 不实用的

7、practicable ─── adj.可用的;行得通的;可实行的

8、impractically ─── 不切实际的;无用的;不实用(impractical的副词形式)

9、practicably ─── adv.实用地;能用地

impracticable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、People who lived in that society, even in these days have always possessed the concept that the combination between a courtesan and an ordinary man is impracticable, unthinkable. ─── 人是社会的人,甚至在当今,社会上的人早已形成了一种观念,对于妓女与普通人的结合有怀疑的,也有否定的。

2、refloating the sunken ship proved impracticable because of its fragility; a suggested reform that was unfeasible in the prevailing circumstances. ─── 因为过于脆弱打捞沉船是不切实际的;一个在主流环境中不可实现的改革建议。

3、impracticable to ─── adj. 难以(是行不通的)

4、Even now he could not understand why she had been so impracticable. ─── 便是现在,他也弄不懂她为什么这样不肯迁就。

5、Due to the slack in discipline, especially its impracticable measures, the Bureau merely existed as an ineffective institution, and did not have any remarkable effect. ─── 由于课吏馆管理废弛,特别是其甄选措施多属具文,最终只能流于形式,并未产生实际的意义。

6、Find primitive register information, if original message did not have that very impracticable. ─── 找到原始注册信息,假如原始信息都没有了那就很难办了.

7、The Krever commission found that Connaught decided it was "impracticable" to inspect all the plasma-collection sites itself, and decided to rely instead on FDA reports which it did not, in fact, review. ─── Krever委员会发现,康诺特知道他们自己去检查所有的血浆收集点是“不可行的”,所以决定改为依靠食品和药物管理局的检测报告,但实际上他们对这些报告也并不进行复查。

8、roads impracticable in winter. ─── 在冬天不能通行的路

9、When television first began, this was impracticable because of the size of the cameras, the necessity for bright lights, and the need to connect everyone to a microphone. ─── 当电视最初问世的时候,由于摄像机的体积、对灯光的要求和每人都需要接话筒等原因,转播审判不切实际。

10、It is impracticable for the nozzle operator to control the cleaning nozzle and the fail-safe valve simultaneously. ─── 喷枪操作员无法同时操作喷枪和故障安全阀。

11、Their plan is merely a castle in the air because it is simply impracticable. ─── 他们的计划不过是空中楼阁而已,因为它根本行不通。

12、The provision of compensation should be resorted to only if the immediate withdrawal of the measure is impracticable and as a temporary measure pending the withdrawal of the measure which is inconsistent with a covered agreement. ─── 提供补偿的办法只能在立即撤销措施不可行时方可采取,且应作为在撤销与适用协定不一致的措施前采取的临时措施。

13、It is impracticable for some parents to exact obedience of their children. ─── 有些父母强令其子女服从是不现实的。

14、Alleged " cacique " , that affirmation is ordinary person impracticable, he is all view overall situation surely, attach most importance to with overall situation interest. ─── 所谓“领袖”,那肯定是常人做不到的,他必是统观全局,以大局利益为重。

15、He can tackle with their impractical thoughts and tell them they are impracticable. ─── 他能正确处理员工们不切实际的想法,告诉他们这些想法是行不通的。

16、It is always impracticable to a splendid daydream for most people. ─── 最精彩的梦想在多数人眼里总是不切实际的。

17、In my dictionary is not impossible, impracticable, impossible, not hope, fail, give up . . . the words of the foolish. ─── 在我的字典里没有不可能、行不通、办不到、没希望、失败、放弃这些愚蠢的字眼。

18、They can become the place in real life impracticable, can do the accomplishs impossibly thing in reality even. ─── 他们可以做现实生活中所做不到的,甚至可以做现实中不可能做到的事。

19、Your price is practicable (impracticable). ─── 你方价格是行得通的(行不通)。

20、the recent changes in the tax system and will then go on to argue that these changes are unfair and impracticable. ─── 这篇文章首先将描述税收系统最近的变化,然后辩说这些变动是不合理和行不通的。

