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08-21 投稿


thorny 发音

英:['θɔːnɪ]  美:['θɔrni]

英:  美:

thorny 中文意思翻译



thorny 网络释义

adj. 多刺的;痛苦的;令人苦恼的

thorny 短语词组

1、thorny amaranth ─── [网络] 刺苋

2、thorny rose ─── 多刺玫瑰

3、thorny questions ─── 棘手的问题

4、thorny devil ─── 棘蜥(一种栖居在澳大利亚沙漠地区的爬虫类动物)

5、thorny bush tea ─── 荆棘茶

6、thorny bushes are found in ─── 荆棘丛生

7、thorny bush ─── 多刺灌木

8、thorny roses ─── 多刺玫瑰

9、thorny bushes ─── 多刺的灌木丛

10、thorny issue ─── 棘手的问题

11、thorny bush with red berries ─── 带红色浆果的多刺灌木

12、thorny skate ─── [网络] 棘手的滑冰

thorny 词性/词形变化,thorny变形

名词: thorniness |形容词比较级: thornier |副词: thornily |形容词最高级: thorniest |

thorny 相似词语短语

1、thornily ─── 刺

2、-horns ─── n.喇叭;号;角制品;警报器(horn的复数);v.截锯…的角;用角抵撞;给…装角(horn的三单形式);n.(Horns)人名;(瑞典、英)霍恩斯

3、thorns ─── n.[植]刺,刺尖(thorn的复数形式);[植]荆棘

4、sharny ─── 沙恩斯

5、corny ─── adj.谷类的;粗野的;陈腐的;乡下味的;n.(Corny)人名;(法)科尔尼;(英)科尼(男子教名Connor、Cornelius的昵称)

6、horny ─── adj.角的;角状的;淫荡的;n.(Horny)人名;(德)霍尔尼;(法)奥尔尼

7、porny ─── adj.色情作品的,色情的

8、hawthorny ─── 山楂

9、thorn ─── n.刺;荆棘;n.(Thorn)(英、法、德、丹、瑞典)托恩(人名)

thorny 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We are discussing a thorny matter. ─── 我们在讨论一个棘手的问题。

2、You can see thorny rosebushes in front of the house. ─── 你会看到房子前的多刺的玫瑰。

3、This debate has highlighted both a degree of consensus and a degree of continuing controversy within the thorny subject of the predictability of earthquakes. ─── 在地震的可否预测性这个多棘手的问题上,这场辩论既突出了多数人意见的地位,也突出了继续论战的地位。

4、Presently, they met Firmware, who was dressed in tattered rags, and hobbled along propped on a thorny stick. ─── 不久冒险岛魔法师加点,它们遇到了固件,固件衣衫褴褛,拄着一根拐棍步履蹒跚。

5、Cacti are thorny. ─── 仙人掌多刺。

6、Our mind is a garden by selecting what it thinks upon. We can grow either thorny weeds or beautiful tender flowers. ─── 心就是一座花园,我们想什么它就长什么,或杂草丛生,或鲜花满园。

7、Loch and I stared at the grassy stretch of land, overgrown with weeds, plants and thorny brambles. ─── 我和勒曲呆呆地望着那块杂草遍地荆棘丛生的草地,那上面好象从来没有建过任何房子。

8、Lately China has exhibited symptoms of bipolar disorder in its approach to the thorny question of sovereignty over the South China Sea. ─── 最近中国在应对南海主权这个棘手问题上出现了躁郁症的征兆。

9、We have touched a thorny difficult problem. ─── 我们碰到了一个棘手的难题。

10、Many species had tomentum and lepidoste usually covering leaves, and some species had devoloped thorny shoots or leaves, so as to adapted to dry habitat. ─── 很多种以叶片被毛或鳞片和枝叶刺化适应干旱生境。

11、The Japanese quince is invaluable for early spring color when its bright orange-flame flowers stud the bare thorny stems for weeks. ─── 当日本花木瓜(贴梗海棠)明亮的橙色火焰般的花朵点缀在带刺的枝头数周的时候,简直可以说它是早春无价的瑰宝。

