climbable 发音
英: 美:
climbable 中文意思翻译
climbable 网络释义
adj. 爬得上去的
climbable 词性/词形变化,climbable变形
异体字: climbdown |
climbable 短语词组
1、climbable synonym ─── 可攀爬同义词
2、climbable antenna ─── 可攀爬天线
3、climbable trees ─── 可攀缘树木
4、climbable definition ─── 可爬升定义
5、climbable guardrails ─── 可攀爬护栏
6、climbable mountains ─── 登山
7、climbable meaning ─── 可攀登的意义
8、climbable def ─── 可攀爬定义
climbable 相似词语短语
1、unclimbable ─── 无法攀登的
2、plumbable ─── 铅垂
3、acclimatable ─── 适应的
4、eliminable ─── adj.可消除的;可消去的;可排除的
5、clubbable ─── adj.善交际的;适合俱乐部会员资格的
6、Zimbabwe ─── n.津巴布韦(国家名,位于非洲)
7、clickable ─── 可以点击的
8、clubable ─── 够俱乐部会员资格的,爱好交际的
9、clippable ─── 可剪裁的
climbable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、How did you climb to the top of that building? ─── 你是如何爬上楼顶的?
2、Where you cannot climB over you must creep under. ─── 上面爬不过去,就从底下钻过去。
3、The climb left him breathless. ─── 向上爬使他气喘吁吁。
4、You can now also jump from one climbable object to another. ─── 你现在也可以从一个爬跳到另一个对象。
5、Do you think you can climb that steep cliff ? ─── 你以为你能爬上那座悬崖峭壁吗?
6、They need to climb up the trees with ladders. ─── 他们需用梯子爬那些树。
7、She outfooted me in a climb up a hill. ─── 在一次爬山中她比我走得快。
8、He finds it difficult to climb the stairs with his bad leg. ─── 他的一条腿有毛病,上楼梯很困难。
9、Early in the morning, we set off to climb the hill. ─── 一大清早,我们就出发去登山了。
10、Henry will climb up the wall if he finds out you've been lying to him. ─── 如果亨利发现你一直对他说谎,他会恼羞成怒。
11、They needed to climb up the trees with ladders. ─── 他们需要梯子来爬上树。
12、Titan's Wall is the mountain's hardest rock climb. ─── “巨人墙”是这座山最难攀登的一段山岩。
13、Good! Good! Now press forward to climb up. ─── 好!好极了!现在按下前进键攀上来。
14、Don't climb up the sand ramp. It is dangerous. ─── 别去爬那个沙坡,太危险了。
15、Kate would rather go boating than climb the hills. ─── 凯特宁愿去公园划船,也不愿去爬山。
16、But the other is fat and can not climb up. ─── 但是另一个太胖爬不上去。
17、It's marvellous how he's managed to climb that far. ─── 他怎能爬得那麽远,真不可思议。
18、Added new climbable ledges, ladders and pipes. ─── 增加了新的爬台阶、梯子和管道。
19、They needed to climb up the tree with ladders. ─── 他们需要用梯子爬上树。
20、She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb. ─── 她在攀登过程中表现出极大的耐力。
21、They expend all their strength in trying to climb out. ─── 他们费尽全力想爬出来。
22、Research on Kinematics and Design of Walking Climbable Operation Robot ─── 步行式可攀移作业机器人设计及运动学研究
23、You must on no condition climb that high wall. ─── 你绝对不要爬那堵高墙。
24、Being athlete, Tom found the climb quite easy. ─── 作为运动员,汤姆觉得爬山很容易。
25、He is to climb the high mountain next month. ─── 他定于在下个月去登那座高山。
26、It's marvelloushow he's managed to climb that far. ─── 他怎能爬得那麽远,真不可思议。
27、Now let's go climb the monkey bars,@ said Kitty. ─── “我们现在去爬攀登架,”基蒂说道。
28、He tells the boy not to climb the tree. ─── 他告诉男孩们不要爬树。
29、If you climb mountains in fog, you're asking for it. ─── 如果你在雾天去爬山,你是在自讨苦吃。
30、Don t climb that ladder--it s not secure. ─── 别爬上那个梯子,梯子不牢靠。
31、He had to climb down when he saw the evidence. ─── 他一看到证据就只好认输。
32、It was all but impossible to climb back into the boat. ─── 再回到小船上已几乎不可能了。
33、His climb to power was very fast. ─── 他很快爬上了有权有势的地位。
34、It's a stiff climb to the top of the hill. ─── 一次艰难的向山顶的攀登。
35、He expended all his strength in trying to climb out . ─── 他用尽全力试图爬出来。
36、It was a warm climb to the summit. ─── 向顶峰攀登时身上都热起来了。
37、Youhad better not climb, it looks very dangerous. ─── 你最好不要爬上去,看上去很危险。
38、They can quickly climb through the jungle walls. ─── 他们能够迅速穿越丛林爬上城墙。
39、He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree. ─── [谚]要吃果子就得上树。
40、He climb up the tree and hide among the branch. ─── 他爬上树,藏在树枝後面。
41、It is madness to climb in such bad weather. ─── 天气这麽坏还去爬山,真是愚不可及。
42、Nathan watched him climb on his bicycle. ─── 内森看着他骑上车子。
43、Do you think you can climb that steep cliff? ─── 你以为你能爬上那座悬崖峭壁吗?