21、Huayuan after breaking up with the CRC had been predicted Hua Yuan can not succeed, Renzhiqiang impracticable. ─── 华远与华润分手之后,曾有人预言华远不行了、任志强不行了。

22、Many possibilities which are open to the physicist today were impracticable not long ago. ─── 今天向自然科学家提供的可能性,在不久之前还是行不通的。

23、The more information of original image is used in removing image noise, the better will the effect of filter be, but this is usually impossible or impracticable. ─── 摘要图像滤噪时,利用原图像的信息越多滤波效果越好,但这通常是不可行的或不可能的。

24、The thing is utterly impracticable. ─── 是此事断断难行。

25、an impracticable road ─── 一条不能通行的路

26、KSOD Series Mine Impracticable to Ride People Device is it Take the Application of the Ore to Exceed ─── KSOD系列矿山架空乘人装置在超化矿的应用

27、To serve the public faithfully, and the same time please it entirely, is impracticable. ─── 既想为大众服务,又想讨大众欢心,是不可能的。

28、He insists that our plan is impracticable. ─── 他会坚持说我们的计划行不通。

29、But they are losing a battle to other officials and banking executives who argue that such radical steps would be impracticable and deal yet another blow to the nation’s damaged financial industry. ─── 然而这些主张却被其他官员和银行经理人打了回票,因为这些人认为这些全盘改革太理想也不切实际,而且会再度重创本国元气大伤的金融业。

30、to Christian ethics, that it is better to have a decent standard of morality which is practicable than a more exalted one which is impracticable. ─── 很久以前,史本塞对基督教道德观有所不满,他认为采取实际可行的良好的道德标准,胜于不可能实行但目标比较崇高的那种标准。

31、His proposal is okay theoretically,but impracticable when put into use. ─── 我们想要知道实情,他却守口如瓶。

32、Due to the work of this algorithm increases quickly as the scale increases, the heuristic algorithm by computer becomes impracticable as for the railway network with thousands of stations in China. ─── 由于该算法的计算量随着规模的扩大呈几何速度增加,所以对于中国这样拥有数千个装卸站的路网来说,直接用计算机求解是不现实的。

33、They hold the plan to be impracticable . ─── 他们认为这个计划不切合实际。

34、Even now he could not understand why she had been so impracticable. ─── 便是现在,他也弄不懂她为什么这样不肯迁就。

35、Numerosity: The class is so numerous that joinder of all members is impracticable. ─── 人数众多以至于将所有人加入到一般共同诉讼不现实。

36、But anamnesis manual of these two years is impracticable, his anamnesis manual recorded a few colds to have a fever only the ailment of and so on. ─── 可是这两年的病历手册就难办了,他的病历手册只记录了一些感冒发烧之类的小病。

37、Your price is practicable (impracticable). ─── 你方价格是行得通的(行不通)。

38、Some of his suggestions have been adopted but others have been turned as the are quite impracticable. ─── 他的一些建议被采用了,但也有些因为太不切实际而被拒绝了。

39、The first is an impracticable path, the second is a top player but would close down space to our Kaka, a talent we want to go on trusting in. ─── 我们的目标就是在下赛季仍保留参加伊斯坦布尔决战的整支球队,那是欧洲最强的队伍。

40、And it may leads to impracticable structure and coast risks in the rainy and efflorescence areas. ─── 并且对于降雨强度高、岩土易风化的地区,工程结构很容易被架空,存在滑坡等风险。

41、It is impracticable to go for early bite from longer leys. ─── 利用长期轮作草场进行早期放牧是不切实际的。

42、If be to have change, we present person is much, we consider the its impracticable business that do before, can do now, e.g. digital search, our conformity is searched. ─── 假如是有变化,我们现在的人多了,我们以前想做的事情做不到的事情,现在可以做了,比如说数字搜索,我们的整合搜索。

43、be impracticable to ─── conj. 难以(是行不通的)

44、very pensive and anxious, between fear and desire about my voyage; when as I was musing, I could perceive that the tide was turn'd, and the flood come on, upon which my going was for so many hours impracticable; ─── 我心情忧郁,心绪不宁。我害怕死,又想前去探个究竟。正当我沉思默想之际,只见潮流起了变化,潮水开始上涨。这样,我一时肯定走不成了。