12、Both sides need to devote creating thinking into how we might address these thorny challenges," said Steinberg. ─── 双方需要投入以创造思想来解决这些痛苦的调整,”斯坦伯格表示。

13、The young captain is pondering over a thorny problem. ─── 年轻的上尉正在思考一个棘手的问题。

14、any of various rough thorny shrubs or vines. ─── 各种各样的粗糙多刺灌木或者蔓爬植物的任何一种。

15、It's a thorny question with him because he doesn't know the answer. ─── 对他来说这是个棘手的问题,因为他根本不知道答案。

16、Among the most thorny issues, one of these people said, are the terms under which Microsoft would compensate News Corp. ─── 其中一位知情人士说,最棘手的问题包括,微软对新闻集团的新闻内容提供补偿的条款。

17、Although this sounds like a thorny problem, this particular issue by itself is probably not the cause of the data corruption problems that people have been experiencing. ─── 尽管听上去这是个棘手的问题,但这个特定问题本身可能不是人们所遇到的数据毁坏问题的原因。

18、And they clothed Him in purple and wove a thorny crown and put it around His head. Mereka mengenakan jubah ungu kepada-Nya, menganyam sebuah mahkota duri dan menaruhnya di atas kepala-Nya. ─── 他们给祂穿上紫袍,又把编成的荆棘冠冕给祂戴上,

19、deciduous thorny shrub native to Japan having red blossoms ─── 原产日本的一种有刺的落叶灌木,开红色的花

20、For instance, Xue said he never expected to face so many thorny issues involving his visa, tax, medical treatment and cultural taboos. ─── 例如,薛锐说他从没预料到会遇到这么多棘手的事情,包括签证,税金,医疗和文化禁忌。

21、Their thorny scorn is discerned by a stern governor. ─── 他们多刺的嘲笑被一个严厉的总督辩认出来了。

22、The arrest of the Russian spy made by the CIA was a very important bargaining counter for obtaining satisfaction from the Soviet Union on a number of thorny matters. ─── 中央情报局对俄罗斯间谍的逮捕对争取苏联在几个棘手问题上作出满意答复是极为重要的讨价还价的筹码。

23、Any of various usually thorny trees or shrubs of the genus Crataegus having clusters of white or pinkish flowers and reddish fruits containing a few one-seeded nutlets. ─── 山楂一种山楂属乔木或灌木,通常带刺,有白色或粉色花簇和微红色内有一些单籽小核的果实。

24、Any of various usually thorny trees or shrubs of the genus Crataegus having clusters of white or pinkish flowers and reddish fruits containing a few one - seeded nutlets. ─── 山楂一种山楂属乔木或灌木,通常带刺,有白色或粉色花簇和微红色内有一些单籽小核的果实

25、Cheater cannot be found after be duped, it is a very thorny issue. ─── 上当之后找不到骗子,是一件很痛苦的事。

26、Israel is considering a compromise with the United States on the thorny issue of Jewish settlements. ─── 以色列考虑在棘手的犹太人定居点议题上跟美国妥协。

27、What matters is not the thorny path but a weak mind. ─── 不怕路难,只怕志短。

28、To these companies,cost control is both the main realizing means and a thorny problem if they want to have room to stand on in the increasingly fierce market,make long-term progress,obtain ... ─── 作为存续企业,要在目前激烈的市场中立足,并取得长足发展,取得最佳效益,实现资产的保值和增值,成本控制是主要的实现手段,也是当前存续企业亟待解决的重要问题。

29、a thorny problem; a hard nut to crack ─── 一个辣手的问题

30、UNIX system administration, always a thorny problem, is easier with the right tools. ─── UNIX系统管理总是一个棘手的问题,运用正确的工具会使这个问题变得容易。

31、Thorny problems such as employee attrition can be solved and is no longer a curse to the company's overall service quality. ─── 您是否觉得呼叫中心棘手的人才流失共性问题影响了公司整体服务质量?

