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08-21 投稿


musters 发音

英:[ˈmʌstəz]  美:[ˈmʌstərz]

英:  美:

musters 中文意思翻译






musters 短语词组

1、pass musters ─── 符合要求;合格

2、musters funeral home obituaries ─── 召集殡仪馆讣告

3、musters funeral home ─── 集合殡仪馆

musters 词性/词形变化,musters变形

动词过去式: mustered |动词第三人称单数: musters |动词现在分词: mustering |动词过去分词: mustered |

musters 常用词组

pass muster ─── 符合要求;合格

musters 相似词语短语

1、ousters ─── n.驱逐;剥夺;罢黜

2、busters ─── n.遏制者,破坏者;庞然大物;非凡的人或物;小鬼,小家伙(蔑称);茁壮的孩子

3、muster ─── vt.召集;对…进行点名;使振作;n.集合;检阅;点名册;集合人员;vi.召集;聚集;n.(Muster)人名;(德、罗)穆斯特尔;(英)马斯特

4、misters ─── 先生

5、lusters ─── n.[光]光泽;光彩;vi.有光泽;发亮;vt.使有光泽;n.(Luster)人名;(德)卢斯特尔

6、dusters ─── n.喷粉机具;抹布(duster的复数形式)

7、mesters ─── n.主人(对男主人的称呼);老爷;n.(Mester)人名;(法)梅斯特尔;(德、意)梅斯特尔;(罗、匈)迈什泰尔

8、mustees ─── 混血儿

9、masters ─── n.主人;硕士;大师赛(master的复数形式);v.掌握,精通(master的三单形式);控制

musters 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She was not a first-rate violinist,but she passed muster. ─── 她不是第一流的小提琴演奏家,但是还过得去。

2、His English is very fluent,and his pronuciation just pass muster. ─── 他的英语很流利,他的发音也不错。

3、At first he is startled that anyone would be so close as to touch him, but when he sees who it is he musters a smile . ─── 他先是吃了一惊,怎么会有人靠得这么近碰到他的身体呢?但等看清是谁之后,他的脸上浮起了微笑。

4、True that it passes muster by gaslight, but the sunlight shows it up. ─── 他们会说,在煤气灯下看看还凑合,一到阳光下就现形了。

5、He could muster only a timid remark. ─── 他只能征集到一些懦弱的意见。

6、He was thrown in the brig for missing muster. ─── 他因为错过了集合会而被抛在了双轨船。

7、America's stimulus package, by contrast, musters only $8 billion for high-speed rail, with some extra requested in this year's budget. ─── 与之形成对比的是,美国的刺激经济计划,仅为高速铁路筹集了寥寥80亿美元,还有其他的资金要靠今年的财政预算。

8、Go and muster all the men you can find. ─── 去集合所有你能找到的人。

9、And they called a muster, and Jonathan and his armor bearer were not there. ─── 他们一查点,就发现约拿单和拿他兵器的人不在。

10、She will score points for leadership if she can enact the few reforms that muster agreement from both main parties.For style, she is likely to put on Mr Wulff's clothing. ─── 但是与典型保守政策共同公然反抗社会民主党将会违反民众的意愿并造成政府解体的危机。

11、His English up to this point would hardly pass muster. ─── 他的英语到现在为止还未达到标准。

12、The hosts did muster a spell of sustained pressure, however, and Corry Evans was a touch fortunate to escape with a point-blank handball claim inside his own six-yard box. ─── 主队承受了不小的压力。不过克里.埃文斯的运气也不错,他在6码线上的手球逃过了处罚。

13、They passed muster with the sentries. ─── 他们通过了哨兵们的检查。

14、At Weathertop, Aragorn musters his companions against the approach of the Riders. ─── 在风云顶,亚拉冈召集他的同伴以对抗戒灵骑士的接近!

15、The new government of Guy Mollet was resolved to put down an Arab uprising there with all the force that the Fourth Republic could muster. ─── 刚上台的居伊?勒政府通过决议,决定调动第四共和国所有的力量镇压阿尔及利亚的阿拉伯起义。

16、Muster up some courage and make a point to let someone you've been admiring from a distance how you really feel. ─── 不妨鼓起勇气向自己欣赏的对象表白吧,也给对方一个近距离了解你的机会。

17、A truly professional actor must muster up a serious attitude, the most important thing is that he has to be the one when he acts one role. ─── 一个真正专业的演员必须要有一种严谨的态度,最重要的,是当他扮演一个角色的时候要融入其中。

18、Most school in China adopt centesimal grade,threescore is pass muster. ─── 中国多数学校采用百分制,六十分为及格。

19、There was a muster of all the guards. ─── 全体卫兵进行了一次集合。

20、Go and muster all the men you can find . ─── 去把能找到的人都集合起来。

21、If neither of the big parties musters a majority that way, India's next ruling coalition may even emerge from this horde. ─── 如果大党中的每一个不能通过这种方式凑齐多数席位,印度下届执政联盟中甚至可能不会出现他们的身影。

22、Don't muster yourself out at this critical juncture. ─── 不要在这关键时刻退出战斗。

23、She was not a first-rate Violinist ,but she passed muster . ─── 她不是一流的小提琴手,不过她还算令人满意!!

