capful 发音
英:[ˈkæpfəl] 美:[ˈkæpfʊl]
英: 美:
capful 中文意思翻译
capful 词性/词形变化,capful变形
capful 短语词组
1、capful plural ─── 大写复数
2、capful dose ─── 容量剂量
3、capful miralax ─── 海棠
4、capful unit ─── 容量单位
5、capful spanish ─── 满口西班牙语
6、capful ml ─── 毫升容量
7、capful meaning ─── 充分的意义
8、capful daily ─── 每天开足马力
capful 相似词语短语
1、cropful ─── 低谷
2、lapfuls ─── 满膝;满兜
3、sapful ─── adj.多液汁的
4、capsule ─── n.胶囊;蒴果;太空舱;小容器;adj.压缩的;概要的;vt.压缩;简述
5、caput ─── n.[解剖]头;章
6、capfuls ─── n.一帽子;一帽子的量
7、cupfuls ─── n.满杯
8、lapful ─── 满膝;满兜
9、cupful ─── n.满杯
capful 习惯用语
1、capful of wind ─── 一阵微风
capful 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Wipe down the same surfaces, this time with one capful of household bleach in a gallon of clean, lukewarm water. ─── 将一瓶盖家用漂白粉加入一加仑清洁的温水中,再擦一遍。
2、She tucked her hair (up) under her cap. ─── 她把头发拢起来塞进帽子里。
3、Can you twist the cap of this fountain pen off? ─── 你能把钢笔的盖子扭下来吗?
4、Incorrect/improperly operating pressure cap. ─── 压力盖工作不正确/不正常。
5、Yue-Sai Kan is the sponsor of the CAP. ─── 在北京的艺术景画廊位于北京798大山子艺术区。
6、His cap swore at his coat. ─── 他的帽子与外套不相称。
7、He helped to hang up my cap and coat. ─── 他帮助我把帽子,大衣挂起来。
8、He wore a cap with tabs over the ears. ─── 他带一顶有护耳的帽子。
9、Jason: Mix one capful of "mighty plant stuff" with 8 gallons of water. ─── 杰森:一勺强力肥必须要和8加仑水混合。
10、Shanghai Jia Bao Guang ming Lamp Cap Co; Ltd. ─── 上海嘉宝光明灯头有限公司。
11、He stood before his father with cap in hand. ─── 他恭恭敬敬地站在父亲面前。
12、Do not put the cap on the ground or any surface. ─── 不要把盖子放到地面上或者其他物体表面。
13、There's no way he'll go cap in hand to his brother. ─── 他决不会向兄弟屈膝要钱。
14、He wears a black cap all the year round. ─── 他一年到头戴一顶黑帽子。
15、She sat motionless, her eyes fixed on that old army cap. ─── 她一动不动地坐着,眼睛瞧着那顶旧军帽。
16、A traditionally Moslem headdress consisting of a long scarf of linen, cotton, or silk that is wound around a small cap or directly around the head. ─── 头巾传统的穆斯林戴的头饰,由一条长的亚麻、棉或丝制的围巾组成,缠在一顶小帽周围或直接缠于头上
17、Why don't you put on your coat [cap]? ─── 为什么不穿大衣[戴上帽子]?
18、He pulled his cap over his eyes. ─── 他拉下几十遮住眼睛。
19、His cap and gloves were lying on the table. ─── 他的帽子和手套都放在桌子上。
20、He is always trying to get a feather in his cap. ─── 他总是想做值得骄傲的事。
21、His red cap and blue scarf are on the wall. ─── 他红色的帽子和蓝色的围巾挂在墙上。
22、"Good morning, Little Red Cap," he said. ─── “早上好,小红帽。”他说。
23、He made a vest out of an old cap. ─── 他把一顶旧帽子改制成一件背心。
24、Winning the gold medal was a feather in his cap. ─── 夺得金牌是他值得自豪的成就。
25、Go cap in hand to sb,asking for money. ─── 卑躬屈膝地去找某人要钱。
26、They cap when they pass the president. ─── 他们经过院长面前时脱帽行礼。
27、His curls peeped from the edges of his cap . ─── 他的卷发微露出帽沿。
28、Direction: A capful ot 20-120 times of water, pour it on the surface, wait several minutes, Then use brush rinse with water. ─── 使用方法:将本品1份开水20至120份清水,洒在物体表面,稍戴待数分钟后用刷子轻刷过水即可。
29、Then Little Red Cap went out with the food. ─── 于是小红帽拿着食物出去了。
30、He went cap in hand to the Boss and asked for work. ─── 他毕恭毕敬地走到老板面前请求得到工作
31、He placed his cap and overcoat on a chair. ─── 他把帽子和大衣放到-张椅子上。
32、Adults and children 2 years and over: Dissolve one capful of pellets in mouth every 6 hours, up to 4 times per day. ─── 成人和2岁以上儿童:每6小时倒入一瓶盖的小丸在嘴里慢慢融化,每天最多4次。
33、one capful of the cleaner per gallon of water. ─── 每加仑水兑一盖子清洁剂。
34、Your cap is black, mine is blue. ─── 你的帽子是黑色的,我的是蓝色的。
35、Increases both Squad Cap and Vehicle Cap. ─── 增加班插接帽和车辆插接帽。
36、Place cap upside down while pouring. ─── 倒药液时将盖底朝上。
37、Remove the lower insert from the bearing cap. ─── 从轴承盖上拆去下轴瓦。
38、He went cap in hand to the Bossand asked for work. ─── 他毕恭毕敬地走到老板面前请求得到工作。
39、To cover, protect, or seal with a cap. ─── 加帽于用帽或塞来遮盖、保护或密封
40、Once again grab the bottle twist the cap. ─── 再一次抓取瓶子拧开瓶盖。
41、Did you order your cap and gown? ─── 你订了方顶帽和长袍了吗?