32、Suddenly the empty expanse of browning grass and thorny bushes gave way to a bustling temporary town of gaudy cloth tents, grass mats, and cattle. ─── 就在突然之间,在长满棕草和多刺灌木的空旷区域,你看到了一座由华丽的布帐篷,草席子组成的热闹的临时城镇,当然,这里也不会少了牛群。

33、He deals with the most thorny questions in contemporary philosophy and offers new ideas about issues such as relativism, objectivity, and the possibility of ethical knowledge. ─── 同时,作者亦处理了当代哲学的一些棘手的的问题,并对相对主义、客观性及道德知识的可能性等哲学课题提出新的看法。

34、He believes the thorny revelation, potentially of interest to lawyers, is a reason for Ferrari to abandon its harsh stance against F1's governing body and "come back inside". ─── 他认为棘手的启示,可能感兴趣的律师,是有原因的法拉利放弃其严厉的立场,反对F1的管理机构和“回来".

35、to slop through the thick thorny shrubs ─── 从多刺的灌木丛中艰难行进

36、We can lose ourselves in all sorts of thorny byways. ─── 我们可能会在各种各样的荆棘岔道上迷失自己。

37、Three senior officials grilled her about a hypothetical thorny problem for a corporate client. ─── 当时三位资深考官假设出一个公司客户面临的棘手问题轮番刁难。

38、Thorny catfishes Fishes of the Family Doradidae, Order Siluriformes (catfish). See FishBase for more information on this Family. ─── 囊鲶(陶乐鲶)属于鲶型目囊鲶科(陶乐鲶科)的鱼类。

39、How to solve canalage of area of exclosure of week of coastal city harbor heavy traffic and jam the phenomenon already became one of thorny difficult problem. ─── 如何解决沿海城市港口四周地区水路交通拥挤和堵塞现象已成为棘手的难题之一。

40、They had entered the thorny wilderness, and the golden gates of their childhood had for ever closed behind them. ─── 他们一步一趋走进荆棘布生的荒野,而童年的金色大门已在背后悄然掩上。

41、They envy how successful their icons have bee, yet they never take a look at the thorny road, along which, their icons climb up to success. ─── 他们羡慕他们的偶像已经飞黄腾达,然而却从来不看一看偶像们攀登通向成功的荆棘之路。

42、deciduous thorny shrub native to Japan having red blossoms. ─── 原产日本的一种有刺的落叶灌木,开红色的花。

43、The effect of atmospheric refraction error on observed value is a very thorny problem in EDM trigonometric leveling. ─── 在光电测距三角高程测量中,大气折光对观测量的影响是一个非常棘手的问题。

44、Steering through official waters, placating right and left, attending to the high and the low. It's no joke, I'm telling you I Get rid of one thorny problem and another crops up. It's not any diamond that can work on such delicate china. ─── 左右逢源,上下照应,按下葫芦起来瓢,没有金刚钻还真揽不了这瓷器活儿。

45、In the deep wild woods, the last aurochs lingered and wood bison snorted and huffed among the giant oaks and thorny undergrowth of the forest floor. ─── 在这里,幽深茂密的原始丛林是欧洲野牛最后的栖息地;丛林的最深处,在密集荆棘灌木丛和巨大的橡树林中,北美野牛恼怒地喷着鼻息。

46、Pyongyang and Washington also face thorny problems on the timing and order of moves, said Hill. ─── 希尔说,平壤和华盛顿在进行这些磋商的时机和步骤方面也面临着棘手的问题。

47、As I went along the deeply shaded lane, with its close thorny seora hedges, by the side of the tank covered with green water weeds, I rapturously took in picture after picture. ─── 当我走在浓荫的小巷子里,两旁是些密密的、带刺的“塞欧拉”树篱,巷子旁边有个长满绿色水草的水池。我狂喜地把一幅又一幅的图画尽收眼底。