24、The UNSC had one chance to take the factory out before the enemy would muster their defenses. ─── 在圣约人集结它们的防御力量前UNSC有一次机会去拿下这座工厂。

25、He had to muster up all his courage to prevent himself from running away . ─── 他得鼓起全部勇气来阻止自己逃跑。

26、They must now try to figure out how to craft curbs that could pass constitutional muster, but it is not entirely clear what these might be. ─── 他们必须殚精竭虑,设法想出可以通过宪法审查的枪支管制法律。现在还不清楚这些法律的具体内容。

27、Charlton came back at Chelsea after the interval as Alan Pardew put pressure on the visitors, although The Addicks were unable to muster a leveller. ─── 中场休息以后帕杜的球队开始给客场作战的切尔西施压,但是但是他的队伍始终没有追平比分。

28、She can muster enough GNP votes to ensure that, with opposition help, bills to develop Sejong will get through parliament. ─── 在反对派的支持下,她能聚集足够的大国家党议员,在国会通过决议发展世宗的法案。

29、But no one saw. Even see. They also like me, and the Rangers. I will not give too much help. However, they are "close." I muster the confidence. ─── 但是没有人看见。既使看到。他们也是与我一样的流浪者。不会给我太多帮助。但有他们在“身边“。我又鼓起了信心。

30、The more expensive kind of clothing shop is usually a forbidding place. But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious clothing shop. ─── 一种高档的服装店往往是令人望而却步的,但是当我们走进一家普普通通的不是矫揉造作的普通商店的时候却不必鼓足勇气。

31、He musters his courage to pass the letter to her, only to have it returned with the wrong characters circled in red. ─── 他鼓起勇气把情书交给如萱,谁知情书却被退了回来,如萱还圈出里头的错别字。

32、Curb our fears,muster our forces. ─── 压抑恐惧,积聚力量。

33、But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop. The forbidding antique shop is pretentious. ─── 二三两句包含强烈明显的对比。

34、Obama is trying to muster support for his plans to revive the US economy and reform the health and education systems. ─── 他此次做客脱口秀节目是为其经济复苏计划和医疗教育系统改革方案寻求支持。

35、When an alliance harasses a female with a baby, she fights with all the fury a mother can muster, protecting her child. ─── 在一个联盟控制住一只带幼仔的雌性时,它会用一名母亲能发出的所有愤怒抗争以保护自己的孩子。

36、The two parties muster all their resolve to win.Professor Azuma feels humiliated being instructed by Professor Funao, Kikukawa's teacher, on how to tackle the situation. ─── 包括财前以内的三名候选人都没有得到过半数的支持,得到最多票数的财前与菊川将进行重选,各方人马的拉票行动也越来越激烈。

37、The king and queen were heavy-hearted, but after a while, with as much dignity as they could muster, they came slowly down the grand staircase to join their guests. ─── 国王和皇后心情都十分沉重,但过了一会儿,他们尽量维持自己的尊严,缓缓地沿着大阶梯而下加入他们的宾客中。

38、"What seems to be the matter?" inquired Lincoln, with all the calmness and self-possession he could muster. ─── “这是怎么一回事?”林肯询问道,他竭力保持沉着和镇静。

39、She also can muster courage and resist. ─── 她也能鼓起勇气,进行抵抗。

40、At first he is startled that anyone would be so close as to touch him, but when he sees who it is he musters a smile. ─── 刚开始他惊讶有人可以这么亲近的接触他,但当他看到是她时,他笑了。

41、He nourished me to muster my courage. ─── 他激励我鼓起勇气。

42、But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop. ─── 但是, 谁也不需要鼓足勇气才敢进不太做作的古董店。

43、At first he is startled that anyone would be so close as to touch him, but when he sees who it is he musters a smile. ─── 他先是吃了一惊,怎么会有人靠得这么近碰到他的身体呢?但等看清是谁之后,他的脸上浮起了微笑。

