composedly 发音
英:[kəmˈpoʊzdli] 美:[kəmˈpəʊzdli]
英: 美:
composedly 中文意思翻译
composedly 短语词组
1、composedly meaning ─── 沉着的意思
2、composedly meaning in urdu ─── 乌尔都语中的沉着意义
3、composedly antonyms ─── 复合反义词
4、composedly define ─── 沉着地定义
5、composedly in a sentence ─── 沉着地用一句话
6、composedly in a movie ─── 沉着地在电影中
7、composedly means ─── 沉着的意思
composedly 反义词
composedly 同义词
unperturbed | unflappable | unruffle | nonchalant | self-possessed | imperturbable | serene | poised | undisturbed |calm | balanced | unruffled | collected | equable | sedate | level-headed | cool | self-controlled | placid | patient | tranquil | unexcited | even-tempered | together
composedly 词性/词形变化,composedly变形
副词: composedly |名词: composedness |
composedly 相似词语短语
1、discomposedly ─── adv.不宁地;烦乱地
2、complexly ─── 复杂地;合成地;复合地
3、composer ─── n.作曲家;作家,著作者;设计者
4、compose ─── vt.构成;写作;使平静;排…的版;vi.组成;作曲;排字
5、composed ─── adj.镇静的;沉着的;v.组成;作曲(compose的过去分词);著作
6、compressedly ─── 压缩地
7、compactedly ─── 紧凑地
8、componency ─── 组件
9、compositely ─── 复合地;合成地
composedly 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、To you your father should be as a god; One that compos'd your beauties; yea, and one To whom you are but as a form in wax, By him imprinted, and within his power To leave the figure, or disfigure it. ─── 你的父亲对于你应当是一尊神明;你的美貌是他给与的,你就像在他手中捏成的一块蜡像,他可以保全你,也可以毁灭你。
2、Tan Huifeng,Du Xingwen and Li Siman.Nonlinear analysis of rubber rectangular composite laminate plates[J].ACTA Mater Compos Sinica (In Chinese),1996,13(4): 112-116. ─── [4]谭惠丰,等.矩形橡胶复合材料层合板几何非线性分析[J].复合材料学报,1996,13(4):112-116.
3、The Rat went on composedly, picking himself up with a pleasant laugh. ─── 水鼠从容地继续,笑着站了起来。
4、CRF of CAU3144F was the most optimal for petunia, COMPO for pansy and daisy respectively. ─── 控释肥CAU3144F、COMPO对雏菊、矮牵牛、三色堇的应用效果显著。
5、Job description:-Download BOM from Microsoft‘s system Agile;-Check the presence of PS (Part Specification) for the compo...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海微创软件有限公司深圳分公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-8-4
6、compo pipe ─── 合金管
7、It's one of the most important ability for a tourist guide To decisively , composedly, rightly tackle accidents. ─── 果断、沉着、正确地处理意外事故是导游人员最重要的能力之一。
8、Many different difficulties might pop up in my life again.But no harm will be done, as long as I composedly connect with the intrinsic limitless space within. ─── 我知道不同的困境或许还会在生命中再度浮现,但只要我得以放松地连结这份内在本然的无限空间,将不会有任何伤害得以发生了。
9、Up to now, more than 100 trace compo nents of Chinese rice wine were detected by GC, GC-MS and HPLC, including alcohols, aldehydes, organic acids, esters, phenolics and nitro gen-containing compounds and so on. ─── 从微量成分的种类上看,中国黄酒中目前已经检测到的微量成分达100种以上,包括醇类、醛类、酸类、酯类、酚类、含氮化合物,以及其它化合物。
10、Elizabeth found herself quite equal to the scene, and could observe the three ladies before her composedly ─── 伊丽莎白倒是完全安然自若,而且从容不迫地细细瞧着眼前那三位女士。
11、How to Write a Compo? ─── 怎样写作文?