48、He skinned his leg when walking along the thorny path ─── 他在长满荆棘的小道上行走时擦破了腿上的皮

49、Our mind is a garden by selecting what it thinks upon, we can grow either thorny weeds or beautiful tender flowers. ─── 心就是一座花园,我们想什么它就长什么,或杂草丛生,或鲜花满园。

50、Quantifying return on investment in relation to marketing spend has always been a thorny issue. ─── 如何量化投资回报率相对于市场营销支出的高低,历来是个棘手的问题。

51、One picture after another comes crowding on;the thorny path of honor and of fame is over-filled. ─── 一幅又一幅的图景簇拥而过,在这条荆棘路上充满太多的光荣和荣耀。

52、The Obama administration jettisoned that idea after running into the thorny issue of pricing. ─── 在遇到定价这个棘手的问题之后,奥巴马政府放弃了“坏银行”的想法。

53、Thorny deep-rooted drought-resistant shrub native to southwestern United States and Mexico bearing pods rich in sugar and important as livestock feed,tends to form extensive thickets. ─── 多刺的根深的抗旱的灌木,原产于美国西南和墨西哥,有富含糖的豆荚,作为家畜的饲料很重要,往往形成广阔的灌木丛。

54、He skin his leg when walking along the thorny path. ─── 他在长满荆棘的小道上行走时擦破了腿上的皮。

55、Underpinning this approach is the thorny issue of documentation. ─── 依据这一方法是棘手的问题的文件。

56、Military presence and its impact on Japanese residents have been a thorny issue over the years. ─── 多年来,军事存在及其对日本居民的影响一直是一个棘手的问题。

57、Yet if the fear factor is not managed quickly or managed well, it may give rise to even more thorny issues. ─── 可是,这种恐慌没有及时处理,或者处理不当就会带来更多复杂的棘手问题。

58、Euthanasia is a thorny issue in the fields of law and ethics. ─── 安乐死是当前法学、伦理学界的共同难题。

59、The shock of the face I saw there saved her life for a few thorny moments. ─── 在这难熬的时刻,我看到自己脸上的震惊(我看到了她脸上震惊的表情),这救了她一命。

60、The future of Taiwan and the smaller offshore islands remains a thorny problem, and only half submerged. ─── 台湾以及一些近海岛屿的前途仍然是棘手的问题,若明若暗。

61、thorny shrubs and small trees: hawthorn; thorn; thorn_apple. ─── 多刺灌木和乔木;山楂;刺;刺苹果。

62、Race relations in the USA continue to be a thorny problem. ─── 对于美国来说,一直以来,种族关系恰似如鲠在喉。

63、Thorny Road in the former, looking at every thorns, can not avoid a sense of felt. ─── 在荆棘路前,看着条条荆棘,不免退避三舍之感油然而生。

64、While Mom examined the damaged roses, my sisters and I hung back, plotting how to get out of the thorny job. ─── 当母亲检查那些给压坏的蔷薇时,我和妹妹们犹豫再三,计划着怎么摆脱这项棘手的工作。

65、It's worth carefully cleaning up the indentation and white space before trying to debug a thorny problem. ─── 调试困难的问题之前一定要安排好缩进和空白。

66、The thorny problems on oxygen demand monitoring were introduced.Then an automated instrument for monitoring oxygen demand of waster water was described in details. ─── 介绍了当前废水中需氧量在线测量所面临的问题,详细地描述了一种废水中需氧量的自动监测设备及其稳定可靠、无害的特点。

67、"However, because children are born out of wedlock Naing, the" happy "in the accounts is a thorny issue. ─── 不过,因为那英的孩子属于非婚生子女,所以“高兴”的户口日后还是个棘手问题。

68、The boys argued over the thorny points in the lesson. ─── 孩子们辩论功课中的难点。

69、Our society is becoming abundance and abundance tolerant, but on the otIT hand, a lot stuff HAs too becoming abundance and abundance thorny. ─── 咱们的大部分人里成员变得愈来愈宽容了,但另一方面,各种各样的疑难题目也愈来愈棘手了。