44、Poland musters a paltry 0. 7% of GDP for research and development, half the Czech level (the EU target is 3%). ─── 波兰只拿出GDP里微不足道的0.7%来进行研究和发展,是捷克水平的一半(欧盟目标是3%。

45、Musters were being taken through England in view of wars with Scotland and France. ─── 一群群队伍在带领下正穿过英格兰,期待与苏格兰和法兰西开战。

46、He has come to muster the beaten generals and remnant soldiers. ─── 他前来收拾这些残兵败将。

47、Field Marshal Erich von Manstein now started to muster his panzer strike force to seal the gap in the line and defeat the Soviet tank armies. ─── 埃里希冯曼施泰因元帅现在开始集结他的装甲部队来应付前线的混乱局面并且计划击败苏军坦克集团军。

48、Nor does it offer much power - its turbocharged 1. 0-liter three-cylinder musters only 70 horsepower, much less than the Mazda's 167 horses. ─── 它也没有提供多少权力-它的涡轮增压1.0升3缸召集只有70马力,远低于马自达167匹马。

49、Then, with as much dignity as she could 25)muster , she turned and walked back into her house, absently wiping red paint on her clean, white apron. ─── 她努力微笑着,竭力保持着尊严,返身回屋,心不在焉地在她干净洁白的围裙上擦着手上的红漆。”

50、Stonehenge as the two sides to muster the sailing, the ship seems to be Shengfengpolang forward. ─── 两块巨石像两面鼓起的风帆,船似乎正在乘风破浪前进。

51、The great belief is that even if the misfortuned able to call you muster the courage to live. ─── 信念的伟大在于即使遭遇不幸,亦能召唤你鼓起生活的勇气。

52、So see if you can muster a smile. The result might be a happier -- and healthier -- you. ─── 因此如果你能笑容常在,其结果可能会是一个更加快乐和健康的你。

53、Musters were being taken through England in view of wars with Scotland and France. ─── 一群群队伍在带领下正穿过英格兰,期待与苏格兰和法兰西开战。

54、How can it muster the convening power that brings 80 nations to Annapolis? ─── 又如何能鼓起召开会议的权力,使80个国家,以安纳波利斯?

55、But all he could muster on the House floor were 30 votes, mostly from congressional nobodies like himself. ─── 但他在议会所能争取到的支持者只有30人,且大部分是和他一样的小角色。

56、You'd better muster your courage and never give up. ─── 你最好鼓起勇气,永不放弃。

57、First, however, they must pass muster with federal regulators. ─── 不过,这些产品必须首先经过联邦管理人员的检验。

58、For the king of the North will muster another army, larger than the first; and after several years, he will advance with a huge army fully equipped. ─── 北方王必回来摆列大军,比先前的更多。满了所定的年数,他必率领大军,带极多的军装来。

59、Three first-half goals and, with Forest failing to muster more than one single shot (albeit off target), Mourinho's words proved true. ─── 三粒上半场比赛入球,森林队仅有的一次偏离球门的射门,穆里尼奥的话被证实是正确的。

60、Meanwhile, Ally musters up the courage to tell Brian that they have no “heat” between the sheets. ─── 其时,爱莉鼓起勇起向拜仁说她们之间无可能。

61、Whether you're trying to muster up some excitement for your daily walk or rouse yourself to attend a Spinning class, check out these seven real and measurable returns on your investment of time. ─── 不管你是想为日常散步增添一些兴奋或是使自己活跃起来而去参加纺纱课程,用下面七条真实可测的收益来衡量一下你对时间的投资吧。

62、You muster the courage to inch you arm nonchalantly around her shouder, eyeing her sidewise , taking stock. ─── 你鼓起勇气把你的胳膊向她挪近,并轻轻地搭在她的肩上,从侧面看着她,揣摸着。

63、He also can muster courage and resist . ─── 他也会鼓起勇气,进行抵抗的。

64、Proud chest beating aside, the headquarters musters the kind of people required to establish a trade route to India, by sailing around the Cape of Good Hope, the distant southern tip of Africa. ─── 与此同时,总部内训练各类专业人士以便能够绕过非洲南端好望角,开辟前往印度之贸易航线。

65、"For sure it's one of the biggest wins of my career," said Nadal, who surpasses three-time winners Thomas Muster of Austria, Australian Martin Mulligan and Czech Jaroslav Drobny. ─── 他已超越了曾在此地三次夺冠的奥地利穆斯特,澳大利亚马丁-穆列根和捷克德罗布尼。

