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08-21 投稿


dustless 发音

英:[['dʌstlɪs]]  美:[['dʌstlɪs]]

英:  美:

dustless 中文意思翻译



dustless 短语词组

1、dustless crystal ─── 无尘水晶

2、dustless cample ─── 无尘营地

3、dustless sanders ─── 无尘砂光机

4、dustless windowsill ─── 无尘窗台

5、dustless blaster ─── 无尘爆破机

6、dustless technologies ─── 无尘技术

7、dustless chalk ─── 无尘粉笔

8、dustless star ─── 无尘之星

9、dustless carbon black ─── [化] 无尘炭黑; 粒状炭黑

10、dustless blasting ─── 无尘爆破

11、dustless sanding ─── 无尘砂光

12、dustless studio ─── 无尘工作室

13、dustless blasting equipment ─── 无尘爆破设备

14、dustless cat litter ─── 无尘猫窝

dustless 相似词语短语

1、doubtless ─── adv.无疑地,肯定地;大概;adj.无疑的,确定的

2、ductless ─── adj.无导管的

3、lustless ─── 无光泽

4、dustiness ─── n.灰蒙蒙;多灰尘;尘污

5、gustless ─── 无阵风

6、dauntless ─── adj.无畏的;勇敢的;不屈不挠的

7、guestless ─── adj.无来客的

8、crustless ─── adj.无硬皮的;无外壳的

9、rustless ─── adj.不生锈的;无锈的

dustless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The look from her eye is still so pure , like a dustless crystal . ─── 她的眼神依旧清纯,仿佛水晶般的纤尘不染。

2、High-grade dustless glossy soft-prone chalk, which is made from high-quality natural gypsum in San Men Xia city and other well-chosen accessorial materials. ─── 本公司是中国长江以北最大的粉笔生产厂家,年产10万箱偏软型高档无尘塑光粉笔现已投产。

3、Pay special attention to the mold's maintenance when in use, making it dry and dustless. ─── 在使用过程中要尤其注重模具的保养,确保干燥、无尘。

4、dustless wheat separator ─── 无尘筛麦器

5、be a dustless mirror that reflects the world as it is with no distortion. ─── 要做无底的垃圾桶,要学无尘的反射镜。

6、The scheme of introducing bulk cement tanker and dustless charger for discharing end dust transport system was discussed, and the operating effect was presented. ─── 介绍了马钢三烧在机尾除尘干灰回收工艺中为引进散装水泥罐车和无尘装车机所做的方案论证研究,并介绍了实际改造效果。

7、dustless galaxy ─── 无尘星系

8、dustless drilling ─── 无尘钻眼

9、Be like a dustless mirror that clearly reflects everything, but on which nothing adheres. ─── 要做无尘的反射镜,明鑑一切物,不沾一切物。

10、be a dustless mirror that reflects the world as it is with no distortion. ─── 要做无底的垃圾桶,要学无尘的反射镜。

11、dustless loading ─── 无尘装载

12、Dustless Sanding Polishing Machine for furniture ─── 家具无尘干砂打磨台

13、Turn the pole gently to drive the dustless roll. ─── 通过轻轻旋转拖把杆,带动除尘滚筒旋转使用。

14、dustless unloader ─── 无尘下装

15、The look from her eye is still so pure, like a dustless crystal. ─── 她的眼神依旧清纯,仿佛水晶般纤尘不染。

16、Be like a dustless mirror that clearly reflects everything,but on which nothing adheres. ─── 要做无尘的反射镜,明鑑一切物,不沾一切物。

17、Keywords High temperature;High pressure;High level of material;Dustless loading; ─── 高温;高压;高料位;无尘装车;

18、Pay special attention to the mold's maintenance when in use, making it dry dustless. ─── 在使用过程中要尤其注重模具的保养,确保干燥、无尘。

19、Development and Application of Dustless Loader of Blast Furnce Gas Ash ─── 高炉瓦斯灰无尘装车机的研制与应用

20、The content of trace elements also changed: the content of iron and manganese in wheat treated with floating dust were higher than that in dustless environment, but the content of zinc was lower. ─── 微量元素含量也有变化,其中铁、锰含量高于于无尘小麦,而锌含量低于无尘小麦。

21、Design and Production of Anti-static and Dustless Clothing ─── 防静电无尘服装的设计与生产

22、May. Be like a dustless mirror that clearly refects everything, but on which nothing adheres. ─── 五月「要做无尘的反射镜,明鑑一切物,不沾一切物。」

23、The dustless chalk brush is I-shaped. ─── 述无尘粉笔刷整体呈“工”字型。

24、All workshops are dustless;all factory areas are clean, tidy and comfortable. ─── 公司拥有粉体,液体,丝印等6条专业生产线,所有车间均系无空间,厂内环境优,干净整洁。

25、dust-laden and dustless, cold as well as hot, ─── 尘埃风、无尘风,寒风和暖风,

26、High-pressure water jet cutting has advantages of narrow cuts, no thermal stress, dustless and cutting any materials. ─── 高压水射流切割具有切缝窄、不产生热应力、无粉尘、几乎可切割任何材料等优点。

27、High-pressure water jet cutting has advantages of narrow cuts,no thermal stress,dustless and cutting any materials. ─── 高压水射流切割具有切缝窄、不产生热应力、无粉尘、几乎可切割任何材料等优点。

28、It is adopted the spectral analysis theory and digital UV printing technique and manufactured under the environmental condition of constant temperature, constant humidity, dustless. ─── 产品采用光谱分析原理与数码UV印刷技术相结合并在恒温、恒湿、无尘的环境条件下制作而成。

29、Be like a dustless mirror that clearly reflects everything, but on which nothing adheres. ─── 要做无尘的反射镜,明鉴一切物,不沾一切物。

30、Keywords bulk cement tanker;dustless charger;precipitator dust reclaim; ─── 散装水泥罐车;无尘装车机;除尘灰回收;

31、The dustless chalk is of good quality, go and get some more. ─── 这批无尘粉笔的质量不错,再去买一些吧!

32、The dustless chalk is of good quality, go and get some more. ─── 这批无尘粉笔的质量不错,再去买一些吧!

33、dustless chalk ─── 无尘粉笔

34、dustless carbon black ─── 粒状炭黑

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