42、They gave me the wrong cap and gown. ─── 他们给了我别人的帽子和衣服。
43、Some of the more haughty of aristocracy did take exception at his neglecting to raise his cap to them. ─── 一些较为傲慢的贵族对于他不记得向他们脱帽致敬大为不满。
44、He helplessly watched the wave sweep his cap away. ─── 他眼巴巴地看着帽子被海浪卷走了。
45、He wadded his cap into his pocket. ─── 他把帽子卷紧塞进口袋。
46、Before I can give them an answer I'll have to put my thinking cap. ─── 在我回答他们之前,我必须好好地思索一下。
47、Every participant will be given a cap as souvenir. ─── 各参加者均获赠大会纪念帽乙份。
48、He took off his cap. ─── 他摘掉帽子。
49、He's good at dressing shop windows but he really had to put his thinking cap on when they asked him for an idea for a carnival float. ─── 他擅长布置橱窗,但他们向他征求狂欢节彩车时的意见时,他实在得好好考虑一下。
50、The line cap from which to create the custom cap. ─── 创建自定义线帽时所基于的线帽。
51、She set her cap at the young engineer. ─── 她想赢得那个青年工程师(男子)的爱
52、The cap rock over Grand Salme is only 28 ft thick. ─── 大萨林盐丘的冠岩厚度只有28英尺。
53、A: Did you order your cap and gown? ─── 你订方顶帽和长袍了吗?
54、Is your new cap anything like mine? ─── 你的新帽子有点像我的吗?
55、Whatever you do, do not pull off this cap. ─── 千万别把这帽子拉掉。
56、Usage: Use a capful to 30-50 with water for usual cleaning. ─── 使用说明:一般清洗:将本品一份加水三十至五十份用于清洗一般。
57、He's listening to the teacher's advice cap in hand. ─── 他正在毕恭毕敬地聆听老师的忠告。
58、She screwed the cap back on the jar. ─── 她又把广口瓶的盖子拧上。
59、He chose the gun instead of the cap and gown. ─── 他选择当兵而不是上大学。
60、On her head was a tiny cap of silver tissue. ─── 她头上戴着一顶银丝小帽。
61、Winning the gold medal is yet another feather in her cap. ─── 夺得金牌是她又一值得骄傲的成就。
62、A woman's cap with two long flaps pinned on. ─── 上面有两条垂沿的女式帽子。
63、One England cap against Republic of Ireland. ─── 在同爱尔兰队的比赛中为国家队出场一次。
64、Let me put on my thinking cap, sir. When you first told me that you wanted to make a sort of offer to me? Now let me think. ─── 先生,让我仔细想想, ... 你什么时候第一次对我说,你有件事跟我商量?让我想想看。
65、You don't need to put on your cap. ─── 你不用戴帽子。
66、He wore his cap at a rakish angle. ─── 他歪戴着帽子。
67、He put on his cap and shoved off for home. ─── 他戴上帽子,回家去了。
68、Usage: Use a capful to 20-40 with water, and then clean the surface with the scrubber or auto-sweeper. ─── 使用方法:将该产品一份加水二十份或四十份,用刷机或自动洗地机清洗。
69、I should capful and helpful. ─── 我要谦虚与乐于助人。
70、Did you see a boy wearing a red cap? ─── 你有没有看见一个戴红帽子的小男孩?
71、A tight-fitting cap worn under a veil, as by nuns. ─── 修女包头巾一种戴在面罩下紧套在头上的帽子,如修女
72、Last week he crashed his car, then he lost his job and now to cap it all his wife has left him! ─── 上星期他把汽车撞坏了,接著又失去了工作,更倒霉的是妻子也离他而去了!
73、Don't try to put feathers in your cap. ─── 别想往自己脸上贴金。
74、Her disease with a baseball cap. ─── 她的棒球帽遮住了她病痛的模样。
75、Why are you wearing that cap and sun glasses? ─── 你做什么又戴帽子又戴太阳眼镜?
76、Remove the protective cap and turn the switch on. ─── 取下保护罩并接通电源。
77、Don't put feathers in your own cap. ─── 别尽往自己脸上贴金。
78、They took off his coat and cap and muffler. ─── 大家给他脱去大衣、帽子、围巾。
79、You usually wear jeans, a T-shirt and that red cap! ─── 你平常都穿牛仔裤,T恤衫,戴那顶红帽子!
80、She carefully sewed it to the cap. ─── 她仔细地把它缝在帽子上。
81、He raised his cap in token of respect. ─── 他举帽表示敬意。
82、Take one capful every 4 hours until your cough goes away. ─── 每四小时吃一瓶盖满直到不会咳嗽为止。
83、Remove protective cap from metering ports. ─── 从测量端口上拆卸保护罩。
84、Here is your cough syrup. Take one capful every 4 hours until your cough goes away. And take one of these capsules a day, after eating. ─── 这是你的咳嗽药水。每四小时吃一瓶盖满直到不会咳嗽为止。这些胶囊每种一天吃一粒,饭后吃。
85、You should put on your thinking cap to solve this problem. ─── 你必须仔细考虑一下解决这个问题。
86、Want to remind you to close the gas tank cap. ─── 不要太快生气,我只是提醒你。
87、There: bearskin cap and hackle plume. ─── 在那儿,戴着插有鸟颈毛的熊皮帽。
88、Keep your eyes open for a boy in a red cap and sweater. ─── 你要留心注意一个戴红帽子,身穿红运动衫的小男孩。
89、He took off his cap and sat down. ─── 他脱掉帽子,坐了下来。
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