44、It's marvelous how he's managed to climb that far. ─── 他怎能爬得那样远,真不可思议。
45、He can climb over the wall easily. ─── 他能很容易地翻过围墙。
46、Did you ever climb up the hill behind yur house? ─── 你曾经爬上你房子后面的那座小山吗?
47、Continue climb to FL260 on radial190 CH. ─── 在ch方位190度继续爬升到高度层260。
48、They have to cut stance in the ice as they climb. ─── 他们往上爬时得在冰上凿出踏脚处。
49、He decided to climb the mount with others. ─── 他决定和别人一起爬山。
50、A giddy climb to the topmast. ─── 到船中桅的令人头晕的攀登
51、Climb to a height of ten thousand feet. ─── 升到一万英尺的高度猴子善于攀爬。
52、He was tired when he got back from the climb. ─── 他爬山回来后感到劳累。
53、They'll like you more if you climb out of the hole. ─── 一旦你能出头,他们会更加爱你。
54、Don't climb over the fence, it's dangerous. ─── 不要爬栏杆,危险!
55、They started their climb to Mt. Tai. ─── 他们开始了攀登泰山的行动。
56、He was a tired man when he got back from that long climb. ─── 他长途爬山回来感到疲倦了。
57、He eased the airliner into a climb. ─── 他小心翼翼地操纵着飞机进入爬升。
58、Does he climb into people's flats? ─── 他是爬过人们的房子里吗?是的。
59、Do not run or climb the shelves. ─── 不要奔跑或爬上书架。
60、Aboriginal anger forced Mr Trudeau to climb down. ─── 原住民的愤怒迫使特鲁迪让步。
61、They had to climb over the snow mountains. ─── 他们必须爬过雪山。
62、They are getting readying to climb the mountain. ─── 他们正为登山作准备。
63、He was quite knocked up after the steep climb. ─── 在攀登险峰以后,他筋疲力尽了。
64、If you climb mountain in fog, you are asking for it. ─── 如果你在雾天去爬山,你是在自讨苦吃。
65、He hold the rope in his teeth as he climb the tree. ─── 他爬树时用牙齿咬著绳子。
66、He had best not climb that wall. ─── 他最好不要翻墙。
67、You must take your measure of the cliff before you climb it. ─── 你攀登悬崖前必须摸清情况。
68、It was a mad idea to climb the mountain in this bad weather. ─── 在这种坏天气去爬山真是愚蠢。
69、Maximum climbable gradient. ─── 最大爬坡度。
70、He tried to climb the tree, but he could not. ─── 他试图爬树,可爬不上去。
71、He continued the climb, undaunted by his fall. ─── 他跌下来也并未气馁,继续攀登。
72、Her dad helped her climb up the hill. ─── 她父亲搀着她爬上了这座小山。
73、Don't climb on that old roof. It might cave in. ─── 别爬到那个旧屋顶上,它会塌的。
74、Me lusteth no longer rotten boughs to climb. ─── 却不再喜欢去爬那枯树烂枝。
75、That hill's an absolute doddle (to climb). ─── (爬)上那座山岗毫不费力。
76、He learned to climb the tree hand under hand. ─── 他学会两手交替使用爬下树。
77、He was pretending to climb a mountain. ─── 他假装在爬山。
78、You can climb on me to reach the sink. ─── 如果你够不到水池,可以站在我身上;
79、You must on no condition climb into the garden. ─── 你决不可以爬进园子。
80、We are willing to climb higher for you! ─── 为您我们愿意攀的更高!
81、It's an hour's climb to the summit. ─── 到顶峰有一小时的攀登路程。
82、He made an effort to climb the wall. ─── 他尽力爬上墙。
83、Is it easier to climb a mountain than to get down? ─── 上山比下山容易?
84、Climb on your bicycle --Do you have a bicycle? ─── 你有自行车么?
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