66、sees who it is he musters a smile. ─── 看清是谁之后,他的脸上浮起了微笑。

67、Muster up all your confidence to hit the ramps and rails hard and then pull out all the tricks in your repertoire - somersaults, flips, spins, hangs and grabs. ─── 到全球各地旅游,在赞助商、摄影师及拥护者面前展露各种疯狂的花式。

68、Virtually every well-to-do family could muster a passable string quartet among its members, creating a constant demand for new scores. ─── 几乎每个富裕的家庭都可以从它的成员中凑出一个水平过得去的弦乐四重奏演出小组。

69、"I do appreciate good advice so much," said Scarlett, with all the sarcasm she could muster. ─── "我非常欣赏好的忠告,"思嘉用尽可能强烈的讽刺口吻说。

70、For client races, citizenship is granted after the individual musters out. ─── 对附庸种族来说,公民权则是在个人退役后授予。

71、After a Celtics timeout, Eddie House could muster only an awkward-looking heave that missed at the buzzer, sending the game to overtime. ─── 在凯尔特人一次暂停后,埃迪-豪斯只获得了一个勉强看到篮筐的出手投篮机会,结果球砸框而出,比赛进入加时。

72、We will be there for these families with as much compassion as we can muster. ─── 为了这些家庭,我们将尽可能激发(聚集)起更多的同情,并随时待命,为他们提供帮助。

73、So you are calling for war, and yet what you can muster is only a small band, an insufficient number of men without trained officers. ─── 你来号召战争,统共那么几个人,你的兵就不够,军官也没有训练好。

74、By 20 March 1945, I SS Panzer Corps could only muster 80 tanks, assault guns and self-propelled guns fit for service. ─── 到1945年5月20日,党卫队第1装甲军只剩下80辆能开动的坦克、突击炮和自走火炮。

75、Indeed, since Congress retains the power of the purse, it has ample opportunity to influence implementation of regulatory statutes when it can muster the will. ─── 事实上,自从国会保留了财政大权,在它能够同心协力时,即有了充裕的机会来影响管理法规的实施。

76、As soon as muster is made out I send it to you. ─── 一旦样品制作好,我马上给你寄出。

77、His English is very fluent, and his pronunciation just pass muster. ─── 他的英语很流利,他的发音也还不错。

78、She wasn't a first-rate violinist, but she passed muster. ─── 她不是一流的小提琴手,但是她也还算令人满意。

79、He won a promotion in 2004 after passing muster with a panel. You have multiple sets of eyes and questions coming from different perspectives, he remembers. ─── 2004年,他成功通过一组考核官的考核,获得了提拔。“当时许多双眼睛盯着你,问题也五花八门,”他回忆说。

80、Because a little smiles from our patient, will be enough to allow us to muster. ─── 因为患者的一个笑脸,就会让我们振作精神。

81、In order to understand the mind of the deviant, Jackie musters up a group of Hong Kong felons to help him capture a criminal mastermind. ─── 国际刑警鸡骨草(成龙饰)与助手独脚金(元彪饰)联同鹧鸪菜(洪金宝饰)等一班好友远赴日本对付罪犯三哥及东京犯罪组织领袖。

82、His tipsiness had worn off and left his face pale and his eyes bloodshot. He could no longer even muster up his usual cool, contemptuous smile. ─── 他的酒醒了,他再不能冷静地藐然微笑了,他的脸色转白,他的眼睛却红得可怕。

83、America's stimulus package, by contrast, musters only $8 billion for high-speed rail, with some extra requested in this year's budget. ─── 与之形成对比的是,美国的刺激经济计划,仅为高速铁路筹集了寥寥80亿美元,还有其他的资金要靠今年的财政预算。

84、We have to muster all our resolve and resources in order to fight earthquake. ─── 为了同地震做斗争,我们现在众志成城并集中所有的人财物力。

85、They trust that the Duke will muster every man he can, and make play until the royal forces come up. ─── 他们相信公爵将尽他所能集合起每一个人,牵制住敌军,直到皇家军队到达。

86、His english is very fluent,and his pronunciation just passes muster. ─── 他的英语非常流利,他的发音也不错。

87、He hit with all the force he could muster. ─── 他击打时鼓足了全部的力量。

88、Pheromones clearly act as sexual attractants in the animal world. Older male elephants, for example, exude sexual prowess with a mix of chemicals the younger bulls can't muster. ─── 信息素显然在动物世界起性引诱剂的作用。例如,年纪大的雄性大象利用一组年轻的公象所没有的化学成分来展示它们的性能力。

89、Three days! That's not enough time to muster troops. ─── 三天!这些时间根本不够召集军队。

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