45、MCMC method can reduce the costs of time and space in data mining, but it is impracticable in massive datasets" computation. ─── MCMC可以减少数据挖掘中的时间和空间开销,但对于巨型数据集,MCMC在计算方面也不切实际。

46、It was impracticable to think that we could build the house in one week. ─── 以为我们用一周的时间就能把房子盖好,这种想法是不切实际的。

47、Such a mitigation bank could be operated and managed by the ECF and would provide a viable alternative to on site mitigation where doing so would be difficult or impracticable. ─── 另一方面,诸如环境地役权、换地、向特定银行领取信贷及可买卖发展权等措施,既有助推动自然保育,也能带来可观的经济利益。

48、would be impracticable to ban all food additives. ─── 禁用所有的食品添加剂是行不通的。

49、On current world, should do me get others impracticable job, or the business that I do weller than others, I feel too difficult. ─── 当今世界上,要做我做得到别人做不到的事,或者我做得比别人好的事情,我觉得太难了。

50、It would be impracticable for each member to be consulted on every occasion. ─── 不可能每一次都征求每个成员的意见。

51、Because a rotating joint is essential to a wheel, a wheel made of living cells would twist its artery vein and nerve connections at the first revolution, making living impracticable. ─── 因为一个旋转的接头对轮子来说是至关重要的,由活的细胞构成的轮子在第一次转动时便会扭伤其上的动脉和神经的连结,因而不现实。

52、a ship equipped like a lighthouse and anchored where a permanent lighthouse would be impracticable. ─── 装置的像灯塔被抛锚在永久的灯塔处将会是不可行的。

53、"Every estate website thinks outspread on value catenary, but electronic business affairs is impracticable below the condition at present. ─── “每家房地产网站都想在价值链上延伸,但电子商务在目前条件下是做不到的。”

54、Meanwhile, as a Englishman, Macgowan unavoidably has many limitations, which made his many knowledge and cognitions self-contradictory, his way of "Christ Saved China" is also impracticable. ─── 同时,作为一个西方人,麦嘉湖不可避免地存在许多缺陷,使他的诸多理念和认识自相矛盾,他的基督教拯救中国的道路也根本行不通。

55、The scheme was criticized as too idealistic and impracticable. ─── 人们批评这个方案太理想化,行不通。

56、Colonel feels very impracticable, playwrite says: "Never mind, this writes two ending. ─── 团长感到很难办,编剧说:“不要紧,这写两个结尾。

57、a grandiose but impracticable plan ─── 一个宏大但是不切实际的计划

58、" impracticable result is very simple, "Amerce. ─── 做不到的结果很简单,“罚款。”

59、Results have shown that this approach was not only impracticable, but harmful. ─── 事实证明,这是行不通的,而且是有害的。

60、If your leave his post to did not bring any losses to former unit, former unit does not want to find out your word, without what impracticable. ─── 假如你的离职没有给原单位带来任何损失,原单位不想追究你的话,就没有什么难办的。

61、With the full support of local governments, the industry has attracted a large number of social funds, the fire would not have been impracticable. ─── 有了地方政府的全力支持,这个行业吸引了众多的社会资金,想不火都不行了。

62、Till at length , beyond that most desolate , and without guides utterly impracticable district we came to open rolling ground . ─── 最后,我们终于跨过了那片荒凉可怕,没有向导根本无法通行的地区,来到了一块莽莽苍苍,起伏不平的高地。

63、Now, Quay Commander instantly reveals the impact of every decision, including the finish time for each crane, crane bumps, and impracticable sequences. ─── 现在,Quay Commander可立即展示每个决策的影响,包括每部起重机的结束时间、起重机举起货物和行不通的顺序。

64、Refloating the sunken ship intact proved impracticable because of its fragility. ─── 由于沉船的易碎性使整艘沉船的重新上浮被证明是行不通的