12、So, maybe need a compo of 1D Mark III, not 5d, plus 35/F1.4, then we could get good pictures? ─── 一生中的梦是不断追求的起因,它总是在天际处向我们微笑,我们就在这不归路上渐渐远去。
13、She looked at Jane, to see how she bore it; but Jane was very composedly talking to Bingley. ─── 她看了看吉英,看看她是不是受得了,只见,吉英正在安安静静地跟彬格莱先生谈天。
14、non compos ─── ph. [拉][律]精神异常的; 精神失常的; 因精神失常而没有处理事情的能力的
15、In the present review, the effects of retinoids, vitamin D3 compo unds, tea catechins and matrine on telomerase activity in malignant cells were r eviewed. ─── 本文介绍了维甲类化合物、维生素D3类化合物、茶多酚以及苦参碱等多种细胞分化诱导剂对端粒酶活性的影响。
16、Even realizing this at the moment though I composedly confess, which could only desperately firm that void. ─── 即使此刻我意识到这一点却也泰然接受,那也只能更加坚实那一无所有的绝望。
17、This paper introduced engineering geologic conditions of Baishapo rockfall in the Three Gorge reservoir area,analysed its formation mechanism and calculated its stability under main load compo. ─── 介绍了三峡库区白沙坡崩滑体工程地质条件,分析了其成因机制,计算了该崩滑体在多种工况下的稳定性,对其稳定性作出了评价,并给出了其防治措施的建议。
18、dum fuit non compos mentis ─── [法] 心神不健全期间
19、94. `How long,' demanded madame, composedly, `does it take to make and store the lightning? Tell me.' ─── “可是你告诉我,”老板娘平静地问道,“让雷电聚积起来需要多少时间?”
20、Mai proucs: Solar rgy bary compos, lihium bary, LED rgy-savig lamps, lihium bary posiiv a gaiv lcro marials a graphi lcro. ─── 主要关联产品:太阳能电池组件、锂离子电池、LED节能灯具、锂电池正、负极材料、石墨电极等。
21、non compos poopoo ─── adj. 喝醉酒的
22、Reverse Routing-based Response Data Query Active Packet Compo sing Model ─── 基于逆向路由响应的数据查询主动包构造模型
23、Meanwhile, Shanghai compo sited index had slumped nearly 40% from the record high 6104 points. ─── 中国股市已下跌了近40%。
24、In fact, the Olympic Games has enabled China to present itself composedly as a more confident nation after three decades of reform and opening to the outside world. ─── 奥运的契机,让我们在30年改革开放之后,从容不迫地呈现一个更加开放自信的中国。
25、job description this position is located in chengdu, china. performs inspection of production compo... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:0-2年|职位类型:|公司规模:50-99人
26、It is always like that," said Peter composedly, continuing to peel his stick; "but it is not really fire." ─── 这是很常见的,”彼得不慌不忙的说到,继续剥他的鞭子;“不过不是真正的烧起来。”
27、non compos mentis ─── adj. [律]精神不正常的, 心神丧失的
28、compos mentis ─── adj. 〈法〉心神健全的
29、Elizabeth found herself quite equal to the scene, and could observe the thre e ladies before her composedly. ─── 伊丽莎白倒是完全安然自若,而且从容不迫地细细瞧着那三位女主人。
30、"It is always like that, " said Peter composedly, continuing to peel his stick; "but it is not really fire. " ─── “这是很常见的,”彼得不慌不忙的说到,继续剥他的鞭子;“不过不是真正的烧起来。”
31、Composedly smoking, he leaned an elbow on the chimney-piece, at the side of the fire, and looked at the schoolmaster. ─── 他悠然自得地抽着烟,一只手肘支撑在壁炉架上,立在壁炉的一边,眼睛望着这位教师。
32、Valuation and Reconstruction of the System of Compo in China ─── 中国工伤死亡赔偿体系的评估与重构
33、Are you sure she was fully compos mentis when she said it? ─── 你能肯定她说这话时神志完全清楚吗?
34、Keywords Wood/Plastics;Compo site;Foaming; ─── 木塑;复合材料;发泡;成型技术;
35、Keywords Wood-plastics Compo site;Extrusion Molding;Rheological Prope rty; ─── 木塑复合材料;挤出成型;流动性;
36、Xiao Lihua, Yang Gui.The development of 3D braid multi function structure composites [ J ].Acta Mater Compos Sinica, 1994, 11(2): 23-27(in Chinese). ─── [2]肖丽华,杨桂.三维编织多功能结构复合材料的发展[J].复合材料学报,1994,11(2):23-27.