70、deciduous thorny shrub native to China having red or white blossoms ─── 原产中国的一种有刺的落叶灌木,开红色或白色的花

71、Overcoming anxiety is not so thorny a problem if we are mentally and physically prepared. ─── 为了使大家有个更直观的感觉,把一篇小习作登出以供参考,主要是在行文结构方面。

72、the thorny question of states' rights. ─── 关于国家权利的棘手问题。

73、A man rides an angry cow in Cape York Peninsula, a place of extremes that has been dubbed "The Land of Wait Awhile" by cattle drovers who are often ensnared in the region's thorny tangles. ─── 在约克角半岛,一个男人正骑在一只发狂的公牛背上。约克角被那些时常陷入地区纠纷的好骑公牛的人封为“最后的圣地”。

74、Ye wild whistling blackbirds in yon thorny den, ─── 乌鸫啊,你狂野的哨音在荆棘丛生的溪谷回荡,

75、How to solve the heavy traffic problem is a thorny issue for our government. ─── 如何解决严重的交通问题对于政府而言是个棘手的问题。

76、At the same time, the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework. ─── 同时,该政策并没有解决关于家庭作业的真正棘手的问题。

77、The first is natural death ;the second is thorny death ;the third is joyous death. ─── 一曰自然的死,二曰痛苦的死,三曰快乐的死。

78、The peer conceded that legislating now to end the ban on monarchs themselves being Catholics would raise the thorny issue of whether the Church of England should be disestablished. ─── 他说,如果现在立法结束君主为天主教徒的禁令,那么就会引起一些列棘手问题,因为英国的教会是政教分离的。

79、It is one of the more thorny and apter to be controversial research fields in our country"s foreign strategic thought is studied to study about the diplomatic strategic thought on day. ─── 对日外交战略思想研究是在我国对外战略思想研究中比较棘手且容易引起争论的研究领域之一。

80、Provide no-cost examples of how aspects can solve the thorny problems in your system before asking colleagues or higher-ups to commit to aspects. ─── 在请求同事和上级致力于方面之前,提供方面如何解析棘手问题的无成本示例。

81、Hand in hand they walked out for a stroll.Suddenly they found themselves in a thorny thicker infested with wolves and tigers. ─── "因二人携手出去游顽之时,忽至一个所在,但见荆榛遍地,狼虎同群"

82、And they clothed Him in purple and wove a thorny crown and put it around His head. ─── 他们给他穿上紫袍,又把编成的荆棘冠冕给他戴上

83、In fact, it will force you to work out thorny issues like continuous availability during deployments and protocol versioning. ─── 实际上,这会迫使你解决一些棘手的问题比如部署和协议版本期间保持持续可用性。

84、Another thorny issue involves controlling inflation in the face of emerging market forces. ─── 另一棘手的问题涉及,在市场力量形成的同时控制通货膨胀。

85、How can ability overlook thorny issue? ─── 怎么才能忘记痛苦的事情?

86、Be colourful Xing Qiaodan to choose ring is quite thorny issue, what kind of ring ability the look media from her attract before surfy bosom go up in one's hand? ─── 为艳星乔丹挑选戒指是相当棘手的事,什么样的戒指才能把媒体的目光从她波涛汹涌的胸前吸引到手上?

87、Such scenarios raise thorny issues about the rights of parents and the meaning of individuality. ─── 这些情况引发了有关父母权利和个性意义的棘手问题。

88、Debate about other thorny issues, such as what restrictions to place on, or whether to dismantle, banks that are too big to fail has barely begun. ─── 在其他一些几首的问题上,争论才刚刚开始,例如:针对那些规模太大从而表现不好的银行,该执行什么样的制约或是是否要拆分一些银行。

89、With a witty device, he solved the thorny problem without conflicts with others. ─── 他用了个聪明的方法就解决了那件棘手的问题,而且没有和别人起冲突。



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