coequality 发音
英:[[ˌkəʊi:'kwɒlɪtɪ]] 美:[[ˌkoʊi:'kwɒlətɪ]]
英: 美:
coequality 中文意思翻译
coequality 短语词组
1、coequality meaning ─── 共同品质的意义
coequality 相似词语短语
1、conjugality ─── n.夫妇生活;夫妇
2、top quality ─── 最高品质的,优质的
3、coevality ─── n.同年龄,同时代
4、equality ─── n.平等;相等;[数]等式
5、asexuality ─── n.无性;无性别;性冷淡;无性恋
6、inequality ─── n.不平等;不同;不平均
7、low-quality ─── 质量低劣
8、communality ─── n.公社性;集体性;团结;[数]公因子方差
9、coequally ─── adv.平等地
coequality 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Pair of other members produced on your website click or play after going out, your website also will obtain the visit of coequal value to measure. ─── 您的网站上产生了一次对其他会员的点击或者弹出以后,您的网站也将获得同等价值的访问量。
2、PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) is one of the protocols,which is applied most extensively in WAN at present. PPP is the link layer protocol design for transmitting the data packets between the coequal units. ─── PPP协议 (Point to PointProtocol)是目前广域网上应用最广泛的协议之一 ,PPP是为在同等单元之间传输数据包而设计的链路层协议。
3、Then we will responsible for it.If the sample is very good that from your compete company,we will give you the coequal quality goods in our ability. ─── 如果你们提供的竞争对手的样品,确实很精美的话,如果在我们承受的范围之内,我们将给你们做相同质量的产品,但是价格可能会变动。
4、The car sells those who serve a system to build component, as truckload as the car it is coequal and important that production makes a system. ─── 汽车销售服务体系的建立与汽车零部件、整车生产制造系统同等重要。
5、However, below coequal market condition, some bibcock industries are vibrant, some folds halberd heavy sand however. ─── 然而,在同等市场条件下,有的龙头企业生气勃勃,有的却折戟沉沙。
6、The nature of the use benefit of coequal product and zoology environment restores to lead etc. ─── 同等产品的使用效益及生态环境的自然恢复率等。
7、economy fictitious change, and hasten of economic management system is coequal respect. ─── 经济虚拟化,以及经济管理体制趋同等方面。
8、In mode of economy of German society market, right " economy " , " the market " and " society " 3 person be mix at the same time coequal those who take seriously. ─── 在德国社会市场经济模式中,对“经济”、“市场”和“社会”三者是同时和同等重视的。
9、Position of occupational high-tech advantage and the protection to commodity market and resource have coequal and important place, it is the serious content of economic safety. ─── 占领高科技优势地位与对商品市场和资源的保护具有同等重要的地位 ,是经济安全的重要内容。
10、If your toilet is of next catchment, be about to measure the interval of good outfall center to wall, choose the closestool of coequal distance next, cannot install otherwise; ─── 假如你的卫生间是下排水的,就要量好排水口中心到墙壁的距离,然后选择同等距离的马桶,否则是无法安装的;
11、Either the main card holder or the secondary card holder is regarded as a due member of the club and the two enjoy coequality. ─── 无论是主卡持有者还是副卡持有者,都被认为是俱乐部正式会员,并享有同等权利。
12、Management loop, innovation loop is industrial business survives with developing two wheel, be in coequal and significant position. ─── 经营循环、创新循环是工业企业生存与发展中的两个轮子,处于同等重要的位置。
13、The level of 2 reforming and opening that are China are proper, coequal at that time environment and even present Korea mix outclass Japan. ─── 二是中国的改革开放程度彻底,远高于当时同等环境乃至现在的韩国和日本。
14、Well, let me tell you that one day the Son of God, very God of very God, coequal with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, was sent on an amazing assignment. ─── 让我告诉你吧,有一天,神的儿子,就是那位名符其实的神,与父神和圣灵同等地位的神,被差遣去进行一项奇妙的工作。
15、Complete answer is as follows: The capital stock of rural commercial bank differentiates to wait for frontal share, with coequal, with with benefit. ─── 完整回答如下:农村商业银行的股本划分为等额股份,同股同权,同股同利。
16、a set of delicate understandings sustained by the confidence in each other of coequal branches of government. ─── 而只有在政府各部门互相信任,从而建立起种种微妙的谅解时,我们的政治制度才能行之有效。
17、“Rich” and “Poor”, they are coequal family? How do you think? ─── “富贵”和“贫穷”,同等一家“人”?你是怎么认为的呢?