37、The company was founded in1993 and it has been specially manufacturing mini-TV set、 mini-VCD& amplifier compo products. ─── 本厂成立于1993年,是一家以制造迷你型电视机、你组合音响爲主流的电子企业,现拥有厂房面积3000多平方米,全厂员工达300人,其中技术管理人员50多人。
38、For water treatment plant,focus should be on the improvement of pre-oxidation,enhancement of coagulation,optimization of powder activated carbon cast and compo... ─── 对于水厂水除藻,应注重改善预氧化条件、强化混凝、优化投加粉末活性炭及组合工艺等,此外还应加强对藻及藻病毒的研究,以便更好地指导水厂安全供水。
39、Keywords Chengdu;air pollutants;acid rain;chemical compos itions; ─── 成都;大气污染物;酸雨;化学组成;
40、Nitrogen screen, rare factive gas and nuclear heat are the mainly compos it ion. ─── 其中稀薄气体对流热、辐射热和核沉积热是热负荷的重要组成部分。
41、She talked composedly to reporters about her terrible ordeal ─── 她沉着地向记
42、The compo sition of Distributed Control System is introduced. ─── 介绍了集散控制系统的组成。
43、And she hurried again into the road, and again constrained herself to walk regularly and composedly forward ─── 她连忙又走上公路,强制自己不慌不忙,安步当车地向前行进。
44、Results show that the effect of chemical crosslink is little, the effect of softer oil is much larger, star structure SBS has higher tensile strength and hardness, light CaCO3 makes the compos... ─── 星形结构具有较高的撕裂强度,线形结构的拉伸强度和硬度较高;软化油含量对材料性能影响较大;轻质碳酸钙使材料具有最高的性能价格比,白炭黑真充料的综合性能最佳。
45、Elizabeth felt all the impertinence of her questions, but answered them very composedly ─── 伊丽莎白觉得她这些话问得唐突,不过还是心平气和地回答了他。
46、Research on MVC Design Pattern in Jiangxi Power Supply Company Compo System ─── MVC设计模式在江西省电力公司工伤保险系统中的应用与研究
47、As the industry leader in Asia, Compo offers the top level compensation package, including progressive base salary and high commission; ─── 与亚洲电子元器件现货行业领导者地位相称的行业顶尖的薪酬待遇,包括累进制的底薪与优厚的佣金;
48、compo site anchor ─── 复合锚杆
49、Jane was very composedly talking to Bingley. ─── 吉英正在安安静静地跟彬格莱先生谈天。
50、Composedly he behaves when confronted dire traits. ─── 在这个危险的处境中他表现得镇定自若.
51、Sagging and creep of the compo?nents occur during heat treatment as a result of improper support of components or warped hearth in the hardening furnace. ─── 当对部件支持不当或在炉床翘曲的淬火炉中进行淬火时,部件在热处理过程中会出现弧垂和蠕变现象。
52、Elizabeth felt all the impertinence of her questions, but answered them very composedly. ─── 伊丽莎白觉得她这些话问得唐突,不过还是心平气和地回答了他。
53、In this paper, the compo sition and structure of casein micelle was expounded, the mechanism of coagulant milk also was discussed. ─── 就牛乳中酪蛋白的成分和结构进行阐述,并探讨了姜汁凝乳的机理。
54、It's one of the most important ability for a tourist guide To decisively, composedly, rightly tackle accidents. ─── 果断、沉着、正确地处理意外事故是导游人员最重要的能力之一。
57、Micro-infrared spectrum of soybean protein compound fiber and vinylon fiber is same,it shows that chemical component and combined key of them is same,and protein content of soybean protein compo... ─── 大豆蛋白复合纤维与维纶纤维的显微-红外光谱图基本相同。说明大豆蛋白复合纤维与维纶纤维的化学成分及结合键的形式基本相同,大豆蛋白复合纤维的蛋白质成分较低。
58、heat fluorescent dose determinated compo ─── 加热荧光剂量决定成分
59、"The well-being of the country, even the survival of the world, depends on the president's being compos" (Morton Kondracke) ─── “这个国家的繁荣,甚至连世界的生存,都取决于这个总统的神志是否正常”(莫顿·康德拉克)
60、A study of corrosion resistance of electroless plating and sol-gel compos ite film of Ni-P/TiO_2 ─── 化学镀Ni-P合金/TiO_2复合膜的耐蚀性研究
61、compo site tubular mast ─── 多节管柱
62、The two judgements, any relative truth possesses some compo sition of absolute truth and the sum total of innumerable relative truths constitutes absolute truth, are illogical and contradictory. ─── “任何相对真理中都包含着绝对真理的成分”与“无数相对真理的总和构成绝对真理,”两个判断不相容。
63、i had already finished my oral, LC and compo!next week will be paper 2! ─── 我已经考完了我的口试,听力和作文!
64、ASTM D5377-1993(2007) Standard Classification for Rubber Compo... ─── 2006橡胶胶乳的标准试验方法.苯乙烯-丁二烯共...