65、Mr Deng of company of rash information science and technology introduces Beijing radical, enclothe, entering a site to optimize a webpage is hacker technology, average person is impracticable. ─── 北京基鲁信息科技公司的邓先生介绍,覆盖、进入站点优化网页都是黑客技术,一般人是做不到的。

66、Sound probably very simple, but should be in in that way like what what narrate before pay with total heart is devoted in accepting, impracticable person normally far more than doing gotten person. ─── 听起来或许很简单,但要像先前所述的那样在付出与接受中全心投入,做不到的人通常远比做得到的人多。

67、On the one hand ,it is more often than not impracticable to tell where a complete thought begins and where it ends. ─── 一方面,它常常不可能讲明一个完整意思的表达何时开始何时结束。

68、He openly criticized the plan as impracticable. ─── 他公开批评该计划不切实际。

69、Where it is impracticable to proide to transition brackets abaft the after peak bulkhead because the after-body of the ship is too fine, the arrangement may be specially considered. ─── 如尾部线型过于尖瘦,在尾尖舱舱壁后设过渡肘板有困难时,其布置可特殊考虑。

70、They will brainwash you to purchase those impracticable and no using thing. ─── 他们会洗你的脑让你买些不实用的或不需要的东西。

71、2. Originally Edison used platinum alloys for the filament, in the belief that carbon was impracticable. ─── 爱迪生不相信碳可作灯丝用,所以一开始就用铂合金作灯丝。

72、Instructions impracticable strong recommend previous alternative otherwise may lose customers ─── 指示不切合实际,大家积极推荐前一选择方案,否则会失去客户。

73、He had attended his junior high for just one year, so learning English by himself, without formal instruction, was impracticable. ─── 他只读过初一,英文靠自修,是行不通的。

74、an impracticable plan ─── 不切实际的计划

75、an impracticable mechanism ─── 不能使用的机械装置

76、Till at length, beyond that most desolate, and without guides utterly impracticable district we came to open rolling ground. ─── 最后,我们终于跨过了那片荒凉可怕,没有向导根本无法通行的地区,来到了一块莽莽苍苍,起伏不平的高地。

77、A third method of evaluating the tare and interference, sometimes employed where an image system is impracticable. ─── 在镜像系统不能适用的地方,常常使用第三种方法求支架阻力和干扰。

78、impracticable people car ─── 架空人车

79、Nevertheless, if preservation is impracticable to carry out, the Office permits a rescue excavation and publishes record as a compromise alternative. ─── 不过,要保留所有遗址当然困难重重,办事处只得在土地发展势在必行的遗址进行抢救发掘,把出土的文物和田野的纪录发表存案。

80、His plan sounded impracticable. ─── 他的计划似乎是行不通的。

81、He will probably have it that our plan is impracticable. ─── 他可能会说我们的计划不切实际。

82、It's evident that the plan is impracticable. ─── 很明显这计划是不能实现的。

83、Actually, to any construction teams, low is high grade it is impracticable. ─── 其实,对于任何施工队伍来说,低价优质都是做不到的。

84、They hold the plan to be impracticable. ─── 他们认为这个计划不切合实际。

85、His schemes were so impracticable that they were never put into action. ─── 他的种种计划都是不切实际的,没有一个执行过。

86、The rest of the ground was impracticable. ─── 其他的地方都是不能比赛的。”

87、"The thing that a lot of very impracticable looking, very scabrous problem, through start and organizing worker masses, can do, can solve. ─── “许多看来很难办的事情,很难解决的问题,通过发动和组织职工群众,就能够办到,就能解决。”

88、In cases where the company is seeking a secondary or dual primary listing in Hong Kong a restructuring is likely to be wholly impracticable. ─── 假如他们可以在香港实现二次上市或者同步首次上市,重组就会变得完全没有必要了。

89、Because of contracted pursuit is atmosphere of bedroom of a kind of atmospheric, nature is little not production gout, the imagination that does not have passion and pursuit are impracticable. ─── 由于简约追求的是一种大气的居室氛围,自然少不了制造趣味,没有激情的想象和追求是做不到的。

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