18、The station understands scientific progress view on the platform of communal economics, as follows " 4 coequal and important " conclusion may be properer. ─── 对于科学发展观,拥有不同学科背景的人肯定是从不同的角度加以认识的。站在公共经济学的平台上认识科学发展观,如下“四个同等重要”的结论可能比较适当。
19、It is coequal and important that hind design will become and building forehead designs the building. ─── 房屋后部设计将变得和房屋前部设计同等重要。
20、When the innovation is created, still have a coequal and main factor, that is inspirational. ─── 在革新创造时,还有一个同等重要的因素,那就是灵感。
21、So coequal material compares the price just is advisability to lift. ─── 所以同等材料比较价格才是明智之举。
22、Tell from this meaning, the method that organizes the work and policy are coequal and fundamental. ─── 从这个意义讲,组织工作的方法与政策同等重要。
23、Women should be treated as coequal with men in our society. ─── 在我们的社会,妇女应该和男人有等同的对待。
24、Give coequal countryman treatment to foreign enterprise. ─── 对国外企业给予同等国民待遇。
25、We believe in God, the Holy Trinity, though one in essence, who has revealed Himself in three distinct and coequal Persons: the Holy Father, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit. ─── 我们相信圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体的真神;
26、coequal Poverty Function ─── 同等贫困函数
27、Our political system can work only through a set of delicate understandings sustained by the confidence in each other of coequal branches of government. ─── 而只有在政府各部门互相信任,从而建立起种种微妙的谅解时,我们的政治制度才能行之有效。
28、Must add close and cut down expense put in coequal and important locally, firm is caught fulfil. ─── 必须把增收和节支放在同等重要的位置上 ,狠抓落实。
29、Holding the principle of coequality, mutual benefit and co-development, we have established fine and solid trading relationships with customers from worldwide. ─── 我们真诚地希望以扩大我们的业务合作,通过个人和公司来自世界各地。
30、After earthquake it is necessary to provide professional psychology leading.It is important for anti-earthquake and rescuing disaster to work coequality with psychology intervention. ─── 灾后心理危机同样是灾难,灾后心理疏导需专业人员,抗震救灾与灾后的心理干预同等重要。
31、Holding the principle of coequality, mutual benefit and co-development, We will offer the best qualified products for our customer in all of the world with perfect service. ─── 公司一贯遵循“平等互利,共同发展”的原则,谒诚为海内外客户提供最优质的产品,最完美的服务.
32、The other area that these mode can leave in coequal climate condition gives promotion. ─── 这些模式可以在同等气候条件下的其它地区予以推广。
33、This is equal to a work of domestic movie and TV to be put in an international on the arena of coequal competition, both difference is in, be clear at a glance. ─── 这等于把国内影视作品放在一个国际同等竞争的舞台上,二者差距所在,一目了然。
34、Clothing store design and quality are coequal and important. ─── 服装店设计与质量同等重要。
35、A strategy of synchronization control, which combines competition coequality and priority, is mentioned in the paper and uses digital phase-lock loop to track synchronization signal. ─── 在同步控制上,应用了“优先与抢占”的方式产生同步信号,纯硬件实现,简单可靠;使用了成熟的数字锁相环来跟踪同步信号。
36、We know, the state-owned economy below system of traditional planned economy and state-owned company have coequal sense; ─── 我们知道,传统计划经济体制下的国有经济与国有企业是具有同等意义的;
37、Eligible certificate and certificate of conformity have coequal effectiveness. ─── 合格证明书与合格证书具有同等效力。
38、Let it be known that original rights, conditions of original contracts, [are] coequal with prerogative and coeval with government; ─── 让法庭告诉世人我们的祖先为捍卫自由所作的有力斗争和无数牺牲。
39、The water imbibition of shoemaking material and it is coequal and important to appear lunt sex, both cannot be replaced each other. ─── 制鞋材料的吸水性与透水汽性同等重要,二者不能互相代替。
40、Accordingly, chemical industry has coequal and as important as the sources of energy, traffic place. ─── 因此,化学工业具有与能源、交通同等重要的地位。
41、is chance with blending in WTO, assure to be not state ownership economy and foreign trader the 4 have a bowel movement such as coequal pay definitely measure. ─── 以融入世贸组织为契机,保证非公有制经济与外商同等待遇等四大解决措施。
42、"Alone B2C domain still lacks the Internet enterprise of coequal heavyweight to appear, the giant vacuum of B2C domain is worth to let a person expect. ─── “惟独B2C领域依然缺少同等重量级的互联网企业出现,B2C领域的巨大空间值得让人期待。”
43、Tea and commissariat, have coequal and important place. ─── 茶与粮食,占有同等重要的位置。