65、I had had a few beers and was completely non compo mentis. ─── 我喝了些啤酒就头昏脑胀了。
66、Based on a great deal of welding procedure qualification data, the mechanical properties prediction models of welding joints were established according to base-metal composition, filler metal compo. ─── 本文针对实际生产过程中,焊接工艺评定要做大量的工艺评定试验,提出了利用人工神经网络和遗传算法来对焊接接头力学性能预测的方法来改进焊接工艺评定。
68、When encountering catastrophic incident, is be being mixed composedly calmly can you accomplish? What kind of effect can you have? ─── 在遇到灾难事件时,镇定和冷静是能做到的吗?会有什么样的作用?
69、I have had a few beer and be completely non compo mentis ─── 我喝了些啤酒就头昏脑胀了
70、Meeella M,Pernici B.Designing wrapper compo nents for e-services in integrating heterogeneous systems.The VLDB Journal,2001(10):2-15 ─── 数据库系统设计、实现与管理.宁洪,译.北京:电子工业出版社,2003
71、Composedly walking to the train station, he was two minutes late, only to find the train had gone. ─── 他从从容容地走到火车站,迟了两分钟,火车已经开走了。
73、For an actual compos?ite girder bridge, three dimensional stresses were analyzed using the equivalent plate element, and the results of the analysis were compared with data from a load test. ─── 基于拉压等效与弯曲等效方法,提出了钢纤维混凝土与钢结合梁桥面板换算为单一材料等效板单元的计算模式,导出了等效板单元的厚度和弹性模量的计算式。
74、A physical robo t is no rmally compo sed of a main frame (o rarm ) w ith a w rist and some too ling ( usually some type ofgripper) at the end of frame. ─── (实际的机器人由带有腕(或称为臂)的主机身和机身端部的工具(通常是某些类型的夹持器) 组成。
75、Even realizing this at the moment though I composedly confess, which could only desperately firm that void. ─── 即使此刻我意识到这一点却也泰然接受,那也只能更加坚实那一无所有的绝望。
76、"For instance,"returned Madame Defarge, composedly"Shroud" ─── “比方说,”德发日太太若无其事地说,“裹尸布”。
78、Elizabeth found herself quite equal to the scene, and could observe the three ladies before her composedly. ─── 伊丽莎白倒是完全安然自若,而且从容不迫地细细瞧着眼前那三位女士。
79、Composite structure tappet compos ed of s teel body and ceramic disk has a better wear resistant and wear properties ,and servi ce ability than the using alloy tappet. ─── 复合陶瓷挺柱由于其优越的耐磨与减磨性能而成为取代现有合金挺柱的最佳材料,尤其是在使用条件苛刻的发动机中。
80、Upon the time that he fetched the bride on to the green Jewish horse and left the banquet composedly and jocundly, a story about a Jew's sufferings during WWII was about to begin. ─── 可笑,接受了马克思主义辩证思想熏陶的中国人,竟也像西方资本主义世界的芸芸众生,在应该做出选择的时候迷失了方向。
81、She talked composedly to reporters about her terrible ordeal. ─── 她沉着地向记者谈了自己可怕的经历.
82、This production line is suitable for making hard candy and milk grease candy. Compos... ─── 发布者:杨阳所在地:江苏盐城市行业:机械及行业设备职位:电子商务工作年限:应届毕业生
83、These results suggest that PIC-BE is an effective anti-cancer compo und, and K562/ADM cell line with MDR has no resistance to it. ─── 以上结果提示,PIC-BE是一种有效的抗肿瘤化合物,且已产生MDR的K562/ADM细胞对它不具耐药性。
84、This artjcle deals with the effect of alloying elements on the macrostructure,depth,phase compo sition and microhardness of the complex boronisation lamination. ─── 分析并系统研究了合金元素对复合硼化层宏观组织、深度、相成份及显微硬度的影响。
85、YT-I type Mine automatic attendance system is compos ed of miner's lamp, mine attendance machine and ground computer attendance management system. ─── 型煤矿考勤管理系统是由矿灯、矿用考勤机及地面微机考勤管理系统组成的煤矿考勤系统。
86、compo rations ─── (供若干天食用的)大包综合配给口粮
87、In addition,an IAS(ideal adsorp tion solution)model is used to predict the competitive adsorption of a dual compo... ─── 本文还用理想吸附溶液(IAS)模型对双组分竞争吸附作了预测。
88、Yu Hua Narrates Briefly and Composedly ─── 余华:短暂而安祥地叙述
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