44、Up to now, this website already by Korean regard the network that has coequal place with traditional media as media. ─── 至今,该网站已被韩国人视为与传统媒体有同等地位的网络媒体。
45、Feng Jun thinks constantly strive to become stronger, hou Dezai content also can be used in domestic construction likewise, career and family are coequal to him important. ─── 冯军认为自强不息,厚德载物同样也可以用在家庭的建设中,事业和家庭对他同等重要。
46、In modernization of our country socialism, transfer of technology also has coequal and important sense. ─── 在我国社会主义现代化建设中,技术引进亦具有同等重要的意义。
47、Our country still exported the nuclear power plant of a coequal dimensions to Pakistan, make our country becomes the 8th state that can export nuclear power plant. ─── 我国还向巴基斯坦出口了一座同等规模的核电站,使我国成为世界上第8个能够出口核电站的国家。
48、Design adornment bedroom and it is coequal and important to make a pair of self-portrait, because it is communicating host the most apparent with the most delicate intent. ─── 设计装饰卧室和制作一副自画像同等重要,因为它传达着主人最明显和最微妙的意图。
49、"The respect is designed in media processor, the user that satisfies us is mixed to the area the strict requirement of effect, it is coequal and important to obtain outstanding function together. ─── “在媒体措置器设计方面,满足咱们的用户对于面积和性能的严酷要求,同获得卓越的性能齐截主要。
50、Carry Cheng to ask or of peaceful of case forest a person of extraordinary powers suspends this activity, or offers the member that carry Cheng coequal privilege. ─── 携程要求格林豪泰要么停止该活动,要么给予携程会员同等优惠。
51、And the whole three persons are coeternal together and coequal, there is nothing before or after, nothing greater of less. ─── 三位都是永恒而且同等的,无分先后,无别尊卑。
52、Either the main card holder or the secondary card holder is regarded as a due member of the club and the two enjoy coequality . ─── 无论是主卡持有者还是副卡持有者,都被认为是俱乐部正式会员,并享有同等权利。
53、Development forestry estate and construction zoology system have coequal and important strategy place. ─── 发展林业产业与建设生态体系具有同等重要的战略地位。
54、Below the condition that carries coequal passenger traffic volume, big public transportation efficiency is wasteful and highest, least. ─── 在运送同等客运量的情况下 ,大公交效率最高、浪费最少。
55、In wild vivid plant protective government works in, label and wild animal goods are carried, the sale proves to have coequal effectiveness. ─── 在野生动植物保护管理工作中,标识与野生动物制品运输、销售证明具有同等效力。
56、NIDA, NIAAA, and NIMH were created as coequal institutes within the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration in 1974. ─── NIDA,NIAAA和NIMH于1974年作为酒精、药物滥用和精神卫生行政管理中同等机构建立。
57、Below coequal condition, graduate of big harbor book is preferential recruit. ─── 在同等条件下,大港籍毕业生优先聘用。
58、Workers demand coequal salary,coequal treatment and don't discriminate against them. ─── 工人们要求相同的工资,相同的待遇,不应该有任何歧视。
59、Internet also is the Chinese industry that I think to be able to be in coequal development level exclusively with the whole world. ─── 互联网也是我认为唯一能和全世界处于同等发展水平的中国产业。
60、It may be ______ to accord Stone’s movie a status coequal with the Warren report. ─── 当然,把斯通的片子赋予和华伦报告相同的地位,有点不伦不类。
61、Pay of employ personnel salary, welfare not under the industry coequal staff level, specific but the face is discussed. ─── 录用人员工资、福利待遇不低于行业同等人员水平,具体可面议。
62、Accordingly, while we are studying shoe culture, not desolate coequal and as important as the shoe socks. ─── 因此,我们在研究鞋文化的同时,不要冷落与鞋同等重要的袜。
63、the main aspect that quadrangular building modelling remains the residence to design. It is coequal and important that hind design will become and building forehead designs the building. ─── 四边形的房屋造型仍然是住宅设计的主流。房屋后部设计将变得和房屋前部设计同等重要。
64、During the conflict, “patriotism itself became sacralized to the point that it enjoyed coequal or even superior status to conventional denominational faiths. ─── 在冲突期间,“爱国主义被圣神化了,它享有等同于甚至优于常规教派信仰的地位”。
65、“Rich” and “Poor”, they are coequal family? ─── “富贵”和“贫穷”,同等一家“人”?
66、Additional even if because producing area is different,coequal material also is met character and exist in quality respect vast difference. ─── 另外即使是同等材质也会由于产地不同而在质量方面存在巨大差异。
67、Women should be treated as coequal with men in every way. ─── 女人在各方面应受到兴男人同等的对待。
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